The Heavens Come

Chapter 824: To deal with Kryptonite monsters, you have to rely on players!

In front of Mordor's black door, the corpses orcs cultivated by Zuya are standing close together, waiting for the enemies to appear. Their bodies are rotting, some are wearing worn armor, and some are wrapped in shabby wooden strips like mummy There are constantly **** pus dripping from the body, stinking all over the body, it is difficult to say whether they are dead or alive, standing still one by one, waiting for the command of battle.

In addition to these corpses and orcs, there are also a part of the surviving half-orcs and barbarians who are shuddering in the team that meets the enemy.

At the forefront of these teams is a group of local players from the real world. The leader is the Nolan Sorrento. Beside him is a group of fighters wearing the 101 company's unique uniforms. In addition to the game equipment, there are special combat equipment in the oasis game world.

When Mordor behind him, the huge protective cover raised up, covering the area where the black tower was, Nolan turned his head to look at the barrier behind him, and opened his personal space. As the big boss of the 101 company, he Although he does n’t like the experience of the oasis game world, he has the most advanced equipment in the entire game world, the mechanical Godzilla armor. This is the prop at the peak of the oasis game world. Only he in the virtual world has this item. .

This can be said to be the top krypton gold prop in the oasis virtual world!

He picked up the mechanical Godzilla's hand and gently threw it to the ground. The hand immediately swelled and became something like a green drawing, wrapped around Nolan, and the huge figure rose up. The drawing frame Filled with color and texture, it eventually turned into a giant mechanical monster with red eyes and a huge metal mouth open, revealing fangs.

At this moment, on the eyes of Sauron above the black tower, a black light suddenly shot out and fell on the body of the mechanical Godzilla, and the body of the mechanical Godzilla began to vibrate violently, and the claws danced. , The tail flicked around, the huge mouth kept closing, and a cloud of black mist spewed out of the mouth.

Although the huge mechanical Godzilla looks horrible, it looks like a huge mech, but now, after the mysterious man has provided it with some kind of power blessing, it seems to have come alive, more from mechanical creations The texture of magical creations.

This makes it horrible countless times, because here is the world of the Lord of the Rings, where technological creations will be suppressed to a certain extent, so even if the mechanical Godzilla can be summoned, its power will be greatly reduced, now The magical blessings given to it by the mysterious man greatly enhance its own power. In addition, it also gives it magical attributes, which can make it fully play its original lethality.

The huge mechanical Godzilla showed a tall figure, and was on the side of the coalition marching towards Mordor, and immediately had a huge shock, especially the indigenous NPCs of the Lord of the Rings. What kind of thing is this?

"Mechanical Godzilla ... I didn't expect them to come up with this kind of thing." Aoxing said to his sister with a look of amazement. When the game didn't start, he led a group of people to investigate the 101 company, and the unknown people disappeared collectively. Later, the real-world company recovered its freedom, but their property was hit hard. The boss Nolan was comatose because of the long-time manipulation by the puppet master. The company has been in chaos and is not a cause for concern.

But now the mechanical Godzilla appeared again, it seems that Nolan was awakened by the mysterious man, re-summoned to the game world, and joined the Mordor dark camp.

Seeing the mechanical Godzilla reminded many of them. They are now in the world of Battle Royale for the number one player.

"Xing, we have a plan." At this time, someone suddenly squeezed to the side of Aoxing and Aojiao. When they turned their heads to look, it was Parsifal, Artemis, Aiqi, Dadong and Xiu. The original protagonist of the number one player, Skyworld, the five-man group, Parsifal Hing said hurriedly, "We can deal with this big guy, I mean at least we can be entangled with him briefly, as long as we send it over."

"You guys?" Aoxing looked at several of them and thought of the plot in the movie. In fact, the mechanical Godzilla was indeed solved by the five of them, but isn't that the protagonist halo bonus? Now the five of them don't have that treatment. If they didn't take the initiative to find themselves in front of them, Aoxing might have forgotten them.

"We can." Aiqi said confidently. "You may be better at dealing with other people, but dealing with such things, we are better at it."

At the call of Ye Chui, they entered the world of the Lord of the Rings game together. Originally they wanted to help Ye Cui to complete the task. Each of them was originally a high-end player in the oasis game world. They are confident that they can play enough roles. It was only here that I discovered that the game skills and props they possessed could not be compared to those of other gods' games. Compared with these people, they were like ordinary people who were accidentally equipped with powerful equipment.

But now the opportunity is coming, the mechanical Godzilla is very strong, but this is the original mech equipment in the oasis game world. They know the weakness of this thing and have enough confidence to overcome it.

"Just send us over." Dadong continued.

"Okay ..." Ao Xing thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, turned his head to look around and walked, "Sister Lan Ying, you ride Dadong and Aiqi by the dragon, and Sister Tessa , Can you summon Rainbow Bridge and send Parsifal, Artemis, and Shuu to Godzilla? "

"Ah?" After seeing the mechanical Godzilla instinctively stomping behind the other people, Yingying Lan suddenly felt excited.

