The Heavens Come

Chapter 835: Why do my zombies and cats fight?

Ye Chuan got into the car, and all the zombies surrounded him immediately.

Among them are jade corpses and flying corpses, which are no longer ordinary horror creatures, with stronger strength and faster speed, and may even give birth to some zombie talents.

But the car that the ribs are driving is also modified-the body of the ribs captain is a cat. Since it can drive this car, the driver's seat of this car has naturally been transformed.

At the same time, the outer shell of the car has also been strengthened and strengthened, so that zombies will not break through so easily.

Ye Chui is not without the ability to directly solve all these zombies, but he is very curious about what is happening here, so he temporarily does not look, watching the ribs skilled in driving the car, spinning around in place, throwing away the surrounding zombies , Followed by a claw throttle, a blue flame spewed out of the rear of the car, and the whole car flew out like a bullet in an instant.

He broke through the zombies and ran away in one direction.

"We have to leave here soon, or the guy will show up." While the ribs were driving, the two claws flexed the steering wheel, and the mouth explained to Ye Chu.

"That guy?" Ye Chui on the passenger's seat said as he looked at the scenery outside at night.

"Yes, Meow, King Haimiao has been fighting her for five years. All the zombies are caused by her." The ribs explained, "Master Haimiao knew you appeared, but she didn't want you. Fight that guy, so let me pick you up. "

"..." Ye Chui was a little silent, did that guy ... mean Xiaomei?

In fact, the first time Ye Chui entered the world closed in this time, he clearly felt the breath of Meow and Xiaomei, but they gave Ye Chui a strange feeling.

Especially Xiaomei, Ye Chui ’s natal charm, which remained in the core of her soul, seemed very weak.

And Meow, she is still Ye Chu's ring spirit, but Ye Chu feels that she is constantly urging the power of space gems and is fighting something.

What happened here?

The car ran all the way, and Ye Cui suddenly felt a slight vibration coming from the ground, turning his head to look behind him, Ye Chui's eyes were filled with gold, his eyes penetrated the body and the night, and he saw countless zombies chasing from behind come.

There are also new zombies rushing out of the building next door.

Above these zombies, He Zheng saw a blood red.

There is one of the most powerful zombies floating in the air, entangled in blood and blood, and the blood is arrogantly fluttering. The purple group on the body is very scary, and she is Xiaomei!

Only she seemed completely out of control.


"The power gem disappeared in her body?" Ye Chui felt exactly what.

Because the power gem is integrated into the body, Xiaomei's combat system is completely different from that of ordinary zombies. She shows only the zombie levels of flying corpses and blood corpses, but her combat power has reached the most terrifying king corpse level.

Now, the Power Gem doesn't know why it disappeared. The power of the zombie in Xiaomei's body is not controlled, so that she has completely entered the realm of the zombie king.

It is also because of the improvement of this realm that Ye Chui's life spells left in her mind have been greatly suppressed.

After all, the charm was only imprinted when Ye Chui first came into contact with the spell. The power was actually very weak. Previously, there was no runaway because Xiao Mei itself would not resist the power of the spell, but now she accidentally entered the realm of the king ’s corpse, and her consciousness fell into madness Reduced the power of this spell.

If you want, Ye Chui can immediately help Xiao Mei re-seal her and restore her consciousness, but he thought about it for a moment and finally gave up. Miao Miao let the ribs pick him up because she was so busy that she could n’t walk away. And she understands Ye Chuai's power and Xiaomei's state. She must know that Ye Chuai will try to seal her if she meets Xiaomei. There is obviously no reason why she doesn't want Ye Chu to do this.

When thinking about it, the car had reached the edge of the block, and a strange film of time enveloped it. Outside the film was chaotic nothingness, and any random entry into it would immediately be disturbed by the chaotic flow of time.

The car hit the film straight, but just before it touched the film, a layer of blue light wrapped the car. The next moment, the car passed a portal and entered another space.

Ye Chui came down from the car and looked around.

It looks like a warehouse here. The dim light brings a little light, but the atmosphere is still annoying.

At the same time, Ye Chu also felt that this space did not leave the scope of the time mask, it was located underground in the block.

The space gem in Miao Miao's hands is maintaining here, and only Miao Miao agrees that outsiders can enter here.

"Master Haimiao Wang is ..." The ribs walked off the car. Although he was cat-shaped, he stood upright like a scholar, and he was still wearing military uniforms, and he looked funny.

"I know." Ye Cui nodded and disappeared without a flash.

This underground base is supported by the power of space gems, and the power of space gems is everywhere, and Ye Chuai can control these energies. He senses the position of meow and uses space energy to appear in front of her immediately.

The place where he appears next moment is a deeper space underground.

It looked like a dilapidated garage, or a garage was moved here out of thin air. Miao Miao and Xiaolong were standing in front of Ye Chui. When they saw Ye Chui appearing, they all showed their joy.

"Ye Chui, you're finally here." Xiaolong's voice said with a little tiredness.

Miao Miao also shouted with joy: "Master Silver!"

"What's going on?" Ye Cui wondered.

At this moment, Miao Miao and Xiao Long are standing in front of a stone sculpture. The sculpture is as beautiful as it is almost exactly like a real person, and it is actually the ancient one in the world of Marvel.

With a faint shock on her face, she was making strange gestures, and the eye of Agomo on her chest was already half-open.

