The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1030: timid Xue Tianjun

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Seeing the soldiers under his command who were besieged and killed, Meng Tian roared with red eyes.

This scene made him so desperate!

The arrows of the two million Mongolian cowardly Xue army knocked the Great Wall heavy cavalry off their horses like heavy hammers.

And the 500,000 Great Wall heavy shield soldiers suffered a devastating blow at this time!

Rumble! Boom!

This time, the army of millions led by Borshu was the elite selected by Temujin himself!

This army is called the Cowardly Xuetian Army!

The strength of the millions of cowardly Xue Tianjun has reached the terrifying intermediate level of killing gods!

So under the attack of their waves of Polly arrows, the heavy shields in the hands of the Great Wall heavy shield soldiers were instantly shattered!

In the blink of an eye, Meng Tian saw that only half of the 500,000 Great Wall heavy shield soldiers remained.

The first stage of killing gods is a pseudo-god killing with peerless strength.

Only the middle-level godslayer after the soldier's strength has set foot on the border of the town, that is the real godslayer!

Every arrow of these cowardly Xue Tianjun carries the power of heaven and earth.

This incomparable power, how could the Great Wall Heavy Cavalry with peerless strength be able to stop it?

"This is your trump card?"

Above the deep space, Ying Zheng, possessed by the Nine Dragons, frowned.

He saw the invincible posture of the cowardly Xue Tianjun!

At the middle level of killing gods, only the elite Xeons under Cheng Mu's command can possess such strength.

"Hehe, be strong!"

Seeing the embarrassing Ying Zheng, Temujin couldn't help showing off.

"I heard that the Tianqi fairy kingdom above you became a fairy kingdom after unifying the Chinese civilization continent?"

He chuckled lightly, "Ha ha."

"However, our Mongolian Empire can embark on the road to the fairyland without unifying the Egyptian civilization!"

This is where Temujin is most proud.

"My Mongol Empire has no gods, so Temujin is their god!"

After seeing Muhammad come to the Arab Empire, Temujin was also greatly inspired to embark on such a path.

Muhammad founded the Arab Empire, and even Islamic civilization originated in his hands.

Since Muhammad could become a god, why couldn't he be Temujin?

Today's Temujin has not only embarked on the road to becoming a **** himself, but also forged a cowardly Xuetian army under his command that can rival the gods and immortals!

It is also Temujin who has such strength that Muhammad and Zoroas will be afraid of him!

"You... walked ahead of us!"

Hearing Temujin's words, Ying Zheng couldn't help feeling a little admiration in his heart at this moment.

He didn't respect the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom before, and he also wanted to walk the same path as Temujin.

It's just that before he took that step, the Great Qin Empire was wiped out by Cheng Mu!

Ying Zheng didn't expect it.

Temujin, who was far away in the northern continent, actually walked in front of him?

"Your Majesty will love you!"

He told Temujin.

If Tiemuzhen had taken this step, Cheng Mu had already succeeded!

Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom is more than ten times stronger than Temujin's Mongol Empire!

"Your Majesty? I will go to him after I kill you."

Temujin nodded.

Now that the cowardly Xue Tianjun on the battlefield has completely controlled the battlefield, it's time to send Ying Zheng on the road!

"Nine Dragons into the Body? Let's see how long you can last!"


With a loud drink, Temujin drew the longbow in his hand again.

Ying Zheng, possessed by Kowloon, does have the strength to fight him.

But he was in no hurry.

Temujin didn't believe that the nine golden dragons could always exist in Ying Zheng's body!

"The power that does not belong to you is not yours after all!"

"Go to hell!"

Rumble! Rumble!

In the next attack, every arrow of Temujin was like a violent storm.

Front and back, left and right, up and down void.

When Temujin was going all out, his arrows had no trajectory at all.

call out!

He drew the bow, and within 0.01 seconds after the arrow left the string, the arrow appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

These arrows spanning the entire space can unexpectedly appear in every direction around Ying Zheng's body!

For a while, facing the elusive arrow, Ying Zheng could only block it desperately.

However, he only has a King Qin sword, which cannot resist attacks from all directions.

Although the possession of Kowloon brought him a strong defense.

But one arrow and one bloodstain.

Soon, Ying Zheng became scarred.

During this period, he tried to rush to Temujin and kill him in close combat.

However, Temujin insisted on killing Yingzheng with bows and arrows.

Facing Ying Zheng's attack, he retreated a hundred meters every time.


Ying Zheng, who had been frustrated several times, panted heavily. He had never felt so embarrassed.

When fighting Cheng Mu, he trapped Cheng Mu with Jiulong. Although Cheng Mu could not escape during this period, the battle of Nine Dragons was a great loss to Ying Zheng.

But now that he has improved his use of Kowloon, he doesn't want to be given a kite by Temujin?

Slowly, he closed his eyes.

Since these arrows cannot be seen with the naked eye, he uses his perception to resist them.


Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

After he closed his eyes and held his breath, he seemed to be standing in the void.

And Temujin in front of him was pulling his bow and arrows and shooting arrows towards him.

These arrows are not only extremely fast, but they can also turn.

