The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 997: The war is over, the dragons are scattered

Soon, after Dongfang Nuo led the Moshuang army to kill all the Qin army, Shi Dakai and others also led the army to Guanghan County.

Looking at the corpses here, Shi Dakai showed such an expression on his face.

"I knew it, I can't even drink broth!"

The enemies have all been wiped out.

Calculated according to the number of enemies killed, Shi Dakai's King Yi army killed the fewest enemies!

Originally, he could fight to the death with Meng Tian's Great Wall Army, but he didn't expect that most of the soldiers of the Great Wall Army would die in the hands of the rangers of the Excalibur Army.

Compared with the number of enemies killed by other armies in the Shenzhou Army, the King Yi Army did not achieve satisfactory results in killing enemies.

"Shi Shuai, General Ye Xuan, brother holding the sword."

Seeing Shi Dakai and others coming in person, the smile on Dongfang Nuo's face never faded.

He is happy.

It is a great credit for the moshuang army under his command to defeat the two armies.

Today, in front of the sword holder, he can finally feel proud once, right?

"General Dongfang has worked hard."

Shi Dakai patted him on the shoulder, then looked at the sword holder and said: "In the future, the two of you will shoulder the important task of promoting the prestige of our Shenzhou Legion!"

It's not that he doesn't want to work hard, but that the Excalibur Army and Moshuang Army are too powerful.

In an ordinary army, soldiers generally only have the skills of one unit.

During the battle, activate the unit skills, and then rush to fight the enemy desperately.

But Ranger Army is different.

Now Ranger has fully grown up.

Although under Cheng Mu's deliberate control, these rangers gradually forgot their status as rangers.

But each of them has at least ten powerful skills, which are almost unsolvable on the battlefield.

Now the Sword Immortal of the Divine Sword Army with the strength of the Zhenguo Realm can kill the strong in the Divine Gate Realm.

Once the sword bearer leads them to break the shackles of ranger qualifications, then maybe they will be able to be strong in the God of War platform, strong in the palace of God...

With special skills, this is the most unique and powerful place for rangers.

It is also because of this particularity that it is impossible for ranger soldiers and aboriginal soldiers to be truly unified!

"Thank you Shi Shuai for your trust! Since you are a member of the Shenzhou Legion, you will definitely work for the Shenzhou Legion!"

Dongfang Nuo has no modesty.

The Moshuang army under his command has this strength, so why pretend to be modest?

Being too humble can sometimes turn into hypocrisy!

"I don't know **** the enemy in this battle, brother holding sword?"

After responding to Shi Dakai, Dongfang Nuo couldn't wait to compare the results with the sword-wielding Excalibur Army.

"Hehe, it's only four million enemy heads."

The sword bearer is very humble, so humble that he becomes an invisible pretense.

In fact, the Excalibur Army under his command not only killed four million enemy troops, but to be precise, there should be four million and one hundred thousand.

However, before the number of five million was reached, the sword holder felt that it was boring, so he said it was four million.

"Huh? Four million!"

Hearing the answer from the sword-wielder, Dongfang Nuomen was stunned.

"You... how did you have such a big victory?"

The total number of enemy troops is only 10 million.

The Excalibur Army killed four million enemies. Doesn't that mean they killed half of the Qin Army?

"Hehe, good luck, good luck!"

Seeing Dongfang Nuo's astonished expression, the sword bearer smiled even more modestly.

He said he was lucky, but he was already happy in his heart.

He enjoyed the feeling of being silently pretentious. Invisible pretense is the deadliest!


In an instant, all the pride and joy in Dongfang Nuo's heart disappeared.

Even, he felt ashamed.

‘I’m still complacent about the two million battle results, but the sword bearer’s Excalibur Army has already killed four million enemy troops. '

'no! I want to work hard! I, the Moshuang Army, will become stronger! '

Ashamed and remorseful, Dongfang Nuo's heart rose again with a strong fighting spirit!

