The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 998: Jiang Ziya's strategy

Qin, Langya County.

As soon as Ying Zheng's car arrived here, the whole of Daqin became dark.

Flying sand and gravel, Ying Zheng spurted out a mouthful of blood.


The blood splattered high, staining the entire carriage compartment red.

"His Majesty!"

Under Li Si's trembling shouts, Ying Zheng passed out!

Soon, news of the annihilation of Qin's army spread to Qin.

For a moment, people panic.

Many people have begun to worry, when will the army of the Apocalypse Empire invade Qin?

Those rangers who belonged to Qin also looked horrified at this time.

"That is to say, Cheng Mu won a big victory with one against two?"

"My darling, I thought Da Qin was the strongest, but Bai Qi couldn't stop the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire!"

"I heard that the two ranger armies of the Apocalypse Empire are invincible, the Excalibur Army and the Moshuang Army!"

"Then Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba are also very strong! I, Cao, will not be as strong as Li, but the scene of the two of them fighting Xiang Yu must be spectacular!"

"It's just that Yingzheng is a bit stupid. He killed the emperor and the emperor's army. Otherwise, our Great Qin would have an army of powerful rangers!"

"Don't talk about it, now do you think who among us dares to stand up? Those who took a little arrogant name were found out and hacked to death while hiding in the deep mountains and old forests!"

"What should we do? Should we just surrender?"


The Qin Empire had the largest number of rangers, at least more than 300 million at the beginning.

It is precisely because of the huge number of rangers that Daqin jumped to the top of the earth star comprehensive national power ranking list.

However, when the rangers began to show their talents, Ying Zheng was afraid of their strength.

After more than half a year of slaughter, many powerful rangers in the Qin Empire were beheaded, and even the emperor's army, known as the first ranger army of the Qin Empire, was also slaughtered.

Under the high pressure of Ying Zheng, how dare the rangers of the Qin State dare to take the lead?

Although Ying Zheng drove them to fight several times, the results were not satisfactory.

Some rangers even went to other countries to take advantage of foreign wars.

At this time, there are only half of the remaining rangers in Qin.

There is a saying among the rangers in the Qin State: The dog-like Ying Zheng doesn't treat us as human beings, and I won't serve you anymore!

Many rangers turned around and ran after shouting this sentence.

In this chaotic national war time, who cares where they go.

However, the surviving rangers of the Qin State actually still have a glimmer of hope and fantasy for this country.

However, after the Qin army was wiped out by the Han Empire, the only luck left in their hearts was gone.

The Great Qin Empire is about to perish!

"His grandma, why am I so unwilling?"

"I don't care, Lao Tzu's Great Qin is number one in the world! Lao Tzu's idol Ying Zheng is invincible in the world!"

"Brothers, don't care! Even if we die, we must stand with Daqin!"

"Brothers, go to Xianyang Palace, let's save this country by ourselves!"

"Jiu Jiu Lao Qin, let's go to the country together!"

Although some people know that things cannot be done, they cannot. But in desperate situations, they will always fall into their own stubbornness.

"Since the ranger army of the Apocalypse Empire is strong, let's form a few more ranger armies!"

"That's right, if Ying Zheng still dares to raise the butcher's knife against us, we will hack him to death and become emperor ourselves!"

"Brothers, whoever is incompetent will be the emperor, but the banner of Daqin cannot be toppled!"

This is a group of mindless Qin country rangers.

Even if Ying Zheng hated them, spurned them, and killed them, they were still willing to follow Qin!

This is actually a group of patients who are already terminally ill.

But it's just this group of patients who want to shed the last drop of blood for Daqin!


"Zi Ya! Zi Ya!"

In the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, the panic-stricken Ji Fa hurriedly summoned Jiang Ziya.

At this time, what he saw through the mirror was the scene of the million sword army sword fairy flying with the sword.

Seeing the peerless demeanor of the Sword Immortal of the Excalibur Army, Ji Fa panicked.

