How strong is the Black Order?

Since Cheng Mu forged the second shrine in his own sea of ​​consciousness, Hei Ling's strength has also surpassed the shrine realm!

According to the names of the group of immortals and gods in the sky, this realm is Taiyi True Immortal.

Only those who can enter Taiyi can be ranked at the bottom among the immortals and gods in the sky.

Immortals, immortals, immortals, immortals.

Under the real immortals, there are a group of immortal soldiers, maids, animal pets, mounts, etc. that don't even have palaces.

Their existence is to serve the lofty true immortals.

Only true immortals can get rid of their humble status above the Nine Heavens.

And the Taiyi True Immortal who is above the True Immortal is finally no longer an unknown person!

So when Hei Ling's strength was comparable to that of Taiyi True Immortal, Brahma, who was still in the real fairyland, naturally couldn't perceive Hei Ling's strength.

This is a huge power gap.

Among the major fairy kingdoms in the upper realm, the strength of the fairy king and **** king is the peak of the real fairyland.

This is the limit of Brahma and others.

If you want to step further into the Taiyi True Wonderland, you have to do what Confucius and Cheng Mu said that day.

Crush all the original realm of strength, abandon the body, and recast the fairy body.

Regarding this step, neither Confucius nor Cheng Mu, or perhaps the Lords of the Kingdom of God, wanted to set foot on it!

This one is the path of others, the same path, not theirs!

Of course, people like Brahma Zeus and others must have tried other paths, but Cheng Mu's Zhushen Palace has already walked ahead of them.

"I don't know... I don't know where the Shangxian came from?"

Brahma was extremely unwilling to see Hei Ling who was strong enough to crush him.

He was guessing that a black order with such strength would definitely not belong to Cheng Mu!

Maybe this black order came down from the sky!

"Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom."

Hei Ling came down at first, but what Hei Ling said caused Brahma to fall into the abyss of despair for a while.

"Heaven... Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom?"

Brahma was astonished. He looked at Hei Ling in disbelief, his head was full of confusion: "Since the God of God has such great power, why not ascend to the Upper Realm?"

The Kingdom of God, which possesses the powerhouses of Taiyi True Wonderland, can directly cross the first realm and ascend to the second realm, or even the third realm!

According to Brahma's understanding, the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom should no longer stay on Earth and Stars!

"To shut up!"

However, so many questions from Brahma made Heiling very upset.

He didn't even want to talk to Brahma, wouldn't basking in the sun be more comfortable than talking to Brahma?

Seeing that Hei Ling ignored him, Brahma became even more depressed for a while.

He wanted to move, but he didn't dare!

"Hehe, do you want to know?"

But at this time, the black flood dragon with its dragon claws climbing on the city wall spoke.

He widened his eyes and the dragon head came over and said: "Your Majesty will take the entire Earth Star to ascend together!"

This is inevitable!

Since it is time to revive the path of the Human Emperor, Cheng Mu, the ancestor of the human race, Di Xing, will not leave it behind.

Although the terrain is vast, one day all the people of the Huaxia tribe will live there!

"I get it! I get it!"

Hearing the words of the black flood dragon, and seeing the densely packed soldiers of the Apocalypse Army below, Brahma suddenly realized.

"Our Kingdom of God is like a child's play in front of your Heavenly Qi Immortal Kingdom!"

His Tianzhu Divine Kingdom surpassed the sky with only five million Buddhist soldiers!

But when he saw that there were tens of millions of immortal soldiers in the navy corps in the Tianqi fairyland area, he knew where he had lost.

Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Fairyland is a real fairyland.

And their divine kingdom is just a small city.

Although they are both kingdoms of immortals and gods, how does Brahma's kingdom of Tianzhu compare with the kingdom of Tianqi in terms of scale, strength, and military strength?

"I.... My Tianzhu Divine Kingdom is willing to submit to Guixian Kingdom and become a part of Guixian Kingdom from then on."

"I just want to have a fairy mountain to sing the Dharma!"

Brahma completely resigned to his fate.

Now that the heavens and gods cannot come, who can stop the soldiers of the Heavenly Kingdom?

‘I’m afraid that only if the three great kingdoms of the West join forces, will there be a chance...not even a chance! '

Brahma thought in his heart.

But when he saw this powerful black order, he was still extremely desperate.

The strength of the Black Order should be high above the Nine Heavens!

"Well, then leave you and the phoenix under your seat!"

Hei Ling agreed.

But Brahma can stay, but this Tianzhu Kingdom doesn't need it!

The soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom need to be upgraded, and the general needs to improve his strength.

