The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1066: The battle of the kingdom of heaven is over, the empress entrusts


The second Huo Qubing's spear pierced his body, Abraham's laughter stopped abruptly.

He looked at his own broken heart in disbelief, and at Huo Qubing in disbelief.

This boy with no hair at all, actually counterattacked at the last moment!

"Hehe... Hehe..."

In the next second, his expression began to change into panic.

He didn't want to die, he was the extremely powerful twisted angel Abraham, how could he die on the land of China.


However, Huo Qubing's killing intent was very cold.

Under Huo Qubing's last shot, the powerful force tore Abraham's body apart.

At the moment when the soul was annihilated, Abraham still had his eyes wide open when his soul was gone.

He will not die with peace in his eyes.


Soon, after Abraham's death, the vast domain of space fell apart.

Countless space debris began to melt, and finally merged into the world barrier of the earth star little by little.

After all the space debris disappeared, most of the gaps in the original barriers that appeared on the earth star sky were repaired!

The originally hideous sky did not look so scary anymore.

"Hey, this angel actually has the ability to repair the barriers of the world?"

Seeing that Earth Star's world barriers had been repaired a little bit, Guan Hai showed a hint of surprise on his face.

If so, I would have known that this Abraham had been arrested as a coolie!

"Forget it, kill it and kill it."

Li Cunxiao was also a little surprised at this time.

But as long as Huo Qubing can come back victorious, this is good news.

"How is it? Have you broken through? How far is it?"

Afterwards, he asked Huo Qubing about the benefits of this battle with concern.

According to Abraham's combat strength, this Abraham is at least the peak of the middle level of the shrine.

If Huo Qubing killed him, he would definitely receive a large amount of energy rewards.


Huo Qubing nodded.

The reward for killing Abraham had poured into him.

At this time, not only did his injuries heal, but his strength also improved a step further.

Although he has not yet reached the peak of the real Jingu Middle Realm, but it is not far behind!


Hearing the answer that satisfied him, Li Cunxiao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go back and practice hard for a while."

"At that time, our brothers will enter the palace together and continue to share the worries for His Majesty!"

No one wants to be left behind by Cheng Mu.

So in order to catch up with Cheng Mu, they tried their best!

"By the way, these fallen angels?"

The war was over, but when he saw the three fallen angels kneeling on the ground, Huo Qubing was a little surprised.

Ordinary fallen angels have all died in the hands of the soldiers of the Tiger Ben Army and the Flying Tiger Army.

'Just keep these three fallen angels in the palace realm, is it possible to recruit captives? '

He thought silently in his heart.

Fallen angels in the Divine Palace Realm are indeed qualified to be captives.

"Three of them? That's right."

Hearing Huo Qubing's question, Li Cunxiao hastily pulled him over and explained: "You see, when we go out to fight, we must bring some gifts back for His Majesty."

"They are my elder brother's gift to His Majesty that I carefully prepared for you."

As he spoke, he pulled the angel of desire, Sasim, and the angel of charm, Chessia, to him.

"This...isn't it good?"

Huo Qubing always felt that something was wrong when he saw Sasim and Chessia, who were full of temptation and had incomparably graceful figures.

"Will His Majesty like it?"

he asked.

"Why don't you like it?"

Li Cunxiao taught, "Is Madam Shi Shi beautiful?"

Huo Qubing nodded: "Pretty!"

Ask again: "Is Empress Mulan beautiful?"

Huo Qubing continued to nod: "Pretty!"

"That's terrible."

In order to reassure him, Li Cunxiao patted his chest and assured him: "Our Majesty just likes beautiful women!"

"You give them to His Majesty, His Majesty will absolutely like it!"

In terms of looks and figures, these two beauties of the angel family are also overwhelming, one in a million!

"But...but they are not human!"

Huo Qubing expressed his last worry.

Are angels and humans different races?

"You are so stupid!"

Seeing that Huo Qubing still had problems, Li Cunxiao couldn't help but patted him on the head, and persuaded him earnestly, "We shouldn't just be obsessed with cultivation."

"Other things, we also need to be good at!"

He knew at a glance that Huo Qubing was worse than him and had no experience at all.

He asked: "Is Lady Yinyin a human race?"

He believes that his Majesty has already surpassed the boundaries of race in terms of beauty!

" seems to be!"

Upon hearing what Li Cunxiao said, Huo Qubing finally realized.

Then I saw him clasping his fists and saluting excitedly to Li Cunxiao: "Thank you brother Cunxiao for your suggestion!"

He also wanted to give his Majesty some presents. And these two beauties of the angel family are just right!

"My lord, what about me? What about me?"

At this moment, the rebellious angel Fanny was frightened.

Seeing that Li Cunxiao didn't arrange his whereabouts, he was really worried that Li Cunxiao would hack him to death.

"You? Of course it's for my little brother!"