Tessa nodded: "I can teleport over this distance."

"I can help, too." Irene said next, but Xiaomei stretched out her hand and held her. When she turned to look at Xiaomei, Xiaomei said: "Aileen, you help me get above the monster. . "

"And me." Remi walked to Xiaomei and said to Irene.

Although Lan Ying'er is extremely reluctant, in view of their dragons carrying forward the grotesque town tradition in this situation, Shiver definitely cannot play. The only more effective high-altitude unit is Lan Yinger's Namei Xinglong. At last, she had to agree to summon her blue dragon and let Dadong and Aiqi sit behind her. Parsifal, Artemis and Xiu, all three stood beside Tessa. He hugged Tessa's reinforced arms and thick waist.

The blue dragon fluttered with a loud scream, and Tessa also summoned the Rainbow Bridge to cover them and transported them away.

Irene also used the magic phone to take pictures of the mechanical Godzilla, as well as the pictures of Xiaomei and Limei, who are now operating and preparing to put them together.

Tessa ’s Rainbow Bridge is fast, and soon she took Parsifal and others to appear in front of the huge Godzilla. Namelon followed and flew to Godzilla.

Da Dong, dressed as a warrior, stared at the huge Godzilla with dignified eyes, and said in Japanese: "Finally, it's my turn ... to transform into Gundam!"

His Gundam was born for this moment!

Equipped with a unique pair of glove creations on his arm, Dadong leaps from the blue dragon's body, turning his body into a cool Gundam-this is the most inspiring picture in the number one player movie.

Aiqi also jumped from the blue dragon at the same time. She quickly took out a mechanical giant she created in mid-air and equipped it. When she landed on the ground, she had become a mechanical giant.

Gundam and mechanical giants belong to large mechas, but compared to the mechanical Godzilla's body of nearly 100 meters, it is still much different.

I saw Gundam put a POSS in the air, and then swooped down, one hand shield and one lightsaber straight toward Godzilla's head, the mechanical giant below also took a step and rushed to Godzilla.

Ao Xing and Ao Jiao, who saw this scene in the distance, all showed expressions of expectation. No matter how the whole is, the final battle of the number one player is still pretty.


Then they saw that the mechanical Godzilla faced the Gundam that was rushing towards him, his huge mouth suddenly opened, and he bit the Gundam in his mouth at the same time. His body flicked at the same time, and his huge tail crossed. In midair, bang fell on the looming mechanical giant.

Click and click, Gundam's body was completely broken in Godzilla's mechanical mouth, and the body of the mechanical giant instantly became a pile of parts.

Everyone: "..."

Among the number one players, Gundam fights back and forth with the mechanical Godzilla. If there is no time limit, maybe it will kill the Gundam, but here I did not expect it to be abandoned as soon as I played ... This may be because of the Gundam and the machinery Giants are all technological creations, which will be suppressed here without the blessings of Ye Chu, and the mechanical Godzilla itself is blessed by magic, not only will not be suppressed, but also has a great increase in ability.

This is certainly not an opponent.

Gundam was summoned ... just to set off how terrible Godzilla is!

After the mechanical Godzilla instantly resolved the Gundam and Godzilla, it immediately opened its giant mouth again and gave a roar, and a black beam of light spit out from the mouth, sprayed down, and passed through the Rainbow Bridge. Shah and Parsifal and others.

Tessa's face was shocked, and she hurriedly summoned a group of lightnings to block the black beam. She was not hurt, but she was also summoned here. The three Parsifal, who were only ordinary people, could not bear the power After the collision, the three people turned to ashes one after another and disappeared directly.

In the movie, the mechanical Godzilla can spray blue energy waves to attack, here it becomes black, and the power is more powerful!

At this moment, oh, a small item that was almost negligible compared to Godzilla's head suddenly broke into the air. It was Xiaomei's pan, and the pot hit the Godzilla's head with a bang Going up, Godzilla's huge body shook violently and then turned to the side.

Tessa put away the lightning and looked at the place where the three Parcifal had just disappeared ... who could have imagined that the number one player protagonist quintet would hang up as soon as they played.


The pan whirled and fell back into Xiaomei's hands ~ ~ Xiaomei holding the pan and Rimi holding the large sword of Nasir's venom came to Tessa's side, respectively.

To deal with Kryptonite monsters, they have to rely on them as players.


The number one player in the real world in the heavenly world.

The group lunch of five people including Parsifal, but Oasis World is just a game for them. Their death is not really death, but they can no longer participate in the Lord of the Rings game for a short time. In the villa, they took off the VR facilities, and they all showed a frustrated expression.

After working so hard in the game for so long, I didn't expect that it would be so easy to hang up at the last minute ... they are still too bad to fight against krypton players and open players.

Just when they felt inferior for their weakness, the five of them heard Ye Chui's voice at the same time.

"You don't need to be depressed, I happen to have a task for you to do ..."

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