
Under Guan Hai's knife, Zhang Liang's body was broken in two and fell to the ground.

For a time, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the world was sad.

Under the boundless rain of sorrow, the national fortune of the Han Empire was greatly reduced again.

Liu Che, who is far away in Chang'an City, can't stand it now!

The dissipation of the fate of the country caused his strength to fall from the realm of the half-step **** palace to the realm of the gods.

With such false strength, it is simply vulnerable to Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi!


Chang Yuchun's offensive has completely gained the upper hand.

Liu Che, who was running madly, had numerous scars on his body.

At this time, even Chen Qingzhi, who was at the beginning of the altar, could leave wounds on Liu Che's body.

The final blow depends on who killed Liu Che between the two of them!

"Ah ah ah! You die! You are all going to die!"

Liu Che, who was retreating steadily, roared in despair.

He wanted to drag someone to be buried with him, but the gap in strength made him unable to do what he wanted.

Desperation enveloped the entire city of Chang'an, many people walked out of their homes and knelt down on the ground with sad faces.

In such desperation, some people in the Han Kingdom even chose to end their lives.

Die with the country!

"Your Majesty, I will help you in the future!"

At the critical moment, Feng Fengshi, who had been hesitating in the city for a long time, rushed forward.

He rushed to Liu Che's side, shouting to help Liu Che!

"Your Majesty, kill Chang Yuchun, and leave Chen Qingzhi to me!"

Feng Fengshi roared.

It seemed that he was going to die together with the big man today.

"it is good!"

Under the desperate situation, what else is there for Liu Che to refuse and hesitate?

As long as he can kill Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi, Liu Che will die in peace today!


But in the next second, before Liu Che finished speaking.

A sharp knife suddenly pierced Liu Che's chest.

If it wasn't for the bad angle of the blow, Liu Che's heart would have been torn apart.

"you you...."

Looking at Feng Fengshi with a fierce face, Liu Che never imagined that Feng Fengshi would turn his back on him at this time!

The piercing pain made his whole body stiff.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Feng Fengshi dared to take his own head, Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi were instantly angry.

They were still arguing over who killed Liu Che?

However, this Feng Fengshi actually desperately wanted to destroy their inexorable achievements?

Ever since, before Feng Fengshi turned his head with a flattering look on his face, Chang Yuchun chopped off his head with the knife in his hand.

At the same time, Chen Qingzhi, who was one body behind, shot Liu Che completely!

For a time, the whole country of the big man was in grief.

The emperor died, and the city of Chang'an was breached.

When the pattering rain of blood enveloped the entire territory of the Han Dynasty, all the people of the Han Dynasty learned the bad news!

Some of the strong men who were halfway to the rescue knelt down and cried bitterly, wailing and wailing.

Even some rangers of the Han Dynasty who were watching from the sidelines couldn't help feeling sad at this moment.

But at this time outside the city of Chang'an.

A few words of controversy suddenly came out of the sadness that filled the sky.

Seeing Chang Yuchun looking at Chen Qingzhi unwillingly, he said angrily: "Brother Qing, you are being unreasonable like this!"

Originally, he and Chen Qingzhi shot at the same time to kill Feng Fengshi who wanted to take their heads.

However, after Chang Yuchun executed Feng Fengshi, Chen Qingzhi took the opportunity to execute Liu Che.

For a while, Chang Yuchun felt uncomfortable!

He was originally stronger than Chen Qingzhi, but he couldn't beat Chen Qingzhi?

"Hehe, thank you Brother Yuchun for your kind hand!"

Having snatched this unworldly feat, Chen Qingzhi naturally wanted to show weakness.

Actually don't blame him.

The main reason was that Chang Yuchun was too strong, and Feng Fengshi was hacked to death with one blow.

Then, after Chen Qingzhi's shot had no target to attack, he could only choose to attack Liu Che who was beside him!

Such a god-given opportunity, he, Chen Qingzhi, must seize it!

"Okay, okay, they are all generals of my Mingzhou Legion."

At this time, Xu Da stood up and persuaded him: "Whether it is Qingzhi or Yuchun, as long as Liu Che is killed, it will be the credit of my Mingzhou Legion!"

From now on, their Mingzhou army can also feel proud.

To defeat the Han Empire and kill Liu Che, how many legions in the Apocalypse Empire can achieve such indomitable achievements?

They opened up a new province for the Apocalypse Empire, Hanzhou Province!

"What Xu Shuai said is absolutely true!"

At this time Qi Jiguang and Lu Meng also stepped forward.

Their strength was inferior to that of Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi, so they naturally did not participate in Liu Che's competition.

For them, it was just like what Xu Da said just now.

No matter who killed Liu Che, in the final analysis, it is still the credit of the entire Mingzhou Legion!

"Haha, when I go back this time, I will definitely invite Brother Yuchun to have a few drinks with the elder brothers, and I won't go home until I'm drunk!"

Chen Qingzhi lowered his posture again.

He understands very well that everything is for the harmony of the Mingzhou Legion!

"it is good!"

In the end, Chang Yuchun agreed.

It is indeed difficult to come across the feat of killing the emperor of a country, but he believes that he will have this opportunity!

"In this case, everyone enters the city together!"

After beheading Liu Che, the battle in Chang'an City was also settled.

