The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1022: means of destroying civilization


After the Buddhist clock in Dianzhu God's country was pushed to the ground, the war officially ended.

Zhang Shun used the advantage of the sea battle in the sea to consume Asura to death.

After killing Asura in the middle of the palace, his strength has officially stepped into the middle of the palace!

As for Shiva, the **** of destruction in Tianzhu God's country.

Under the suppression of the four army spirits, he also harbored hatred for it.

It's just that before he died, his eyes were looking straight into the Kingdom of God.

He didn't understand why Brahma, who lived in God's country, didn't help him.

His Heavenly Emperor, his Buddha, rebelled against the enemy!

"Huh, this Tianzhu Kingdom is weak!"

After seeing the end of the war, Hei Jiao looked at the corpses of Buddhist soldiers all over the place and shook his head.

"The Qin and Han Empires conquered by His Majesty will be stronger than the Tianzhu Kingdom in the future."

Hei Jiao personally participated in the battle to destroy Qin and Han.

In his trapped dragon formation, the killing **** Bai Qi, the invincible Xiang Yu, and the terrifying Ran Min...

Except in terms of the number of powerful people in the Divine Palace Realm, the Qin and Han Empires may be weaker than the Tianzhu Kingdom.

But the number of generals and the number of legions under his command, the Tianzhu Kingdom is far less than the Qin and Han Empires.

If the Qin-Han Empire grows for a while, the Tianzhu Kingdom is really no match for the Qin-Han Empire.

"Hehe, it's just a mere kingdom of God."

After Zhang Shun stepped into the middle of the Divine Palace, he already possessed the aura of a domineering ruler.

With his strength, he is really like a fairy **** above the sky!

Raise your hand, destroy the stars and pick the moon!

The Kingdom of Tianzhu is indeed powerful in front of his naval corps.

But in front of the mighty Heavenly Apocalypse, it is simply vulnerable.

One must know that the main force of his Heavenly Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom has not yet arrived, and those peerless generals have not yet grown up.

In today's planet surrounded by powerful enemies, the Kingdom of Tianzhu is just an appetizer.

"Shuai Zhang!"

At this time, Dongfang Nuo, Nieba and others came forward after cleaning the battlefield.

I saw them pleading with joy on their faces: "Report to Zhang Shuai that a large number of flying lotus platforms have been found in the enemy's country."

"I also ask Zhang Shuai to approve that our soldiers will use the lotus platform as a spoil of war for this battle!"

Although Tianzhu Kingdom is not big, it has thousands of years of heritage.

Under this profound background, the number of flying lotuses hidden in the kingdom of God is extremely large!


Zhang Shun agreed.

As the commander-in-chief of a legion, his official position and status are above those of Dongfang Nuo and other generals.

In addition, his naval regiment can't use this flying lotus platform, so he might as well give it to the ranger soldiers who fought so hard in this battle!

"Thank you Zhang Shuai!"

With Zhang Shun's permission, Dongfang Nuo, Nieba and others excitedly began to distribute flying lotus stands.

They can finally fly!

Dongfangnuo's Moshuang army chose the purple lotus platform, which was the one that Ashura's Asura army rode at the beginning.

The Tyrant Sword Army chose the red lotus platform.

This kind of lotus stand, which has never appeared on the battlefield, has piled up a lot in the warehouse of Tianzhu God.

As for the Sword Soul Army, which is too difficult to destroy flowers with their hands, they like golden colors.

When the golden light surrounds them, their looks are even more eye-catching than the Excalibur Army!

Since then, the four great knight-errant legions of Tianqi Fairy Kingdom have all transformed into flying arms!

With their feet on the flying lotus platform, they can kill nine heavens and ten earths!

They don't have to envy the Excalibur Army of the sword bearers anymore.

The functions of these flying lotus platforms are much more than those of Yujianshu.


East Asian civilization!

After the fall of the Tianzhu Kingdom, the entire East Asian civilization also became in the bag.

The place where Zheng Zhilong, Sun Ce and others landed first was the sea area of ​​Ying Kingdom.

Under the horizontal push of the ten naval regiments of the Apocalypse Navy, Emperor Yingguo Shenmu is like a bereaved dog!

No soldiers to fight, no one to fight!

When hundreds of millions of soldiers of the East Asian Allied Forces were wiped out in the sea of ​​storms, how many soldiers would there still be in the entire East Asian civilization?

In just three days, the Kingdom of Ying in East Asia was destroyed.

Five days later, Korea, Luzon and other countries were destroyed.

In seven days, Tianzhu Kingdom was reduced to a piece of scorched earth!

When no one in the entire East Asian civilized continent dared to stand up and no one dared to resist, the flag of the Apocalypse Fairyland was planted in every corner of the East Asian civilized continent.

"From today onwards, the civilized continent of East Asia will be renamed East Polar Continent!"

After receiving the news of conquering the continent of East Asian civilization, Cheng Mu announced the long-prepared name to it!

East of China, East Polar Continent!

"Resurrect Cao Cao, revive Xun Yu!"

"I named them the lords of East Polar Continent!"

"From now on, Dongjizhou will change to Yishi, write Chinese and speak Chinese!"

"Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed without mercy!"

One order after another was conveyed from Tianqi City.

The policy for foreigners and foreign states is to change their hair, change their language and characters, and destroy their culture!

Culture is the core connotation of a civilization.

If you want to completely destroy a civilization, you must destroy its culture!

And the culture of Chinese civilization has an extremely terrifying power of assimilation.

Presumably soon, Dongjizhou will be completely transformed into a state under the Chinese civilization!

