The Heavens Come

Chapter 775: The giantess image is just skin, she is essentially a dwarf

"Where did Teach Patriarch and Claudia go?" Tessa suddenly looked around and asked curiously.

After such a reminder from her, other talents found that two of them were missing, and they quickly looked at Ye Ting.

Rimi thought about the plot in the Lord of the Rings and said hesitantly in his mouth: "In the movie, after the ring guard team was attacked by a strong orc ... I remember two Habitats inside, Mei Li and Pippin were robbed. Escaped into the Fagun Forest and met the Tree Race. "

Eileen went on to say: "The ancestor replaced Meri, Claudia replaced Pipin? Are they leaving ... the plot needs?"

"You can say so." Ye Xing nodded and turned to look to the south.

In this confrontation with the mysterious man, although Ye Chui successfully saved Hatch, who was undoubtedly dead in the plot, but failed to continue to prevent other plots from starting, Meow Meow and Claudia's departure was also impossible. .

However, Claudia is the instrumental spirit of Ye Xing's Book of Blood Gods, and Meow Meow is his ring spirit. Both of them have a deep connection with Ye Xing, so that Ye Xing can always sense their state, but This perception has been affected to some extent, making it difficult for Ye Ting to locate where they are, even the little fox's vision of God cannot see them.

[The mysterious people used the plot to strengthen, and forced them to move into the Fagun Forest. The place now seems a little strange, shrouded with a strange power. 】

The little fox explained.

"There is a tree race in the Fagun Forest ..." Ye Ting thought of information about the tree race.

树 In the Lord of the Rings, the tree people are one of the many races in Middle-earth. They are inherently stable. Although they are movable tree races, they often take root in one place for decades and hundreds of years.

When the half-orcs of Mordor began to attack the Middle-earth world, they still wanted to go straight in their nature.

It was also Saruman's death. In order to make weapons and develop industries, many trees in the Fagun Forest were felled. The Hobbit Meri and Pipin took the treeman alertly to see the forest left by the felling. This completely angered the Shuren, and in a wave pushed Saruman's Isinger flat, demonstrating the importance of environmental protection.

However, in this game world, Essinger has been pushed by Ye Xing's dragon team. The original plot will definitely not happen again, but there are still some unexpected situations in the Fagun Forest. Strength shrouded meow and Claudia, and the little fox's vision of God could not see what happened to them.

"That being the case, then I'll chase them with Irene and Remi." Tessa came to Ye Thui at this time and said, "According to the original plot, this was originally our three tasks-this should also be us Plot mission, right? "

护 In the movie, the guard ring team was divided into three teams. Meri and Pippin were captured. Aragon, Dwarf Kingspike, and Elf Prince went to rescue the two. Frodo and Sam continued to the Doomsday Volcano.

In this game, Rimi replaced Aragorn, Irene replaced the Elven Prince, and Tessa replaced Dwarf Jincha.

"Yes, if you can complete this story mission, you should get a lot of rewards." Ye Ting nodded, looked up slightly, and looked at the giant titan Tessa, who was two and three meters tall ... at the time, pulling her to the ring When the team did not think much, the result was that Tessa replaced the dwarf Jincha.

The image of the niece giant is only skin. Her essence in this world is actually a dwarf. When the npc in this world sees her, she will also regard her as a dwarf with a big beard and a height of 1.3 meters ...

"Let's go, then," said Rimi.

"Leave me, you may be in danger." Ye Ting looked at them and said.

我们 "We are your companions, not a burden that you have to take care of, and now we are completely different from before." Tessa clenched the storm prisoner of war in her hands and said warily.

"Let's separate them then." Ye Ting nodded when he saw this.

Uh ...

Previously, Claudia chased away several wolf orcs, and Meow Meow left due to concern, and they left one after the other. After Claudia chased several wolf orcs and killed them, the wolf orcs and Without re-condensation, it disappeared into flying sand.

When Claudia was about to be proud for a while, she suddenly encountered something wrong.

Unconsciously, she chased the wolf orcs into a dense forest. She glanced around and felt a sense of discord, a sense of disorientation: she could not tell what she was Somewhere chased here.

She instantly turned into a group of blood bats and began to fly around the forest, looking for a way out of here.

However, after flying around in the forest for a long time, she still couldn't leave the dense forest. At last, she reunited into an adult form and stood under a large branch-her body was hanging under the branch and leaves. This is a bat aristocratic talent. Has a gesture.

"Strange ... why can't I fly out?" Claudia frowned, feeling puzzled that she shouldn't be there ~ ~ As the future queen, she didn't understand how to get lost in such a forest ...... It must be because there is something wrong with this wood.

At this moment, Claudia's drooping face suddenly saw the branches of the big tree next to it.

大 This tree does not know what species it is or how many years it has grown. The trunk is full of worm eyes and uneven marks. At this moment, the uneven marks suddenly opened a pair of eyes.

At the same time, the trunk squirmed, cracked the gap, and made an old voice: "Who ... disturbed me to sleep?"

"Oh?" Claudia was shocked.

The branch suddenly stretched out the next moment, and the jagged branch was like a big hand, holding Claudia upside down on the branch, and the old voice continued, "What are you?"

"I'm nothing, I'm the future queen, the conqueror of this world ... the heir to Claudia Ye!" Claudia was seized, but it still failed to stop the pride in her heart. , She announced loudly, and then asked, "What's your name !?"

"Claudia ... I haven't heard of the name." The old voice asked in confusion, "I ... I don't remember what my name is, I've been sleeping for a long time ... I seem to be waiting for something ..."

Claudia clearly saw that the trunk of the big tree had an old face. Although the tree maintained the shape of the big tree, the roots and branches of the tree stretched out like human limbs.

This is exactly a treeman!

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