The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1011: Craniotomy, Naval Battle of Goddess Country


After the golden light in the sky dissipated, Cheng Mu walked in with a smile on his face.

He saw everything that Zhang Zhongjing and others did to treat the patients just now.

Heals flesh and blood, heals bone marrow, heals origin, heals soul.

Now Zhang Zhongjing and others can already heal the original injury! Soul injury!

In other words, they were really able to **** people from Hades' men.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing Cheng Mu coming, Zhang Zhongjing and others hurriedly saluted.

Today was also their luck, meeting the God of Plague who came to their door.

Otherwise, in the Immortal Kingdom, how could there be so many people with serious diseases who would be healed by them.

"Everyone has set foot in the realm of medical immortals, and the future of the human race is in your hands!"

At this moment, Cheng Mu urged.

The human race with Immortal Doctors in charge will surely not suffer from common illnesses in the future.

Even if an unknown disease occurs, Zhang Zhongjing and others are still there!

"Please rest assured, His Majesty the Emperor!"

Zhang Zhongjing bowed and said: "We join forces, and we will surely make the future of the race free from disease!"

They are the immortals of medicine, so they have the confidence.

They can even heal the wounds of the soul, what else in the world can't be healed by them?

"Damn! Damn!"

But just as Cheng Mu was chatting with the medical experts, sad voices came from the medical hall.

After feeling that his body was no different from that of ordinary people, the God of Plague wanted to cry but had no tears!

He is a **** of plague, and he was cured!

At this moment, where is there a trace of illness on his body?

Sadness, pain, despair...

All kinds of emotions rushed into the God of Plague's heart, and he wanted to die right now!

"Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the God of Plague with a sad face, Zhang Zhongjing and others hurried over.

"Little brother, is there any discomfort in your body?"

"It shouldn't be, the old man has checked carefully, little brother, you are now in good health!"

If they hadn't cured the evil disease of the God of Plague, how could they set foot in the realm of immortal medicine?

"Damn you! You all deserve to die!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhongjing was still caring about him at this time, the God of Plague was furious: "Return my evil disease! Return my evil disease!"

He can only be called the God of Plague when he is plagued by severe diseases.

Now that Zhang Zhongjing and others have cured his disease, what qualifications does he have to become the God of Plague?

"What's wrong with you little brother?"

Zhang Zhongjing and others were confused when they saw the God of Plague with his teeth and claws open.

Even Cheng Mu, who was at the side, looked surprised.

"I just said that there is something wrong with his head and he needs a craniotomy."

But at this time Hua Tuo came forward with a gloomy tone and said, "Maybe there is still a serious disease hidden in his head!"

If he failed to open the plague god's head, even if he cured the plague god, he would not feel complete.

"What fellow Taoist Hua Tuo said is true?"

Zhang Zhongjing and others believed Hua Tuo's words.

After all, Hua Tuo, like them, is a medical immortal.


Hua Tuo nodded and said: "If there is nothing wrong with his head, how can he talk nonsense."

"Don't look at him dancing around at this moment, it's actually something wrong with his head, so he can't control his body!"

If what Hua Tuo said was true, everyone thought it made sense after hearing it.

"Then us?"

Zhang Zhongjing asked. Craniotomy? They have no experience in this area!

"Hey, please give me some pointers!"

Hua Tuo took out an ax from nowhere. Craniotomy, he is a professional!

"What do you want? What do you want?"

Seeing Hua Tuo approaching slowly with an axe, the God of Plague panicked.

He roared tremblingly: "I am the **** of plague, you mortals, don't be presumptuous! Don't be presumptuous!"

"You dare to chop my head, the **** will send down a boundless plague and kill you all!"

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

His voice had already started to become sharp, and he shrank back into the sick bed with all his might.

He wants to rebel.

But he, who has become a mortal, is not Hua Tuo's opponent at all.


Hua Tuo slapped him on the face with a slap in the face, and then he passed out again.

"As you can see, he does have a problem with his head!"

"Still clamoring that he is the God of Plague, how crazy!"

"Forget it, save one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Today, I, Hua Tuo, will split his head and take a good look!"


While speaking, he struck down with an axe.

