The Heavens Come

Chapter 834: Zombie! Anomalies caused by time gems

After the number one player's Battle Royale ended, the game ended and returned to the real world, but Xiaomei and Meow did not appear beside Ye Chui.

Because at the end of the game, they are using the teleportation ability of space gems, so they return to the real world and have an accident, so that they do not know where they were teleported to, but then Ye Chu was not too worried.

Now on this earth, even if the heavens come and are abnormal everywhere, magicians and mutants, zombies and vampires, various black technologies can be seen everywhere, but to find a guy who can trap them is basically non-existent.

So he just let Xiaolong go to find them, Ye Chui's main energy these days is used to create the Zhutian Foundation.

However, what surprised Ye Chuai was that Xiaolong couldn't find Xiaomei or Miao Miao. These days he determined the approximate location of the two, but he could not perceive their exact existence. The message came to explain what happened to Bai Miao and Xiao Mei ...

Then he also disappeared.

This finally made Ye Chui attach great importance to this matter.

Lan Ying'er came over and told him that after Ao Xing and Ao Jiao were all ready for the meeting, Ye Cui stood up and left this study room with Lan Ying'er and went to the meeting place. He also left from the study, walked out of the castle, opened a portal that was undetectable by outsiders, and left here-Ye Chui's avatar went to the meeting, and he himself was going to go to the place where Xiaolong and others disappeared.

Quietly, Ye Chui appeared on the street of a prosperous city. It was at night, when people were walking on the street, Ye Chui was pacing, looking around, when Xiaolong finally lost contact, the specific location was Here, at the same time here he can also feel the trail of Meow and Xiaomei.

Miao Miao also holds space gems, Xiaomei has power gems, and infinite gems are connected by a trace. Ye Chui waved his soul gems out and used them to perceive them.

No matter what state Mei Xiao and Miao Miao are in now, they are sealed and trapped by some powerful secret realm, and the connection between the infinite gems cannot be cut off.

"I can feel the breath of space gems and power gems, very weak ..." Ye Chui thought secretly, then he extended his right hand, tried to drive the power of space gems, and opened a space portal in front of himself.

Space gem Ye Chuan only has the power to inherit and control, he can only use it in the Marvel world, but now that the heavens are coming, countless Marvel elements are integrated into the real world, space gems can continue to be held, and ... Ye Chuan After returning to the real world, I tried to contact and investigate the Shen Meteorological Organization for the first time, but found nothing.

He can conclude that there is no Shen Meteorological Organization at this point in time ... or that it has not been established yet, and has not been established by him.

The legendary item has uniqueness. Since the kitten in the god's fall does not appear at this stage, even if there is no element of the Marvel world, it can also be held, and as Ye Ling's ring spirit, Meow and his shared survivor Qualification, now the space gem should be held in the hands by Miao Miao.

Ye Chu, as the owner of the item, can remotely activate this legendary item, forcibly use this most powerful teleport item to open a door that connects himself.

He succeeded, he could feel the power of the space gem activated.

However, there was no portal in front of him.

The door was indeed activated, and according to his perception, it did appear on the ground in front of him, but now, it does not exist.

This is a very contradictory and weird feeling.

Ye Cui put away his outstretched hand, pacing back and forth in this open space, wondering what was the mystery in it. He suddenly turned to look at the buildings on the side of the street.

There ... there are traces of magic, a kind of secret magic that will confuse others' perceptions and make people unable to perceive what exists there.

Ye Chui discovered this, and a golden rune filled his eyes immediately, shielding himself from the influence of that secret magic momentarily. Then, a ruined building that seemed to have experienced many unknown years appeared in his vision. Among them, it was a quirky house compared to the surrounding architectural style. Ye Chui stepped inside and felt a little emotion in his heart.

He recognized it, this is the supreme sanctuary owned by Dr. Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

The heavens come, I do n’t know why let this supreme sanctuary also appear here.

But now its state does not seem to be very good, it is extremely ruined, and all the instruments and books inside have disappeared, filled with traces of corruption, and here Ye Ye also feels the breath left by the dragon, not long ago He also discovered the existence of the Supreme Sanctuary and came in and checked it in person, but he did not know why he disappeared.

There is no breath of life in this supreme sanctuary, and the items are all corrupted and ruined. You can hardly see any complete items. Some things only need to be touched and they will immediately become ashes.

"It turns out that ..." Ye Cui stood in the ruined Supreme Sanctuary, and suddenly understood what it was.

The power of time!

A force of time is acting in this area, and Xiaolong, Xiaomei, and Meow are trapped in it.

Ye Chu sensed that the space gem was here, driving the space gem to open the portal, but the portal did not open in front of Ye Chu. The reason is that although the portal was successfully opened, it did not open in "now", it exists in At other times.

The Supreme Sanctuary, which was originally linked to a legendary time rule item, is the gem of time!

Xiaolong, Xiaomei and Meow, they may now be trapped in an independent time loop.

Both Xiaomei and Miaomiao have infinite gems on them. When they end the game and return to the real world, they may sense the power of the time gem here, causing them to be accidentally involved in that time cycle. Xiaolong discovered the anomaly here. His killing fairy sword itself can control cause and effect, and has a certain power in the time domain, so he opened the time loop and entered into it.

With a move in his hand, Ye Chui summoned a legendary item, the Eternal Scepter, which is also a legendary item in the time domain.

As he gently took the eternal scepter on the ground, a layer of time-level ripples immediately rose to the surroundings, Ye Chui stepped into the ripples, and the next moment his body disappeared out of thin air.

He actually stood there, just ... at different times when he entered that place ~ ~ here is still the block, the sky is dim, and a layer of time film covers the whole block.

There are **** everywhere on the street, several cars crashed on the side of the road, the window glass is broken, and there is a house burning in the distance, but there is a terrible cold in the air, although this is New York City Ye Ye The bustling neighborhood I experienced, but the situation here is in stark contrast to the bustling and bustling people outside.

Wow, there was a sudden burst of noise from a nearby store. Ye Chui turned his head to look, and there was an unexpected expression on his face: No one was a zombie ... No, it was a Chinese zombie, who was bouncing out of it.

They caused a signal, and the other zombies followed one after another.

Most of them are ordinary zombies, but some of them have become jade corpses and flying corpses. It seems that the breath of the strangers on Ye Chui's body attracted them, and they rushed towards Ye Chui.

"These zombies ..." Ye Chui didn't feel too surprised by the siege of the corpses, he was just a little puzzled. "It seems that they were all transformed from Xiaomei? But they can't be controlled by me."

Ye Mei's life spell is imprinted in the core of Xiaomei's soul. She is a zombie that Ye Chui completely owns. The zombie she transformed should also be controlled by Ye Chui, but now these zombies here, Ye Chui is completely There is no way to control them.

In Ye Chui's hesitation, a car suddenly rushed past the corpse in the distance, a beautiful flick stopped in front of Ye Chui, the door opened, and a voice rushed to Ye Chui said: "No time to explain, get on the car!"


Sitting in the driver's seat of the car is a cat ... Captain Ribs under Meow Meow?

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