It is not that Hei Ling can be absolutely invincible by sitting in the vast Heavenly Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom alone.

At least for now, what the black collar is afraid of is that if it makes a move, with its strength, the world barriers of Earth Star will be torn apart immediately.

And the endless monsters outside the domain will all descend on the planet within a few breaths!

This is also one of the reasons why those gods from beyond the nine days dare not descend easily!

If they smash the world barriers of Earth and Stars, then the empress will definitely fight with them forever!

So the biggest function of the black order at this time is still deterrence.

If Brahma really wants to resist to the death, then it will be another battle situation.

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God!"

Brahma was grateful.

‘The kingdom of Tianzhu exists because of my existence! '

‘As long as I don’t die, the Divine Kingdom of Tianzhu will last forever! '

He didn't feel any guilt towards all the people in God's country.

It was Brahma who created the kingdom of God in India. And as long as he, Brahma, does not die, the kingdom of Tianzhu will always exist!

"Death, that is another kind of detachment! Amitabha!"

When Brahma closed his eyes and clasped his hands together to salute, it meant that all the people and soldiers in the Tianzhu kingdom were abandoned by him.

No matter how tragic the war is, he will never open his eyes to see it again!


"This Brahma, was actually frightened by a cat?"

Above the deep space, the three of Zeus, Jesus, and Odin were still peeking at the battlefield.

They were furious when they saw Brahma being bluffed by Hei Ling.

"If I had known earlier, I should have suppressed and killed him that day!"

Odin is hot tempered!

They originally wanted to keep Brahma, the god-king, to add a little trouble to Tianqi Fairy Kingdom, but now it seems that they thought it was too simple.

This Brahma surrendered in words?

"This black cat doesn't look that simple."

But **** saw the essence of the problem at this time.

He said slowly: "Have you noticed Brahma's frightened eyes just now?"

"When the three of us teamed up to descend on his divine kingdom that day, even though there was fear in Brahma's eyes, he was not frightened!"

"In other words, Brahma feels that the threat posed to him by the black cat is still higher than the three of us!"

This is not good news.

Speaking of this, **** also changed from his previous full of confidence and became gloomy!

"You mean, we were deceived by the God above the nine heavens?"

Zeus understood, and he said in disbelief: "This new kingdom of heaven and earth is stronger than our thousand-year-old kingdom of God?"

If this is the case, then their behavior is undoubtedly seeking their own death!

"Even if it's strong, it's an arrow that has to be fired now!"

Jesus did not deny it, but said with a gloomy face: "That **** Yuzao has already revealed all the news to the Huaxia tribe!"

"According to the Huaxia people's character of vengeance, we are already inseparable from them!"

So what if this is a conspiracy by the gods and immortals? They have run out of options!

Cheng Mu was driven by their Three Kingdoms, so he would definitely not spare them.

"Okay! Then let's go back and form a coalition!"

Zeus didn't hesitate any longer.

Since it's an endless battle, let's have a good fight!

"Our three major kingdoms join hands, and all the continents join hands to destroy China together!"

"Although this black cat is strong, the three of us may not be able to defeat him together!"

Zeus **** Odin has also gone out of his way.

Although they didn't go far, their strength also surpassed the peak of the real fairyland!


Tianzhu Kingdom battlefield.

After the black flood dragon opened up a passage for the Tianqi soldiers, the densely packed ranger army soldiers climbed up.

In just a quarter of an hour, a fast ranger had climbed to half the height.

But at this moment, a crazy attack from the Buddhist soldiers from Tianzhu arrived.

In order to prevent the Tianqi soldiers from climbing into the kingdom of Tianzhu, they rushed down like crazy.

That fierce attack caused the Tianqi soldiers to suffer heavy losses for a while!

Not being able to fly is a huge disadvantage after all!

But at this moment, whoosh!

A million flying swords joined the battlefield.

Under the astonished eyes of the Buddhist soldiers from Tianzhu, the Excalibur Army led by the sword bearer finally arrived at the battlefield.

"Excalibur Sword Immortal, kill the enemy!"

The swordsman is dressed in white and looks elegant. And behind him, the Sword Immortal of Million Sword is also unparalleled in style.

At the order of the sword holder, the million swordsmen rushed into the enemy army.

Rumble! Click click click! when!

This is the collision of sword and Buddha.

Under the golden light all over the sky, streaks of silver sword light tore the gold into pieces!

Although the Buddhist soldiers of Tianzhu Fanguo can fly, most of their strength is only in the early days of the kingdom.

