The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1065: twisted angel abraham

"It's really vicious!"

Faced with Xi La's vicious blow, Li Cunxiao raised his hand to block it.

Immediately, he grabbed Sira's neck.

He snorted coldly: "Your Majesty is right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more vicious she is!"

This Xi La actually used a beauty trick to kill her, extremely vicious! Extremely vicious!

"If it's someone else, it's really possible that you succeeded!"

If it were someone else, he might lose his mind and let his guard down when he was full of Xiangyu.

But Li Cunxiao is different.

His love for war is even higher than that of women!

At the same time, he always remembers the wise words Cheng Mu taught him.

The more beautiful the woman, the more vicious she is!

"Ahem...let me go! let me go!"

Holding Li Cunxiao up by the neck, Xi La struggled vigorously.

But no matter how much she struggled, Li Cunxiao's palms were like giant tongs, and he couldn't breathe!


In the next second, Li Cunxiao snapped and snapped her neck!

Killing Angel? Beauty trap? In front of Li Cunxiao, there will be no influence at all!

He only has enemies and his own people in his eyes.

"Forgive...forgive me!"

Seeing Li Cunxiao cleanly twisted Sira's neck, the angel of desire Sasim and the angel of charm Chessia finally couldn't help the panic in their hearts and knelt down and begged for mercy.

They threw down their weapons, knelt at Li Cunxiao's feet and prayed with tears in their eyes: "My lord, we are just weak girls."

"We have no malicious intentions, we can serve you!"

Even though they have fallen into darkness, they don't want to die!

The cooperation of the three at the beginning really gave them confidence and fighting spirit.

But who would have expected Li Cunxiao to be so fierce? So cold-blooded and ruthless?

They are real angel-level beauties, if they say they break their necks, they will break their necks!

"Just surrender?"

Seeing Sasim and Chessia kneeling at his feet and kowtowing, Li Cunxiao's expression suddenly became embarrassing.

"What a cunning woman."

He has a bottom line, which is not to kill women, especially women who put down their weapons.

Just now Samuel and Chessia held weapons and wanted to kill him, so he attributed them to the enemy.

But now that the enemy has surrendered, she is still a woman.

For a moment, a strong spirit of machismo surged into his heart.

So after frowning for a while, he thought of a countermeasure: "Your Majesty should like beauties of different races, and give them to Your Majesty."

"But I, Li Cunxiao, may not have captured it. Let Huo Qubing deliver it, hehe!"

Thinking of this, he even admired his wit.

Now that the enemy had surrendered and was a woman again, he generously spared Sasim and Chessia.

How to capture them? That was naturally given to Cheng Mu to arrange.

Worried that Hua Mulan would chase him down, he entrusted this task to Huo Qubing!

For a while, he never felt that he was as witty as he is today.


Huo Qubing is here.

It is different from Li Cunxiao's destruction.

The twisted angel Abraham and the rebellious angel Fanny are not weak existences.

Even in terms of combat lethality, their strength is still higher than that of the angel of desire Sasim and the angel of charm Chessia.

What fighting power can a woman who engages in seduction and desire have?

In terms of lethality, the twisted angel Abraham is a big killer!


He raised his hand lightly, and with one finger, he distorted the space where Huo Qubing was.

At this moment, Huo Qubing only felt that his feet were on the top and his head was on the bottom.

The surrounding things are also so twisted and strange!

"call out!"

At the same time, pieces of space debris like shards of glass shot towards him rapidly.

Dangdangdang click!

With a few rapid crashes, space fragments tore apart the armor on his body.

These space debris are existences thousands of times more terrifying than sharp blades.

Once Huo Qubing's dodging speed is not enough and the space behind him is broken, then his whole body will also be turned into pieces!

"Go to hell!"

Seeing so many new injuries on his body, Huo Qubing became furious.

He roared, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Abraham.

The spear in his hand shredded the oncoming space debris, and the scattered debris made the entire battlefield gorgeous.


In the next second, the spear pierced Abraham's body.

But at this moment, Abraham's body was broken like a mirror.

And behind the mirror, countless Abrahams appeared!

"Hehe, ants!"

When the entire battlefield was covered with space debris, countless Abrahams spoke at the same time.

This is the domain of space, his home field of Abraham!

In the realm of space, he, Abraham, is invincible!


Seeing thousands of Abrahams appearing around him, Huo Qubing closed his eyes.

Since he cannot see with his eyes, he listens with his ears!


His ears moved, and the spear in his hand stabbed towards a mirror on the left.


The mirror is shattered.

But in the broken mirror, countless Abrahams appeared again!

"Hehe, it's useless, just suffer!"

"What's the use of closing your eyes? This deity is everywhere, everywhere!"

