The Heavens Come

Chapter 791: I killed you countless times with one sword

The Four Knights of Apocalypse are Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. They are also called the Four Knights of Doom.

In X-Men, this is just the name. The four knights do not correspond to corresponding powers, but the mysterious man obviously uses the history of Egyptian mythology in this world to strengthen the power of the apocalypse and make this apocalypse. Also gained some more magical powers.

The death knight in front of him is just a mutant who has no special place except for a long time, but after being turned into his four knights by the apocalypse, he is given the name of death and the corresponding power to let him The ability to evolve has gained more powerful increases in death elimination, death release, and death control.

"I have to obey Apocalypse's order, I am innocent ..." The death knight continued.

He has now stopped exerting his ability to die. On the other side, those unknown people who could not be killed by Hatch, can finally be killed. Without the immortality, the battle will soon end, Hatch shaking his tail. Walked to Ye Ting.

"You come to intercept me, so there are three other knights in front, and that apocalypse?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"Yes, I'm just here to take the lead. The mysterious adult of Mordor gave the order to intercept Aiqi, let us kill you in the death swamp." The death knight saw Ye Ting's look slightly relieved. Down, the ablation on his face became a bit more heated and cut, and he knelt down on the ground and crawled here for a few minutes, "My strength is the weakest among the four knights, and the fact that I came is to kill him ..."

With that, the smile on his face suddenly became cold.

"Come to give you death!"

He suddenly raised his hands and wanted to throw something, and waved at Ye Xing.

Instantly, countless deaths were forcibly sent into Ye Ting's body-just now he was killed N times by Xiaolong and Xiaomei. In his ability, death can be quantified. If he is killed, he can Resurrection. At the same time, he can collect the death of a unit. (When other people's deaths are eliminated, no dead units are collected.)

Of course, his own strength is not strong. The death of a unit he gave birth to the strong can not cause too much damage, but one unit cannot. N units can be used.

Before he was ordered to attack Ye Xing, he designated two plans. The first plan was to find a way to get close to Ye Xing and control Xiao Mei around Ye Xing to let this zombie attack Ye Xing. Although Ye Xing is very powerful, he The zombies around him are equally powerful and can't be underestimated, enough to cause Ye Xing to do powerful damage.

However, this plan failed. Only the backup plan can be activated. He was deliberately attacked by Xiaomei and Xiaolong. This allowed him to instantly accumulate the death of N units. Such a huge amount of death energy is almost reached. The limit he can store, he believes, it is enough to kill any one being!

Now he has successfully released these death energies to Ye Qing.

Ye Xing will die!

His face was ecstatic, and then ... the scene suddenly quieted down, with the awkward kind of silence.

Ye Ting was still sitting behind the dining table. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, raised his hand, and stretched out a finger. When he saw the index finger that he stretched out, a thin line seemed to be accidentally cut by a book page. At the formed mouth, blood was slowly flowing down ... only one drop of blood, half of which was affected by Ye Xing's strong physique, and retracted into his fingers again.

But Ye Ting's expression was angry, lying down, Claudia wasn't around, she even hurt me and saw blood!

It's awful!

"Xiao Long, what are you waiting for, kill me!" Ye Ting roared, and the wound on his finger was completely healed.


Xiaolong hesitated for a moment, and was just a little nervous when he suddenly saw the death knight attacking, but it was clear that Ye Ting didn't need any worry from him ... At this moment, although he felt Ye Ting was a little shameless, he waved his hand. A red ancient sword was summoned. Previously, he used a celestial sword. This time, he summoned a celestial sword.

The Four Swords of the Immortal, the Immortal Immortal, the Immortal Immortal, the Immortal Immortal, the Immortal Immortal, the powers are different, and the power decreases in order. He is now showing stronger immortal immortal than the immortal.

The sword in his hand had just appeared, and the next moment he looked like a fluttering sword slashing towards the death knight.

A sword light fell on the death knight.

The death knight was shocked, but soon he found that he was okay, and seemed to have not been harmed at all. When he was wondering, a golden light appeared in the air, fell on him again, and then another, another ... Xiaolong cut out a sword, but countless sword lights fell on the death knight in turn.

"What kind of sword is this ..." Although the death knight didn't feel any physical discomfort, he said in shock.

"Xianxian Sword." Xiaolong has collected the Xianxian and explained softly, "In the Four Swords of Xianxian, the main group of Xianxian attacks, but one sword can attack countless enemies. I just cut a sword at you and sharpened countless swords. Every sword light can kill you once ... "Xiaolong shook his head and let the long hair flutter." You can eliminate your death, but there are always limits. I can kill you countless times with one sword. Can you still carry it? "

The expression of fear on the death knight's face suddenly screamed, and he jumped up and fled to the distance. The sword lights continued to fall on him. Soon, Xiaolong's sword ended ~ www ~ And the death knight's body also burst in place, turned into countless dust, disappeared without trace, and never resurrected.

Ye Chuirao took a look at Xiaolong with interest. This sword of killing immortals seems to have touched some causal force, allowing countless causes to end at the same moment ... This is the power originally possessed by sword of killing immortals.

It seems that Xiaolong's manipulation of the fairy sword has made great progress.

He rubbed his stomach and stood up, feeling that his stomach was full. Just then he suddenly felt something. Looking at the sky in the death swamp area ahead, a strange power covered the whole area.

"What's going on?" Xiaolong also felt the abnormality of the sky.

"The sky has been banned from flying ..." Ye Tzu thought for a moment and laughed. "It is the conquest knight of the Four Knights of Apocalypse. He has the ability to conquer and conquer the sky. This is for us to have to walk through the death swamp next. what."

The Battle of the Holy Helm Valley is about to begin. Obviously, the mysterious people do not want Ye Ting to enter Mordor's doomsday volcano so soon. The death knight is only to temporarily stop Ye Ting for a moment, let Ye Ting be distracted, and then take the opportunity to conquer the knight to cast a forbidden air The ability to force Ye Xing to walk through Death Marsh.

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