The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1061: kung fu panda

"Grandma is a bear, my king's race has changed again!"

Seeing that he was tied into a hedgehog, Pang Da was furious.

Just now I managed to make my hair shiny and beautiful.

But now, he is even uglier than before!

"Many... Thank you King Fat Da!"

Sun Wu has been under the protection of Fat Da.

At this time, he was full of gratitude to Pang Da.

If he were to face the flying feathers all over the sky alone, he would perish here today.

It is indeed very strong above the two gods.

But in front of the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland, the mere two gods really couldn't make any waves.


Thanks to Sun Wu, Pang Da swept away the haze in his heart.

It patted Sun Tzu on the shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be my king's younger brother, and we will beat that annoying guy together!"

In order to prevent himself from being unable to beat the black order alone, it also began to recruit younger brothers!

"It's easy to say, definitely!"

Hearing what Pang Da said, Sun Wu also had a smile on his face.

Cheng Mu's strength has already far surpassed his Sun Wu, so naturally, Pang Da's strength in the future will be beyond his Sun Wu's reach.

Of course, he didn't mean to depend on Pang Daxia.

Instead, they are partners, good friends. Being with Panda, Sun Wu felt very happy!

"You...are you ignoring me again?"

Seeing Pang Da and Sun Wu chatting unscrupulously again, the Eternal Demon King was furious.

How can there be such an annoying panda in the world?

Just fight well, what's the point of chatting in the middle of the fight?

"Go to hell!"

In order to vent the anger in his heart, the Eternal Demon King once again released his ultimate ultimate move.

"The third supreme technique, the only true feather sword!"

In his roar, he became human again.

With one person and one sword, under the buff of the Kunpeng treasure technique, he crossed to Pang Da's side in one step.


He cut it down with a sword.

Fat Da, who was chatting with Sun Wu, was caught off guard, and his flesh was torn apart by a sword.

"Wow! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

This time, Panda finally felt the pain.

This is a pain a hundred times more painful than being bullied by the black order.

So at this moment, it went berserk!

"Die to this king!"

It is also the king, Panda King!

Swept by Pang Da's claws, the Eternal Demon King flew upside down immediately.

Don't look at it usually gluttonous, sleepy and lazy.

But in a state of rage, it becomes the only Panda God of War in the world!


Then it was another high jump.

I saw that Pang Da controlled his body and threw it fiercely at the Eternal Demon King.

It doesn't call for the "Hit Butt Squeeze" technique anymore!

In the face of the real killing intent, all roars are ineffective!

"Go away!"

Facing Pang Da who was chasing and killing him, the Eternal Demon King fought back with a cold snort.

He found that the sharp blade in his hand could tear apart Pang Da's flesh, so why would he hesitate?

call out!

The sharp blade pierced through the air.

The sharp feather sword slashed towards Pang Da's palm!

next second.


Accompanied by a violent crash.

The Eternal Demon King only felt his hands go numb, and a broken blade flew past his neck.

The bright red blood began to scatter, and the power of this body also dissipated.

"how is this possible?"

Immediately, when he saw the broken Kunpeng Yujian in his hand, the Eternal Demon King was shocked.

This Kunpeng Feather Sword condensed by Kunpeng Baoshu is enough to split the world, kill gods and demons.

However, it was such an extremely sharp long sword that was cut off by Pang Da's claw!

The flying fragments almost pierced his neck!

"Death to this king!"

Fat Da doesn't care so much!

After smashing the long sword in the hands of the Eternal Demon King with one claw, the other claw swept towards his head.

"You! You don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing himself being bullied by a bear, how could the Eternal Demon King not be angry?

"Zhu Yan Baoshu, three heads and six arms!"

He changed to a new move.

Anyway, the original owner of this body is very strong and has many moves.

Since the Kunpeng treasure technique couldn't kill Pang Da, then he replaced it with the Zhu Yan treasure technique!

Click click click!

Pan Da only heard a few roars.

Immediately, when its giant claws were about to hit the head of the Eternal Demon King, three pairs of arms blocked the blow.

Immediately afterwards.

Plop plop!

From the neck of the Eternal Demon King, two heads suddenly grew out!

"Hahahaha, look at six directions and listen to all directions!"

"Smelly panda, go to hell!"

After turning into three heads and six arms, the Eternal Demon King had an unprecedented feeling.

At this time, he can observe the front, back, left, and right, and listen to all directions.

Under the gaze of the three heads and six eyes, it seemed that Pang Da's attack had been slowed down!


This time, six sharp blades slashed on Pang Da's giant claws.

The originally thick fur was torn open six times abruptly!


The severe pain made Panda scream again.

He was even angrier.

"Die to my king!"

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! Click click click click!

I saw it speed up the attack speed.

The two giant claws slapped towards the Eternal Demon King like a violent storm.

The power of each slap made the Eternal Demon King feel his hands go numb.

Even the six weapons he had condensed were smashed to pieces by Pang Da.

