The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1023: full scale war

Dark Seas.

There are endless ancient ships floating quietly on the gloomy sea.

These ships have brown bottoms and white sails. Although they are small in size, their numbers are extremely terrifying.

On the main ship, after the Scorpion King hacked to death a dark spider that climbed up, he turned his head and asked, "Did my **** respond?"

He is the Scorpion King who roams the desert, the most powerful ranger under the Egyptian Empire.


At this time, a subordinate reported: "Shangshen asked the king to lead the army to fight first, and they will come to the battlefield at the most critical moment."

The gods of the Scorpion King are those ancient desert gods.

Under the instigation of the three great **** kingdoms in the west, they also chose to launch troops against the Tianqi fairy kingdom and the Huaxia clan!

"In this way, pass on the king's order, break out of the dark sea, and conquer the Chinese mainland!"

After receiving the exact order from the ancient desert god, the Scorpion King raised the scimitar in his hand.

The mere dark sea can't stop the soldiers of the Egyptian Empire.

"This king has heard that the Chinese civilization and our Egyptian civilization are called one of the four ancient civilizations."

"Hehe! The mysterious east, feel the horror from the desert!"


Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom, Hanzhou Province, Chang'an, the state city.

Liu Che is already the life of the third generation.

When Cheng Mu brought him out of the fairy temple, he completely bound himself to the future of the Huaxia clan.

So from the day he returned to Hanzhou, he began to vigorously develop the strength of Hanzhou Province.

It was only after abandoning the identity of the emperor and placing himself among the common people that he, Liu Che, truly understood the essence of being a ruler.

Cheng Mu's road to becoming emperor was a great inspiration to him.

In just a few months, with the assistance of Prime Minister Xiao He, Hanzhou Province has regained all its vitality.

And the Hanzhou Legion under Han Xin's command was once again formed.

Although the Hanzhou Legion lost Huo Qubing, the champion, Wei Qing, Zhou Yafu, Li Guang and others can still support the backbone of the Hanzhou Legion!


"Report to the King of Han, a large number of fleets have been discovered in the northern waters of Hanzhou!"

However, when Liu Che had just concluded the early morning deliberations, General Wei Qing passed on the news.

"A large number of fleets have been found in the northern waters?"

When he first heard the news, Liu Che was taken aback for a moment.

He asked: "Is it the navy of my Apocalypse Kingdom?"

At present, apart from Zhang Shun's naval corps, the rest of the states and provinces have not formed a naval fleet.

"Report to the King of Han, the general guesses that these fleets come from foreign races in other continents!"

"The guards report that these ships are far smaller than the ships of my Heavenly Apocalypse Kingdom!"

Although Wei Qing didn't see it with his own eyes, he guessed it from the words of the guard who came to report.

The fleet that appeared in the northern waters of Hanzhou is a foreign fleet from other continents!

"A mere foreign race dares to come to the sea area of ​​​​my Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom to play wild, and they don't know how to live or die!"

After confirming that the incoming fleet was not his own, Liu Che gave the order to attack.

"Let them come and go!"

As long as these invaders dare to land in the area of ​​Hanzhou, then he, Liu Che, will make these people pay in blood!

The reorganized Hanzhou Legion needs blood baptism!


The northern waters of Hanzhou Province.

The war that Liu Che expected soon started.

The soldiers of the Egyptian Empire led by Scorpion King landed in Hanzhou early in the morning.

When a large army and Egyptian soldiers stood together, Wei Qing, who came to kill the enemy, felt the huge number of enemies for the first time.

Now the entire northern area of ​​Hanzhou is occupied by Egyptian soldiers.

The dense crowd of Egyptian soldiers stretched all the way to the west, and even the northern coast of Qinzhou Province was fully occupied.

The continent of Egyptian civilization is extremely vast, and there are not only countries of Egyptian civilization on it, but also some city-states of small civilizations.

Under the four conquests of the Egyptian Empire, this Egyptian Empire can already be regarded as a unified super empire.

If it were not driven by the gods of Egypt, the next one that would unite a whole civilized continent would be the Egyptian Empire!

Of course, since the advent of the Desert God Kingdom, the Egyptian Empire has also become a vassal of the Desert God Kingdom!

"Kill them all, let the people of Chinese civilization taste the power of our Egyptian Empire!"

The Scorpion King gave the order to attack.

Did Wei Qing's million-dollar advance team dare to appear in front of him? court death!


"General, what should we do? The enemy is attacking!"

Seeing the Egyptian soldiers rushing towards them, Wei Qing's soldiers asked impatiently.

Although these Egyptian soldiers were not strong, their numbers were terrifying.

Wei Qing made a rough estimate, and within the scope of his naked eyes, there were more than five million enemy soldiers.

And at this time, there is still an endless fleet on the sea. After the soldiers unloaded one after another, the entire northern part of Hanzhou Province became more crowded.


Wei Qing frowned, and ordered his army to retreat a hundred miles.

"Since this group of people want to die, let them be arrogant for a while!"

He roughly estimated in his mind that the number of incoming enemies should exceed one hundred million.

"Although such a large number of enemies are weak, they are enough to raise the strength of the soldiers of our Hanzhou Legion to the middle level of killing gods."

Wei Qing thought silently in his heart.

The best way for soldiers under your command to advance in strength is to kill the enemy.

