The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1031: Destroy! Qi's martial arts!

What does it mean to call a deer a horse?

The general idea is that when you are strong, you can do whatever you want!

And referring to a horse as a deer is a way for Zhao Gao to comeback and win when he is at a disadvantage.

What he enhanced was the strength of his own soldiers.


Under Zhao Gao's finger, the cowardly Xue Jun on the opposite side only felt his eyes blur.

When they opened their eyes to see clearly again, they were stunned.

"What's going on? Why did the opponent's strength suddenly increase?"

In his eyes, the strength of the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army has clearly set foot on the border of the country!

"Haha! Ascension!"

The words of the soldiers of the cowardly Xue army were like keys, which really opened the door to the improvement of the strength of the soldiers of the Qinzhou army.

What they saw just now was just Zhao Gao's trick to blind them.

Only when these cowardly soldiers of the Xue Army think that the strength of the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army has improved, can the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army truly improve!

If it is for the enemy, it really means that the deer is a horse, directly reducing the enemy's strength.

However, due to the shelter of the army soul of the Qi Xue Army, Zhao Gao could not directly reduce the strength of the Qi Xue Army.

Since it is impossible to reduce the strength of the enemy, it can only increase the strength of our own soldiers!

So what acts on one's own side and can enhance the strength of one's own soldiers, that is to say that a horse is a deer!

The skill of referring to a horse as a deer did not hurt the soldiers of the Qi Xue Army, it just used their eyes to enhance the strength of the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army.

Naturally, this skill will not be exempted by the army soul of Xue Jun!

"Are you all blind? The strength of this group of people is clearly only peerless!"

"Wake up! You wake up for General Ben!"

Seeing the restless soldiers under his command, Borshu yelled loudly!

He saw the problem. So he wanted to let the soldiers under his command recognize it again by cursing!

As long as the soldiers under his command believe that the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army in front of them are still of peerless strength, the strength of the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army will fall again.

"A peerless realm? Could it be that I misread it?"

"Why do I think they also have the strength to suppress the country?"

"We are not mistaken, the strength of the enemy has really improved!"

"What should I do? The enemy is coming!"

It's a pity that although Borshu's language was harsh, he couldn't affect the eyes of the soldiers of the Qi Xue Army under his command.

At this time, only what they see with their eyes can they believe it is real.

Rumble! Rumble!

After their strength had risen to the realm of township, the soldiers of the Qinzhou Legion roared and rushed over.

"Hahaha! Brothers kill the enemy!"

"As expected of Mr. Zhao Gao, Mr. Zhao Gao's accusation of a horse as a deer is so strong!"

"Quick battle and quick decision, Mr. Zhao Gao's accusation will not last long!"

"Qin Zhirui! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Looking at these horrified enemy troops, the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army broke out with unprecedented fighting power!

They want to kill the enemy and avenge their brothers who died in battle!

"Lishan Legion! Follow me, General!"

"Qi's martial arts, kill the enemy!"

Zhang Han and Meng Ao led their soldiers to the front.

The cavalry of the Lishan Legion are also light cavalry, and they are extremely fast.

As for Meng Ao's newly recruited Qi Zhi martial arts, they are all martial arts masters!

I saw them riding on horses, and they were extremely fast!

In just a few breaths, Lishan Jingqi and Qi Zhi's fighters rushed in front of the enemy.

Qi Zhi's attack speed under Meng Ao's command was one step faster, so their opponent was the Qi Xue Tianjun recruited by Temujin himself!

"Kill them!"

It is different from the fear in the hearts of ordinary cowardly Xue army soldiers.

The soldiers of the Cowardly Xuetian Army, who are also the strength of the national border, seem to have killing intent on their faces at this time!

Facing the menacing Qi Zhi's martial arts attack, Bo Ershu could only lead the cowardly Xue Tian army to meet it first.

"It's all fake! Your strength is all fake!"

Since he couldn't beat the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army back to their original form, he would lead the army to defeat them head-on!

"Go to hell!"

Under his personal leadership, Qi Xue Tianjun and Meng Ao's Qi's martial arts collided thoroughly.

for a while.

Rumble! Click click click! Boom!

The continuous sound of falling horses resounded!

After a charge, the entire battlefield became chaotic.

Boershu wanted to lead Xue Tianjun to pierce Qizhi's martial arts army.

However, the strength of Qi Zhi's martial arts, who has stepped into the strength of the Zhenguo border, is much more terrifying than he thought!


"Heavy shield!"

"Injury reduction!"

"slow down!"



With just one impact, the Qixue Tianjun under Borshu's command was directly smashed to pieces.

Under Meng Ao's cruel and ferocious face, Borshu also flew upside down!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are a bunch of rabble!"

Borshu, who flew upside down, looked at the crushed battlefield, and he couldn't believe the result.

He, the most powerful Qixue Tianjun in the Mongolian Empire, was actually defeated?

The copper and iron walls formed by the colorful rays of light smashed all his pride into pieces!

"It is indeed a group of rabble!"

Facing Boershu's roar and accusation, Meng Ao generously nodded in recognition.

