The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1019: Into the Kingdom of Tianzhu

"Arrow! Throw!"

Seeing these annoying Buddhist soldiers, Dongfang Nuo, who was at the forefront, roared.

The bow and arrow troops under his command are also very special. A group of bow and arrow rangers only use one skill in a battle.

Sniper arrows!

In terms of power, the ranger's sniper arrow is undoubtedly the most powerful move!

With one arrow, even enemies who are a level stronger than them will be seriously injured.

Although the cooling time of the sniper arrow is very long, it can't stand its power!

Dongfang Nuo's 200,000 archers have trained their sniper skills to the highest level.

So one shot!


The sharp arrow shot through the golden lotus platform, killing Buddhist soldiers one after another!

Under this wave of sniper arrows, nearly 200,000 Buddhist soldiers were shot to death.

After shooting the sniper arrows, the 200,000 archers of the Moshuang Army also fell into a period of weakness for half an hour.

In other words, they will no longer be able to participate in the war.

200,000 sniper arrows have replaced nearly 200,000 enemies. The result is extremely brilliant!


Seeing that 20% of the Buddhist soldiers under his command disappeared at once, a Buddha was angry.

"Fix them!"

Since the 200,000 archers of the Moshuang Army are in the way, they should kill the obstructing archers first!

"Buddha is angry!"

I saw these Buddhist soldiers suddenly stopped, and then raging fire spewed out from their palms.

The dense fireballs pressed towards the Moshuang army's formation.

Under these hundreds of thousands of raging fires, the temperature in the entire world was raised several degrees.

This is no ordinary fire, it is Buddha fire!

"Block! Block!"

Dongfang Nuo roared.

The temperature of this Buddha fire is really too high.

When an arrow hit the flame, it was instantly burned to residue by the flame!

crucial moment!

Rumble! Wow!

I saw the black dragon in the sea flicking its tail suddenly.

Under the sweep of the huge dragon's tail, the Buddha flames all over the sky were instantly torn to pieces.

The dragon's tail swept across the sky full of Buddhist soldiers with undiminished power.

In an instant, it was shattered.

The Buddhist soldiers were shattered, and the golden lotus platforms also fell into the sea one after another!

The black flood dragon of the god-level powerhouse made a move, and crushed the Buddhist soldiers all over the sky with one blow!

"It's actually an evil flood dragon with the strength of the main **** level?"

At this time, Brahma, who lived in the Kingdom of God, frowned.

He sensed that there are two main gods/shengongjing powerhouses on Qixian Kingdom today.

Zhang Shun and Hei Jiao.

However, it wasn't the two people in the initial stage of the Jingu that made Brahma afraid, but a black cat lazily basking in the sun on the back of the black flood dragon.

"This black cat looks ordinary, but why does this emperor feel palpitations?"

He couldn't feel the strength of Hei Ling.

But judging from Hei Ling's leisurely walk and leisurely posture on the chaotic battlefield, he knew that this black cat was extremely extraordinary!

"Emperor God, give the order!"

But Lord Shiva can't close so much.

He was covered in blue and wrapped in vicious snakes.

In his eyes, everything is fierce to destroy the world!


Things have come to this point, Brahma can no longer turn back.

That day Zeus **** and others came to the door and killed Vishnu in front of him.

Facing these three **** kings who are stronger than him, Brahma can only submit obediently!

So, he came and brought his Tianzhu Divine Kingdom to the Sea of ​​Storms!

"Ho **** ho, destruction! destruction!"

After getting Brahma's approval, Lord Shiva roared and rushed out.

His face was grim, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Asura, you go too!"

Since there was going to be a big battle, Brahma also sent out the main force under his command.

If Lord Shiva is the destroyer, then Asura is the real killer!


Ashura couldn't wait.

The million Buddhist soldiers just now were just a preliminary test.

Although Tianzhu Kingdom is not big, it has four to five million troops under its command!

This is a genuine fairy soldier and Buddhist soldier!

When Lord Shiva and Asura are also sent to the battlefield, this is enough to show Brahma's determination.

He had to fight.

If there is no war, the kingdom of Tianzhu will perish in the hands of the Three Kingdoms of the West!