He could see Huo Qubing, so he could see Huo Qubing's attacking moves.

So what if Huo Qubing heard his location?

In his domain of space, he can switch positions anytime and anywhere!


Huo Qubing snorted coldly, but did not answer.

He knows the strength of the enemy.

Ever since, he took the longbow that he hadn't drawn for a long time from behind.

All along, he used long guns. But everyone knows that Huo Qubing is skilled in bowing horses.

Long spears and long bows are his weapons.

Now that the spear cannot kill the enemy, the long-lost longbow can be born!


The moment Huo Qubing drew his longbow, several sharp arrows shot towards Abraham's position.

Click click click click!

The sharp arrows shattered pieces of space fragments one after another, and for a while, the domain of space became more splendid.

"It's useless, I said it's useless!"

Seeing that Huo Qubing was still struggling, Abraham roared and manipulated pieces of space debris to shoot towards Huo Qubing.

But immediately, what greeted him was a sharp arrow.

The sharp arrow shredded the space fragments he shot, and also shredded every fragment he hid.

Under the powerful force of the sharp arrow, many space fragments were shattered into powder!

"Since you want to hide in these fragments? Then General Ben will tear up these fragments!"

Huo Qubing found a way to break the trick.

Shredded to pieces? That is to turn these fragments into powder!

Abraham can hide in space debris, but never in space powder!

"You, you, you... Presumptuous!"

Seeing that Huo Qubing discovered his weakness so quickly, Abraham suddenly panicked.

The attacking action of his hands accelerated angrily.

In an instant, the entire domain of space began to rotate rapidly.

And the rotating space debris soon formed a space hurricane!

Under the roar of the space hurricane, Huo Qubing's arrows were affected.

At this time, even he felt the pain like a thousand cuts.

Where is the wind here? This is a space blade that can tear him into pieces.

These space blades the size of palms and fingers are already devouring the armor on his body!

"Hehe! Die!"

Seeing that Huo Qubing finally fell into a situation where he couldn't protect himself, Abraham, who was controlling the hurricane in the eye of the wind, was relieved.

If Huo Qubing had the upper hand in his own space, wouldn't that prove that Abraham is a waste?

He wants to continue his myth of being invincible at the same level and never failing in the domain of space!


Huo Qubing felt countless raindrops hitting his body.

It's just that these are not rain particles, but terrifying space blades.

The armor on his body has become pitted and tattered.

Bright red blood covered his entire body.

He knew that he had to break the situation again.

Otherwise, this strong space hurricane will devour his bones!

beyond the domain of space.

Since the domain of space is transparent, every move of the two is under the watchful eyes of Guan Hai and Li Cunxiao.

Seeing that Huo Qubing was in danger, Fanny, the rebellious angel kneeling at Li Cunxiao's feet, flatteringly reminded him, "My lord, do you want to make a small move?"

He originally attacked Huo Qubing with Abraham.

But after Abraham dragged Huo Qubing into the realm of space, he left him behind.

In an instant, when facing Li Cunxiao and Guan Hai's butcher's knives, he knelt down on the ground with a common sound and surrendered.

"Need not."

Li Cunxiao shook his head.

Abraham in the domain of space is indeed powerful, but he believes that Huo Qubing can break the situation.

As an eighteen-year-old young talent, Huo Qubing's talent is still higher than him.

"Brother Qubing, if you can kill the enemy without relying on [Sacrificing Your Life] in this battle, then you will definitely be able to take a big step forward!"

This is Li Cunxiao's expectation for Huo Qubing.

Now Cheng Mudu has been promoted to Jiutianxuan Wonderland.

If these generals can't even reach the Taiyi True Wonderland, then they are all holding Cheng Mu back!

Maybe after the earth star soars, these old people will lose their effect.

So not only Li Cunxiao had to work hard, Huo Qubing also had to work hard.

No one would want their brother to fall behind!


The domain of space!

Under the swallowing of the space hurricane, the armor on Huo Qubing's body had been completely swallowed.

At this time, he was scarred and bloody.

The bright red blood dyed the space of Abraham for the first time.

"That's it!"

Seeing Huo Qubing whose breath was already erratic, a smile appeared on Abraham's face.

He is still invincible, he is still a myth!

"In the realm of space the twisted angel Abraham is invincible!"


Wanton laughter resounded throughout the domain of space, and even Li Cunxiao and others outside the domain saw his rampant face.

It was at this time.

Huo Qubing, who was out of breath, suddenly raised his head.

"It's over!"

A light flashed in his eyes.

next second.


His figure appeared in the eye of the space hurricane, and the cold spear in his hand tore Abraham's body apart.

He has been waiting for an opportunity.

It was Abraham's wild laughter at the end that gave him a chance!

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