The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1024: block the door

Songzhou sea area.

When densely packed griffins, giant dragons, behemoths and other exotic beasts landed on the western coast of Songzhou, Song King Zhao Kuangyin, who was in charge of Kaifeng City, stood up in shock.

"Is this the Western Protoss?"

These griffin dragons are all extraordinary creatures from the west, and it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to resist!

And their appearance also represents the arrival of the Western Protoss!

"Report to the King of Song, and found a fairy city standing above the sea and sky, but this city is not close!"

"The three generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei have already led their troops to rush over!"

"However, the number of enemies is too large, so please ask King Song to order immediate help!"

The subordinate reported anxiously.

Although Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are powerful, the number of enemies who came this time is too large.

There are not only human soldiers under Western civilization, but also supernatural creatures high above!

"Immediately send an order to His Majesty, asking for His Majesty's support!"

"Order the troops of the Songzhou Legion to rush to the rescue of General Guan Yu immediately!"

Zhao Kuangyin issued two orders.

The first is to ask Cheng Mu to send the most powerful person to help. There is currently no strong person in the Divine Palace in Songzhou Province.

If the strongest enemy comes, it will be a disaster for Songzhou.

As for the second order.

As long as the most powerful enemy does not descend, Zhao Kuangyin can lead the army to attack even the giant griffin dragon!


Suizhou waters.

Yang Jian also got the news when the Titan Godman landed on the coast of Suizhou.

His choice is the same as Zhao Kuangyin's.

Ask for the support of the most powerful, and then lead the army to the battlefield!

For a while, after the soldiers of Egyptian civilization landed in Qinzhou and Hanzhou, the three major western kingdoms of God led the western civilization to come!

Odin's Nordic kingdom descended on the sea area of ​​Songzhou.

The Olympus mountain of Zeus descended on the sea area of ​​Suizhou.

The kingdom of **** came to Jinju.

The three kingdoms of God, they chose the three states and provinces that seem to be the weakest in Tianqixian!


"Is it all here?"

In Tianqi City, Cheng Mu looked at the messages in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"Do you want to kill my Tianqi Immortal Kingdom before it has fully grown?"


Since these western gods dared to descend, let him spare him another expedition!

"An order has been sent to all states and provinces, and the whole country has entered a state of first-level combat readiness!"

"If you find that the enemy is unable to match you, you can retreat and fight slowly!"

Cheng Mu knew where his advantages were.

These divine kingdoms are indeed powerful, but at best they are only equivalent to a city or a mountain in Tianqixian!

I can use the vast Chinese mainland to fight a protracted battle with this group of enemies!

Now that the three major kingdoms of God in the West have arrived, the kingdom of God in the desert of Egypt will also come!

"With such a huge enemy, I am very comforted!"

Cheng Mu was both angry and nervous to be attacked by many divine kingdoms on Earth.

"If you are not careful in this battle, you will be doomed!"

"But if we can win this battle, then my Tianqi Immortal Kingdom will soar into the sky!"

This is both a crisis and an opportunity.

If he can't withstand the joint attack of these divine kingdoms, Qixian Kingdom will be destroyed that day.

The Huaxia tribe will also perish in this war.

However, as long as he can stand up, these kingdoms of God will be defeated in World War I.

The whole earth star is in Cheng Mu's pocket!

"Send the order to Kong Sheng, Sun Sheng!"

Without further ado, Cheng Mu hastily summoned Confucius and Sun Wu.

He ordered: "The three great kingdoms in the west, you two still need to go with Hei Ling!"

"Odin, Zeus, Jesus, the three god-kings, I leave it to you!"

What Cheng Mu is afraid of now is not the magic soldiers and main gods of the three great kingdoms.

But the Lords of the Three Kingdoms of God, Odin, Zeus, and Jesus!

According to Cheng Mu's conjecture, the strength of these people should have taken the step above the Shrine!

At this time, only Confucius, Sun Wu and Hei Ling can trap them!

After he opened up the second shrine for the cultivation path of the human race, Confucius and Sun Wu have also forged the second shrine!


Sun Tzu is already murderous!

He wanted to lead an army to support Hanzhou Province, but he didn't want the blind Western protoss to come to his door.

"This group of people should be killed!"

In a fit of rage, he had stepped onto the heavenly kingdom of Jesus.

"Jesus! Come out and die!"


Sun Wu, who descended from heaven, shattered the gate of heaven with one punch.

When a string of angels flew out, his old friend **** also appeared in front of him.

"You are courting death!"

Jesus was angry when he saw that Sun Wu dared to block the gate of his own kingdom of heaven.

"Since you came to die in person, this deity will definitely teach you to fly away!"

"kill him!"

Before he didn't kill Sun Wu, it was because Sun Wu still had immortal soldiers from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom standing behind him.

Now that Sun Wu is alone, how can **** be soft?


Michael Gabriel and other archangels also rushed out.

They all suffered under Sun Wu's hands.

So for them, this battle is an endless battle of shame!

"Hehe, a group of bird people!"

