
The moment the empress finished speaking, Cheng Mu woke up suddenly.

"Is that a dream?"

He hesitated for a moment, but realized in an instant: "That's not a dream!"

That was the empress' entrustment to him, and it was their meeting across hundreds of millions of miles.

"Come on!"

Immediately, under the burden entrusted by the empress, Cheng Mu summoned the guards.

He is out of time.

Although the medical immortals who took care of him in the medical hall were very hard.

But now that the land of the ancestors has been attacked, it's time to repay the kindness of Xingyue and the Empress!

"Send orders to all the soldiers in the country."

"The army that is fighting quickly kills the enemy, and the resting army gathers immediately!"

"Three days later, the army will start to pull out the land of the ancestors!"

Since Xingyue needs him, he will appear beside Xingyue!

"Where's Panda?"

Afterwards, after giving the order to assemble the army, Cheng Mu began to call Pang Da again.

As one of the few experts in the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm in Tianqi Immortal, Pang Da still had to fight with him this time.

"Your Majesty, King Pang Da is here, here!"

Hearing Cheng Mu's inquiry, Hua Tuo responded immediately.

Gu San, Sun Simiao and others drove him out, just in time for him to meet Pang Da who was alive or dead in the courtyard.

After a period of his treatment, Pang Da miraculously recovered.

It's just that Pang Da's appearance looks a little strange at this time.

"What did you do to it?"

In the courtyard, Cheng Mu was shocked when he saw Pang Da again.

Where is the flesh and blood Panda that appeared in his eyes at this time? This is a living steel Panda!

"Your Majesty! Listen to my explanation!"

Facing Cheng Mu's questioning, Hua Tuo hastily explained: "I don't know if King Fat Da was alive or dead that day."

"Its soul flew out of its head."

"There is no way, so I split its head and stuffed its soul into it again."

"Look, isn't King Panda awake?"

All he has to do is to wake up Pang Da from death!

"Then what happened to the steel on it?"

Although Hua Tuo's explanation made a little sense, how did Panda of flesh and blood turn into Panda of steel?

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this minister is helpless!"

Hua Tuo explained again: "Although King Fat Da's soul returned to his body back then, his body was already on the verge of breaking."

"And the breath of destruction remaining in its flesh and blood cannot be expelled."

"Unfortunately, I invited Master Ou Yezi and Master Wang Tiehammer to create a steel body for King Pang Da!"

In the previous battle in the void, Shi Hao and Cheng Mu both survived as the masters of the hand of heaven and the master of the cold dragon falling into the sun.

But Pang Da, who was also at the center of the collision, was not so lucky.

The breath of destruction not only tore its flesh and blood, but also invaded its bone marrow.

"Your Majesty, if you can't replace the muscles, bones, and flesh of Pang Da King's whole body, then he will suffer bone-biting pain forever!"

Although Hua Tuo likes craniotomy, he also has genuine skills.

In order to prevent Pang Da from suffering again, he put on a new body for Pang Da.

man of Steel!

"Is it solid?"

Hearing Hua Tuo's explanation, Cheng Mu frowned slightly.

At this moment, he still has to worry about whether this body is strong or not?

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

In order to reassure Cheng Mu, Hua Tuo hurriedly said: "The body of King Pang Da was carefully crafted by Master Ou Yezi who melted thousands of catties of divine iron."

"These divine irons have the characteristics of flesh and blood, King Pang Da can grow or shrink his body at will."

Since he wanted to reform, Hua Tuo would definitely do better.


Having said that, he has already begun to show off triumphantly: "Today King Pang Da has no flesh and blood, no organs, no pain, no hunger, no fatigue..."

"To put it simply, the current King Panda is invincible!"

If he was not absolutely sure, how could he start reforming?

Today's Pang Da has become a pure war machine.

"What about consciousness?"

At this time, Cheng Mu finally understood the problem.

If Pang Da's consciousness has also changed, wouldn't it mean that this Pang Da is not the Pang Da he was before.

This is not good news.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, King Pang Da is still the same as before, but his body has become a body of divine iron."