Li Cunxiao had already made arrangements.

When he learned that Huo Qubing was only a little away from the peak of the Jingu Middle Realm, he caught Fanny in front of Huo Qubing.

"Brother Qubing, I'll leave him to you!"

"Kill him and enter the peak of the Divine Palace!"

He doesn't like men at all. And the only function of keeping Fanny is to become Huo Qubing's experience points!

"Thank you brother!"

At this moment, how could Huo Qubing not understand Li Cunxiao's good intentions.

He took the spear, determined to let his strength go one step further!

"You! You! You must die!"

Seeing Huo Qubing walking towards him with a gun, Fanny sat down and collapsed on the ground.

The joy of life that I finally had just now turned into boundless despair again!

"Huaxia people don't keep their promises, Huaxia people don't keep their promises!"

He roared, wanting to let everyone know the ugly faces of the Huaxia people.


"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I just didn't want to kill you."

Seeing Fanny crying bitterly, Li Cunxiao played a word game with him.

It wasn't Li Cunxiao who killed Fanny, so what did he have to do with him?

"You! You..."

Penny wanted to curse again.

But there was only a puff, and Huo Qubing tore his heart and annihilated his soul.

Also at this moment.


A huge breath burst out from Huo Qubing's body.

His strength has finally reached the peak of the middle realm of the Divine Palace.

As long as he goes back this time to get a better understanding and practice for a period of time, he will definitely be able to set foot in the back of the palace!

The background of the shrine is one step closer to the top of the shrine!

"Hehe... Hehe..."

Seeing Huo Qubing send Fanny away with a cold and merciless shot, Sasim and Chessia were so frightened that their bodies trembled even more.

At this time, the two of them could only lower their heads as much as possible, obeying all the arrangements of Li Cunxiao and Huo Qubing for them.


Apocalypse City, medical hall.

Cheng Mu has been in a coma for a day and a night.

But for a whole day and night, Gu San, Sun Simiao and other medical immortals did not discuss the countermeasures.

Although they are in the realm of medical immortals, they can cure millions of mortals' ailments with just a lift of their hands.

But repairing the shrine, they are not good at it!

"How about? Ask Master Sun Wu for advice?"

At this time, Li Shizhen proposed.

None of them are strong in the Divine Palace Realm, and there is no Divine Palace in the Void of Divine Consciousness.

They don't have a shrine themselves, how to heal this collapsed shrine?

"Ask, ask."

Gu San nodded, and immediately invited Sun Wu in.

Facing the questions raised by the immortal doctors, Sun Wu also looked at a loss at this time.

He is currently a reckless man who can only wave his fists, and he uses less of his head.

How to fix the shrine? He doesn't know either!

"However, I can tell you how to build the shrine!"

Immediately, he told Gu San and others how he built the second shrine.

Anyway, he only knows how to build. And how to fix it? That depends on the wisdom of the ancient third class!

after a long time.

Zhang Zhongjing, who was thinking carefully, suddenly thought of it: "Since this shrine was forged by divine consciousness, the injury of His Majesty may also be the injury of divine consciousness!"

"Everyone, as long as we can heal His Majesty's consciousness, His Majesty should be able to wake up."

They can heal physical injuries, bone marrow injuries, visceral injuries, original injuries, and spiritual Now, this is the first time they have met the injuries of spiritual consciousness!

"How to cure it? Reawaken His Majesty's consciousness?"

Hearing Zhang Zhongjing's words, Gu San frowned.

Consciousness is a person's thoughts, spirits, and ideas, and it is an illusory existence.

He is more advanced than Shenhun, so it is more difficult to cure him.

"Think of a way, His Majesty's spiritual consciousness is only initially damaged, and it's not as serious as we imagined."

Zhang Zhongjing said: "Your Majesty does not wake up, of course there is a reason for His Majesty!"

At this time, there were three shrines in Cheng Mu's mind, and the collapse of one shrine should have no effect on Cheng Mu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Then try it first!"

"Come here, take out the treasure that I have treasured for many years!"


The sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Cheng Mu really didn't want to wake up.

After he fell into a coma, his consciousness suddenly reached the void again.

Here, he saw three strange old men and the empress he was familiar with.

It's just that for some reason, the three old men are attacking the Empress together.

The power of the four people fighting tore apart the stars, not only opening up the world all the time, but also destroying the world all the time!

Soon, the empress' power was suppressed.

Facing the attacks of the three old men, Cheng Mu just watched her fall into a disadvantage!

"You guys! Stop!"

Seeing that the Empress was defeated, Cheng Mu angrily wanted to rush over to help.

However, the next second.

Only a bang was heard.

His consciousness was actually blocked by a transparent wall.

The empress who was fighting at this time also suddenly turned her head and said to him: "I can still hold on."

"Go to the land of the ancestors, Xingyue needs you!"

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