The Heavens Come

Chapter 739: I ca n’t read it anymore

When I heard the fat ugly woman, she said so frankly that she would be weak, and almost fell to the ground.

He followed closely, and he felt a strange power coming to him instantly, making his legs tremble slightly, and he could not help but fall to his knees.

女人 This woman's voice comes with strange abilities!

The beauty of Haunted Island Rimi was more affected, and it almost fell to the ground, but was forcibly lifted by Ye Ting, and his face seemed a little paler: "I'm a weak wounded ...

"I'm sorry." Rimi hurriedly said, supporting herself with a katana, inspiring the power of the Black Phoenix to maintain her figure.

Xiaolong has rushed towards the snakehead and black robe man again with his two swords. Xiaomei is fighting the Scorpion King. Meow summons Carason and the ancient **** summoned by the old man to entangle in the sky. Erin and Tessa and Claudia He did not come to Ye Chui, so the mysterious ability of the fat woman did not affect them.

[Be careful, this woman may really be ... Cleopatra. 】

The little fox suddenly lowered his consciousness.

"What?" Ye Xing stunned.

[The name she recorded in the game of the **** king is Cleopatra ... the last pharaoh in Egypt, nicknamed Cleopatra, and this does not seem to be borrowing someone else's name, but she is the one in history Cleopatra Cleopatra, she is a nameless person, living from more than 2,000 years ago to the present.

She possesses a legendary special ability that charms people, similar to the country ’s allure in Chinese culture, and she can sink all beings with her glamorous posture ... I ca n’t read it! 】

The Cleopatra had just cast abilities on Ye Ting, so the little fox could read some of her information, including her identity and abilities.

I'm just her ability ...

"Oh, huh, after being cursed by Sauron, you can even resist my temptation. It seems that you are really strong." Seeing Ye Ting did not surrender under her skirt, Cleopatra showed a little praise, and rushed Ye Ting cast a wink.

He Yeli could not help but tremble and almost fell. He took a breath.

A strong mental attack!

"How about you?" Ye Ting looked at the last nameless person again, the indescribable charm of the nameless person, but the indescribable expression of arrogance, saying that she is the more beautiful Cleopatra.

The enchanting woman did not answer Ye Ting. She saw that the fat woman could not do anything about Ye Ting. She had a cold expression on her face, and her arms opened suddenly, as if calling something. A sound of ghosts and wailing suddenly sounded all around, black. The filthy mist suddenly permeated from her, covering her, making her snow-white skin as dark as a corpse, and black mysterious runes condensed on her face.

She instantly changed from a glamorous woman into an evil witch.

地 The place where they stood was a field full of stones and grass, but at this time, a wave of yellow sand blew from her and swept towards Ye Xing.

Do la la, a sudden flash of lightning splattered and stopped the yellow sand coming.

It was Tessa who arrived here in time.

When riding on the dragon's back, Tessa regained her petite girl status in order to reduce the weight. So just after the dragon fell, she failed to instantly enter the state of the gods, and almost fell down. , And landed her with magic.

此时 At this time, she entered the state of Odin's body and rushed over, wielding the Storm Tomahawk, blocking the witch's yellow sand attack.

Qi Yexu looked at Huangtian Huangsha, but suddenly thought: "This woman's ability ... comes from a new mummy?"

The villain in the new version of the mummy is a witch. It is Pharaoh's daughter. She gained power for the power and death trade. After she gained power, her original beautiful body skin turned gray, and a black and filthy spell appeared on her face, and This witch is exactly the same.

So this witch, like that Scorpion King, has gained power from the film and television era?

[No, this witch, like that of Cleopatra, comes from the legendary era. I am afraid that she has survived in the world longer than that of Cleopatra. Her name ... is Ammanite, which is in the new mummy. The archetype of that villain in history! 】

The little fox lowered his consciousness in surprise.

"That's interesting ... how did the new mummy's villain come from?" Ye Chui wondered, but he quickly learned what was going on. "Did the new mummy actually be affected by her in secret and filmed? "

The survivors of the legendary era, the unknown, gained strength from myths and legends, but to this day, many myths and legends have been forgotten and distorted, which has also weakened the power of these people.

Is there any way to get them back to strength?

Of course, the way is to let the legend spread again.

影视 And TV series will be the best medium!

This Amane Knight witch is truly unique in history. Her experience is similar to that played in the new mummy. She gained the ability to summon death through the game of God, and then murdered the Pharaoh. Then she gave in under her operation. This deed turned into a legend, which enabled her to continuously gain strength from it.

To create a legend about yourself, the first step is to erase the traces of your existence, that is, to become the unknown.

Only by casually creating on a blank canvas, can we create a legend that is deeply convinced. If there are real characters to be verified, the magic of the legend will be greatly reduced ~ ~ Many nameless purgatory innocent Those who continue their legends in this way, but the times are rolling forward, and the influence of myths and legends on ordinary people has been transformed from the original deterrence and awe to pure entertainment, which has been misunderstood, which can be said to be quite tragic.

As a result, long years passed, and legends about her were gradually forgotten, so she was silent.

In recent years, she could not bear to continue to weaken, so she secretly affected the real world, and let people in the real world shoot a new mummy based on her story.

Although she is a villain, if the story spreads like the scorpion king in the old version of the mummy, she can use it to regain some of the lost power.

[It should be like this ... so she succeeded, so she recovered her strength? 】

After I got Ye Xie's explanation, the little fox asked again.

"Have you ever seen a new mummy?" Ye Ting asked.

[I have seen ... not good-looking. 】

"Yeah, the story is totally unconvincing. It can be said that it was completely off the street, so her attempt failed, but the mysterious man did not know what to do, or let her recover in this Lord of the Rings world. Power. "Ye Chui said puzzledly.

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