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Chapter 1005: Sui Dynasty surrendered

Xinguo, the imperial capital.

After being favored by Ji Fa, Wang Mang's confidence entered a period of rapid expansion.

Although Lu Bu and Wang Jian died together in the country at that time, Murong Ke and Ran Min after the surrender greatly increased the strength of his new country.

Today's Xin Kingdom has already annexed the entire land of the former Jin Empire.

This is exciting news, a new empire is rising.

However, Wang Mang's self-confidence did not last too long.

When he learned that the Apocalypse Empire defeated the Qin and Han empires at the same time, Wang Mang panicked again.

How can I fight this?

The Qin Empire and the Han Empire that he looked up to both lost, so his new country would have no chance at all.

When he raised his head and put all his hopes on the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom above the sky.

Ji Fa, who loved him so much, chose to turn a blind eye at this moment.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Apocalypse Empire sent an ultimatum, and they asked us to answer within three days whether to submit or not? If we refuse, they said they would flatten the capital of our new country!"

At this time, more bad news came.

When Cheng Mu's ultimatum spread throughout the Xin Kingdom, the whole country panicked.

"Damn it!"

Wang Mang was angry and furious.

He really wanted to resist, but the two generals under his command had already died on the battlefield of the Han Empire, so what power would his Xin Kingdom have to stop the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire?

"Pass down my order, my new country, willing to surrender!"

After waiting for Ji Fa's immortal edict to be fruitless, Wang Mang could only choose to surrender.

He doesn't want to die.

Under the pressure of absolute strength, he didn't even have the heart to resist!

"Resistors such as Liu Che and Ying Zheng ended up with their country ruined and their families destroyed, and their lives and morals disappeared."

After deciding to surrender to the Apocalypse Empire, Wang Mang could only comfort himself time and time again.

"Only surviving is the most important thing!"

He believes that as long as he can survive. So what about being a rich man in the future? Also more leisurely!


Great Sui, Luoyang City.

Luoyang was the capital city of the Sui Empire, which was slightly different from Chang'an in history.

And the purpose of setting the capital in Luoyang.

That's because after Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the previous Sui Dynasty, moved his capital to Luoyang, the Sui Dynasty died.

As a father, Yang Jian does not believe that Luoyang City is the capital of a subjugated country, and he just wants to break this curse.

Therefore, Luoyang City in the territory of the Sui Dynasty has developed into the number one city of the Sui Empire.

It's just that the curse that Yang Jianshi wants to break seems impossible to break in this life.

Ever since the Xingyue came to the Sui Dynasty and killed Zhao She with his hand, Yang Jian has been living a life of trembling.

"Then General Zhao She is a general of the Immortal Kingdom, but the woman raised her hand and killed him."

"It seems that the power behind that woman is even more terrifying than Da Zhou!"

Thinking of this, Yang Jian wished to draw a clear line with Da Zhou.

Where had he seen the power to take away millions of golden armored soldiers with just a raise of his hand?

That Zhao She and the millions of golden armored soldiers are enough to destroy his Great Sui Empire.

However, it was this kind of power that even Yang Jian could not match, in the end Xingyue killed him lightly.

Xingyue looks better than a woman, so Yang Jian automatically defines his gender.


At this time, a guard ran in in a panic.

"Report to Your Majesty, the Songzhou Legion of the Apocalypse Empire has begun to gather, and they will arrive in the territory of our Great Sui in three days!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Apocalypse Empire defeated the Qin Empire and the Han Empire in the first battle, and now only I, the Sui Dynasty, are left alone and helpless!"

These are two fatal bad news.

No matter which piece of news, it will trigger domestic riots!

"What? How is it possible?"

What frightened Yang Jian the most was not the attack of the Songzhou Army led by Yue Fei.

It was the simultaneous destruction of Qin and Han, which made him unable to believe this fact.

"The Great Qin Empire is so powerful, and the Great Han Empire is also so powerful. How could they be defeated together?"

Yang Jian was already roaring.

In his view, this is simply an impossible thing to happen.

"Who sent you to disturb my army's morale?"

In an instant, Yang Jian flew over and grabbed the guard's neck with one hand.

"Anyone who dares to mess with our army! Die!"

There was a click.

Under the boundless anger, Yang Jian directly twisted the guard's neck!

