The Heavens Come

Chapter 785: Sure enough, it was a fairy fight, both sides could reincarnate.

The little fox stunned for half a minute before returning to her senses ... She felt that Ye Ting was able to say these words, which was really shameless.

[What is the plan of the mysterious man? 】

"Dirty soil is reincarnated," Ye cried.

[? ? ? 】

Seeing the little fox puzzled, Ye Chui continued: "The book of life and death controlled by the mysterious man can control the fate of life and death, set the life and death, write the name on the book of life and death, as long as the name is crossed, he can kill that person at any time. Death, but at the same time, there is another powerful force in the book of life and death. "

[No, right? 】

The little fox vaguely guessed.

"Yes, the name that was forked can still be restored ... If it is restored, then the person killed by the book of life and death will be summoned back in a state of a dead body." Ye Ting nodded and continued, "And the mysterious man has not existed in this world for many years. He used the book of life and death to kill the unknown number of strong men. Now, he can summon all those strong men back!"

The little fox was shocked and couldn't speak, the legendary object of life and death book is so powerful and incomprehensible, such things can be done, wouldn't the mysterious man say that he is invincible!

This is truly a rebirth of foul soil!

"So, then we might meet those powerful survivors and nameless people who were hundreds or hundreds of years ago?" Xiaolong's voice rang now, he was standing on a stone in the distance, his body Standing upright, with long hair and dancing, posing in a cool shape, the words seemed to have a bit of eagerness to fight with those strong ...

Of course, it would be better if his body did not shake unconsciously when he spoke.

Xiaolong was once the strongest in the world of survivors, but that is already a past tense. Not counting the emergence of Ye Ting, the unnamed purgatory was unveiled by Ye Ting, but it is also a strong one. In this game world, under the control of mysterious people, many unknown people who have been buried with power for many years have returned to the top ...

Although he lost the Xiaoxian Xiaolong and was supplemented by other legendary items, his strength is not much worse than the original, but he ranks among these people, and I am afraid he cannot be ranked in the top ten.

Not to mention the dead strongmen summoned by the mysterious man with the book of life and death.

It's a little embarrassing.

[Then you just said that the mysterious person thought of you with a piece of soul jewel? 】

The little fox suddenly thought of something, his voice surprised.

"Yes." Ye Xing nodded.

The soul gem connects the undead world. The objects, blood, and power created in the game of God will be sent to the undead world after being obliterated. The undead world is like a systematic recycle bin. It has accumulated in the undead world for countless years. Masses of various items, of course ... there are countless existences that have been erased, but the essence still exists of the undead, the soul gem records the breath, not only can you exchange items and abilities, you can also exchange these undead, similar to calling the dead.

This ability is actually very similar to the book of life and death, except that Ye Ting experimented with it when he first got the soul gem, and never used it again.

And now Ye Chui's powerful men can be summoned, including all the seven leaders of the original Unknown Purgatory except Merlin, including Nicholas, including the Eight Different Demons, including Snooker, and even those previously unknown Egyptians. Those ... These people can be said to be the most powerful men in this era!

The price is to pay gold coins.

This was originally a huge consumption, but Ye Ting had previously modified the origin rules of this world, and the exchange price of soul gems was shortened to a minimum. He could easily summon all these powerful ones!

After hearing Ye Ting's answer, the little fox was speechless again.

This game really is a fairy fight. Both sides can reincarnate ... she suddenly feels that she is an ordinary person and has a lot of pressure.

Even the dragon who was the strongest survivor in the past had a similar feeling.

"But the legendary item in the book of life and death is indeed very strong." Ye Chui could not help but sighed. He estimated that this item had reached the super legendary level, infinitely close to the artifact, and Ye Chui had countless legendary items in his hand. The most dependent on the most powerful, there are two kinds of Lord of the Rings and Soul Gems, and now the power of a legendary item in the book of life and death is comparable to the Lord of the Rings and Soul Gems.

It is indeed a legendary item born from Chinese mythology!

[In other words, a large number of orcs sent from Mordor have entered the abdomen of Rohan, and the dragon team is guerrillas everywhere, but their number is limited after all, and our large expeditionary army is expected to wait for some time to reach the battlefield. What should I do? 】

The little fox asked Ye Xingdao at this moment.

At the beginning of the game, the little fox had judged that the enemy army had arrived in the battlefield in three days, and now the game started just three days.

Rohan and Gondor are located in the southwestern part of the Misty Mountains. The distance between Mordor and it is far closer than that of Shire and it. The dragon team can get to their destination faster because they have dragons as their mounts ~ www. ~ As for the main expeditionary force of the survivors, it will be a lot slower.

Now that the Dragon team is working around with speed, the Orcs' front is still approaching. This will have to wait for the expeditionary forces to arrive. Rohan may be completely captured by the Orcs, and the nearby Gondor may be suffocating.

"Xiao Long, please contact Ao Xing and let Ao Xing contact King Rohan to cover the nationals of Rohan and retreat to the Helm Valley. There will be a battlefield against the Orcs." Ye Ting already had a response strategy for this. .

In the second part of the Lord of the Rings, the half-orc army is under pressure, King Rohan is confused by Saruman, and after Gandalf has made King Rohan awake, the king leads his people back to the Helm Valley and in the Helm Valley To confront the Orc dark army, Gandalf went to look for foreign aid, rushed back with the army at dawn, and repelled the Orc.

This is the second episode of the high tide, the Battle of the Holy Helm Valley.

Ye Chui had previously contacted Tessa and asked them to join Meow and Claudia before heading to the Valley of the Holy Helm.

You can use "Scenario Enhancement" to force the battle to follow the storyline of the movie in the Helm's Gulch to ensure victory in the end.

When Xiaolong heard Ye Ting's words, he immediately connected with his son.

And Ye Ting looked at Xiaomei again.

Xiaomei's alternative role is Gandalf. If she follows the plot of the Lord of the Rings, she should be with Meow Meow and Tessa at this time, but Ye Ting will keep her by his side, because he can use the plot at a critical moment. Forcibly send Xiaomei to the Valley of the Holy Helm, and at the same time, Ye Ting can use Xiaomei to let her power through at that moment!

This can also be considered ... the surprise of the two towers, right?

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