All the cultures of other ethnic groups on the former East Polar Continent will be ablated.

Since then, there has only been one race in East Antarctica, the Huaxia race!

"Your Majesty, will the common people refuse to admit that the common people in other states belong to the Huaxia clan because of their different skin colors?"

At the beginning, Zhuge Liang also asked Chengmu this question.

According to their thinking, the hearts of non-my race must be different.

As long as they look different, they will be killed!

"My Huaxia's tolerant heart is wider than the sky and ocean."

"Anyone who learns my Chinese culture, loyally supports my Chinese culture, and belongs to my Tianqi fairy kingdom is a Chinese!"

Cheng Mu explained.

The Huaxia race can become a super large race.

There are some minor ethnic differences within the clan, which are completely negligible.

The experience of later generations told Cheng Mu that the more nations there are, the more brilliant the flowers will be!



Two giant teleportation arrays connected the Huaxia Continent and the East Polar Continent.

With the existence of the teleportation array, Dongji Continent is completely tied to the Huaxia Continent.

When a steady stream of Chinese people arrived in Dongji Continent through the teleportation array, the assimilation speed of Dong Ji Continent also accelerated!

And the vast sea area between the Chinese Civilization Continent and the East Polar Continent has completely become the inland sea of ​​the Apocalypse Fairy Kingdom!


Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu invited three suzerains to today's banquet.

Jianzong, Dugu seeks defeat.

Daozong, Zhang Sanfeng.

Buddhism, Brahma.

Except for Zhang Sanfeng, the three suzerains are real in history.

Like Dugu Qiubai, like Brahma, they all have a very high reputation in later generations, so they came in this life.

The purpose of Cheng Mu calling them here is naturally to vigorously develop these three sects.

Cheng Mu already knew the detailed process of the battle of Tianzhu Kingdom.

After discovering that there is no resistance in a huge kingdom of God, Cheng Mu decided to develop the strength of the people.

Today, Tianqixian's domestic population exceeds 10 billion.

But the real immortals in the country are only one-tenth of them.

There are also 90% of the common people, they have nothing but the power of the top peerless realm, but they can't really use it.

Under such circumstances, Cheng Mu decided to let the three major sects open their gates and recruit disciples from lay schools.

Only when the people in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom also become stronger, then the Immortal Kingdom will be truly powerful.

What if, like the Tianzhu Kingdom, after five million Buddhist soldiers were lost, the remaining tens of millions of people were powerless to resist?

In the future, when the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom meets a strong enemy, it will also be destroyed!

What Cheng Mu wants is that everyone in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom is an immortal, and everyone is a soldier!

The Immortal Soldiers of the whole people will not be afraid even if the enemy invades the Immortal Kingdom.

A mere five million Buddhist soldiers in the Divine Kingdom of Tianzhu?

Hehehe, if the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom can have tens of billions of immortal soldiers, who else can be the enemy?

Even the gods above the nine heavens, Cheng Mu has the confidence to slaughter them all!

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the old Taoist has already recruited a million Taoist soldiers."

"And there are more than 100 million Taoist cultivators under my Taoist sect!"

Zhang Sanfeng took the lead in nodding his head.

In the beginning, Cheng Mu asked him to form a million soldiers, but because of his short hands, he was not able to use them for the time being.

Daoists are the same as Fayemen, their attack methods are powerful, but their attack distance is a flaw.

With a casting distance of 10 to 20 meters, it is very difficult for Taoists and Faye to survive the battlefield.

"Oh? Is there a solution to the short attack distance?"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng mention a million soldiers again, Cheng Mu said in surprise: "On the battlefield, the distance of a hundred steps is the basis!"

The attack distance of the archers can reach hundreds of meters.

Although the Faye don't need to be as good as the archers, they still have to kill the enemy from a hundred meters away.

If the enemy rushed over, it would be a dead end in the end.

Sometimes powerful skills can also be filled with two people!

"Your Majesty, please put it down. I say patriarchal precepts, which can solve this problem."

Zhang Sanfeng is very confident.

If he wasn't ready, how could he send millions of Taoist soldiers into battle?

"Hehe, it's so good!"

Cheng Mu nodded and said, "After three days, let them join the army!"

Since it is a Taoist soldier, it is natural to enlist in the army.

After seeing the strength of the sword-wielding Excalibur Army, Cheng Mu is also looking forward to the performance of the Million Dao Soldiers!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, does our Buddhist sect also want to form Buddhist soldiers?"

Hearing that Jianzong had sword soldiers and Daozong had Dao soldiers, Brahma, who had just surrendered to Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, hurriedly asked.

If he doesn't form Buddhist soldiers, won't he be compared with the two sects of swordsmanship?


Cheng Mu agreed.

Although the Buddhist soldiers of Tianzhu Divine Kingdom are weak, the Buddhist soldiers of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom are not weak at all!

"That's it, then please three."

Later, after confirming that the three sects would open their gates, Cheng Mu stopped and told them again.

If the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom wants to prosper, it is not just the prosperity of medical care, culture, commerce and other aspects.

Prosperous force can make the country stronger!

"Facing the enemy, first raise the knife in your hand!"

This is a sentence that Cheng Mu firmly believes in First defeat the enemy, then conquer and assimilate them.

"When the Huaxia culture has spread to every corner of the earth and stars, how can the Huaxia people be unhappy?"

Conquering the East Asian Civilized Continent to the east is only Cheng Mu's first step.

The Mayan civilization in the south, the Roman civilization in the west, and the Egyptian civilization in the north.

They correspond to Antarctica, West Pole, and Arctic!

The four polar continents guard the Central Plains of China, and the human race is booming!

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