Sun Wu took off the clothes on his body, revealing his bronze-colored strong body.

With his explosive muscles, it looks like he can kill an angel with a single punch!


That is the truth.

Faced with the attack of the archangel Michael, Sun Wu punched out!


With one punch, Sun Wu's fist hit Michael's Judgment Sword.

Everyone only heard a click.

This fairy-level sword of judgment was covered with cracks in an instant!


Seeing the long sword that was crumbling and about to break in his hand, Michael was taken aback.

"How did you become so powerful?"

Although he was not as strong as Sun Wu in the past, he would not be defeated with one blow in such a embarrassing manner!

"Ha ha!"

However, Sun Wu didn't pay attention to him, but rushed up again after a sneer.

Let Michael and Gabriel escape every time before.

Today he personally blocked the gate of the kingdom of heaven, to see where are these bird people going?


Mount Olympus.

When Confucius descended to the top of the mountain in an ox cart, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon all came out to greet him.

Seeing this old man, although Zeus had ten thousand killing thoughts in his heart, he didn't dare to make a move at this time.

He felt an aura several times stronger than him from Confucius.

That is to say, Confucius is stronger than Zeus now!

"The old man has a chess game, and I invite you all to share!"

Confucius smiled and raised his hand to invite.

He is not as reckless as Sun Wu.

With their strength, if they act rashly, it may tear up the world barrier of this planet.

What Confucius has to do now is to trap Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.

The strength of these three people is all above the Divine Palace Realm.

Not fighting them is the best way for Confucius to protect the earth and stars!


Faced with Confucius' invitation, although the three of Zeus felt apprehensive, they could only agree.

Together, they can indeed fight Confucius.

But it is estimated that after that battle, their Olympus Mountain will also be destroyed!

After weighing the pros and cons, they also decided to hold Confucius back.

Zeus prayed in his heart: 'Jesus and Odin, come quickly! '


Odin Kingdom.

Bearded Odin was very angry at the black cat that suddenly appeared in the temple.

He said angrily, "Whose pet is this?"

This is the Heavenly God Hall in the center of the Kingdom of God, and it is his Zeus' territory!

How did a mere black cat of Fanguo come here?

"No...don't know?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, Loki, the God of Conspiracy, and others also looked confused.

They are gods aloft, how could they raise a mortal black cat?

"Throw him out!"

As the Norse God of War Tyr said, he was about to raise his hand and throw the black order out.

However, in the next second, before his hand touched Hei Ling's body.


With a scream, Tyre's right arm was melted directly.

The severe pain made him roll all over the floor!

Tyr, the majestic Norse **** of war, lost half of his fighting power in an instant.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Tyre was injured, Thor, Loki and others rushed up.

They pulled out the weapons in their hands, and were so angry that they wanted to tear Hei Ling into pieces!

"Stand back!"

But at this moment, a powerful force emanated from Odin and captured Thor and Loki back.

After this time, Odin's face was full of horror and guard.

"You... are you the black cat from Tianqi Fairy Kingdom?"

He remembered, he remembered completely.

This black cat is exactly the same as the black cat that overwhelmed Tianzhu Divine Kingdom back then.

In other words, the existence that made even Brahma fear and dread, now came to his Nordic kingdom.

"Your pets are good!"

Looking at Odin with a terrified expression, Hei Ling said these words on his own.

Hei Ling couldn't help but open his eyes to those strange and extraordinary creatures.

Griffins, Behemoths, dragons, elves, dwarves, orcs...  

This is completely a monster illustrated book.

Although the monsters under its black command are also various and strangely shaped, they cannot escape the same point of demons after all.

As for the monsters under the Nordic God Kingdom, they are really different, and they are not the same!

"You... what do you mean?"

Odin clenched the spear in his hand.

If Hei Ling dares to make a move today, then he can only fight Hei Ling to the death!

"My king is hungry, eat something first."

However, Odin's words were directly ignored by the black order.

It glanced around with a pair of dark eyes, and then raised its claws to grab a giant dragon.


It opened its mouth wide and swallowed the giant dragon hundreds of times bigger than him in one gulp!

"Hi~ I'm full!"

After eating and drinking, it appeared on the god's table in front of Odin again.

It lay there lazily with its belly open, and glanced at Odin contemptuously: "Stay here honestly!"

"If you dare to go out with one, I will eat it in one bite!"

It can see that the main gods of the Nordic protoss are all here.

That's easy!

As long as Odin and others are trapped, the Behemoth dragons in the Nordic God Kingdom are the best upgrade energy for the soldiers of the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom.

Today's black orders are generally not shot.

In order to let the soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom upgrade quickly, it really broke the cat's heart!

"You! You are presumptuous!"

Seeing that Hei Ling was so Tyre, who woke up from the pain, was furious.

He wants to kill Hei Ling with a single sword and avenge his broken arm!


But in the next second, his voice just fell.

Hei Ling opened his mouth wide and swallowed him in one gulp.

This time, Tire didn't even make a scream, and died!

Seeing the angry and terrified Odin people, Hei Ling said coldly:

"Who is for? Who is against?"

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