The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1006: Apocalypse immortal country, Cheng Mu's identity

Apocalypse fairyland, the first day of the first lunar month in the fairy calendar.

Cheng Mu, dressed in a yellow imperial robe, ascended to the altar step by step.

The colorful rays of light fell and sprinkled on every citizen of Tianqi Fairy Kingdom.

When the nine golden dragons soared from all directions in the Immortal Kingdom, deafening reminders rang through the stars.

"Congratulations to His Majesty Cheng Mu for unifying the Chinese Civilization Continent! His Apocalypse Empire has officially advanced to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!"

"Congratulations to His Majesty Cheng Mu for unifying the Chinese Civilization Continent! His Apocalypse Empire has officially advanced to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!"

"Congratulations to His Majesty Cheng Mu for unifying the Chinese Civilization Continent! His Apocalypse Empire has officially advanced to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!"

In this urgent and joyful reminder, the Heavenly Qi Fairy Kingdom was officially born!


In an instant, the gate of the city of immortals opened above the nine heavens, and the immortals looked at it curiously.

Countless immortal soldiers and generals are majestic and majestic, as if they want to point their troops at the Heavenly Kingdom.

call out!

There are also countless rays of light, rushing towards Tianqi City from all over the earth and stars.

But what is most enthusiastic at this time is the fear of other civilizations on the planet Earth.

"My dear!"

"Cheng Mu actually unified the Chinese mainland!!"

"It's over, it's over, will we be beaten?"

"Where is our Roman emperor? Why can't we unify after so long?"

"I heard that Cheng Mu killed people like hemp, using human flesh as blood to quench his thirst...Hiss, it's so scary!"

"Don't be afraid, **** will protect everyone!"

"Brothers, I have successfully captured a golden Beamon, and I am a Beamon from today...Ah! It broke free from the trap and rushed over!"

"I have received the immortal order from the upper realm to destroy the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom and the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!"


Frightened, surprised, flustered, tangled, confused, murderous...

All kinds of attitudes made the entire planet Earth turbulent.

Some people marveled at Cheng Mu's strength, that he was able to conquer a continent so quickly.

There are also people who are jealous of Cheng Mu's victory, and their strong jealousy makes them lose their minds.

And those who are scheming and ambitious have already begun to conspire against the Huaxia people.

The birth of Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom has touched the interests of other civilizations on Earth and Star!

Nobody wants to be next to a tiger or dragon!

Even, an immortal in the nine heavens recognized Cheng Mu's identity and began to plan a new round of killing.

At this time, the future of the earth and stars has become confusing again.

Apocalypse fairy country!

When the ceremony and music officer sang loudly, the atmosphere in the entire fairyland was pushed to the climax in an instant.

"The Kunming Dragon Clan congratulates the birth of the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and sent a special dragon son to send a generous gift! May the friendship between the Immortal Kingdom and the Kunming Dragon Clan last forever!"

"The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea congratulates the birth of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and sends a dragon son to present a generous gift! May the power of the Immortal Kingdom protect the world forever!"

"The Moon Empire congratulates the birth of the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and the Empress sent an envoy Xingyue to send a big gift! The light of the human race begins in the Immortal Kingdom!"

"Congratulations on the birth of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and the Galaxy Mermaid Clan will send you a congratulatory gift!"


The great gifts from the hidden forces from all sides added a ray of brilliance to the Tianqi fairy kingdom.

In all the world, which fairy kingdom's birth can attract many gifts?

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! May my Heavenly Enlightenment Kingdom prosper forever!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! May my Heavenly Enlightenment Kingdom prosper forever!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! May my Heavenly Enlightenment Kingdom prosper forever..."

At this moment, all the courtiers under Tianqi Immortal Kingdom fell to their knees, cheering for the birth of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

At the moment when the Apocalypse Empire officially became the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom, they can officially call themselves immortals!

"Everyone please stand up!"

Cheng Mu raised his hand and helped the ministers up. After becoming the lord of Immortal Kingdom, his whole aura changed.

At this time, he no longer has any deterrence and dominance of an emperor. The emperor's prestige dissipated, and what was left behind was the incomparably friendly aura of the emperor.

The emperor of the people, the lord of hundreds of millions of people.

The Human Sovereign is not aloof, but closely connected with all living beings in the world, and the people of the human race.

He is an existence shared by hundreds of millions of people.

What he represents and safeguards is also the interests of hundreds of millions of people.

"From today onwards, our human race will not respect immortals, nor worship gods and Buddhas!"

"The only ones who can enter my human ancestral hall are the immortals of my human race!"

Since he wants to become the emperor, Cheng Mu must shoulder the mission of revitalizing the human race.

The human race can become a fairy god, but it must be the fairy **** of the human race itself.

How can those monsters, ghosts and immortals be enshrined by the human race?

"Your Majesty's order!"

The courtiers bowed again.

At this moment, every courtier of the fairy kingdom has been baptized by the power of the destiny of the fairy kingdom.

They all turned into golden gods and men, full of divine power!

As long as the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom is not destroyed, they will live forever!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Xingyue stepped forward in person and presented Cheng Mu with a unique gift.

"This is?"

Seeing the woman in the yellow palace dress beside Xingyue, Cheng Mu asked slightly confused: "Your brother?"

This girl in palace costume looks so good-looking, she must be a man just like Xingyue.

"Your Majesty, where do you want to go?"

Seeing that Cheng Mu was thinking wrong, Xingyue hurriedly explained: "Qin'er is a congratulatory gift from His Majesty the Empress herself to you!"

After Cheng Mu's identity changed, now Xingyue used the honorific title when talking with him.

