"Pass down my order, seal Qin King Yingzheng in Qinzhou, command all the military affairs of Qinzhou, and Li Si assists the government."

"Found Liu Che, king of Han, in Hanzhou, command all the military affairs of Hanzhou, and Xiao He assists the government."

"Found Tang Wang Li Shimin in Tangzhou, command all the military affairs of Tangzhou, and his eldest grandson Wuji assists the government."

"Found Song King Zhao Kuangyin in Songzhou, command all the military affairs of Songzhou, and Wang Anshi assists the government."

"Found Sui Wang Yang Jian in Suizhou, command all the military affairs of Suizhou, Gao Jiong assists the government."

"Wang Mang, king of Jin, was entrusted to Jinzhou to lead all the military affairs of Jinzhou, and Huo Guang assisted the government."

"Feng Ming Wang Zhu Yuanzhang in Mingzhou, commanding all military affairs in Mingzhou, Zhang Juzheng assisted the government."

"Seal the king of Qing Dynasty Zhu Di in Qingzhou, command all the military and government affairs of Qingzhou, manage Zhong and assist the government."

"Specially enshrine Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong as the left and right ministers of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and also lead the administration of Shenzhou!"

When Cheng Mu passed on the orders one by one, Ying Zheng, Liu Che and others in the hall knelt down and kowtowed.

"Thank you for your majesty's appointment!"

They were resurrected by Cheng Mu, so they returned to Tianqi Fairyland.

Cheng Mu could not control the vast China Continent by himself.

Entrusting the kings is currently the best choice.

With absolute loyalty, Cheng Mu has no worries at all!

Eight great kings, eight super legions under his command.

They can lead their troops to attack other civilizations far away, or they can continue to recuperate and strengthen their strength.

As long as the land of Kyushu in Tianqixian country develops and prospers, that day Qixian country will have eternal prosperity!

"Sun Wu, I specially named you the Grand Marshal of the Immortal Kingdom, and formed the strongest army in my Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, the Apocalypse Army!"

"You can choose the configuration of all the generals in the army!"

In the end, Cheng Mu handed over the huge task to Sun Wu.

At the beginning, he considered Han Xin, Wei Qing, Li Jing, Huo Qubing, Bai Qi, Wu Qi and others for a long time.

These people are all qualified to become the commander-in-chief of the strongest legion in the Apocalypse Empire.

However, after Hei Ling invited Sun Wu over, and after Sun Wu learned of Cheng Mu's ambition to pledge allegiance immediately, Cheng Mu unswervingly handed over the important task of Marshal of the Army and Horse to Sun Wu.

Although Han Xin Bingxian is strong, he is still slightly inferior in front of the most holy military strategist.

"Follow the emperor's order!"

Sun Wu pledged his allegiance when he learned that Cheng Mu wanted to recast the road of becoming emperor.

So compared to the title of His Majesty, he would rather call Cheng Mu the emperor!

Later, after investigating the strength of the generals of all parties, Sun Wu selected ten most powerful generals.

Bai Qi, Huo Qubing, Xie Xuan, Yue Fei, Lu Bu, Ye Xuan, Li Xuanba, Ran Min, Xiang Yu, Li Cunxiao.

Among the ten generals, some have extremely strong military characteristics, some have extremely strong personal strength, and some have both commanders and force values.

Speaking of the characteristics of the units, Bai Qi's Killing Army, Xie Xuan's Beifu Army, and Ran Min's Begging Army have extremely strong unit characteristics. On the battlefield, these three armies are invincible.

The generals with extremely strong military strength are Lu Bu, Li Xuanba, Xiang Yu, and Li Cunxiao. Based on the force value of the four of them, they alone can defeat an army!

There are also Huo Qubing, Yue Fei, and Ye Xuan who have both command and force values. They can attack when they advance, and they can defend when they retreat.

These three armies will become the extremely mobile force of the Apocalypse Legion!

As for the deputy commanders, counselors, etc. of the ten armies, it is up to them to choose by themselves.

Anyway, Cheng Mu's order is that in the land of Kyushu, except for the eight state kings, they can take away everything they like.

As for the rest, it is the choice of the eight state kings to form their own state and provincial army!

Sun Wu himself does not personally lead the army, these thousands of soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion are his soldiers!

"Also, when you form your army, all of you recruit ranger soldiers!"

This is Cheng Muqian's urging.

He has found a way to break the shackles of Ranger qualifications.

With the luck of the human race, pour it into the bodies of these thousands of rangers. Under the impact of the luck of the human race, the shackles of the ranger's qualifications are completely vulnerable.

Not only the qualifications of rangers, but also the qualifications of ordinary aborigines can break through.

Cheng Mu asked Qin'er if the aborigines could learn skills like rangers.

However, Qin'er told him that these rangers are the most special group of human races, existences that cannot be copied.

That being the case, after losing the shackles of aptitude, Cheng Mu will definitely choose a more powerful ranger as the strongest soldier in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

"The ranger's particularity coupled with the skills of the arms, hehe, who can resist such a large army?"

It was also the strength of the ranger soldiers that gave Cheng Mu great confidence!

Shield warriors can be trained as heavy shield soldiers, swordsman rangers can be trained as cavalry, and archer rangers are the best candidates for archers.

