The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1010: Doctors come out

"Ancient doctor, ancient doctor!"

In the quiet Gu's Medical Hall, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

A group of people rushed in, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

"Gu doctor, do you think we have brought you something?"

Zhang Niuniu brought the God of Plague in like an invitation for credit.

Due to the high aptitude, strength, and good physical fitness of the people of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom. Coupled with the fact that the God of Medicine and Taoism sits in ancient times, disease is almost extinct in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

Therefore, although Gu's Medical Center has a great reputation, the number of patients is very small.

At this time, a patient can be sent to the Gu's Medical Center, which means that the Medical Center has finally opened this month!

"Oh? It's actually a patient?"

The moment Gu Yu saw the God of Plague, it was as if he saw a piece of heaven-sent treasure.

He hurried over and searched the plague god's body all over.

After discovering that the God of Plague was really sick, he laughed and shouted: "Hahaha, I, Gu Yu, can finally become a teacher today!"

There are too few patients in the medical center on weekdays, and the three or four generations of disciples of the ancient family like them don't have many opportunities to practice mobile phones.

As for Gu Yu's goal of curing 100 patients, he is only missing one today.

"Come on, move him to the sick bed!"

Under Gu Yu's command, everyone hurriedly moved the God of Plague to the sick bed.

At this time, the God of Plague had already closed his eyes.

He is pretending to be dizzy.

After all, this is the capital of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, and there are countless strong people. To be on the safe side, he simply pretended to be dizzy and let Gu Yu play with him casually.

"Anyway, my whole body is full of serious diseases, and everyone here will not be able to escape!"

Even if the God of Plague doesn't move, the disease in his body will spread automatically.

He couldn't see the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in Zhang Niuniu and others, he just thought it was because these people had special constitutions.

"Maybe they've already contracted a nasty disease, but it's just not yet time for it to strike."

He is comforting himself.


But at this moment, there was a sound of cloth being torn.

Gu Yu was very anxious, so he simply tore off the tattered beggar's outfit on God of Plague.


Seeing the dense pustules on the God of Plague's body that were emitting a foul smell, everyone present couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Ancient doctor, this this brother still saved?"

They had never seen such a horrible body.

The entire skin of the God of Plague was not intact at all.

"Hey, it's just a sore, a small problem."

Different from the amazement of the people around, Gu Yu said that these are nothing.

Immediately, he took out a medicine jar, poured out the medicine from the medicine jar, and daubed it on the plague god's body little by little.

A miraculous scene appeared.

Under the smear of the ancient fish, the sores on the God of Plague were instantly smoothed and repaired!

"The ancient doctor is amazing!"

"As expected of a member of the Gu family. I have suffered from such a serious disease before, and it almost cost me half my life!"

"With the presence of ancient doctors, there won't be any patients in our Heavenly Apocalypse Kingdom, right?"

The miraculous effect of Gu's medicine made the onlookers amazed again.

But the next second.


The exclamation of the crowd stopped abruptly.

Under their horrified gazes, a large expanse of nasty sores popped out on the skin that had recovered from the God of Plague.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Even the God of Plague woke up from his feigned coma, coughing blood with difficulty.

After discovering that this ancient fish did have tricks, he began to strengthen the spread of diseases.

" me!"

The cry was difficult and sad.

Soon, the entire hospital was scattered with plague by the plague god.

There was plague, smallpox, flu, malaria....

In a world without antibiotics, these viruses would normally be deadly.


Gu Yu didn't know what happened for a while.

This is the first time he has met, the medicine in his hand can't curb the malignant sore?

And it seems that the patient's condition is getting worse.

'Die, die, die! '

After confirming that he had planted several evil diseases, the God of Plague was completely relieved this time.

‘This God just needs to wait, and soon this Apocalypse City will become a dead city! '

He radiated out his strongest evil disease.

It is impossible for the mortal body on the earth and stars to resist.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

As the God of Plague had expected, Zhang Niuniu and others who were watching in the medical hall couldn't help coughing.