"A gift? A beautiful woman?"

Hearing Xingyue's words, Cheng Mu didn't know whether to accept or reject.

What's more confusing is, why did the Empress send him a daughter-in-law?

"Oh, your majesty will know when the time comes."

Xingyue didn't know how to explain it, so he could only pull the girl in the yellow palace dress forward and push it in front of Cheng Mu: "You can finally go home!"

His words were addressed to the girl.


It was at this moment that the girl in the yellow court dress also bowed slightly to Cheng Mu.

She was very excited, and it seemed that she had been waiting for a long time.

"you you you you you!"

At this moment, Cheng Mu was stunned.

He blankly pointed to the girl named Qin'er, and looked at Xingyue with a surprised face.

This voice was really too familiar to him.


Xingyue nodded, indicating that it was exactly what Cheng Mu thought.

"Let me take it easy, let me take it easy!"

Even though he had become the master of the Immortal Kingdom, the news still terrified him.

The sound of this qin'er is exactly the same as the reminder sound resounding from the earth and stars just now!

"In other words, you are that system?"

Cheng Mu couldn't believe it and asked Qin'er again.

"Yes, Qin'er has been waiting for the master to come back."

Although Qin'er in palace attire looks young, who would have thought that her identity is so terrifying?

"That, that..."

For a moment, Cheng Mu had too many questions and wanted to ask Qin'er.

The secret of the earth and star mutation? own identity? The identity of the empress?

It's just that there are too many questions, and he can't ask a word for a while.

"Master, don't worry, just touch Qin'er and master will know."

Qin'er smiled.

Immediately, under the horrified eyes of everyone, she spun her body and slowly turned into a guqin.

When the Guqin slowly fell into Cheng Mu's hands, waves of information flooded into Cheng Mu's mind.

The ancestor of mankind, the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns.

Slash-and-burn cultivation, netting to create characters.

The human race flourished and civilization began.

The King of Wu defeated Zhou, the King of Man and the Son of Heaven...

In an instant, Cheng Mu knew who he was.

"I am the emperor Fuxi?...No, no, I am Cheng Mu!"

Fuxi died long ago.

"Even if I am the reincarnation of Fuxi, then I will be called Cheng Mu in this life!"

He knew his mission, and he also understood the monstrous situation set by Human Emperor Fuxi.

With the power of the prosperity of the whole human race, get rid of the oppression of the gods and gods!

The human race has never been an ant!

"The human race will defeat the sky, starting today!"

Cheng Mu snorted coldly.

If the Mantian Immortal God wants to oppress other people's race, then he will slaughter the Mantian Immortal God!

If he wants to oppress the human race this day, then he will overturn the sky!

Use the power of the eternal human race to summon the strong human race to return, and then gather all the strongest human races together.

This is the method of Emperor Fuxi.

And that Fuxiqin, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, turned into a system to supervise the entire battle situation.

Now that Cheng Mu has embarked on the road of being emperor, Qin'er's mission has been completed.

She transformed back into Fuxiqin and returned to Cheng Mu's hands!

"Master, you can choose to lead the Immortal Kingdom to ascend to the Upper Realm immediately, or you can ascend to the Upper Realm anytime, anywhere when you are ready!"

At this moment, Qin'er's voice sounded in Cheng Mu's mind.

After the Apocalypse Empire is promoted to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom, the whole country can ascend to the first realm!

The sixth heaven in the first realm is populated by gods and immortals.

"No, you can't ascend yet."

After absorbing all the information in his mind, Cheng Mu's breath became more restrained.

He said slowly: "We still have unfulfilled vows."

"Besides, how can a mere China mainland raise the prestige of our Huaxia clan?"

He knew that the strength of his emperor had a lot to do with the number of subjects under his command and the size of his territory.

At this time on the earth and stars, tens of billions of human races are looking forward to it.

Although these people are not Huaxia, they are also human, and they can even be reduced to Huaxia's vassals!

Moreover, in the battle against heaven in the future, the strength of the human race alone may not be enough.

So after agreeing to Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East China Sea, Cheng Mu decided to unify the entire Earth Star first!

To unify the earth and stars, get the help of the dragons from all over the world!

"The Huaxia tribe is a very inclusive tribe. It is broad-minded and accepts all rivers. In the future, there will be only one tribe in the entire planet, and that is my Huaxia tribe!"

This is Cheng Mu's ambition.

He believes that under his leadership, under the assimilation of Chinese civilization, those other human races will also completely merge into the Huaxia race!

"Master, the other human races on Earth have long been enslaved by evil gods. If we don't ascend to the upper realm, we will be attacked by their joint efforts!"

"No fairy **** will see the rise of our human race!"

Qin'er hurriedly reported.

"Although there are demons raging in the upper realm, the aura there is a hundred times that of the earth and stars."

" the speed of our human cultivation will increase a hundred times!"

This is the reason why Qin'er persuaded Cheng Mu to lead the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom to ascend to the upper realm.

Now on Earth Star, the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom is surrounded by enemies. The gods of all civilizations have already descended, and they will launch troops against the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom under the drive of the bosses from the upper realm.

And in the upper realm, even the Celestial Kingdom of Apocalypse will encounter enemies.

But there is plenty of fairy energy there, enough to quickly increase the strength of the people of the fairy kingdom!

"Haha, joint attack?"

Hearing Qin'er's words, instead of being afraid, Cheng Mu showed a smile.

"Even if they don't come, I will go find them!"

Although other civilizations are weak, but since it is for the entire human race, Cheng Mu must shoulder this mission!

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