His voice was trembling: "Zi Ya, the strength of this army is already comparable to the immortal soldiers of my Great Zhou?"

The Immortal Soldiers of the Great Zhou also had this power.

That is to say, Cheng Mu now has an army that can rival his Great Zhou Immortal Soldiers!

"For Your Majesty... yes."

Jiang Ziya also frowned at this time.

Looking at the million sword immortals, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

belittle? Disdain?

But judging from the power of the Excalibur Army's millions of sword immortals, this is an immortal soldier!

"Also, there is another army!"

Ji Fa hastily recalled the scene of Mo Shuang's army attacking.

He anxiously said: "Although this army is not as good as my Great Zhou Immortal Armament, its strength is actually not far behind!"

After the soldiers of the Moshuang army killed two million Qin troops, their strength also took half a step to conquer the country.

Naturally, this is an army that looks extremely extraordinary.

There are already shadows of immortal soldiers on their bodies!

"Your Majesty, there is no need to panic. At this moment, they only have two armies comparable to our immortal soldiers."

In the end, Jiang Ziya decided to appease Ji Fa first.

And the truth is what he said.

Can two immortal soldiers be rampant in front of his great Zhou? Dreaming!

"Zi Ya, they now have two immortal soldiers, and there will be three, four, five, ten, or even a hundred in the future!"

"Now that the Qi Empire occupies such a vast area, their population is tens of thousands of times larger than my Zhou!"

Ji Fa was more sensible than Jiang Ziya at this time.

His Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is very strong and has several immortal soldiers.

But in terms of national territory, the huge Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is only equivalent to a state in the Tianqi Empire.

Moreover, this territory was snatched by Ji Fa and his army after fighting to the death in the upper realm.

The original territory of the real Great Zhou was only half the size of the Shenzhou Province of the Apocalypse Empire.

So compared to the number of troops, Ji Fa's Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is definitely not comparable to Cheng Mu's Tianqi Empire!

"Your Majesty, we can no longer intervene in the war on Earth and Stars."

Jiang Ziya shook his head.

How could he not know this truth.

But after announcing the closure of the Immortal Gate, how can they punish Cheng Mu and the Tianqi Empire?

Could it be that Da Zhou had to kill two generals again?

"Your Majesty, Xingyue of the Moon Empire is an unreasonable and stupid person!"

Jiang Ziya was a little angry.

If that Xingyue could reason and abide by certain rules of ranger, then his general Zhao She would not be killed!

"So we just have to sit and wait?"

Ji said angrily: "After half a year, who knows how many new immortal soldiers will be added to the Tianqi Empire?"

The strength of the Divine Sword Army and the Moshuang Army had already made Ji Fa feel threatened.

"If no action is taken, I am sure that in half a year, there will definitely not be only these two immortal soldiers in the Apocalypse Empire!"

They can't just watch Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire develop steadily like this.

They have to do something!

"Your Majesty, we can't do it ourselves."

Jiang Ziya thought for a while, and then said quietly: "In this case, why don't we borrow from others?"

Since Earth Star's Fan Kingdom cannot match Cheng Mu's Tianqi Empire, Jiang Ziya has to think of other ways.

"Now in the Chinese mainland, who else is the opponent of the Apocalypse Empire?"

Ji Fa also wanted to do the same, but he couldn't find a target to drive!

"Your is a continent that is closest to the Huaxia Continent overseas, named East Asia Continent."

"The gods there are weak, we can drive them!"

Jiang Ziya said confidently.

They can not come out, but they can secretly drive the gods of other civilizations to take action!

"Is that so? Will it attract criticism?"

Ji Fa was suddenly worried when he heard that he was united with other civilization gods.

At any rate, he also bears the name of a king of the Huaxia tribe.

He thinks it is inappropriate to rashly join forces with gods of other civilizations to attack the forces within his own clan, and it will damage the reputation of other kings!


Seeing Ji Fa's worry, Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "I only think of them as chickens and dogs, why not drive them?"

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