The martial art of Qi under his command is an army composed of a group of mobs.

What military spirit? military discipline? Cooperate? Team fight?

No no no, none of these!

The most powerful part of Qi Zhi's martial arts under his command is the combat ability of a single soldier.

"But even if it's a mob, it's still a mob made up of rangers!"

Meng Ao said something again, so that Bo Ershu could understand!

Ever since he was crushed by Dongfangnuo's Moshuang army in the Han Empire last time, the revived Meng Ao also fell in love with the ranger soldiers!

When forming the army, he formed a Qi Zhi martial arts team that fits perfectly with the ranger soldiers!

On the battlefield, a disciplined army has the same combat methods as a disciplined army.

And mobs like Qi Zhiwu also have the fighting methods of mobs.

This group of mobs rushed forward with invincibility or injury-free skills.

The powerful skills in their hands have become a nightmare for the cowardly Xue Tianjun!

Soon Meng Ao's Qi's martial arts divided the battlefield, dividing the cowardly Xue Tianjun into small pieces and devouring them.

These cowardly Xue Tianjun soldiers wanted to break through.

But Qi Zhi's powerful martial art skill directly bombarded the two of them to death with their horses!

"I'm going to fight with you! I'm going to fight with you!"

Seeing that he was about to experience the second despair, Borshu roared and rushed towards Meng Ao.

He wants to kill Meng Ao, and he wants to kill all Qi's martial arts rangers here!


But soon, he flew upside down!

Bo Ershu was injured long ago in the battle with Sima Cuo, how could he be Meng Ao's opponent at this time?

With just three moves, he was defeated by Meng Ao's men!

"Bor technique!"

Seeing Borshu who flew upside down and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, Mu Huali and Chi Laowen wanted to help.

However, when Zhang Han's Lishan Jingqi started chasing and killing their soldiers, they could only watch Boershu's defeat!

They are running away.

Even the cowardly Xue Tianjun, who is strong on the border of the country, is no longer an opponent of the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army.

How could the cowardly Xue army under their command be able to block the attack of Qinzhou army soldiers?

Now their proud speed has become the best capital for them to escape!



In the deep space, seeing the sudden reversal of the battle situation on the ground, Temujin was also horrified for a moment.

He just watched helplessly as all the soldiers of the Qinzhou Legion advanced to the middle rank of God Slayer!

In front of millions of middle-ranked soldiers who killed God, his one million cowardly Xue Tian army was really incomparably weak.

"Hehe, admit defeat!"

Although Ying Zheng was covered with scars at this time, Temujin on the opposite side was not feeling well either.

The two fought a lose-lose.

However, when they were about to decide the outcome, Temujin's army was the first to be defeated!

"Admit defeat? Impossible!"

Temujin roared angrily.

He wanted to kill Zhao Gao, the culprit.

But Ying Zheng stood in front of him, making it impossible for him to make a move!

Ying Zheng, who entered the body of the Nine Dragons, is stronger and more durable than he imagined!

"If you don't admit defeat, then die!"

At this point in the fight, Ying Zheng was actually at the end of his battle.

But since Temujin is willing to die, then he will send Temujin one last time!

"Sweep the world!"

With a roar, he swept his sword towards Temujin!

call out!

The golden sword light rapidly expanded like ripples in flight!

Soon, the entire deep space was filled with sword light.

And Temujin, who was under the sword light, was already unavoidable at this time!

This is Yingzheng's most powerful ultimate move, and it is the most brilliant color when sending Temujin on the road!

"The pride of the army!"

However, facing Ying Zheng's unstoppable sword, Temujin, who had been fighting fiercely for a long time, finally drew out the scimitar from his waist!

While he roared, a pitch-black war horse suddenly appeared under him!

I saw him riding a war horse, leaping high!

The scimitar in his hand slashed fiercely at Ying Zheng!

call out!

This is the dazzling knife light!

When the huge knife marks collided with the sword marks, the deep space became quiet!

next second.


Thunder all over the sky!

Under the collision of knives and swords, the deep space was instantly torn apart!

The power and influence like opening the sky sent Ying Zheng and Temujin flying far away!

"Be careful!"

In the distance, Muhammad and Zoroas, who were spying on the battlefield, also felt a deep sense of crisis.

This power is too strong.

Even if they are in the middle of the palace, they can only block it with all their strength!


The extremely strong power knocked them into the air, and the power even affected the distant desert kingdom of God!

"Which main **** is fighting?"

Inside the desert kingdom, La felt the trembling desert kingdom asking.

Only the power of the battle between the masters of the palace can exude such power.

"Is it Muhammad and the others?"

"But it seems that they have encountered a hard stubble!"

Hades explained Although their desert kingdom has not yet arrived, it is still in the deep space not far from the Chinese mainland!

The power and power of the most powerful people who fought in Qinzhou Province and Hanzhou Province will affect them!

"Hey! Since it's the enemy's main god, let's go and have a look!"

The lord of the desert kingdom [La] nodded.

The opportunity he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

The target he wants to kill in the Desert God Kingdom is the God Palace Realm powerhouse in the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom!

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