Sharp arrows appeared on his chest, top of his head, back, and lower back.


After detecting the flight path of the arrow, Ying Zheng no longer hesitated.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!


His King Qin sword blocked a lot of arrows, and cut off a lot of arrows at the same time!

For a while, no matter how many arrows Temujin shot, they couldn't hurt Ying Zheng anymore.

The battle situation seemed to be stalemate again at this moment.



Although the battle between Temujin and Ying Zheng in the deep space was stalemate, the battle on the ground battlefield seemed to be coming to an end.

After the Qixue Tian Army led by Bo Ershu took control of the battlefield, Meng Tian's Great Wall Army suffered a devastating blow!

The power of heavy cavalry is indeed unparalleled in the world.

But if they can't catch up with the Mongolian cavalry, no matter how powerful they are, it won't help.

After Meng Tian led the Great Wall Cavalry into the battlefield, he hadn't even achieved the result of killing a single enemy.

In other words, in this battle, the Mongol cowards will wipe out Meng Tian's Great Wall Army at the cost of not spending a single soldier!

shame! shame!

Meng Tian had never felt such a shame today!

Even when he faced Cheng Mu's army before, he was never in such a mess.

The soldiers under his command were wiped out without killing a single enemy?

If this is the case, the prestige of his Mengtian generations will be completely ruined here!

"Go to hell!"

Roaring in despair, Meng Tian took the initiative to rush towards the enemy with a weapon in hand.

The Great Wall heavy cavalry under his command can't catch up with the Mongolian cavalry, but Meng Tian can!

"Hehe, stop him!"

Seeing that the coach Meng Tian wanted to rush over again, Bo Ershu sneered.


In an instant, a cowardly Xue Junhun appeared on the battlefield.

This is the blood eagle army soul inspired by the cowardly Xue army under Mu Huali's command.

His half-step Divine Palace Realm might have knocked Meng Tian back the moment he first appeared on the stage!

How could Meng Tian, ​​who was strong in the backstage of the **** stage, be the opponent of Blood Eagle, who was half as strong as the **** palace?

"Hahaha, despair! Howl!"

"It is an honor for you to die at the hands of our Mongolian iron cavalry!"

A triumphant smile appeared on Borshu's face.

"Everyone thinks that heavy cavalry is the nemesis of light cavalry, but not knowing the speed of Qingqi can make heavy cavalry despair!"

This is not a valley trail, nor is it a desperate place.

This vast battlefield gave the Mongolian cavalry great room to play.

"Damn! Damn!"

Seeing the moment when the blood eagle army soul appeared on the battlefield, Meng Tian really despaired!

Although the soldiers under his command are stronger than the Mongolian Qi Xue army, they can only roar incompetently when they catch up with the enemy.

However, the strength behind the altar that he was proud of could not overcome the gap of the blood eagle army soul!

"I, Meng Tian, ​​will be crucified on the pillar of shame forever!"

The army is restrained, and there is also the unrivaled cowardly Xue Tian army.

In such a hopeless place, Meng Tian can't see any hope!

Rumble! Rumble!

But just as Meng Tian was dying in despair, several other armies of the Qinzhou Legion finally rushed to the battlefield!

"Destroy them! Destroy them!"

Wang Jian looked at the corpses all over the ground and Meng Tian who was full of despair, he knew he was late.

Sima Cuo and Hu Fu's cavalry and shooting troops were wiped out, and Meng Tian's Great Wall Army was also wiped out.

In this battle, the Qinzhou Legion paid the price in blood!

"Oh? Come up again to die?"

Seeing Wang Jian leading the army in person, Boershu's face showed a trace of contempt again.

"So what if there are more of you?"

"An army without the mid-level strength of killing gods, you are all ants!"

The cowardly Xue Tian army that suppresses the strength of the country is really too powerful!

With the cowardly Xue Tianjun, even the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army with peerless strength could not beat the waves!

Their speed can make the Qinzhou Army despair!

"Zhao Gao, leave it to you!"

But facing the contempt of Boershu, Wang Jian looked calm.

He called Zhao Gao forward.

In the next battle, Zhao Gao will play a great role!

"Please rest assured, General!"

Zhao Gao said confidently: "As long as the general can protect his subordinates, these enemies will be defeated!"

Although he was a treacherous minister in history, only the powerful can become a traitor!


Wang Jian nodded.

Zhao Gao can be regarded as a special type of talent, he can play an extremely special role in specific situations!



Seeing Zhao Gao who came out alone, Boershu's face showed a trace of surprise.

"What's going on? An ant came out to die?"

He can't feel too strong aura in Zhao Gao's body, Zhao Gao is not a powerful person at all!

Today, the name of the most powerful person on the earth and planets is at least the one who is at the altar level to be called the most powerful person!

Under the altar are all ants!

"Shoot him!"

But just to be on the safe side, Bo Ershu decided to kill Zhao Gao.

"It doesn't matter whether he is strong or not, as long as he appears on the battlefield, he is an enemy!"

Even if the people in front of him are ordinary people, he will kill them!

But the next second, when he just ordered.

Zhao Gao suddenly raised his right hand and pointed at them:

"Calling a horse a deer!"

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