The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1009: enemy ship, plague god

Confucius resigned.

Cheng Mu opened up a follow-up path of practice for him.

As for all matters and precautions in specific practice, Confucius needs to test it himself.

As long as Confucius walks ahead of all races, he will leave a very valuable experience for later generations.

He was a saint teacher in the last life, and he is also a saint teacher in this life!


"Your Majesty, my humble minister...where is my humble minister?"

Seeing that Cheng Mu divided up the ministers, Guan Hai, who had no one to choose, stood up with a look of hesitation.

He has no objection to Sun Wu replacing him as Grand Marshal of the Immortal Army.

"But Your Majesty, you can't let this minister retire at such a young age!"

He is only twenty years old, is it possible for him to retire early at the age of twenty?

He cares, he doesn't want to!

"Hehe, how can I be willing to let you retire and return to your hometown?"

Seeing Guan Hai who looked anxious, Cheng Mu told him: "From today on, you will be by my side!"

The best love for a courtier is to keep him by his side.

As for Cheng Mu, now he needs a sword wielder by his side.

It's not for Guan Hai to be the bodyguard, but to show the majesty of the Lord of the Immortal Kingdom!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!"

For a moment, Guan Hai smiled playfully.

Being able to stay by Cheng Mu's side all the time is his dream!

"Your Majesty, what about us?"

Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others also stood up, and they also wanted to stay by Cheng Mu's side.

"Hehe, dear friends, as long as you stay in my Heavenly Qi Immortal Kingdom, then you can serve my Immortal Kingdom."

"The newly formed Shenzhou Army, everyone, go to be the commander-in-chief!"

Although Cheng Mu also likes Zhao Yun very much, he also likes the upright Zhang Wanlong.

But their strength and talent are far from enough when compared with Bai Qi Huo Qubing and others.

For the prosperity of the human race, he must choose the best among the human race.

Even Guan Yu was not selected by Sun Wu, let alone Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Yun and others knew that it was their own strength, so they chose to obey.

And they also kept Cheng Mu's words in mind.

As long as they are in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, they are working for Cheng Mu and Immortal Kingdom.

The Shenzhou Legion can be counted as the upper half of Cheng Mu's pro-army, and they have not been completely abandoned by Cheng Mu!



Not long after Cheng Mucai ordered to retreat, the Yinlong envoy sent news.

"Report to Your Majesty, there are a large number of East Asian civilization fleets appearing in the waters of Goddess Country, and Empress Zheng Xiao asks Your Majesty to send troops to support them!"

It was the fleet of East Asian civilizations that arrived.

Under the repeated urging of the Western kingdom of God, the civilizations of East Asia finally formed a super combined fleet.

With that huge number, even Zheng Xiao, Queen of Goddess Country, felt a little fear!

"Hehe, it came so fast?"

He is very satisfied that a country that is living a good life has such a fast speed.

So he immediately ordered: "Order Zhang Shun, let him lead the navy corps to help Goddess Kingdom with all its strength!"

"Anyone who dares to be as powerful as my China will be killed without pardon!"

Since these monkeys and mice want to die, then Cheng Mu will help them!


Zhang Shun was already murderous when he got the news.

Zheng Xiao, the queen, was hand-picked by his wife Zheng Yisao.

"Bullying Zheng Xiao is bullying my wife Zheng Yisao, and bullying my wife Zheng Yisao is bullying my Zhang Shun!"

"Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

The naval legion under his command has long since rested, and it's time for the enemy to fear the strength of the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!



With the help of the gods all over the sky, the God of Plague sneaked down to the Heavenly Kingdom with the power of a mortal.

The fairy gods used special means to allow him to escape all the detection of the divine sense.

After sleeping in the wilderness for a night, he turned into a beggar and walked towards Tianqi City little by little.

"After the **** arrives at Tianqi City, Qicheng will be completely turned into a dead city that day."

"Hehehe, hahaha!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but screamed up to the sky.

Sending plagues and diseases to the people is a skillful method that he has used countless times.

"Huh? Is there a beggar here?"

But when the God of Plague had just walked on the road, he was discovered by the people of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

Seeing the appearance of the God of Plague, everyone showed surprise on their faces.

"Please do me a favor, please, I have not eaten for three days."

Finding someone watching him, the God of Plague immediately started begging.

Every time he used to bring down the plague, he liked to dress up as a beggar the most.

Low status, no one will care.

It kills people invisible, and it can also spread the disease anytime and anywhere. Is it normal for a beggar to be a little sick?

For a while, the God of Plague planned the next plan to spread the disease.

"Really a beggar?"

Seeing the God of Plague kneeling begging, passers-by were even more surprised.

But in the next second, surprise expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

"Haha, beggars! There are beggars in my heavenly kingdom!"

"Go away, this good thing is decided by Zhang Niuniu today!"

They haven't seen beggars for several years, and they all thought that beggars were extinct in Tianqi Fairyland.

Sometimes they want to be kind and do something good, but there is no purpose for them to do good at all.

But today, they met an extinct beggar here!

"Go away, I found him first. To do good deeds, wait for me to come first!"

"Get out of the way, I, Wang Xiaobao, have a lot of money, I will give this beggar alms today!"

"You see he is pale, is he sick?"


"Everyone, I have a member in the Gu's Medical Center who can get a discount, let's send him to the Medical Center together!"

For a moment, amidst the shouts of surprise from passers-by and common people, the God of Plague who looked like a beggar was lifted up.

Afterwards, everyone was seen walking like flying, and hurried towards Tianqi City.

‘Hehe, are all the people in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom great benevolent people? '

Being carried away by a group of people, the God of Plague was not afraid at all.

He is already counting down.


Anyone who touches his body will die violently within three seconds!

'stop! '

It's just that at this moment, the **** of plague with a sneer on his face suddenly froze.

He yelled stop again.

Everyone did stop, but a group of people stopped and stared at him with puzzled faces.

"Brother, can't you hold on?"

"Our speed is indeed very fast, but for the sake of your body, I still hope that you will support me more!"

Everyone thought that the God of Plague could stop shouting because he couldn't hold on anymore, so they asked them to stop.

In an instant, they cared more about the God of Plague!

"You... you... how is it possible!"

Seeing everyone safe and sound, the God of Plague was completely lost.

He stared blankly at the people of the Apocalypse Empire around him, and then at the pustules on his body full of stench.

"No problem, why didn't it work?"

This is how he spread the disease before, and he never missed a single shot.

But at this moment, in Tianqi Fairyland. The people of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom have touched him for dozens of breaths, and they are unscathed?

For a moment, God of Plague wondered if he had come to the wrong place?

"Maybe this beggar brother also has a problem here."

Seeing the God of Plague talking to himself inexplicably, everyone thought about it and could only give the answer that there was something wrong with their head.

"It's okay, Gu's Medical Center can also cure the head!"

Zhang Niuniu patted his chest and said: "Please everyone work harder, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

Under the leadership of Cheng, they have been pursuing unity, friendship and kindness.

So when they meet a beggar who is sick, of course they have to lend a helping hand!


Immediately, they ignored the plague god's struggle and continued to move forward.

Soon, Apocalypse City arrived.

Seeing that everyone actually sent him to Tianqi City, the God of Plague could only try again at this time.

'Maybe these people are special. '

‘There are tens of millions of people in Tianqi City, some of them will always be infected with the plague of this god. '

'When the plague spreads, this Apocalypse City will be a dead city. hey-hey.......'

Thinking of this, the plague **** put a smile on his face again.

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