Those who went to die had already gone to die, and those who didn't want to die all knelt outside the city at this time.

They are welcoming their new rulers!

"Huh? Are you late again?"

At this time, Shi Dakai also led the Shenzhou Army to the outside of Chang'an.

Seeing that the flag of the Mingzhou Legion had been hung on the city wall, they knew they were late!

They didn't drink this broth.

"Haha, so it's the brothers of the Shenzhou Legion!"

Seeing Shi Dakai and others coming, everyone in Xu Da rushed out to greet them again!

"This is the time to drink freely, brothers, please don't be polite!"

After welcoming Shi Dakai and others in, the entire city of Chang'an started a carnival after the victory!

The battle of the Han Empire lasted for about half a year, and it was their turn to relax.

During these six months, the army of the Apocalypse Empire wiped out tens of millions of Han soldiers.

At this time, all the most powerful people in the territory of Han were lost!

But on the side of the Apocalypse Empire, the casualties were also huge.

In the Mingzhou Army, except for Qi Jiguang's Qi Family Army and Chen Qingzhi's White Robe Army, they suffered relatively small losses.

Like Shi Dakai's Sun and Moon Army, Lu Meng's Tiger Warriors Crossing the River, and Chang Yuchun's Red Scarf Army.

These three armies have almost lost more than half of them!

Fortunately, the overall strength of the army of the Han Empire was weaker than that of the Qin Empire.

If Han Xin commanded an army as powerful as Bai Qi's Killing God Army at the time, then Xu Da's Mingzhou Army would have to fight until the entire army was wiped out!

In general, the nearly two million casualties made it take a long time for the Mingzhou Legion to recover.

As for Shi Dakai's Shenzhou Legion.

Except for the sword bearer's Excalibur army and Dongfang Nuo's Moshuang army whose losses were almost negligible, the other four armies suffered heavy losses.

Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Army lost more than half.

More than half of Shi Dakai's Wing King Army was lost.

Most of Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Divine Army was lost.

Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army was wiped out!

In addition, Li Cunxiao, who has only one head left, Li Xuanba, who is seriously injured and has not yet recovered, and the ten lost dragon descendants of the Shenmen Realm.

This battle of the Shenzhou Legion was completely paid for in blood!

Apart from the Excalibur Army and the Moshuang Army, the other armies in the Shenzhou Legion at this time may not be able to fully recover within half a year.

In other words, in the next battle to destroy Qin, these armies with heavy losses will not be able to participate!

As for when will Qin be destroyed? Then you have to obey Cheng Mu's order!


"Destroy Qin, of course, the sooner the better!"

When the news came back to Tianqi City, Cheng Mu almost jumped up.

In this battle, he not only destroyed the great Han, but also wiped out the elite of the Great Qin in one fell swoop.

In the subsequent battle against Qin, he is confident that he will take down Ying Zheng's head within a month!

Moreover, this month is still to be generous.

It is also a kind of precaution and respect for the background of the Great Qin Empire!

The real time may be less than a month!

"Your Majesty, how to deal with those dragon descendants of the Black Flood Dragon?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang asked.

This was a question that Shi Dakai asked and repeatedly reported when he sent back the news.

"Of course there are many rewards!"

How could Cheng Mu care about the death of only ten Dragon Heirs in the Divine Gate Realm?

It is actually possible to exchange the price of ten dragon heirs for the annihilation of the Qin elite and the improvement of the strength of ten god-level dragon heirs such as Heijiao.

If the soldiers of Daqin had been allowed to run away, then the battle of Qin would have lasted at least another half a year.

However, Cheng Mu has no time.

Half a year later, he will lead his army to attack the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

Therefore, the saved half a year is an excellent opportunity for the development of the Apocalypse Empire!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhuge Liang also felt that he should be rewarded.

So in an instant, he had already sent someone to draw up a reward!

"Pass down my order, order the Divine Sword Army and the Moshuang Army to enter the Qin Kingdom first!"

Afterwards, Cheng Mu immediately issued an order.

The other armies of the Mingzhou Legion and the Shenzhou Legion need to rest, but the Excalibur Army of the Swordsman and the Moshuang Army of Dongfang Nuo don't need it!

Not only that, he also ordered to send the ruthless Sword Soul Army to enter the battlefield of Qin State.

In the battle to destroy Qin, he, Cheng Mu, will use the knights under his command!

When the rangers of the Apocalypse Empire have been able to stand alone, it is time to entrust them with important tasks!

As long as the ranger army goes to, the stronger it will be!

"Also, I want to personally send Ying Zheng on the road!"

In fact, Cheng Mu has always had a great wish in his heart, that is to personally send Ying Zheng, the eternal emperor, on the road!

After all, Ying Zheng's status is too special, he is the first emperor of the Huaxia clan.

The first emperor, the first emperor, was able to personally send Yingzheng up, which was actually a great achievement for Cheng Mu!

"Your Majesty, what about the Sui Empire?"

At this time Zhuge Liang reminded in a low voice.

Even if the Great Qin is defeated, there is still a Great Sui that has not been conquered!

"Sui Empire? Hehe."

At this time, Cheng Mu smiled lightly: "Isn't the Songzhou Legion already formed? Let them send Yang Jian on the road!"

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