The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 999: Liu Che's desperate situation

In mythology, Jiang Ziya is unparalleled in wisdom, helps the world, and cares about the common people.

He is the apprentice of the sage Yuanshi Tianzun. He whips the gods with one hand and seals the gods with the other hand, commanding the gods and gods to obey.

That Jiang Ziya must be immeasurably powerful.

What if Cheng Mu is made to be an enemy of the mythical Jiang Ziya? Then Cheng Mu would definitely not be in such a hurry to die!

However, Jiang Ziya in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is not the Jiang Ziya in the myth, he is just a person.

Since he is a minister, he must serve Ji Fa and the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

He also cares about the common people, wishing the country and the people peace.

However, this common people are the common people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. This Guotai Min'an is the Guotai Min'an of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

For Jiang Ziya, whether it is the Apocalypse Empire or other forces, they are all outsiders and enemies.

Since he is an enemy, why should he care whether his strategy is a conspiracy or a conspiracy?

Can't see anyone? Criticism?

Do not!

As long as it can annihilate the enemy's strategy, it is an excellent strategy!

"Okay, I agree."

Under Jiang Ziya's persuasion, Ji Fa finally agreed to drive the immortals from other countries.

However, he still warned: "We must not reveal our identities for the time being."

"Didn't you hear that the Western protoss are also putting pressure on the protoss of East Asian civilization? We will use their identities!"

In the end, Ji Fa was still afraid of the strength of the Moon Empire.

To drive the protoss of East Asian civilization openly? Do not! Ji Fa didn't want any more generals to die under his command!


Big man, Chang'an.

Liu Che has woken up.

But when he learned that Daqin's army was also wiped out, he fell into deep despair.

"It's over! It's over!"

"Cheng Mu, you must die! You must die!"

The army of the Apocalypse Empire has entered the city of Chang'an, and the mighty Han Empire is about to perish!

As the lord of the Han Empire, how could Liu Che not collapse?

While wailing, he didn't dare to go down and face his ancestors!

"Your Majesty, we... let's withdraw!"

After Liu Che's mood stabilized for a while, a **** asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, the north gate of Chang'an City has not yet been besieged by the enemy. That is the last way for us to leave the city!"

"Your Majesty, please move the north gate!"

The eunuchs don't want to die here. They have nothing to pursue and just want to survive.

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw?"

Liu Che's heart was filled with despair, and he laughed at himself and said, "Hehe, in this world, who else can stand in the way of the Apocalypse Empire's troops?"

"I, Dahan and Daqin have lost together, so presumably Ji Fa, who is so tall, can't sit still?"

He thought that Ji Fa would help, but he didn't.

So there was a trace of dissatisfaction with Ji Fa in his heart.

Ji Fa, who claims to be the Immortal Emperor, is actually indifferent to this disrespectful Cheng Mu?

Liu Che knew that he had lost, and he lost completely.

Since he couldn't keep the family business left by his ancestors, why not apologize with death?

"Your Majesty, we can go to sea!"

The little **** did not give up, he was still persuading: "My servant heard that there are many islands in the sea, and there will be an island where Your Majesty can accommodate you!"

If you can't beat it, then run away!

As handicapped people, the little eunuchs just want to follow Liu Che through the final glory and wealth.

Once Chang'an City is breached, even if they are not killed, they will probably live like dogs.

"Huh? Then develop your power, and then take the opportunity to fight back, right?"

Hearing what the little **** said, Liu Che sneered. He has seen this kind of bridge in many stories.

Although the story book is easy to write, it is extremely difficult to do.


"Let me escape from the land of the Han Dynasty in despair?"

"Do not!"

Liu Che roared: "I would rather die!"

He is the emperor of the Han Dynasty, a man of the Han nationality! Even if he dies, he will die on the land of the big man!

Hiding on an overseas island to survive? He, Liu Che, is not that kind of person!

"Your Majesty, but..."