In an instant, a larger number of Buddhist soldiers appeared above the sky!

This group of Buddhist soldiers also stepped on the lotus platform at an extremely fast speed.

I saw that they were in the sky and began to attack the Apocalypse Ranger army on the sea with their height advantage.

The first thing Shiva found was the black flood dragon.

Now that the black flood dragon reveals its real body, it is an excellent target for him!


How can the black flood dragon just sit and wait for death?

It's just that at this time, he is in charge of the three Ranger Legions, and he can't stand up and fight at all.


The fierce Lord Shiva tore his scales with one blow.

The black flood dragon is the strength of the initial stage of the shrine, and Lord Shiva has already set foot in the mid-stage of the shrine!

Under one blow, the flesh and blood shattered.

"Military soul! Military soul!"

Seeing the enemy gods attack, the three of Dongfang Nuo and Nie Ba roared and inspired the army's soul!


In an instant, a huge **** knife and a **** long sword met Shiva.

And with the blessing of the Moshuang army's army soul, the strength of the soldiers of the three ranger legions has increased.

Although the Buddhist soldiers all over the sky have the advantages of height and speed, the soldiers of the three ranger legions can also use their weapons to block!

Only the extremely strong power of the Buddha fire caused some threats to the rangers below!

"Go up! You must go up!"

Neba frowned.

If the problem of combat position cannot be solved, then they will always be at a disadvantage!

The soldiers under their command are no weaker than these Buddhist soldiers, but these Buddhist soldiers can fly!

One golden lotus platform per person is enough to see the family background of Tianzhu Divine Kingdom.

This kind of divine kingdom descended from the upper realm has a foundation several times deeper than that of the Heavenly Qi fairy kingdom!

The spaceships of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom are still being built extensively, but the Buddhist soldiers of Tianzhu Divine Kingdom have already stepped on the lotus platform one by one.

This is the foundation accumulated over thousands of years!

"Rather than being beaten here for nothing, it's better to kill that kingdom of God!"

Nirvana's goal is the kingdom of Tianzhu above the sky!

Only by rushing in can they force these Buddhist soldiers to give up their flying advantage!

Land and street fighting, they are invincible!

"It's too high, the soldiers can't fly!"

Destroying Flowers with Difficult Hands actually wanted to rush forward.

That group of generals can fly up to the lofty Tianzhu Kingdom.

However, the rangers with the strength of the national border under his command only have a short-term air defense ability.

It is impossible for them to fly to the Tianzhu Kingdom above the sky!

"Everyone is watching! I'm coming!"

Facing the plight of the soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom, the Dragon Heijiao once again stood up.


I saw his entire dragon jumping high, and those sharp dragon claws clattered onto the city wall of Tianzhu Divine Kingdom with a click!

And his tail fell into the sea.

In other words, at this time, the black flood dragon has connected the sea surface with the Tianzhu Divine Kingdom above the sky!

The people below can climb up by stepping on his body!

"Heijiao boss is awesome! Brothers rush up!"

"Today, I overturned the lair of these bald donkeys to see if they can still fly!"

"Be careful, don't fall!"

The dedication of the black dragon made the rangers of the three major legions have a high fighting spirit.

At this moment, they stepped on the scales of the black flood dragon, rushing towards the Tianzhu Kingdom above the sky.

How proud is it to conquer a kingdom of God?


Brahma also saw the huge dragon claws clinging to the city wall.

At this time, Hei Jiao stared at him with a pair of big longan eyes.

Seeing this uninvited guest, Fan Tian sullenly wanted to shoot the black flood dragon flying away.

But at this moment, Hei Ling appeared from nowhere and jumped onto the jade table in front of him.

Those gloomy eyes stared at his body trembling.

"This... this God..."

Brahma couldn't feel the strength of Hei Ling, so he knew it was definitely a big terror!

The power of Hei Ling alone is stronger than the combined power of the three Western gods and kings!

"Sit down."

Hei Ling didn't have time to talk to him, but just let Brahma sit quietly.

From the moment it agreed to come, the Great Demon King of Black Order, the Kingdom of Tianzhu had already been destroyed.

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