Chapter 105: The Bottom of Kunming Lake

Greedy Wolf Gun (Orange Handed down)

Equipment attributes: strength value +15, armor-breaking effect +40%.

Equipment special effects: Greedy Wolf (When attacking, 20% of the damage can be turned into its own health.)

Price: 5000 points.

Broken Sabre (Red Legend)

Equipment attributes: strength value +20, armor sunder effect +50%.

Equipment special effect: Break the army (Each attack, its own armor-breaking effect +1%. This effect can be stacked up to 100 times.)

Price: 50000 points.

Blood Prison Soul Breaker (Golden Artifact)

Equipment attributes: strength value +30, armor sunder effect +60%.

Equipment special effects: Blood Prison (A bloody Realm can be formed around itself when causing damage, and its own attributes within the Blood Prison are increased by 20%.)

Soul Breaker (The target killed by the Blood Hell Soul Breaker Blade cannot be resurrected again. If the player dies, it will consume two resurrection times.)

Price: 200,000 points.

“Fuck! Golden artifact!”

When Cheng Mu looked at the golden bloody soulbreaker knife, his eyes were almost sinking.

A bonus of 30 points of force and a 60% armor sunder effect.

Especially with the addition of the two special effects of Blood Prison and Broken Soul, it is really the gods blocking and killing the gods and Buddhas.

He could imagine Guan Hai holding the Blood Prison Soulbreaker Knife to transform the Demon God on the battlefield.

However, when Cheng Mu looked at the price, his mood was instantly cold.

Two hundred thousand points are all his belongings.

“Whether to change, or not to change?”

A Blood Prison Soulbreaking Knife was enough to turn Guan Hai into the strongest in the world.

It may be a bit crazy to say that the entire Earth Star, but it can definitely coerce the entire Shenzhou State.

There are currently three townsmen in the Kingdom of Shenzhou, Guan Hai who owns the Blood Prison Soulbreaker, and Zhuge Liang who is strategizing, Cheng Mu is confident that he can wrestle with the emperor.

“Do I want to play a one-and-four tactic?”

Indeed, the stronger Guanhai is, the higher the safety factor of Tianqi Town.

At the critical moment, Cheng Mu no longer chirped: “Fight!”

Anyway, there are only 200,000 points, so I don’t have to pick and choose if I buy it at once.

“Ding! Congratulations on your successful exchange of the artifact *Blood Prison Soul Breaker!”

The system prompt fell, and a big knife glowing with golden light appeared in Cheng Mu’s hand.

The blade is red overall, but there is golden light lingering in it.

I have the Blood Prison Soulbreaker Knife in my hand, and he can feel a powerful force flowing into own body.

However, while having power, Cheng Mu suddenly felt a bit of killing aura slowly passed from the blade to himself.

It longs for killing, longs for blood.

Cheng Mu was shocked, and he picked up the Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife to investigate carefully and said, “This is a magic knife!”

It can disturb the mind.

At this time Guan Hai came over and said, “Master! I can hold it down!”

Seeing that he held the blade in his hand, the magic that had been drilling into Cheng Mu’s body just disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Cheng Mu only felt pure power.

He reluctantly handed the Blood Prison Soul Breaker to Guan Hai and said, “Only you can suppress its demonic nature.”

Although the artifacts are good, they have already given birth to artifact spirits.

Cheng Mu knew that with his current strength, he was not qualified enough to control a divine weapon.

“Haha! Strong!”

With the Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife in his hand, Guan Hai felt his own strength become stronger.

The ample power made him eager to vent.

I saw him throw a knife at Kunming Lake far away.

In an instant, a blood-red sword gas radiated from the blade.

Electric flint.

“Boom!” With a sound, hundreds of meters of the lake surface was directly split open by Guanhai.

The lake is divided into two, revealing the gloomy stone sculptures underneath.

“This is?”

When Cheng Mu saw the unknown stone sculptures appearing in the lake, his whole heart was agitated.

You should know that Guanhai’s knife split the lake water tens of meters deep.

Although the lake has not yet bottomed out, the appearance of stone sculptures is enough to shock everyone.

It seems that these stone carvings are in the style of the roof.

“In other words, there is someone living under the lake?!”

Cheng Mu suddenly thought of something terrifying.

If there are people living at the bottom of the lake, wouldn’t own every move be under their supervision?

Thinking of this, he immediately gathered everyone.

“Quick! Something big!”

The inexplicable stone sculpture at the bottom of the lake has now become an unknown danger in Cheng Mu’s mind.

Even Guan Hai was shocked when the lake fell.

On the one hand, it shocked the power of the Blood Prison Soul Sniffer, on the other hand, it shocked what Cheng Mu was shocked just now.

Under Kunming Lake, there are people living in it.

“Alert! Alert!”

As a navy general, Zhang Shun led the navy to block off the lake.

He didn’t come here during training on weekdays, nor did he expect that there would be buildings under the lake.

He speculated that the distance between the architectural stone sculptures and the lake surface was at least fifty meters.

Fifty meters, which is a depth that most navy soldiers cannot reach.

“Master, what is the style of stone carving?”

Zhuge Liang also rushed over and hurriedly asked.

I found other forces under my nose, which is a great negligence.

But even Cheng Mu did not expect that Kunming Lake would be so deep.

He said: “It’s a few round stone sculptures, like the top of a building.”

“There are not many stone sculptures exposed, about five or six.”

Zhuge pointed out: “Then find out clearly, the fishing industry in the village will stop before the origin of the stone carving is found out.”

“We can’t afford to lose.”

Every villager is a valuable asset.

Now that Cheng Mu has disturbed the other party, he can only prepare for the worst.

After thinking about it, he said, “Could it be the place where Haw came?”

Koi Haw is a dragon fish clan, and gave him a blessing from a dragon fish clan.

If the dragon fish clan lives under the lake, then everything seems not so bad.

Cheng Mu actually knew the extraordinary nature of Kunming Lake, and knew that there might be arowanas hidden under the lake.

It’s just that he really didn’t expect to be so close to himself.

The distance from the stone carving to the shore is less than ten meters.

At this moment Zhang Shun came over and said, “Lord, let me go down and take a look!”

At a depth of fifty meters, he insisted that he could dive to it.

“Are you confident?”

Cheng Mu was a little worried.

There are no diving suits and oxygen tanks here, so he can only go down on his own.

“Lord, don’t worry, I’m Zhang Shun in Langli Baitiao!”

Zhang Shun patted his chest and made a ticket.

He didn’t detect the stone sculptures at such a close distance. It was a negligence of his work.

So Zhang Shun has to make up for it.

Hearing what he said, Cheng Mu could only nod his head: “Okay, you must pay attention to safety.”

Arowana, what kind of race is it?

Koi Haw, where did he go?

Why do the underwater forces turn a blind eye to fishing and training on the lake?

Or are they waiting?

All of this, Cheng Mu needed an answer too much.


Zhang Shun has dived into the water.

The deeper the lake, the darker the lake.

But he is also worthy of the name of Bai Tiao in the waves.

At a depth of fifty meters, Zhang Shun really dived.

Immediately, tall stone towers appeared before his eyes.

He went all the way down the top of the tower and continued to dive.

From above, he saw the beautiful houses, streets and even farmland underneath…

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