At this time, although Pang Da's fists were scarred, they had the absolute upper hand!

"You... what kind of monster are you?"

Seeing the tireless Panda, the Eternal Demon King was already stunned.

It was the first time he had met such a ferocious panda.

Although his sharp blade could tear apart Pang Da's flesh, it couldn't break Pang Da's tendons and bones.

So even though Pang Da's palm looked scarred, every attack he made was a punch!

With that extremely strong and tyrannical strength, the Eternal Demon King was really dizzy!


"Your Majesty, I need to find a handy weapon for King Pang Da!"

Sun Tzu has withdrawn.

After realizing that he couldn't help, he returned to Cheng Mu's side.

In today's battle, Pang Da is the only protagonist.


Cheng Mu was also surprised by Pang Da's performance today.

Pang Da, who is gluttonous and lazy on weekdays, is actually so brave today.

It is estimated that even without his own action, the Eternal Demon King will be slapped to death by Pang Da!

"How about a pair of gloves for it?"

Cheng Mu asked.

Since Pang Da likes to shoot people so much, that pair of gloves is the most suitable.

"What His Majesty said is very true."

Sun Wu nodded, but he still suggested: "Let King Panda test all eighteen weapons, maybe he likes other weapons."

The so-called one inch is short and one inch is risky.

Although the boxing gloves are very suitable for Panda, it will also put Panda himself in a dangerous situation.

Once the enemy's weapon can tear through its defense in close combat, then it will be injured!

Just like now.

Pan Da's bruised fists were a kind of torture in itself!

If it wasn't for killing the enemy, who would want to turn himself into a scarred appearance?

"Then try the long gun first!"

Cheng Mu thought that what Sun Wu said was reasonable, so he threw the cold chi in his hand over.

"Pang Da, pick up the weapon!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the Eternal Demon King is still alive and kicking, Pang Da can indeed practice his skills!

"Ho Ho!"

Seeing Han Chi flying towards him, Pang Da roared angrily to catch him.

At this moment, the aura of its entire bear body changed.

Where is it still a bear at this time? It is a true heroic master!

"Your Majesty, there seems to be a play!"

The strong breath emanating from Pang Da's body made Sun Wu excited.

"Pang Da King, you can actually use a spear!"

This is something unexpected. After all, Panda is a panda. Although he has an IQ, he can talk to people normally.

But who knew that it could actually use a spear?

"Look again! Look again!"

At this time, Cheng Mu's heart was also warm.

He found that Pang Da seemed to be lacking a bit of makeup at this time, and it would be more perfect if he had a bamboo hat!



With the spear in hand, Pang Da completely turned into a peerless master.

The Han Chi Spear is in its hands, chopping and sweeping.

Each of its strikes is so concise, silky and smooth.

Just like what Cheng Mu did at the beginning.

It uses the simplest move, but it hits the most lethal attack!

"Monster! Monster! Monster!"

Seeing Pang Da Chihan Chi attacking towards him, the Eternal Demon King even thought of turning around and running away.

It is also the first time for him to fight a panda who knows kung fu!


Pang Da shot it.

The Eternal Demon King wanted to block.

But Han Chi's spear shattered the weapon in his hand with one blow.

The body of the gun hit the Eternal Demon King's body with undiminished power, and sent him flying with a single shot.

"Cough cough...cough cough..."

The Eternal Demon King who flew upside down spurted wildly.

He could clearly feel that his sternum was shattered and shattered into powder.

If it weren't for this powerful body, he would have been shot to death by Pang Da at this time!

He roared: "You! Damn it!"

Fatty has been bullying him all the time, but now he is really angry.

He wanted to leave a way out for himself, but was bullied by a bear and ran away in desperation? This back road is not worth mentioning!

"My lord, trust you again!"

Immediately, when he felt that there was still a Xeon move in this body that had not been used, he decided to believe in this body one more time.

If he still can't kill this hateful Fat Da, then he chose this body blindly in the first place!

Rumble! Rumble!

He raised his hand and pointed lightly!

"Hand of God!"

This is the most powerful attack move of this body, bar none!

Under his finger, an ancient and ancient breath began to revive in the void.

Immediately afterwards, under the surprised eyes of everyone in Cheng Mu.

At this time, behind the Eternal Demon King, a finger of inscrutable size appeared in the void.

Just the moment this finger appeared, the surrounding world was instantly shattered.

The void began to be restless, and time and space began to be disordered!

This is the finger of the gods, a terrifying finger that can destroy the heavens and the world!

And under this finger, even Cheng Mu of Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland felt a little palpitation.

"Is this the strength of the owner of this body? Desolate Emperor Shi Hao?"

Cheng Mu didn't know who the owner of this body was at first.

But from the various moves roared out of the Eternal Demon King's mouth in the battle just now, he had a guess.

And this move of God's hand made him even more certain of the conjecture in his heart!

The owner of this body is the most powerful protagonist in Zhetian, Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao, who he spent all night reading and sleeping before the earth and star mutation!

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