Even if there are Buddhist soldiers in the middle stage of Zhenguo, they will die under the sharp sword of the sword fairy, and there will be no bones left.

too strong.

After the strength set foot in the middle stage of Zhenguo, the swordsmanship skills of the Excalibur Sword Fairies became more powerful.

The flying sword roared into the space, and the densely packed Tianzhu Buddhist soldiers fell down.

The powerful vajra bodies of the Buddhist soldiers are simply vulnerable in front of the sharp sword!

"You are courting death!"

Seeing the majestic Excalibur Army Sword Immortal, Ashura rushed over angrily.

He is an evil **** with one head and eight arms.

And behind him, followed by millions of Shura soldiers!

These Asura soldiers stepped on purple lotus platforms. Judging from the destructive aura emanating from the purple lotus platform, this group of Asura soldiers are stronger than the Indian Buddha soldiers!

This is the Tianzhu Shura soldier!


Seeing Asura rushing up, the sword-wielder went to meet him.

His strength has also improved.

At present, he is already a Sword Immortal at the beginning of the Divine Stage! With his combat power, he can fight against the enemies in the middle of Shentai.


But with one blow, the sword-wielding person flew far away!

At this time, there were seven scars and seven holes in his body.

Although he blocked Asura's blow with his sword, Asura had eight arms and eight weapons.

So with one blow, Asura's seven weapons fell on the sword holder.

With such a serious injury, although the sword wielder still had breath, he also lost the ability to continue fighting.

Asura is the strength in the mid-level of the palace, and the sword bearer can survive under his blow, which is enough to be proud of!

"Huh? Did the **** fall down before he exerted his strength?"

Seeing the sword-wielder who lost his fighting power, Asura shook his head with a look of disgust.

"This general of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom is actually so weak?"

That being the case, then he, Asura, is going to kill him!

"Thief, don't be rampant!"

But at this moment, Zhang Shun, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed forward.

He has sent the ten naval fleets under his command to the coast of the East Asian civilized continent.

In the next battle, he, Zhang Shun, will lead the Heavenly Dragon Army and join hands with the Rangers of the Immortal Kingdom to fight against the Immortal Kingdom of Tianzhu!


With one blow, Asura blocked it.

At the same time, the swords, guns and tigers on Asura's other arms stabbed towards Guan Hai.

He has eight arms and can strike eight times with one blow!


Faced with this fierce attack, Zhang Shun retreated a long way.

He looked at the broken knife in his hand, then at Asura who had eight arms.

He murmured: "This battle is not easy!"

His broken knife was originally a short-handed weapon. Although the blade was sharp, it was also one inch short and one inch dangerous.

Now facing Asura's eight weapons, the risk is increased eight times!

This Asura has restrained him in terms of weapons!

"Boy? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, you will die!"

Asura smiled triumphantly.

Although he appears to have the strength of the middle realm of the shrine, but due to the existence of his eight arms, he can sometimes even be able to rival the strong ones in the back realm of the shrine!

Even Shiva, the **** of destruction in Tianzhu God's country, is not his opponent!

"call out!"

After Asura roared, he turned into a beam of light and appeared in front of Zhang Shun.



After eight blows, Zhang Shun flew upside down again!

Asura is really too powerful, Zhang Shun, who has not yet set foot in the middle of the palace, is not his opponent for a while!

"Heh, do you have this strength?"

But even so, Zhang Shun was not afraid.

He was provoking Asura, and wanted to lure him into the bait: "I'm afraid you won't be able to kill me!"

Here is above the sky, already a long distance from the sea.

So he wants to lead Asura to the sea to fight!

"Can't kill you? It's ridiculous!"

Finding that Zhang Shun still dared to question his own strength, Ashura rushed over angrily.


Under this blow, Zhang Shun fell down due to the extremely strong force.

And Ashura also took advantage of the victory to pursue and rushed towards the sea.


With another blow, Zhang Shun smashed into the sea like a cannonball.

The startled waves formed a huge tsunami.


Seeing that Zhang Shun's figure had disappeared in the sea, Ashura turned around cursing.

In his opinion, Zhang Shun had already been beaten to death by him.

"Heh! Is this all you have to do?"

But just as he turned Zhang Shun's voice came from behind him.

Although Zhang Shun's face was pale at this time, his breath was recovering rapidly.

Fighting in the sea, his innate skill [Waves in the White Strips] takes effect, and his strength has also been enhanced several times.

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

Asura was already out of breath.

Seeing that the ant Zhang Shun was still mocking him, he rushed down in a rage.


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