Some people even feel itchy all over their bodies.

"What's going on? Why do I have sores too?"

"Could it be that we were infected by him?"

For a moment, everyone looked at the God of Plague in great confusion. But they were not afraid, because they had absolute trust in Gu's Medical Center!

"Hahaha, have you all been recruited?"

Seeing everyone coughing and scratching, Gu Yu was even happier.

He put down the God of Plague, and walked to the crowd with the medicine jar: "Come, come, try my ancient family's secret medicine."

He was not at all worried that the disease would be contagious.

"This is the territory of my Gu family, it is impossible for even a trace of disease to spread from my Gu family's medical center!"

Soon, under Gu Yu's treatment, all the infected people around him also healed.

This minor illness is not a problem at all.

The main reason is that the physique of the people of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom is too strong.

Everyone is like a real dragon, how could he get sick so easily?

"What? How is it possible!"

Seeing that Gu Yu cured the strongest disease he had spread so easily, the God of Plague sat up from the sickbed in shock.

Can it still be like this?

'If this doctor's medical skills are so superb, then he can't be kept! '

He, the God of Plague, had also heard of several great medical experts in the world, and he decided that he had met these medical experts.

"What's wrong? Why are there so many people today?"

But at this moment, when everyone was praising Gu Yu's superb medical skills, Gu Pei's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Gu Pei, the ancient son.

He has nothing to do today, so he came to the medical hall to have a look.

But he didn't want to let him see a lively scene that he hadn't seen for several years as soon as he entered the door.


Seeing Gu Pei coming in, Gu Yu hurried over to report: "Master, I met a strange patient."

"Suffering from many kinds of diseases, I have malignant sores on my body, but my ancient medicine seems to be unable to eradicate it!"

The medicine in his hand can cure the God of Plague, but the disease on the God of Plague will recur after he is cured.

"Oh? There are also diseases that cannot be cured by my ancient medicine?"

Hearing what Gu Yu said, Gu Pei immediately became interested.

You know, their ancient family has long been unable to treat common diseases.

No matter what kind of evil disease it is, it will recover under the treatment of the ancient family's wonderful medicine.

What the Gu family is currently treating is the original injury of the strong, the vitality is damaged, and the dead are healed.

Gu Pei is very happy to meet the stubborn disease again.

"Is this brother?"

He walked over, and when he looked at the plague god, it was like looking at a work of art.

"Look at this nasty sore, look at the festering place, this is simply a big evil!"

"Evil to the marrow!"

He saw the reason why the plague on the God of Plague could not be cured.

The God of Plague is not just a sore on the skin, his flesh and bone marrow have been eroded.

"Master, can it be cured?"

Gu Yu asked curiously. He couldn't understand why a person could still be alive even though his flesh and bones had been corroded under the skin?

"Yes! Watch it!"

I saw Gu Pei put one hand on the arm of the God of Plague, and said: "Use our Gu's [Ancient Spiritual Medicine Classic] method of crossing qi and transforming disease, it can be cured!"

As he said that, he saw a burst of cyan energy pouring from his body into the plague god's body.

Under the washing of the blue energy, the sores on the God of Plague's body diminished at a speed visible to the naked eye.


For the God of Plague, this cyan energy made him feel uncomfortable like a needle prick.

When the cyan energy wanted to repair the disease on his bone marrow, he even felt someone scraping his bone with a knife!


After a scream, the God of Plague suddenly pushed Gu Pei out. He couldn't take it, he couldn't bear it.

And the skin on his body that had just been repaired was now occupied by malignant sores.

"how is this possible?"

At this time, even Gu Pei was shocked.

"My [Crossing Qi and Transforming Disease Method] can cure all diseases in the world, but it doesn't work for you?"

Seeing that the God of Plague returned to his sickly and dying appearance, Gu Pei couldn't believe this fact for a while.

"Please, please save me!"

Seeing that Gu Pei was helpless with himself, the God of Plague started to put on a show again.