The little **** still wanted to persuade.

However, the next second.


Liu Che drew out a long sword, and cut off the little eunuch's head with one blow.

"If anyone dares to disturb the morale of our army, he will be killed!"

Liu Che roared!

Today, not only is he going to die, but he also wants to make the people of Chang'an City shed their last drop of blood for the big man!

"Boom! Boom!"

When Xu Da led the Mingzhou Army to attack the city, the defenders of Chang'an City who were not afraid of death came out of the city.

They are the last blood of the Han Empire army.

What they represent is the last glory of the big man!

"Crush them!"

Seeing these weak ants, Xu Da gave the order to kill them.

The soldiers of the Mingzhou Legion have recovered their strength. Although they haven't fully replenished the number of troops under their command, they can conquer Chang'an City with just this remnant army!

"Big Han generals, go to death!"

At this time, Liu Che also came to the city wall.

Seeing the densely packed Mingzhou army outside the city, his face was expressionless.

He was going to die anyway.

At this time, no matter how many troops Cheng Mu sent over, he didn't care.

"Xu Shuai, Liu Che has appeared!"

Liu Che's arrival made Chang Yuchun and others extremely happy.

They all want to kill Liu Che and win this unworldly feat!

"Well, everyone be careful!"

Faced with the generals under his command who were eager to try, Xu Da hurriedly said: "If this Liu Che combines the power of the big man's national destiny, he will be a stubble!"

At this time, they didn't know that Guan Hai was fighting with Zhang Liang and the fate of the Han Empire.

So they still have to be prepared to defend against the enemy!

"So what if he fuses the military soul?"

But at this moment, Chang Yuchun sneered and said: "The big man's land has already been destroyed, and all the soldiers under his command have also been wiped out."

"At this time, the fate of the Han Dynasty is the bleakest, right?"

How could they be afraid of a power of national fortune that was about to dissipate?

"Well, let's go together!"

Xu Da actually thought so too.

Now that their generals are gathered together, it's time to send Liu Che off for the last time!


When the remaining three million troops of the Mingzhou Legion attacked together, the huge city of Chang'an was also trembling.

Now there is only Feng Fengshi's army in Chang'an City.

Wanting to defend the huge city of Chang'an with millions of people is simply a dream!

And at this time, Feng Fengshi actually didn't want to fight anymore.

"Grandma, this is a deadly situation. If I knew it earlier, this general would have led his army to surrender!"

Feng Fengshi is sorry.

If he had surrendered to the Apocalypse Empire earlier, he would not have been caught in such a dilemma.

"General Feng, there will be no accidents in this battle, right?"

Liu Che looked at him coldly.

At the beginning, when Liu Che learned that Feng Fengshi had fled back with his army alone, Liu Che was so angry that he wanted to tear him into pieces.

However, under the persuasion of everyone, Liu Che felt that Feng Fengshi was still useful, so he didn't kill him.

Of course, Liu Che didn't expect Feng Fengshi's million-strong army to be able to defend the city of Chang'an.

What he wanted was for Feng Fengshi, who should have died for the country, to die for the country.

'We are all going to die. Before dying, no one can be a traitor! '

This is Liu Che's death order!

Even if Feng Fengshi regretted wanting to be a traitor, he would have to wait until his next life.

"Please... please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

Forced by Liu Che's murderous intent, Feng Fengshi could only lower his head!

He has no chance!

"Hahaha, Liu Che is going to die!"

As soon as Feng Fengshi finished speaking, Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi rushed over together.

To be on the safe side, the two generals did not hesitate to work together.

As long as Liu Che is killed, this unworldly feat will belong to the two of them!

"Go away!"

Liu Che scolded angrily.

After all, he was also an emperor through the ages, not someone like Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi could touch him.


With just an angry reprimand, Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi were knocked back.

Even without the blessing of the power of national destiny, Liu Che still bears the effect of imperial prestige at this time.

The majesty of the emperor should not be approached by ordinary people!

