The Heavens Come

Chapter 823: Mysterious smile on the face of Lori

The game of the Lord of the Rings finally has its final battle.

The final battle in the movie was not actually a high tide. Among them, all the forces on the land continent gathered together. When they rushed to the Mordor Black Gate, the Black Gate opened, and countless dense and orc army appeared in front of them, far exceeding The forces of humans and elves.

But under the leadership of Emperor Aragon, they still decided to fight to the end. It was at this time that Frodo successfully destroyed the Lord of the Rings, Sauron collapsed, most of the area of ​​Mordor collapsed, and the half-orc seemed to be opened. There are countless casualties, and the battle is over.

Now, in this game world, the Gondor Kingdom is rescued, and the participating human forces are gathered. Together with the survivors, local players, and unnamed people, they form a new coalition, marching into Mordor, a variety of 'S army began to approach the black door of Mordor.

In this huge army, there is a **** giant snake that is circling forward. The blood snake comes from Claudia's call. Now the mentally retarded girl is standing on top of the blood snake's head, hands on hips, cute face staring ahead In the direction of Mordor, there was an inexplicable smile in the corner of his mouth, not knowing what to think.

Noting her appearance, the little fox finally couldn't help it, and lowered her will to Ye Chui.

[You still have to talk to Claudia, I think she may be too hit, and her mental problems have occurred. After Meow Meow, they all showed sad and angry expressions, only Claudia, She was dazed and dazed at first, but it did n’t take long for her to suddenly become like this. I could n’t understand the smile on that face ...]

"... Well, I asked her what's going on." Listening to the little fox said, Ye Cui couldn't help but care about her mentally retarded loli's mental problems, so she borrowed the connection between the instrument and the spirit and asked Claudia Greetings are sent-this contact will be slightly delayed, but there is no problem in non-emergency situations.

"Claudia, are you okay?" So, Claudia, standing on the blood snake's head with a mysterious smile on her hips, heard Ye Chui's greetings.

"I'm very good, Master." Claudia responded immediately with great energy.

"Really? About meow ... I know that although you often quarrel with her on weekdays, you still have a deep affection for her ..." Ye Chui prepared to say that he didn't want to tell Claudia directly Meow is actually undercover, so I do n’t know how to comfort her for a while.

However, upon hearing Ye Chui say this, Miao Miao immediately resolutely said: "Koke Ke, Miao Miao really is the lifelong enemy of the Queen, even thinking of doing this undercover trick, the Queen recognized her strategy! "

Ye Chui: "... lying trough !?"

"the host?"

"... No, how do you know that Meow is undercover?" Ye Cui was shocked.

Claudia looked smug, and the habitual Kokoko smiled twice: "Guess, with the IQ of the Queen, how could the stinky cat's plan hide her, she is studying Hatch took the initiative to sneak undercover into the enemy's army and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the big local boss in one fell swoop. It was a loss that she could think of this trick. "

Ye Chui: "..."


Okay, Claudia didn't understand the truth, only because her brain is mentally retarded, so she guessed that Miao Miao was deliberately undercover ... but she was shrewd and mentally retarded, and was blinded to the truth.

Ye Chui ignored Claudia for the time being, and comforted Xiao Mei and Tessa, and their emotions were a little low.

On the stone platform of the Doomsday volcano, Ye Chui took out a recliner and was lying on the recliner. Although he was strong, he still felt extremely sultry and sweaty in this place, and the sound of iron hitting next to Dangdang kept coming. , Xiaolong is striking the ring with a hammer, and his face is also showing a tired expression. Previously, he thought that forging the ring 20,000 times, there was nothing remarkable, but when he took the iron from Ye Chuan ’s hand After the hammer, I realized that things were not what he thought.

This hammer is extremely heavy, at least it weighs a lot!

After all, the Lord of the Rings is a legendary item, or the most powerful category of legendary items. Control the secret rules, and re-forge it without paying a price.

Ye Chui's side was so hot, he waved and summoned something, a fairy queen's hair, and the ghost of the fairy queen appeared beside him, the queen's skirt fluttered, her body suspended in midair, her eyes cold Despise finding enemies around you.

"Ah, that's how it feels, the wind is blowing a little more." Ye Chui saw this, and then told the elf queen.

Elf Queen: "..."

Even if you do n’t respect my body, the avatars do n’t respect ...

Is it just to summon the call?

Although he resisted, the elf queen couldn't disobey Ye Ye's order after all, and with her arms raised, a burst of refreshing cold wind blew onto Ye Chu's body, which immediately lowered the hot temperature above the Doomsday Volcano.

Ye Chui nodded with satisfaction, on the correct usage of the elf queen ...

"... You made me have no motivation to continue striking the hammer." Xiao Long stopped and protested to Ye Chu.

Ye Chui stretched out his hand, and a rune of magical power appeared in his hand. When Xiao Long showed his doubts, Ye Chui smiled and said to him: "I can find a way to make you grow your hair, just use a hammer to pay for it. "

"Really?" Xiaolong's eyes were delighted, and he became a bald head after becoming a ring spirit. It was his eternal pain. Didn't expect Ye Chui to let him grow his hair again?

"Yes, do you feel motivated as a result?" Ye Cui said with a smile. "You can beat 80, and I can make you grow 80 hairs."

Xiaolong's eyes immediately shone, and he reached out and took off the wig on his head. He began to pick up the hammer happily, and said: "Eighty, eighty, eighty ..."


The little fox is puzzled, Xiaolong ... Even if it's more and more like a comedian now, is it not like that?

What she soon discovered—the Hatch, who was lying on the ground, almost turned into a mess, and her eyes were constantly flashing white light. This is the ability to stimulate the soul gem, and unconsciously brainwash Xiaolong?

"Forging the Lord of the Rings has greatly improved the strength, not only because the hammer is heavy, but also because it is equivalent to re-forging the regular power, which will greatly improve the dragon's control of the legendary items." Ye Chu seems to feel the small The fox's doubts explained to him with a smile.

[Then why do n’t you tell him directly? 】

"Isn't this boring ..."


Are you afraid he is not deep enough on the path of comedians ...

The little fox immediately wanted to vomit something ~ ~ but suddenly she found something.

[Lying trough, they came here! 】

The little fox lowered his shocked thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui asked hurriedly.

[Osvax Porcelain, the 99th-level top item among the number one players, can create a barrier that cannot be overcome, that is, the last one among the number one players in the movie ... The mysterious man has now gotten this thing, let The Oswarx barrier is shrouded in the Mordo region! 】

The little fox explained.

The coalition of human warriors, survivors, local players, and unknowns has passed the Anduin River and the Shadow Mountains. They can even see the black tower standing in the distance, but at this time, a layer of translucency 'S barrier shrouded Mordor.

At the same time, a mechanical behemoth that was incompatible with this magical world slowly stood up before the black door of Mordor ...

It is mechanical Godzilla!

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