‘This person should be the most powerful healer in Tianqi City, right? '

He just heard that Gu Yu was called Master Gu Pei, so he believed that Gu Pei was already the most skilled person in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

At the same time, Gu Pei was able to cure the evil diseases in his skin and flesh, and he also recognized Gu Pei's medical skills.

'Fortunately, this **** is sick to the bone marrow, sick to the soul. If the disease is in the flesh and blood, wouldn't it be cured by him in one go? '

Even the God of Plague can't heal himself.

"I have to ask my father to come out of the mountain!"

After discovering that the God of Plague could no longer be cured by himself, Gu Pei immediately sent a letter to Gu Gu.

This is the first time he has seen such a stubborn disease!

Soon, after getting the news, Gu immediately rushed to the hospital.

At the same time, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen and others came with him.

They were originally discussing a higher level of medical skills with Gu Gu.

After learning that Gu Pei had such a special patient here, they also came here with great interest.

"It really is very special! This old man is really an eye-opener!"

"The disease has penetrated into the bone marrow, and all internal organs have been corroded into nothingness. Logically speaking, he should be a corpse!"

"Wonderful, wonderful! I want to split his head open!"

"How can you understand it by just splitting his head? I propose to tear apart every inch of his flesh and bones!"

With the arrival of all the medical masters, they instantly noticed the difference of the God of Plague.

They were already discussing the treatment method, but the method of treatment made the God of Plague numb all over.

'Craniotomy? Cut flesh and tear bones? '

‘Could it be that this is a fake hospital? '

He was trembling for an instant, and he wanted to get up from the sick bed and run away.

It's really terrifying for this group of big shots to open his skull and dismantle him!

"Everyone, this is our opportunity!"

At this time, Zhang Zhongjing inspected the God of Plague carefully and said, "His malice has already invaded the source, and invaded the soul."

"As long as he is cured, then I will definitely be able to step into the higher realm of medical immortals!"

Although he is called a medical saint by the world.

But his realm is the limit that mortal medicine can achieve.

God of medicine!

And now that the Qi Empire has become the Heavenly Qi Empire, it is naturally impossible for them to satisfy this mortal realm.

Above the **** of medicine, that is the immortal doctor who is revered even by gods!

"Hahaha! What brother Zhongjing said is absolutely true!"

"The realm of medical immortals, I didn't expect that I, Hua Tuo, would be able to peek at his beauty in my lifetime!"

"Everyone, let's get started!"

Under Zhang Zhongjing's initiative, the extremely medical expert began to get busy.

They use the medical skills that must be born, and under the mutual exchange and reference, they influence and complement each other.

Soon, the plague god's most superficial skin disease was completely cured.

Under the help of the medical masters, the healed skin did not repeat itself.

At this time, more and more people came to watch.

After hearing that several medical masters shot together, the entire Tianqi City was shocked.

They were not only delighted to see these medical masters taking action at the same time, but also shocked that there are still patients in Tian Qixian who need the joint healing of several medical masters!

For a moment, even Cheng Mu, who was in the palace, was startled!

"Look and go!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cheng Mu can also have a good time with Huaxia's medical masters!


"I don't want to be cured! I don't want to be cured!"

After Zhang Zhongjing and others jointly wiped out the evil disease on his second layer of flesh and blood, the God of Plague finally panicked.

He wanted to struggle, but Hua Tuo immediately passed out with Mabosan.

"Young man, you have to be obedient If you are sick, you must be treated!"

"If it can't be cured, I will cut your skull open!"

Hua Tuo could concentrate on the craniotomy.

Soon, the evil disease on the second layer of flesh and blood will be eliminated... the evil disease in the third layer of bone marrow will be eliminated...

The fourth layer of original poison removal.......

After the poison of the soul of the plague **** on the fifth level was cleared, waves of powerful energy emerged from Zhang Zhongjing and others.


In an instant, the fairy music sang, and the dragon and the phoenix sang together!

Under the golden light all over the sky, Zhang Zhongjing and others officially set foot in the realm of medical immortals!

The fairy of medicine!

Medical Immortal!

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