As for the short-handed Mages and the Assassin Rangers, it depends on the wishes of the commanders themselves!

The Excalibur Army and the Moshuang Army still exist.

Although their soldiers are powerful, none of the ten sword bearers can compare to Huo Qubing, Xie Xuan and the others in terms of the strategy and strength of the commander.

So Cheng Mu arranged for them to follow orders at any time.

"Human Emperor!"

After arranging all the matters, Confucius found Cheng Mu himself.

"Kong Sheng!"

The arrival of Confucius made Cheng Mu more and more happy.

Sun Wu returned to obedience, Confucius returned to obedience, my own path is the path for all people to return to their hearts!

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I have something to ask for!"

Confucius is willing to worship as Cheng Mu's command, because he also has the whole human race in his heart.

"Oh? Kong Sheng, please tell me!"

In the face of Confucius' request, Cheng Mu must not refuse anyone.

"I also ask His Majesty the Emperor to open up a new path of cultivation for our human race!"

Confucius earnestly begged.

"Open up a path of practice? What does Confucius mean?"

Cheng Mu was confused for a moment: "Could it be that our current practice path is wrong?"

If so, it would be a fatal blow to the human race.

At that time, everyone will start all over again.

"It's not wrong."

Confucius said slowly: "I have already cultivated to the peak of the Divine Palace, but when I want to continue to advance, I found that there is no way out after the former Divine Palace."

"After the shrine, there is nothingness!"

Speaking of this, Confucius couldn't help trembling.

He had already set foot on the peak of the Divine Palace Realm, but he couldn't see the way behind.

In other words, if the human race can't continue to practice, it will eventually become the fish of the gods!

"How...how is it possible?"

What Confucius said made Cheng Mu stand up in shock.

Although he had already stepped into the peak of the Divine Palace Realm, he was overjoyed and didn't check his own strength carefully.

Immediately, he settled down and entered the state of visualization.

This is a resplendent and resplendent palace, its level of luxury is not comparable to any other palace on the planet.

Cheng Mu's divine sense turned into a golden villain.

He went in, walked the corridor, walked the courtyard. Walked by the lake and walked through the rockery.

However, after he walked around the golden palace, he didn't find the next path.

He can go back, but he can't go any further!

When he jumped to the top of the shrine, he found that there was nothingness behind the shrine.

A golden palace stands alone in the void like this!

"The road of cultivation of our human race is gone?"

Breaking away from the state of visualization, Cheng Mu refused to believe this reality.

If the road behind is gone, how can the other race recover?

The gods of the heavens, their strength must be far beyond the realm of the gods! Is his road to emperor going to end before it even started?

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, this old man once asked Jiang Ziya from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom."

Confucius explained: "Jiang Ziya told the old man that if he wants to go further, he must knock down the gate of the gods, cut off the altar of the gods, and smash the palace of the gods."

"Then use the power of a fairy to recast your body and become a true immortal Taiyi!"

"It's just that when the time comes, can my human race still be called a human being?"

After saying the last sentence, Confucius looked sad.

He is a human being, not a fairy **** who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

"There should be a way, there should be a way."

Cheng Mu also fell into deep thought for a while.

The desperation of the human race made the burden on his shoulders even heavier, and he couldn't sit still!

In anxiety, he stepped into the shrine again.

Looking at this glittering golden palace, he looked at the nothingness in the sky.

At this very moment, a terrifying thought arose in his mind.

"The shrine stands in the void, so this huge void can not only accommodate a shrine!"


Under this extremely strong and terrifying idea, Cheng Mu decided to try it out.

Seeing his mind move, he began to control the divine sense to imitate and cast the second shrine.

Rumble! Click! Click!

At the moment Cheng Mu started to act, there was a sudden lightning flash and thunder in the void of his spiritual consciousness, and a strong wind blew up in all directions.

The powerful wind seemed to destroy his consciousness.


But at this moment, a powerful energy emanated from the first shrine, annihilating all the thunder and wind.

The warm breath fell on Cheng Mu's consciousness, and Cheng Mu suddenly felt that his consciousness became more solid.

"Ok, Ok!"

He is already excited.

He knew that the first shrine was helping him, and that he was on the right path.


When the second shrine was completely forged by Cheng Mu, his strength suddenly advanced to a new level.

"This is?"

The strength gain brought to him by the second shrine far exceeds that of the first shrine. Today, he feels ten times stronger than before!

"Horror! This is really scary!"

He no longer dared to imagine the scene after he filled this void with a shrine.

That must be the strength that even the gods in the sky can't shake, right?

"Your Majesty the Emperor?"

Confucius felt the improvement of Cheng Mu's strength ~www.readwn.com~ For a moment, he was moved to tears.

"Thanks to His Majesty the Emperor for opening the way for the human race!"

What a great achievement it is to open up a new path of cultivation for the human race.

The future of the human race will become brighter and brighter!

"Kong Sheng please get up quickly."

Cheng Mu hurriedly supported Confucius who had prostrated himself, and he said, "It is my mission to open up the future for the human race!"

"Forge a new shrine with the power of divine consciousness, and ask Kong Sheng to try it out, my Huaxia human race still needs Kong Sheng's work!"

As long as Confucius' strength also breaks through the first shrine, he will have one more hole card in the Celestial Kingdom of Apocalypse.

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