The Heavens Come

Chapter 790: The first mutant in history

Remember in one second 【】

The death knight has the ability of "death control". In the game of God, many beings have the attribute of death itself. They belong to the living dead. Zombies are of this type. Under death control, the zombies will become death knights. The slave, he said that he was the master of death, which was perfectly fine, but then he ordered Xiaomei to attack her master a little puzzling ...

Well, the latter refers to Ye Ting, but this statement is obviously ambiguous, and Xiaomei is a zombie controlled by Ye Ting. In front of Ye Ting's powerful power, she will not attack Ye even if she is controlled. In response, since the death knight was ambiguous immediately after that sentence, Xiaomei had to choose the only feasible option in the face of this powerful command.

It is impossible to attack Ye Xing, then you have to attack the death master who has the ability to cast.

A pan went down, the death knight's head burst, and his body rolled and rolled out.

But soon, his broken body quickly recovered, re-condensed flesh and blood, combined into the original body, and was resurrected again. After the resurrection, his face became angry and stared at Xiao Mei, this zombie brain is not easy to use! But then he suddenly hesitated, feeling that his manipulation of Xiaomei's death was forcibly cracked.

It ’s not Ye Xing who did it, because Ye Xing is now taking out the fish fillet and putting it in the bowl and dipping the sauce. He did n’t plan to intervene in this battle from the beginning. Although the death knight is very powerful, the two big thugs before him It's too shameless for him.

"I just seemed dizzy." Xiaomei got rid of death control, looked up and down strangely, and then looked angrily at the death knight.

The death knight wields the sickle in her hand and wants to continue to cast death control on Xiaomei, but it has no effect on Xiaomei. The same moves will not affect her for the second time. She has already developed sufficient immunity.

Xiaomei lifted the pan unhappy.

But he hadn't shot yet, alas, a few sounds of sword air broke, and the death knight's expression had time to show his reaction, and his body suddenly broke apart.

A long-haired dancing dragon stood behind him with frost on his face, holding an immortal sword in his hand and still holding out the sword. He has gotten rid of the state of death release, and the death release transformed his spirit-evil body into There is no way to affect the ghost state of the real world, but this transition is only temporary and powerful enough to fight the death of a unit of the death knight.

The death knight recovered again. He was shocked and wanted to turn his head, raised the sickle in his hand, and wanted to trap the dragon with death.

But the next moment his body fell again.

Then he was resurrected again, and continued to fall apart. When he was resurrected, Xiaomei had been unhappy to pick up the pan and lifted it: "This time it's me!"


Previously, Xiaolong and Xiaomei would be recruited because they were not clear about the specificity of his ability, and they were a little careless. Now that he knows what his ability is, even if he is chopped by Xiaolong, he will recover with his resurrection The black sickle is a medium prop for exerting abilities, so there is no difficulty in avoiding being attacked by him again.

It was just that Ye Ting's action of holding the fillet suddenly stiffened slightly, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

When did it start ... he could also watch the meal under this heavy-mouthed taste screen without any discomfort.

Of course, although the scene in front of me looks a bit banned, after the death knight ’s body is broken, there is no blood splash. Even if the body is broken, it is very beautiful. And the picture, so strictly speaking, although this picture is enough to be curious, it is not too disgusting.

"Do n’t fight, stop now, I confess to losing!" After the n-th time being shot by Xiao Mei, the death knight suddenly shouted, and his body did not make any attempt to attack after his resurrection, Instead, he threw away the black sickle in his hand and fell to the ground decisively.

Seeing the death knight kneeling so decisively, Ye Ting held up his chopsticks, motioned Xiaomei Xiaolong to stop the beating first, Xiaolong snorted, waved his sword to disappear, and stood with his hand aside, he was still a little unhappy, like himself The strong man at this level just caught the guy's way and was trapped for almost half a minute, which made him feel extra shame.

Xiaomei didn't think so much. Anyway, she was full of fun, so she put away the pan and calmly went back to continue cutting fish.

"I didn't want to attack you ... originally, I was just an ordinary variant bloodline. The biggest ability is to control my death and make myself immortal. After being brought into this world, my ability is greatly strengthened, and the price Even if I have to obey orders, I don't want to come to attack you ... "The Death Knight quickly explained.

"How is your ability strengthened?" Ye Ting was a little curious. The mysterious man could strengthen the power of the unknown, but it should be limited to the power of the Egyptian myth system? Immortal mutants, this has nothing to do with Egypt.

"It is apocalypse ... he can form the four knights and give them the power of the four knights. I was selected as a death knight by him, and his strength has also been enhanced." The death knight explained quickly.

Ye Chui suddenly realized: "That apocalypse in X-Men?"

"Yes, that's right ..." the Death Knight quickly agreed.

Ye Ting's face wrinkled slightly. He was still wondering how the four apocalyptic knights in the Bible were related to Egypt. It was because of this ... The latest X-Men, X-Men: Apocalypse, the biggest The villain is a mutant named Apocalypse, known as the first mutant in history. It is a pharaoh ~ ~. He executed tyranny and got inspiration from the Bible to form his own apocalypse.

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Four knights. (Ps: Black Phoenix has not yet been released at this time.)

In the X-Men, he woke up from his slumber. The first time was to reorganize the Four Knights of Apocalypse, and found four mutants, including Magneto King, Angel, and Stormwind, etc. The strength is also very strong ... Unfortunately, no luck Well, half of the newly formed four knights are two or five, and they were finally spiked by the black phoenix that was opened.

This film is not a classic, but it is also a good film. It may have appeared in the game of God when it was first released, and someone redeemed the blood of Apocalypse at that time.

God's game is not the same as the movie world of the heavens. It will be magically changed according to the movie plot. For example, Ye Ting's violent road is this type. The blood of the apocalypse may be the ability to create the four knights of the apocalypse.

The Apocalypse itself is set to be a pharaoh in Egypt. It is because of this connection that the mysterious man has strengthened his strength and also strengthened the Apocalypse's ability to create the four knights!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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