Chapter 104: Zhuge Liang’s Promotion

“Ding! Hei Ling (unknown) wants to recognize you as master and become your pet.”

“Do you agree?”


The inexplicable system prompt made Cheng Mu confused.

Black order? Still unknown?

Actively recognize the Lord?

Is this my domineering exposure?

In front of Cheng Mu’s eyes, a black cat appeared.

“You are Heiling? Such a strange name!”

He looked at the black cat in front of him, it was no different from a domestic cat!


Hei Ling called out and jumped on Cheng Mu’s horse.

“It looks pretty good.”

Cheng Mu nodded, thinking that he could take it back and give it to Master Li.

So he immediately changed the name of He Ling.

“From now on, you will be called Big Black Cat!”

The appearance of the big black cat can only be regarded as a windfall.

He agreed that He Ling became an own pet for another reason, because of the word unknown.

Unknown things are definitely not ordinary things.

After accepting Hei Ling as a pet, Cheng Mu saw its attributes.

Big black cat (unknown)

Level: Level 1/Unknown

Attributes: comparable to domestic cats/unknown

Stunt: Unknown

The rest: unknown.

A series of unknowns made Cheng Mu know that he had picked up a big treasure.

At the same time, the old Peng on the sky seemed to take a look at this side with feeling.

When he saw Cheng Mu, he was about to speak.

“Got you!”

Suddenly, Old Lin shouted angrily and immediately ran in the other direction.

Here, the German general has led hundreds of Lieyang troops to surround the Black Claws.

At this time, the black claws were as thin as wood, with a breath of broken vicissitudes.

“Take him back and leave it to your Majesty!”

Old Lin ordered.

Those people in Tiandu must be very interested in this kind of stuff from outside the territory.

But when Lin Lao left, he still looked curiously in Cheng Mu’s direction.

“Is my perception wrong?”

Black Claw has been captured, there shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

Cheng Mu shook his head to get rid of the inexplicable emotions in his heart.

Back in the village, he gave the big black cat to Master Li.

“Thank you son!”

With the big black cat in his arms, Li Shishi was delighted.

Women have no resistance to furry things.

Yijian Qingxin is now leading the Jianxin Pavilion player to encircle and suppress the remaining Yellow Turban remnants.

Although the event is over, the Yellow Turbans’ high experience rewards make the players rush.

The second thing Cheng Mu came back was to hand over the 100-level Helicopter Pill to Zhuge Liang.

“Thank you for your cultivation!”

Zhuge Liang, who was usually calm and brisk, couldn’t help getting excited when he got the Heli Tango.

A straight-up pill is enough to be worthy of the efforts of others for years or even decades.

Zhuge Liang

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Occupation: Counselor

Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)

Level: 100

Qualification: SSR (Ghost-level qualification. Note: This is the highest qualification at this stage and cannot be Ascension.)

Commander: 85

Force: 10

Strategy: 100

Politics: 86

Skills: God-level heart attack (Zhuge Liang can steal the sky and change the day through language, and persuade life to die.)

Falling Stars and Falling Moon (Zhuge Liang summons Star to fall and attack the target area, causing powerful explosive damage to the target area.)

God-level stargazing (Zhuge Liang observes the sky at night, 100% foreseeing what is about to happen. This skill can only be activated once a week.)

Eight Trigrams of the heavens (Zhuge Liang arranged an Eight Trigrams to evolve the heavens, and he was the only divine residence in the days.)

Zhuge Liang, with four skills, really opened his eyes to Cheng Mu at this time.

God-level attacking the heart, falling stars and falling into the moon, god-level stargazing, Eight Trigrams of the heavens.

These four skills, any single one can become a big move.

However, Zhuge Liang has four.

Looking at the skill of God-level Heart Attack, Cheng Mu thought of his heroic record of fighting against the group.

Steal the sky and change the day, persuade life to die.

Coupled with the god-level stargazing, this is a proper peerless fortune teller.

One counts one whole.

“Thank you for your cultivation!”

Zhuge Liang bowed to Cheng Mu again.

Although his current commander and politics have not reached 100 points, his maximum level of ghost and god qualifications can be raised to 120.

One hundred levels is not his focus, it’s just a higher starting point.

In history, Zhuge Liang strategized, unified the army, and was able to govern the country and bless one side.

Except for his relatively low force value, the other three attributes are perfect.

Cheng Mu also enthusiastically helped him up and said, “Tianqi Town, I will leave it to you in the future.”

Regarding Haizhu outside, Zhuge Liangzhu inside.

Now he has two townspeople under his command, and he has five points of confidence even in the face of the entire China.

A single falling star and falling moon is powerful enough to smooth a city.

Zhang Jiao, who had not entered the country at the beginning, destroyed the city of Wuning County with a move of thunder.

And Zhuge Liang has entered the town.

“Liangding lives up to the master’s cultivation!”

Zhuge Liang is ambitious when his strength is at the top of the world.

He immediately asked for orders: “Master, it’s time for us to take control of Qingyang City!”

Cheng Mu is now General Zhenwei, and it is only natural to take over Qingyang City.

“No hurry, our base camp is still Tianqi Town!”

Cheng Mu will never forget the Apocalypse Town that he has worked so hard to develop bit by bit.

With Houtian Qizhen, it will become Tianqi City, Tianqi County, Tianqi State, and Tianqi Kingdom.

Even the Apocalypse Empire.

This is his only goal Cheng Mu pursues.

Without the process of admiration, Zhuge Liang did not completely deny Zhuge Liang, and said: “We can provide Tianqi Town with the power of a county.”

Now the entire Qingyang County can become the nourishment of Tianqi Town.

Zhuge Liang took the order and issued a military order: “The minister promised that Apocalypse Town will be upgraded to a second-level town within one month, and it will become Apocalyptic City within three months!”

“At that time, the entire Shenzhou State will be the lord and gallop!”

Zhuge Liang, the town countryman, is enough to reverse the universe.

Now the entire Tianqi Town is turning quickly, quickly matching Zhuge Liang’s ambitions.

In fact, it is not so much Zhuge Liang’s ambition, but Cheng Mu’s ambition.

He has beaten Invincible Hand in Anqing County.

The next step is to conquer the Wandering Xia player of Qingzhou City and strike out the entire Shenzhou State with a heavy punch.

Although the national war has started for more than two years.

But it is still somewhat difficult to unify China in two years.

Then Cheng Mu immediately opened the points mall.

Two hundred thousand points is enough to bring the strength of Tianqi Town to a new level.

The first is equipment.

The blue excellent quality equipment of the main generals can no longer satisfy Cheng Mu’s ambition.

Even though Zhang Wanlong was as heavy as a mountain at this time, the damage reduction effect of a fine armor suit made the enemy desperate.

But what Cheng Mu wanted was the complete despair of the enemy.

Eternally falling into the abyss of despair.

Guan Hai’s weapon was only a purple-quality starbreaker, and now he was no longer worthy of his status as a countryman.

A dignified countryman, even if he doesn’t have an artifact, he has to get a legendary or handed down equipment.

Inferior (gray), normal (white), excellent (green), excellent (blue), epic (purple), handed down (orange), legend (red), artifact (gold).

Cheng Mu imagined that one day he would put on a set of artifacts and kill him back to the land of the ancestors.

Li Bai said that there was an opportunity for Immortal Ascension.

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