He is not ready to accept this reality, so he does not admit it! Do not believe! do not accept!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Seeing the furious Yang Jian, Prime Minister Gao Jiong (jiǒ

g) Hastily stood up and persuaded: "Please calm down, Your Majesty."

"If the army of the Qi Empire is about to invade our Great Sui today, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

When the Great Qin and the Great Han are destroyed, they will be destroyed.

The most urgent thing now is the Songzhou Legion led by Yue Fei!

He had heard of the extremely strong configuration of the Songzhou Legion.

Yue Fei, Yang Ye, Lu Bu, Wang Jian, Guan Yu, Liu Bei......

They have united with the Song Empire and know the strength of Yue Fei's Yue Family Army and Yang Ye's Yang Family Army.

Since the Sui Empire borders the Jin State, they have also heard of Lu Bu's invincible posture!

There is also the famous general Wang Jian who was able to draw with Lu Bu, and Liu Bei and Guan Yu who originally belonged to their Sui Dynasty!

With such a powerful configuration, Yue Fei's Songzhou Legion is enough to destroy their Great Sui Empire!

"Decided? How to decide?"

Although Yang Jian was furious, he still did not lose his mind.

Although there is a large army under his command now, the number of tens of millions of people will definitely not be able to defend this country.

"Even if we resist the attack of the Songzhou Army of the Apocalypse Empire, then Cheng Mu still has the Shenzhou Army, Mingzhou Army, and Tangzhou Army under his command."

"Maybe soon, they will have the Hanzhou Legion and the Qinzhou Legion again!"

What the guard said just now is not wrong, the current Great Sui Empire is in a state of isolation and helplessness.

Who can save him the Great Sui Empire? Who can save Yang Jian?

Wang Mang's new country?

Wang Mang didn't catch Yang Jian's eyes, okay?

"Your Majesty, we can ask the Immortal Kingdom to take action!"

At this moment, Prime Minister Gao Jiong (jiǒ

g) I still pin all my hopes on the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, on Ji Fa.

It is true that no one can save Da Sui anymore.

At this time, all their hopes rested on Ji Fa's Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

"It's useless, I have already received the news that the Immortal Kingdom has closed the Immortal Gate!"

Yang Jian shook his head.

If the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was really useful, it would not be in the hands of the Great Qin and Han being destroyed and the Apocalypse Empire.

Even, it was impossible to watch the Song Empire fall!

"Now that Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire has conquered one country after another, it seems that my great Sui will not be able to escape."

Between the words, Yang Jian's tone contained a trace of despair.

An invincible enemy is the most helpless and desperate!

"My minister is willing to die for His Majesty!"

As soon as Yang Jian's words came out, all the officials in the hall fell to their knees and shouted.

Yang Jian can show despair, but they can't!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, at worst we will die in battle! The last general, Han Qinhu, requests to fight!"

Shi Wansui, the number one general of the Sui Dynasty, died in battle.

Then the title of the number one fierce general naturally fell on Han Qinhu's head!

And as the number one fierce general of the Sui Dynasty, how could Han Qinhu be afraid?

"The last general, Yang Su, also requests to fight and kill the enemy!"

General Yang Su also fell to his knees with a thud, and volunteered to invite Ying.

They are not powerless. Before they formally fought against the army of the Apocalypse Empire, they still had confidence in themselves and the army under their command!

"Hey, forget it."

Faced with these generals who took the initiative to volunteer, Yang Jian finally shook his head.

He looked at this land of common people, and felt the atmosphere of hundreds of millions of people in the Sui Dynasty living and working in peace and contentment.

Finally, he made up his mind.

"Tell that Cheng Mu, I am willing to surrender!"

Some people like to go to death with the country, with the arms of the mantis as a chariot, and have the name of heroism for hundreds of generations.

There are also people who can assess the situation and minimize losses.

"Instead of letting my land in the Sui Dynasty suffer from the people are displaced, and the soldiers die in battle."

"It's better to surrender early to avoid the cruelty of war."

While speaking, Yang Jian took the initiative to take down his imperial crown and threw it on the ground.

"Your Majesty, don't!"

"Please think twice, Your Majesty! Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

"The last general, willing to die for the Sui Dynasty!"

After Yang Jian made his decision, all the officials in the palace persuaded him one after another.

Amidst the tear-jerking words, it was impossible to tell which people were sincere.

"All right!"

It's a pity that Yang Jian has already made up his mind: "From today onwards, the mountains will be high and the rivers will be long, everyone is destined to see you again!"

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