And the surrounding medical experts don't have any opinions at this time.

They firmly believed in it, and began to learn this craniotomy method with concentration!

"It's.... interesting!"

Cheng Mu also saw a large area of ​​red and white, and he finally used the word "interesting" to describe it.

He highly advocated Hua Tuo's spirit of daring to study and pioneering.

Medical skills need continuous improvement!

Later, after seeing Zhang Zhongjing and others concentrating, Cheng Mu didn't bother them anymore.

he left.

It's just that shortly after he left, the Apocalypse Empire had an extra Hanhan called the God of Plague.

In fact, he is not at all the same as the annoying real plague god, and everyone likes to play with him.

It's just that everyone doesn't know their names, so they can only call him the God of Plague!

Stupid God of Plague!


Under the fairy kingdom of apocalypse, the kingdom of goddesses.

At this time, in the waters of Goddess Country, the densely packed fleet of East Asian civilizations completely encircled Goddess Country.

At this time, most of the soldiers of the entire East Asian civilization were here.

Dongying Kingdom, Goguryeo, Luzon Kingdom, Java Kingdom, Tianzhu Kingdom...

Under the oppression of the three great kingdoms of the West, they could only abandon all the civil wars to form a joint army and send troops to China.

They dispatched hundreds of millions of troops.

tens of millions in each country.

Among them are not only the aborigines, but also densely populated East Asian rangers.

There were not enough ships, and small sampans and canoes were pulled over.

In order to attack Huaxia, they adopted tactics of hundreds of millions of people!

"Oh, kill them all, steal them all, burn them all!"

At this time, some enemies had rushed to Goddess Country, burning, killing, looting and **** everywhere.

There are simply too many of them.

Although Queen Zheng Xiao led the Shenyu Army to resist the enemy from the front.

But when densely packed enemies landed from other directions of Goddess Kingdom, they couldn't stand it anymore.

The soldiers of Shenlong Island also came to support.

But when Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong were absent, they were also deeply surrounded.

"Haha, take down this island, this is our outpost to conquer China!"

Oda Nobunaga stood on top of the warship, full of vigor.

As the vanguard general of the coalition forces, his mission is to lead the army to the Goddess Island.

There are hundreds of millions of coalition forces in East Asian civilization, and the commander of the coalition forces is the only famous general Yi Sun-sin in Goguryeo.

Under his command, the East Asian coalition forces were divided into forward, central, and rear.

The huge forward army is enough to surround the entire Goddess Island, and the central army and the rear army have not participated in the battle at all!

"As long as you capture this Goddess Island, you can invite the Goddess to come."

Standing high in the sky, Li Sunchen looked at the densely packed army on the sea.

They came this time, not just ordinary soldiers. The gods of Dongying Kingdom and the gods of Tianzhu Kingdom will all arrive on the battlefield.

This is their confidence.

Without the help of the gods, how would they dare to attack the unified China?


on the sea.

The dense artillery fire is still roaring.

Zheng Xiao originally wanted to lead the army back to the island, but the surrounding enemies held her fleet back.

Although the artillery fire of the East Asian Allied Forces was not strong, the huge number still caused a qualitative change.

Under the attack of the cannon fire all over the sky, only half of Zheng Xiao's army of one million divine fish was left.

"My emperor, please withdraw first!"

"Report to my emperor, General Zhendong died in battle!"

"Report to my emperor, General Zhenbei died in battle!"

"Report! General Zhennan and General Zhenxi are fighting the enemy on the island. We have already lost half of the island!"

A series of bad news reached Zheng Xiao's hands.

Under the attack of numerous enemies, the entire Kingdom of Goddess was shrouded in flames of war.

At this time, the number of East Asian vanguards participating in the war exceeded 20 million.

This huge number is equivalent to the population of Goddess Country!

So in this case, although the soldiers of Goddess Kingdom are brave, they still can't bridge the huge gap in numbers!

At a critical moment, when Goddess Country is in turmoil.

"Admiral, kill the enemy!"

Zhang Shun led the navy corps to come to the rescue!

In front of the Tianlong Fu Ship, which was like a mountain on land, the small sampans of the East Asian Allied Forces were crushed one after another.

