The Heavens Come

Chapter 784: I didn't expect him to be so shameless ... I even thought of 1 for me ...

Restored into a meow form of the ancestral form, quickly rushed to the center of the Fagun Forest and met Claudia and Tessa.

The original place where the pyramid stood has become a large hollow. In the past few hundred years, black beetles have been breeding under the forest. It has already been hollowed out. The blood **** Claudia keeps using huge The trident attacked the ground and pierced large holes. After the pyramid dissipated, it also collapsed. You can see the countless black beetle corpses in the large pit.

In the original mausoleum stone room, a large dwarf with large branches was gathering around the coffin made of Mu Ling. The breeze blew and the leaves crackled.

Meow Meow closed his eyes and listened, the tree people were singing, singing elegy in tree language.

With the singing of the tree people, the tree buds that were originally on the wooden coffin began to grow more quickly, from tree buds to slender branches, and then to thick trunks, they broke the stone chamber. , To welcome the sun to regenerate.

Balls of green light rose from the wooden coffin, rising like seeds, flying in all directions, and the light fell to the ground, and immediately covered the ground with green trees, and numerous small saplings drilled out of the dust.

The place where the original pyramid stands in the middle of the Fagun Forest was a cursed wasteland, but it turned into a verdant green forest in an instant.

The tree people are a magical race. There are not many descriptions of the tree people in the Lord of the Rings. In this game world, they have undergone a certain degree of magical changes and added more magic. The wood spirit is them. The pharaoh's spirit killed the treeman, and used the wood spirit to create a coffin. As his own sleeping place, the pharaoh's spirit died, and those imprisoned wood spirits were released.

They are the spirits born in the forest. The tree people are dead, but in the place where the wood spirits play, new trees will grow again. The saplings that grow up in the ground have different types, oak, willow, birch. Trees, apple trees, pear trees ... After countless years, some of them may regenerate spiritual wisdom and become a new tree man.

Claudia, Tessa, Remi, Irene and Meow Mee gathered together, watching this amazing scene with a bit of amazement.

A tree-man suddenly came to them, "Thank you, you rescued us." He made an old voice. His original body, which was covered with insect eyes and withered leaves, now seemed to be revitalized. On the one hand, Because the meow of the meows has thoroughly washed the darkness in their bodies, on the one hand, it is just because they have just been bathed in the glory of the wooden spirit, so that its natural power can be supplemented.

"Yeah, it's you." Claudia immediately recognized the treant, the treant was the one that Claudia first encountered, and it was cut off by the meow's trident. There can still be traces of piercing on the trunk.

Claudia flew up and landed on the shoulder of the treeman, proudly said on her hips, "Kokoko, without the master's shot, only the emperor can completely solve the big bad guy here!"

"Sorry, controlled by the power of darkness, my fellow men and I attacked you at the beginning." Shuren said with a bit of guilt.

"Kokoko, don't worry about such a trivial matter, my queen has forgiven you." Claudia said stinking.

Meow Meow looked at Claudia and rolled her eyes.

More tree people gathered.

"Travelers, where are you going next? Let's get you out of here." Shuren continued.

Tessa and Irene glanced at each other, agreed with a smile, picked a tree and jumped up, Rimi shook her head helplessly and jumped into a tree, and finally Meow Meow also chose a tree.

"Please send us to the south." Tessa discerned the time and said to the tree people. After the pharaoh's evil spirit was destroyed, Tessa contacted Ye Ye and told them to let them go to the helmet next. Valley, and leaving the Fagun Forest and heading south, you can reach the Holy Helm Valley.

The people started to move forward. They moved very slowly, but because of their huge size, they could take a long distance in one step, so the speed is still very fast.

Claudia sat on the shoulder of the treeman, shaking her calf happily. What did she think of, so she asked curiously, "Yes, my name is Claudia. What's your name?"

"My name? My name is Shuhu. You can also call me Fagun." Shuren's old voice answered.

When Tessa, Rimi and Irene heard this name, they looked at it with a little surprise. This tree man was originally in the Lord of the Rings movie and first appeared. He rescued the tree man Meri and Pippin. He It is also the leader of the Shuren, who led the Shuren to push Isinger!


Hundreds of miles away, Ye Ting and Xiaolong, Xiaomei, and Hatch were heading down the Anduin River ~ ~ and rushed to Mordor, which was previously collected by Claudia as a pet's grunt. Are following them.

When the Egyptian evil spirits were destroyed, they were resting by a riverbank.

Ye Ting sat on a large rock and looked up at the sky, frowning.

When the mysterious man used the book of life and death to kill the Egyptian evil spirit, and borrowed the "ritual" and the connection of the evil eye crystal, and wanted to write the name of the meow on the book of life and death, Ye Ting responded in time and asked the little fox to help modify it. The registered name of Meow Meow in this game.

This keeps Meow Meow from being manipulated by a mysterious person. At the same time, Ye Chui has other gains.

In the Lord of the Rings film, Pippin the Hobbit, because of his curiosity, secretly touched the crystal of true knowledge, so he felt the existence of Sauron, and was briefly connected with Sauron's consciousness, which also made him know Sauron's next plans.

In this game world, Sauron, the incarnation of the mysterious person, uses "Plot Enhancement" to make Meow Meow a strong curiosity and touch the evil eye crystal. At the same time, Ye Ting also uses the plot enhancement at that moment to Meow Meow forcibly communicated part of the consciousness of the mysterious person for the bridge.

He saw part of Sauron's plan.

Now frowning is because of the plan of the mysterious person.

[What is the plan of the mysterious man? Difficult to deal with? 】

The little fox lowered his consciousness and said that the will of the mysterious man was too horrible. Although Ye Chui could read it when she connected with the consciousness of the mysterious man, she gave up from her heart.

Ye Ting nodded: "I didn't expect him to be so shameless ..."

The little fox was going to ask immediately, and then he heard Ye Ting continue to say, "I thought of a piece with me!"


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