"Oh! You still want to resist?"

After the blow was knocked back, Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi charged forward again with roars.

The blow just now was like tickling on them.

After his strength set foot in the middle of the divine stage, Chang Yuchun's strength was even stronger than Liu Che's.

If Liu Che hadn't summoned the Great Han Guoyun to come to his aid today, I'm afraid Liu Che would really die here today!


I saw Chang Yuchun jumping high, and the long knife in his hand slashed Liu Che's head.

That extremely powerful power and murderous intent locked in, leaving Liu Che with nowhere to escape!


But at this moment, the big man's National Luck Golden Dragon instantly appeared in front of Liu Che.

Chang Yuchun's long knife slashed on the body of the Dahan Guoyun Golden Dragon, and he was immediately thrown away.

And after all the golden dragons of national fortune got into Liu Che's body, Liu Che, who was originally weak, once again showed his great strength!

Half step Shrine!

Although the national fortune of the Han Dynasty has been reduced by more than half.

But with the blessing of the Golden Dragon of National Luck, Liu Che still stepped into the half-step shrine in one fell swoop!

"You wait to die!"

After his strength was promoted to half-step Jingong, Liu Che's attack power became more ferocious.

He wants to drag everyone to be buried with him!

Under the thunderstorm attack, Chang Yuchun flew upside down.

At this moment, Liu Che was completely in a state of desperation and runaway.

He doesn't want this country, he doesn't want to live a noble life. What he wants is to kill all the enemies he can see!

"This Liu Che is crazy, Brother Qing, be careful."

Looking at Liu Che who fell into madness, Chang Yuchun who flew back reminded him.

Chen Qingzhi currently only has the strength of the initial stage of the Shentai. In the face of Liu Che, a half-step divine palace realm who is running wild and rampant, he may be injured if he is a little careless.

"Okay! Thank you Brother Yuchun for reminding me!"

Chen Qingzhi nodded.

So what if Liu Che is crazy? This is actually a better killing.

Liu Che, who is crazy and insane, is full of flaws all over his body at this moment!


At the same time, when Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi were fighting Liu Che, Zhang Liang, who had been fighting Guan Hai for a long time, suddenly turned pale.

In the beginning, he was able to suppress Guan Hai in the joint Dahan Kingdom Yun Jinlong.

However, since he lost the help of the great Han's power of fortune, Zhang Liang is still Guan Hai's opponent.

Seeing the murderous Guan Hai slashing at him, he almost chopped off Zhang Liang's head!

He has only half-step Divine Palace Realm strength.

If Guan Hai hadn't been consumed for so long, his breathing would be unstable. Otherwise, he would have died under Guan Hai's sword long ago!

"Grandfather... cough cough... Grandfather line up!"

Zhang Liang, who survived, gushed blood from his mouth.

Under his desperate roar, the book in his hand turned into a golden light that filled the sky.

And amidst the shining golden light, golden gods and men appeared between heaven and earth.

They surrounded Guan Hai in the middle, and they pressed Guan Hai with a powerful force!

These powers have turned into substance, which is the golden glow that fills the sky.

In an instant, the entire world was surrounded by golden brilliance!

"Is this your method?"

Feeling the tremendous pressure from the golden god, Guan Hai slowly raised the long knife in his hand.

His Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife has long since turned golden So he took a new name for his beloved sword.

Prison Suppressing Sword!

His Immortal Suppressing Prison Saber has already killed many gods, but he still wants to kill more.

Today's Zhang Liang, half-step **** of the real fairyland of the palace, can be regarded as one!


With a roar, an even more domineering and gorgeous golden light streaked across the sky.

The golden brilliance not only shattered the god-man in the sky, but also tore apart the space.

The leaked sword energy annihilated countless demons outside the territory.

The bewildered monsters also died under Guan Hai's sword!

For a while, the enmity between the Demon Race and the Apocalypse Empire intensified!

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