He comforted himself: 'It's not that my Moshuang army can only achieve two million battle results, but that my enemy only has two million! '

For a moment, boom!

With such a fighting spirit and state of mind, he, who didn't advance after killing Ying Ji and Meng Ao, officially stepped into the back realm of Shenmen at this moment!

"Congratulations, Brother Dongfang!"

For a while, after Dongfang Nuo advanced, congratulations rang out endlessly!

The smile on Shi Dakai's face became even wider!

He said happily: "From today onwards, the two of you are enough to stand alone!"

The Shenjian army and the Moshuang army at the beginning were characterized by strong soldiers and weak generals, and the strength of the main general was far inferior to the rest of the army.

But now.

After the sword-wielder advances to the half-step altar, he can already kill enemies at the initial stage of the altar.

Although Dongfang Nuo only advanced to the back stage of the God Gate, relying on the special and powerful skills of the ranger, Shi Dakai believed that Dongfang Nuo could fight against the half-step God Stage powerhouse!

On the altar, the shrine?

No, on Earth and Star at this time, how could there be so many powerhouses in the kingdoms?

This time, all they can meet are the elites of Qin State, the most powerful army and commander of Qin State.

Naturally, in this case, it seems that the enemies are all half-step altars, altars, or even strong in the palace realm.

"Thank you Shi Shuai for your cultivation!"

Dongfang Nuo swept away the haze just now, and the fighting spirit in his heart became stronger!


At this time, the trapped dragon array that originally locked the world was also opened.

The black flood dragon and the remaining nine descendants of the god-level dragon descendants appeared in front of everyone.

"Congratulations, generals."

At this time, the black dragon's face was pale, and the nine dragon heirs behind him were also weak.

In order to bring all Qin's army to death, they paid the price of nine dragon heirs of the Divine Sect Realm!

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing the dragon heirs who suffered heavy losses, Shi Da suddenly felt guilty in his heart.

In order for them to kill the enemy freely, these dragon descendants actually paid the price of their lives!

"After this battle, I will definitely report to His Majesty, requesting His Majesty to revive the Dragon Brothers who died in battle!"

Shi Dakai made a promise.

Since these dragon descendants died for them, then he, Shi Dakai, has the responsibility to bring these ten dragon descendants back to the world!

Although one dragon heir died in the hands of Zhang Liang.

But it also died fighting for the Apocalypse Empire.

"Thank you Shi Shuai."

Hei Jiao clasped his fists together, but he said hesitantly: "You don't have to trouble Your Majesty with the resurrection."

"After all, they have completely integrated with us!"

He didn't hide it, after all, these things couldn't be hidden.

"Merged into one with you? What do you mean?"

Shi Dakai didn't react for a while, and asked in surprise: "Did you eat them?"

If this is the case, then he has to take a good look at these dragon descendants.


Seeing that Shi Dakai became suspicious, Long Si hurriedly explained: "They dedicated themselves to the trapped dragon formation, and the trapped dragon formation will feed back the remaining power to us when it ends."

"Naturally, they who dedicated themselves to the Dragon Formation have now merged with us!"

They are just avoiding wasting the remaining energy of the trapped dragon formation.

If leaked, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So their ten dragon heirs at the altar level shared the remaining energy.

If it is said that the black flood dragon has no selfishness at all? There must be.

It's just that it's aboveboard and it matters the overall situation.

The nine Dragon Heirs who died at the Divine Sect Realm will die.

"So everyone can rest well. Everything will be decided by His Majesty in the end."

Shi Dakai was unable to convict or claim credit for the Heijiao people for a while.

The dragon's heirs have made some contributions, but whether Hei Jiao's selfishness will turn his own achievements into faults is up to Cheng Mu himself to decide!


Then, when everyone gathered, Shi Da issued an order:

"Retire the army, let's go to Chang'an City first and have a few drinks!"

To be on the safe side, they still decided to go to Chang'an.

If Xu Da can conquer Chang'an, then everyone will be happy.

If there is a change, they can also rush to help immediately.

This big man, they will be destroyed!

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