The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1062: Xeon 1 move, desperate!

"Hehe! Die! Die!"

Seeing that all the heavens and worlds were trembling under this finger, the Eternal Demon King's face became crazy.

He is happy, he is happy.

To be able to kill Cheng Muzhu here today is to get rid of the long-held obsession in his heart!

not to mention.

With such a powerful power from the hand of the gods, he believed that the world barriers of the earth and stars would also be breached.

"At that time, the entire Earth Star will be my king's territory!"

Demons have many kings.

And the goal and mission of his Eternal Demon King is to conquer the entire planet Earth.

Seeing that the space barrier is about to be breached today, how could he not be excited?


"This is?"

All the heavens and all worlds saw this finger.

The Land of the Ancestors is located above the Earth Star, which originally protected the entire Earth Star.

However, at this time, the Empress stood up with a shocked expression.

She saw the huge hand of God, and also saw Cheng Mu who was like an ant in front of his fingers.

At this time, Cheng Mu is really like a boat in the waves.

One mistake, you may be annihilated under the endless power!

"Your Majesty, are we going to help?"

At this moment, Xingyue stepped forward and asked with a worried face.

It is impossible for him to pay attention to Cheng Mu all the time.

Therefore, Xingyue did not know about Cheng Mu breaking through the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm.

Now that he saw Cheng Mu in danger, he naturally wanted to help.

It's just that the strength of this finger made him even Xingyue couldn't help worrying.

Also in the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland, he Xingyue may not be able to block this finger!

" need."

Although the empress wanted to go very much.

But she had an agreement with Mantian Xianshen at the beginning, and she would not meddle in Cheng Mu's affairs at will.

It's okay if it's within the earth and stars, it's her territory.

However, in the void, if she went this time, she would definitely be caught by the gods.

not to mention.

"I believe he can win!"

Xingyue couldn't feel Cheng Mu's strength, but how could the Empress not feel it?

Since Cheng Mu is also in the realm of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, he may not necessarily die under the hands of the heavens!

For her man, the Empress is delighted.

"But... that is the Eternal Demon King after all!"

Xingyue doesn't understand. All he knew was that the enemy in front of Cheng Mu was the Eternal Demon King!

As the demons invaded the heavens and worlds, more and more people became aware of the name of the demon king.

He had received news that the demon king who invaded the Fourth Realm and was beheaded had the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm!

Jinxian is a level stronger than Xingyue!

"I know."

The Empress frowned, as if an unexpected guest had arrived.

The next second, a voice came in.

"Sure enough, it's a wise move!"

Following the direction of the voice, several figures landed in the Moon Empire.

When Xingyue saw the identity of the visitor, Xingyue's complexion changed suddenly.


He was scared, and his whole body was shaking. The identities of the few people are too terrifying, and their vicious names have already resounded throughout the heavens and worlds!

"Okay, you go down."

The empress gently comforted Xingyue, and raised her hands to calm all his emotions.

"You guys, are you going to tear up the agreement?"

Comforting Xingyue, the empress inspected the uninvited guests with a pair of cold eyes.

According to the original agreement, she did not go to help Cheng Mu.

"Could it be possible that all of you gods and gods in the sky don't have the tolerance?"

These uninvited guests are not kind!

"Hehe, I invite fellow daoists to fight!"

Jiang Ziya is very direct. Since they came today, the purpose is self-evident!

Although it was against the agreement, he had to come.

"it is good!"

Even though there were many enemies coming, the empress did not back down.

She turned around and told Xingyue, "Moon Empire, I will leave it to you!"

"Hold on, he'll come!"

....... Endless void!

"Want to kill me, dreaming!"

Seeing the Eternal Demon King laughing madly, Cheng Mu hummed coldly and flew forward.

The power of this finger is indeed powerful, so strong that he in the three shrines can feel his heart palpitations.

But so what?

Want to kill him, Cheng Mu, want to break through the world barrier of Earth Star?

Then he has to take a good look at how strong this Huangtian Emperor is!

"Cold Chi Falling Sun!"

The Han Chi Spear has returned to his hands.

At this time, a scorching sun rose again from the tip of Han Chi's spear.

Under the shining of the scorching sun, the sun dispelled the severe cold, and dispelled the power of the gods that ravaged the entire void.

All three shrines were opened, and the boundless power of faith supported Cheng Mu to strike his strongest blow!


Under the astonished gaze of the Eternal Demon King, the huge sun collided with the huge Finger of God.


The void is shattered.

Countless spatial turbulence surged, and worlds were destroyed one by one.

Under the collision of the scorching sun and the Finger of God, the entire void turned into a restricted area.

Therefore, the objects that exist in the void are swallowed up little by little in the turbulent flow.

Many nascent worlds, too, are reduced to nothingness at this moment.

Behind Cheng Mu, Pang Da firmly held Sun Wu in his hands.

It used its own body to open up a safe haven for Sun Wu.

But with the arrival of the aftermath from the collision, the powerful aftermath devoured its flesh and blood in an instant.

This is the strongest blow of Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao, and also the strongest blow of Cheng Mu of Sanshen Palace.

The power of destruction spread to the other end of the earth-star barrier.


No screams, no wailing.

The breath of destruction swept over, and countless demon soldiers and earth star powerhouses were turned into powder.

