The Heavens Come

Chapter 740: Dark and high technology!


I heard Ye Ting call the mysterious person "the hangman", and the little fox immediately felt weird.

But there is something she doesn't understand.

[What happened to Cleopatra? I suddenly thought that if she had become a nameless person and her existence was erased, how could there be a legend of Cleopatra in history? And this seems to be different from the skeptical legends such as Mei Lin and Kong Zhou. Archaeologists seem to have dug the Cleopatra's tomb. 】

"This should be her means!

She got the ability to charm all sentient beings in the game of God. This type of ability itself needs to draw strength from the legends of the country and the people.

When she became a survivor, she was already a pharaoh, and she was fat and ugly. In the era of her activities, people mentioned that she thought of her as an ugly and fat woman, even if she could use God at that time It ’s too late to modify her appearance to change the influence of the public, so in order to exert her maximum power, she became a nameless person, allowing her own existence to be erased, and then spreading the last female pharaoh in Egypt in the years that followed. Glamorous legend.

Including her literature and tombs, she forged it herself, so that Cleopatra could become a true glamorous legend ... Well, maybe the famous Cleopatra was also made by her. "

He Yexu explained that after half a step in the realm of artifacts, he had a deeper understanding of the rules of God's game, and he could also know some truths more clearly.

He Yechui also thought of two other unknown men, the great magician Merlin and sword sage Kong Zhou.

Their situation is actually similar to that of Cleopatra. They are survivors, erase their past existence, and then try to reshape their stories and turn them into legends.

This is a way for survivors to maintain their strength.

[This is the case, but according to you, is the legend of Cleopatra still very successful? Although the Cleopatra of the year was known as the biggest tragedy in film history, the originator of the street movie, the name of Cleopatra still passed down. 】

"This should be because the times are different ... Hundreds of years ago, such things as scourge of the country and the people may have existed. But in this era, people's vision is wide, and who would really believe that someone is beautiful enough to make people give up everything and charm all beings? It ’s just an adjective, it ’s impossible to continue to gain strength from Cleopatra ’s story. ”Ye Chui thought for a while.

能力 This ability similar to Cleopatra's Cleopatra. In this era, even if the legend still exists, this ability is doomed to fail in this era.

Of course, the mysterious man still relies on some way to restore the Cleopatra's power to its peak.

Her ability has nothing to do with her appearance. Just when she showed Ye Xie, she almost made Ye Xie kneel.

Although the communication between the little fox and Ye Ting has a sense of gossip, the actual situation at the scene was fierce.

With a katana in her hand, Ghost Island stood nervously next to Ye Ting. The witch Amanat controlled the yellow sand and wrapped the surrounding area. In the sand, you can see the lightning summoned by Tessa, farther away. Chu Xiaolong was holding two fierce swords and entangled with the black robe man. Xiaomei was holding a pan against the Scorpion King, and the shadow of Carason's confrontation with the ancient Indian **** could be seen in the sky.

Suzuya suddenly reached out and patted Satomi's shoulders.

Rinmi turned nervously and looked at Ye Ting.

"Xiao Long, they will be fine. Although these people are strong, they will always be defeated. It is imperative that you take me out of here and rush to Devinaire as soon as possible." Ye Chui said weakly, most of the body's weight was almost under pressure Ghost island Rimi's body.

"Okay." Rimi nodded quickly and turned to look for the dragon.

The yellow sand was full of sky, and I didn't know that the dragons had been scraped there.

"The dragon can't fly, we use better transportation." Ye Ting said when he saw it, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction behind him, "Stupid dog, I'm here!"

"Wang ... wow!" With the scream of Hatch, the big mechanical dog rushed through the layers of yellow sand and came to Ye Ting. He was covered with sand and soil and shook his body vigorously.

"You become a car, we need you," Ye Chui said.

Hatch murmured with grumbles: "Not only do you not let me ride the dragon, but also me ..." He said so, but he quickly began a complex deformation in a burst of Kakaka's voice.

Rimi's eyes suddenly lighted up. It turned out that Ye Ting ’s better means of transportation was Transformers. She knew that Ye Ting ’s dog was unusual and had metal life and had the ability to deform, but she was always seen as a dog. Form, but now finally saw him deformed.

This is a dark and high technology in God's game!

Then, Rimi's expression suddenly sluggish, and she stared at Haki's face in front of herself after a cool transformation to the extreme ...

"Battery car !?" she blurted out.

Hatch's voice rang from the car: "Girl, you think too much, the world is forbidden from technology traffic, my electric ability is affected, so ... you have to pedal yourself."

Not an electric car, but a bike!

Li Li looked at Ye Ting with a puzzled face.

He Yeying has been seated directly in the back seat of the battery car. To Rimi said: "In addition to the battery car, the remaining choice is a wheelchair ..."

Satomi: "..."

This is the Transformer of that gate!

Uh ...

The yellow sand is flying ~ ~ The witch Amane with the power of death is constantly waving her hands, her body leans back softly, and shakes left and right, as if performing a beautiful and charming dance.

As if the screams from **** kept ringing around her, those yellow sands driven by her summons kept condensing into her human faces.

From time to time, there will be lightnings down, but it is difficult to hit her body.

Lightning is Tessa's attack. This is a tricky opponent, but the witch is not too worried. The land where Huangsha blows is her domain. The special ability she acquired in the game of God was "power." "Desert", the land where the yellow sand spreads is her territory. No one in her field can hurt her, and no one can escape from here!

Then ...

With a creak, in a weird voice, she was dancing freely, and suddenly saw Rimi riding a battery car carrying Ye Xing, and then walked past him, a layer of invisible protective cover covering the car, Huangsha Was blocked by all.

In her field of yellow sand, the space inside that shield seems to be a completely independent territory.

垂 Ye Xing, who was sitting on the back seat, lay weakly on Limei's back, looked sideways, and waved at her ...

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