Although these super-god-level Egyptian soldiers are a lot weaker than the soldiers of the Hanzhou Army who killed the gods at the beginning level.

But the advantage in quantity is enough to make up for the gap in experience value!

Since the Hanzhou Army does not have a naval fleet, the safest way is to let all the enemies land ashore.

"It's time to cut off their retreat, and we can't let the enemy escape!"

Sometimes retreat is to kill the enemy better!


"Hahahaha! The enemy has retreated!"

"Soldiers of the Egyptian army, go!"

"Conquer Huaxia, let the Huaxia people tremble under the majesty of the desert!"

"Mum them all!"

Seeing that Wei Qing led his army to retreat, the Egyptian soldiers all believed that he was afraid.

So under the inflated confidence, they ran faster!

Soon, Bingzhou Youzhou Xiliang and other northern regions were all occupied.

Under the trampling of Egyptian soldiers, the fertile land turned into a desert!

This is the horror of Egyptian civilization.

Wherever they go, fertile soil turns into desert.

When they stand in the desert, even the territory of China will become their home field.

At this time, Han Xin, who had been waiting for a long time, issued an order.

"General Wei Qing, General Li Guang, you two lead the Huben Army and Flying Cavalry Army to cut off their retreat!"

"Destroy all the ships of the empire!"

The first step is to cut off the retreat of the Egyptian soldiers so that they have nowhere to escape.

"General Banchao, General Yingbu, General Pengyue, you and others led the army to defeat them from the east!"

"General Zhou Yafu, General Tang He, General Fan Kuai, you and others led the army to defeat them from the west!"

"The six armies pushed forward in unison and wiped out all the enemies in the land of Hanzhou!"

"No, let them escape one!"

The combat strategy issued by Han Xin is very simple.

Wei Qing and Li Guang were required to cut off their retreat, while the rest of the generals of the Hanzhou Legion pushed across from east to west.

"Even if the enemy flees into Qinzhou, it will not be allowed!"

Since it is a total annihilation, it must be a 100% annihilation of all enemies!

Even if the enemy fled and fled into Qinzhou Province, Han Xin would not allow it.

"The enemies who invade Hanzhou Province will all die on the land of Hanzhou!"

"Let them water this land with blood!"

"Soldiers of the Hanzhou Army, kill the enemy!"


When Han Xin gave an order, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Hanzhou Army marched out in unison.

After retreating for so long, today is finally their turn to fight back and kill the enemy!


Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom, Apocalypse City.

The news of the invasion of Egyptian civilization reached Cheng Mu.

Regarding this news, although he was angry, it was also in his guess.

"East Asian civilization is the first, Egyptian civilization is the second, so who is the third?"

Today, the four largest civilized continents outside the Chinese civilization continent are East Asia, Egypt, the West, and Maya.

These four continents are hostile civilizations that Cheng Mu needs to take seriously.

Now the East Asian civilization has turned into the East Polar Continent under the Kingdom of Apocalypse, and the Egyptian civilization has personally delivered it to the door.

So what's next, is it the continent of Western civilization or the continent of Mayan civilization?

There are four ancient civilizations in the world.

China, ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient Babylon.

It's just that ancient Babylon has long since perished, and the remaining two ancient civilizations, ancient Egypt and ancient India, can still glimpse a trace in the long river of history.

So they also come.

Ancient Egypt, together with Babylon and other weak civilizations, formed the Egyptian continent.

Ancient India, Dongying Kingdom, Koryo Kingdom and other countries formed the East Asian Civilization Continent.

The Mayan civilization and the Western Roman civilization came from behind, and each occupied a continent.

At present, the five largest civilized continents on Earth and Star are the Chinese Civilized Continent, the Egyptian Civilized Continent, the East Asian Civilized Continent, the Western Civilized Continent, and the Mayan Civilized Continent.

These five civilized continents should have fought on their own.

However, under the instigation and cooperation of the three major western kingdoms of God, they all stood on the opposite side of Huaxia!

Now that Egyptian civilization has arrived, can Western civilization and Mayan civilization be far behind?

"Your Majesty, shall we lead the army to help?"

Sun Wu, as the Generalissimo of the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, came to ask for orders the first time he got the news of the foreign enemy's invasion!

He can allow wars and fights among his own people in the Chinese civilization, but he must not let foreigners wreak havoc on the land of China!

"No hurry, a mere Egyptian civilization, have their gods descended?"

What Cheng Mu is most concerned about now is the desert kingdom above the Egyptian civilization.

There is definite information to report that the desert kingdom has twelve main gods!

Although the strengths of these twelve main gods vary, they are formidable enemies to Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

"not yet."

Sun Wu replied: "However, I believe that they will come soon!"

If the desert **** kingdom absorbs the lessons of East Asian, then they will let the fairy kingdom and the mortal kingdom come together.

"Since it hasn't arrived yet, let Liu Che deal with the soldiers of the mortal kingdoms of Egyptian civilization!"

Cheng Mu was not in a hurry.

According to the strength of Liu Che's Hanzhou Legion.

Even 100 million enemy troops are not enough to slaughter the Hanzhou Legion!


But at this time, there was news from Yinlong that made Wanli hasten.

"Report to Your Majesty, a large number of Western alien races have been discovered in Songzhou, Jinzhou and other sea areas!"

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