This is the end of the entire void, the end of the heavens and worlds.

At this moment, in the entire void, all existences whose strength is lower than that of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm will be erased.

This is the tester of the strong, only the real Xeon can survive!

The Eternal Demon King was stunned.

He never thought that Cheng Mu could make such a powerful blow.

"You! Damn it!"

After all the power and influence dissipated, the broken Eternal Demon King roared desperately.

He felt it, he felt that all the demons who invaded the earth star were annihilated in the aftermath of this collision.

He, the Eternal Demon King, has worked so hard for so long, but at this moment, it all came to naught.

If he knew this was the ending, he would rather not use this move to kill a hundred enemies and damage himself by a hundred million!

"Hehe, you regret it, don't you?"

Cheng Mu turned his head and saw the world's barriers riddled with holes.

He knew that Earth Star's protection was gone.

At this time, if there are strong people from other races, they can descend to the earth planet unimpeded.

But the good news is that the power of the collision just now annihilated all the demons that invaded the earth star.

The enemies of Earth Star have all been dealt with for the time being.

At this time, outside the earth and stars, only the body of the Eternal Demon King was left floating quietly.

As long as Hei Ling returns to this body in the future, the Eternal Demon King will become the patron saint of the earth and stars!

"This king regrets, this king regrets not killing you sooner!"

The Eternal Demon King roared.

He had many chances before, and he was able to kill Cheng Mu after paying a certain price.

But at the beginning, he thought Cheng Mu was an ant and didn't go all out.

But I don't want to, the ants at the beginning have completely grown into a dragon.

Now that the dragon is so powerful, he is powerless!

Unless he completely controls the body of the Eternal Demon King, he can no longer be Cheng Mu's opponent!

"Hehe, come again then!"

At this time, Cheng Mu was exhausted, his whole body was dry, like a disabled person.

But even so, he still stood firm.

If the enemy does not fall, he will not fall!


Seeing Cheng Mu still wanted to speak hard, the unstable Eternal Demon King was furious and wanted to tear him to pieces.

This is an excellent opportunity to kill Cheng Mu, he still has a chance!

next second.


Suddenly, a roar suddenly came from the mouth of the Eternal Demon King.

"Get out of this emperor's body!"


Click click click!

The endless imperial power overwhelms the entire void.

At this moment, Cheng Mu only felt a heavy burden on his body, and a domineering force roared to make him kneel down.


"You are the emperor, and I am also the emperor?"

"Kneel down!"


In the next second, Cheng Mu's body also gushed out a monstrous imperial prestige.

Shi Hao's body wants to make him kneel down? I really don't know what to say!

"You! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

At this moment, the most frightening thing is the Eternal Demon King.

He felt that a power in his body was recovering, and he was about to lose control of this body.


In the blink of an eye, his soul shattered.

Shi Hao, whose body was broken, suddenly raised his head.

His eyes became clear, and then he glanced at Cheng Mu lightly.

Immediately, after crushing the soul of the Eternal Demon King, he turned and left!

Now his world has been occupied by the demons, he wants to go back, kill the demons, and save the world.


Cheng Mu wanted to stop him.

But when he thought that the two of them were not from the same world at all, he finally closed his mouth.

This may be the first and only time he met Emperor Huangtian Shi Hao.

Although the Immortal Emperor is strong, at the top it is only the Sanshen Palace and the Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal Realm.

What's the use of immortality? What's the use of controlling the heavens and worlds?

On top of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, there is also the lofty Golden Immortal, Mythical Great Luo, Quasi-Saint...  

If Shi Hao can't start a new path of, then his friendship with Cheng Mu will come to an end!


"Interesting existence."

What Cheng Mu didn't know was that Emperor Huangtian actually remembered his appearance and breath in his mind when he left.

"If there is a chance in the, there must be a chance!"

Shi Hao strengthened the belief in his heart.

In the past, he always controlled life and death in his own little world of heavens.

But when his body was brought to this void by the Eternal Demon King, he truly saw the magnificence of the heavens and the world.

"My lord, I will definitely come back!"


"His Majesty!"

After Shi Hao left, Sun Wu flew out from Pang Da's palm.

Under Pan Da's protection, he was unscathed.

But at this moment, Pang Da's aura was already dying.

"Go back first, go back first!"

Cheng Mu was almost unable to hold on anymore.

With that blow just now, he was really fighting for his life!

Now that the powerful enemy has been killed, the demons who attacked the earth and star world have also been wiped out.

Although he, Cheng Mu, was seriously injured, he did his best for the Earth Star and the Huaxia Human Race.


Sun Wu dared not delay when he saw Panda who was about to lose his breath and Cheng Mu who was on the verge of collapse.

In the blink of an eye, he brought Cheng Mu and Pang Da back to Earth Star.


above the earth and stars.

Not only the heavens and the world are talking about the power of the collision between the hand of the gods and the falling sun, even the whole earth and stars are in palpitations.

At this time, the people who are on the earth star can see countless gaps in the sky when they look up.

It was a broken space barrier, a barrier that had sheltered them for thousands of years.

But now that the barrier has been broken, countless rumors of the end of the world have begun to spread on Earth and Star.

Thousands of people are in palpitations, and the human race is terrified!

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