The Heavens Come

Chapter 776: Cat and Bat Wars!

The treeman grabbed Claudia with one hand and the other hand stretched out and scratched his own wood face. His face and body were covered with worm eyes. The leaves of the entire tree were scattered as if they were born. Very serious illness.

He wondered for a while, gave up thinking about his name, and continued to ask Claudia: "What are you doing here?"

"Kokoko, my queen is lost!"

Although Claudia was caught in the hands of the treant, she still said with a straight arm on her hips, and then her voice was weak: "Can you send me out of this forest?"

The treeman grabbed his own wood face again. He also had bugs on his wood face. He had a worm eye, and a small worm crawled inside, which made him a little uncomfortable. He seemed to think for a moment and continued, "You It doesn't seem to be human ... I haven't seen a species like you, maybe I have seen it but I don't remember ... you want to go out, then maybe I can send you a ride ... "

With that said, the treeman lifted Claudia and placed it on what she could call a shoulder: "Little boy, sit down."

The Treant distinguished the direction and started to move slowly in one direction. His speed was very slow, but because the legs formed by the fork of the tree were huge, he could go a long distance in one step.

It seemed to have been silent for a long time, and kept talking to Claudia in her mouth.

"I'm four thousand years old this year ... I remember I got married once two thousand years ago, but I forgot my wife was the tree ... I haven't encountered other creatures outside the forest for a long time ... Last time Encountered, I remember it was four hundred or five hundred years ago ... that was a human covered in the cold, he spread darkness and disease ... "

Claudia was sitting on the shoulder of the Treant, her little head nodded from time to time, and her mouth made a "hmmm" sound, and she did not know if she understood it.

"That man built a huge building in the middle of the forest ... he called that building ... the pyramid ..."

"I remembered that my wife was killed by that man. He took my wife's wooden spirit and was held in the pyramid. Let me obey his orders ..."

The Shuren was talking about the original intermittent tone, and it gradually began to become smooth. It gave a serene and kind tone, and it was a bit more cold. "He said that one day, outsiders will enter this forest. Let me and my tree-brothers kill them ... so he will release my wife's wood spirit and let her grow back into a tree ... "

"That man is really a big bad guy." Claudia was sitting on the shoulders of the treeman, shaking her two calves, and her face showed an angry expression. "But you can rest assured, my master is super powerful, look back at me Let him help you run away that big badass and save your wife, but you have to promise me to become my slave in the future and help me conquer the world! "

"..." The Shuren was silent, took a quiet step, and walked forward step by step, but did not know when the sky was a little more hazy, and the surrounding trees became horrified.

The wind blew, and the leaves kept making waves.

"I'm sorry ..." Shuren suddenly said, and with his words, a tentacle-like vine suddenly emerged from his withered old body, and he was about to cling to Claudia's body.

Claudia's face was startled, and she yelled hurriedly, "Don't!"

As soon as she shouted, she only heard the bang, and a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and directly penetrated the Shuren's body.

That golden light is a huge trident, which pierced the treeman's body, which made the treeman's body almost cut off.

Claudia turned into a group of blood bats, reshaped in the open space nearby, condensed into the shape of little loli, and looked angrily not far away-the meow, which kept the state of ancestors, was walking slowly from there Then, she waved her hand, the huge trident was restored to its original size, and quickly flew back to her hands.

The Shuren's attack method may be very powerful for the Lord of the Rings world. Half-orcs stepped on one of them, and military bases such as Isinger can be directly pushed. But for the existence of such a level as Claudia, he said The attacking method had no effect at all. Claudia just shouted "Don't say it to the Shuren", but felt that Meow Meow was about to make a move and said to Meow Meow.

It's a pity that it's too late.

"He was just about to attack you." Meow Meow came over with his trident and glanced at the tree man pierced by the waist.

"Then you don't have to kill him!" Claudia looked angry and stared at Meow Meow. "They are all under control!"

"..." Meow meowed for a moment, and then there was a disdainful expression on his face. "It really is a mental retardation. I'll take you away. You better obey me, otherwise I won't care about you."

"Who wants you to control it!" Claudia was full of anger. "Old enemy, come to war!"

Meow Meow apparently didn't have much patience anymore. Her body that taught her ancestors suddenly changed, and the body fell off from the tool man, and turned into the original Lolly catwoman form. It was only over one meter like Claudia. With her body shape, the trident also turned into a pocket shape. She was holding it in her hands, and her small face was also full of anger: "It seems that I haven't hit you for a long time, you have forgotten the taste of being hit meow!"

"Kokoko, stupid cat, don't you know that the queen's ability has been upgraded?" The Book of Blood God emerged from Claudia's body, floating in mid-air, the pages of the book turned open, and blood became energized For the tentacles came out of it.

Cat bat war is about to begin!

The sky in the forest seemed to be more gloomy. The surrounding trees were rattling, creating a dark and horrifying atmosphere. The tree man who was almost cut off was not dead. A group of vines quickly emerged from the broken part. The shape of the thing slowly repaired its injury, and at the same time, trees around it came alive, and Zhang Yawu claws approached the two little loli.

They were all treants ... the previous treant didn't take Claudia out of the forest, but took her deep into the forest of Fagun.

"Both of these guys don't seem very smart ... catch me!" A cold voice rang through the forest, but it wasn't any human language, but a kind that only Shuren could understand Language is like the sound of wind blowing leaves-this is the language of trees.

Ye Xing had exchanged this special ability of tree language.

With the command of this cold voice, several tree people immediately rushed to Claudia with their teeth and claws ... and then ~ ~ The next moment Claudia's book of blood gods suddenly extended the root of the tree The huge blood snake entangled the tree people around him with a bang, uprooted them, and threw it at the meow: "Old enemy, pick it up!"

"Stupid, this attack is useless to me!" Meow Meow calmly waved the trident in his hand and summoned a curtain of water like a white veil wrapped around the trident, which immediately twined that tree. Tree people.

Those tree people were then engulfed by the water curtain and disappeared without a trace-the water curtain is the legendary item Muhe, which has its own spatial attributes.

Wow, wow, a huge tree man was entangled with Claudia's blood snake and thrown at Meow Meow, then swallowed by Meow Meow's Styx.

"My old enemies are haggard, watch my attack!"

"Mentally handicapped, they said that this attack was completely ineffective against me!"

The two clashed at each other while fighting.

"Do these two little guys only understand this kind of child's house fight ..." The voice ringing in the woods made a mocking sound, but suddenly he found something wrong, "Huh?"

The number of tree people is not much, and Claudia will be swallowed up by the weird space item ...

They are intentional!

Suddenly, she was waving the trident to take over the meow of the treant. With a look of expression, a small figure moved quickly. A wooden boat appeared at her feet, under the water of the Styx, carrying her instantly from the place Disappeared, appearing deeper in the forest.

There was a shadow watching over here.

唰 ——

The meowing trident pierced the shadow instantly.

"I found you meow!"

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