Rumble! Rumble!

At the same time, artillery fire roared.

For the first time, the giant cannon of the Apocalypse Empire made foreigners feel trembling!

"Pierce! Converge!"

Zhang Shun issued a combat order.

At this time, under his command were Zheng Chenggong, Zheng Zhilong, Lin Zexu, Guan Tianpei, Shen Baozhen, Su Lie, Sun Ce, Gan Ning, and Lu Meng.

What these generals represent at this time is the strongest naval force in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

Ten super fleets, ten invincible armies.

The moment Zheng Chenggong and Sun Ce led the fleet to attack, they took control of the battlefield.


Zheng Zhilong led the mad shark army to tear through the encirclement of the Ying Kingdom fleet.

This densely packed warship of the Ying Kingdom is not an enemy of the Mad Shark Fleet at all!

"Baga! Fighting on board! Fighting on board!"

Seeing that Zheng Zhilong was about to rescue Zheng Xiao, Oda Nobunaga roared angrily.

He has already seen the power of the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom's naval fleet.

Their small sampan is like paper in front of the ships of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

That being the case, let's fight on board!

He Oda Nobunaga believed. With their sheer numbers and the bravery of the Yamato samurai, they can triumph!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, countless wanderers from the Ying Kingdom jumped into the sea.

Holding a sharp weapon and a heavy hammer, they wanted to cut through the bottom plate of the Tianlongfu ship.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, under the pitch-black water, there was a muffled chiseling sound!

But soon, these wanderers from Ying Kingdom surfaced again.

At this moment, they were full of horror, seeing that their palms were bursting and they couldn't dive anymore!

"Baga! What are you doing? Go digging a boat!"

Oda Nobunaga roared angrily when he saw the vagrants.

After so long, these people have not even penetrated a single Tianlongfu ship!

For a while, Oda Nobunaga became even more angry.

"Qi...My lord, there is gold and iron at the bottom of the boat, it cannot be pierced!"

The vagabonds of Ying Kingdom were panicked and felt aggrieved.

They did their best.

But facing the heavy hull armor of the Tianlongfu ship, the chisel and hammer in their hands were useless at all.

And there is no force under the sea, they have no way to start!

"What a bunch of trash!"

Seeing the hundreds of thousands of wanderers under his command returning without success, Oda Nobunaga was angry and angry.

He roared: "If you can't penetrate these ships today, you will die in the sea!"

Under Oda Nobunaga, he doesn't raise trash!

"Follow! Follow orders!"

Under the oppression of Oda Nobunaga, these wanderers from the Ying Kingdom could only dive into the sea again.

But soon, the bodies of their group began to float on the sea.

In order to fulfill the orders of Oda Nobunaga, they stayed underwater for a long time, and they suffocated themselves to death.


At this moment, the boarding battle between the soldiers of both sides also officially opened.

At this time, only 4 to 5 million of the 20 million East Asian vanguards landed on Goddess Island.

So at this time, there are more than 15 million East Asian vanguards left on the sea.

Among them are the soldiers of the Ying Kingdom, the rangers of the Ying Kingdom, the soldiers of the Goryeo Kingdom, and the rangers of the Goryeo Kingdom!

Such a huge number coupled with what they think is a strong strength.

In an instant, Oda Nobunaga showed a cruel killing intent!

"My Yamato warrior! Invincible in the world!"


After the Tianlongfu ship smashed the Yingguo Yingguo soldiers on the Yingguo warship jumped onto the Tianlongfu ship.

They use ropes, hooks, and ninjutsu.

In just a quarter of an hour, millions of Ying Kingdom warriors rushed onto the Tianlong Fu Ship.

But they go up fast, and die fast!

Only when they really fought each other did the navy officers of the Apocalypse Empire realize how weak the enemy was.

"It's really a group of ants with the strength of entering the world!"

A soldier of the Apocalypse Empire said with emotion.

Although these Ying Kingdom warriors are densely packed. But in terms of strength, their strongest strength is still in the first-class situation.

Now that the army of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom has advanced to kill gods.

The third-rate, second-rate and first-rate ants rushed forward, and they were simply dying!

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