As if at a certain moment she realized what was happening, she immediately wanted to turn on the Time Gem for defense, but the result came abnormally, freezing her and the Time Gem.

But still some of the time energy diffused out, forming an uncontrolled time mask outside.

As Ye Chui spoke, he raised his hand and placed it on the top of Gu Yi's head, with a golden light spell condensed in his hand and enveloped on the stone statue.

The stone statues are full of manic powers of time rules. Those forces form a vortex, absorbing everything crazy. Xiaolong and Miao Miao are using the greatest power to stabilize the state of the vortex. This is a very difficult job.

However, when Ye Chui ’s golden light spell was shrouded on the stone statue, the amount of violent violence in the stone statue immediately subsided. Although Ye Chui has not yet fully grasped the origin, but the distance of one step has made him for various rule forces Generated a strong suppression force.

Xiaolong and Miaomiao were relieved.

And Meow immediately flew to Ye Chui's body, she seemed to give up her image as a big brother, really like a kitten, kindly rubbed her head with her head, and stretched out Tongue licked Ye Chui's face to express his long-term reunion with the owner.

Ye Chui gently patted the head of the meow hanging on his body, strangely said: "How did you become this form?"

The meow now looks like 13 or 4 years old, and has a meter of four or five meters. The original little loli is so normal to Ye Ye that Ye Chu still feels normal, but it can become a big loli, and it feels a bit Weird.

"Meow? This is my body now." Meow came down from Ye Chuan and looked down at his body to explain.

"Huh?" The original Loli, grew up ...

The image of Miao Miao's body is changed according to her will. When she could just integrate Slappy to get the ontology consciousness, her body showed the appearance of Loli because her self-cognition was a little Loli.

But with time and time, she will also gradually grow up in cognition, and her body shape will also change.

Claudia has a similar growth pattern to her.

Only the time will be very long ...

Now Miao Miao's body turned into a girl from Loli, Ye Cui couldn't help frowning: "How many years have you been trapped here?"

At the same time, she also realized that the meow in front of her was completely different from the kitten that Shenmei had.

However, there are still differences in appearance.

"Ten years meow ~" said Meow, holding Ye Chui's arm and rubbing his head on Ye Chui's shoulder.

"Ten years ..." Ye Cui was slightly surprised, and looked at Xiaolong again.

"I have also been in for a few days."

Xiaolong was sorting out his long hair, so he explained: "The heavens are coming at the end of the Battle Royale, and the game of God seems to have been affected ... Perhaps because of the confusion caused by the undead ’s attempt to borrow the role of the Marvel movie world, Or maybe there is a survivor who wants to directly occupy Gu Yi ’s role and come to reality, but it obviously failed. Gu Yi should have realized that something was wrong and forcibly opened the power of the time gem, and the worlds of the sky collapsed. At that time, the time gem 'S power has spread out and enveloped the block, turning it into a time-barred territory. "

"The time here will begin to cycle from early morning. After one day of activity, all will be reset to zero in the early morning, and then start again, and continue to cycle. I was initially trapped in this cycle for a few months, and then I finally understood the source of the anomaly and found With the stone statue of Gu Yi and the vortex of time in its body about to swallow everything, I built this area with space gems. The time here is at a normal flow rate, but I also need to keep it here and stabilize the time in the ancient unity. Whirlpool. "Miao Miao then explained," Xiao Mei will find this place even after a short time, and it will be inevitable to fight her once. "

"It turns out that way." Ye Chui nodded. One day outside, this is one year ... Of course, this statement is actually wrong, because strictly speaking, there is only one day in the time cover, and the cycle will end when the day is over.

It was only meow that he used the power of space gems to fight against time gems, which allowed the time flow in this place to be synchronized with the outside world.

"You have worked hard." Ye Cui rubbed Meow's head and asked strangely, "What's the matter with Xiaomei?"

"After we returned to the real world, UU reading accidentally entered this time restricted area, and at that time Xiaomei didn't know why, the power gem in the body suddenly disappeared ... She also immediately became the most powerful king Corpse, "Miao Miao said to Ye Chui," I tried to wake her up, but as soon as her will returned to the slightest sobriety, she immediately became mad and quickly fell back into madness, as if she was afraid of something ... "

"Fear of sobriety ..." Ye Cui wondered, and then he suddenly understood what was happening, "It is the uniqueness caused by the paradox of time and space!"

"Uniqueness?" Xiaolong and Miao Miao looked at Ye Cui curiously.

"Legendary items are unique, and so are people." Ye Cui understood the key, "There can't be two people in the same time and space ... Another Xiaomei is about to be born in the real world!"

The uniqueness is not the body, the identity, but the soul. It is the self-cognition and personality consciousness. Because Xiaomei is about to be born at this time, the original Xiaomei will be forcibly obliterated as long as he restores his self-consciousness. .

When Ye Qingmei was born at this point in time, Ye Qingmei, who had fallen into the sky, would be immediately affected, and his body would be degenerate, which is the power of such obliteration.

The kitten once appeared at the same time as Miao Miao, but at that time, Miao Miao ’s soul and self-cognition had not yet been fully formed, so it did not touch the uniqueness, and now Xiao Mei is a zombie, when Ye Chui met her In fact, she has already produced her own personality. Once her consciousness is awakened, she will change back to that little charm and suffer the threat of obliteration, so she will wake up instinctively fearing the will.

At the same time, it also shows that Xiaomei, like Ye Qingmei, was sent back to the past from this time and space!

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