Hua Tuo would never leave a weakness for himself, nor would he leave a weakness for Panda.

"Okay then, step back first."

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is impossible for Cheng Mu to punish Hua Tuo again.

On the contrary, Hua Tuo also saved Pang Da's life.

that day.

When Sun Wu brought Cheng Mu and Pang Da to the medical hall, all the medical immortals only paid attention to Cheng Mu's injury.

Before they can cure Cheng Mu, they have no time to take care of Pang Da.

It just so happened that Hua Tuo was kicked out by everyone, so there is now Pang Da who has recovered.

"His Majesty......"

However, when Hua Tuo resigned, he still told Cheng Mu cautiously: "King Fat Da is a little unhappy after waking up."

If Pang Dakai is unhappy, he will not cure it.

He only cares about healing, nothing else.

"Well, I'll go take a look."

Cheng Mu nodded and walked to Pang Da's side.

At this time, Pang Da was covered in dark silver, with a strong mecha breath.

If it was placed before, Cheng Mu would definitely like it very much.

But after embarking on another path of cultivation, mechas are no longer his romance.

"I'm hard."

Seeing Cheng Mu coming, Pang Da said first, "I'm very hard, so I'm not happy!"

He used to be beautiful, soft, and very comfortable to the touch.

Unlike now, his whole body is hard and extremely cold to the touch.

"It's really a good thing!"

Cheng Mu stroked its body and whispered to its ear, "Female pandas like hard ones."

Soft has soft benefits, and hard has hard benefits.


Cheng Mu's words were like a light illuminating the darkness in Pang Da's heart.

At this moment, it looked at Cheng Mu expectantly: "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course, women and girls like hard things, the harder the better."

As someone who has been there, Cheng Mu patted Pang Da on the shoulder and said, "You will definitely fascinate a lot of female pandas when you go back this time!"

Is the steel fat and handsome? That is naturally extremely handsome.

In particular, its body made of divine iron is not only invincible in defense, but also can change its shape at will.

Shentie is the entire kingdom of immortals brought back by the army of Apocalypse after conquering the kingdom of gods in the desert, the kingdom of gods in Tianzhu, India and so on.

Wang Tiechui and Ou Yezi used secret techniques to merge the desert kingdom with the Tianzhu kingdom.

And the super strong substance that was melted and purified and then forged again, they called it the **** iron!

"That's good, that's good!"

Under Cheng Mu's guidance, Pang Da regained his masculinity.

It stood up and asked Cheng Mudao: "Are there any pandas in the land of the ancestors you just mentioned?"

"If there is, the king will go!"

It not only wants to fascinate the female panda on the earth planet, but also fascinates the female panda in the land of the ancestors!

"There should be..."

Cheng Mu smiled.

He was very happy when he found out that this fat man was still the old fat man!


"Your Majesty is back! Your Majesty is back!"

The news of Cheng Mu's return quickly spread throughout Tianqi City.

At the same time, the news of Cheng Mu repelling the Demon King and beheading hundreds of millions of demons also spread throughout the fairyland under Sun Wu's telling.

For a time, the whole country celebrated.

Countless people worshiped Cheng Mu, and the rumors of the end of the earth and stars were self-defeating!

At this time, Cheng Mu's third shrine that had collapsed was repaired on his own initiative.

It is the power of faith.

The admiration and trust of hundreds of millions of people in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom repaired the wounds of his shrine!

"His Majesty!"

Palace, hall.

Seeing that Cheng Muping was awake, Zhuge Liang and others rushed to see him.

If Sun Wu hadn't informed them, none of them would have known that Cheng Mu had such a thrilling battle in the void.

"Everyone has worked hard."

Seeing that the remaining ministers had arrived, Cheng Mu happened to be able to arrange the battle.

"My dear friends, I have received news that the land of the ancestors of our allies is currently being attacked by powerful enemies."

"They need us!"

Although the war on Earth and Stars is not completely over yet.

But the situation is urgent, and an elite army must be selected to support the land of the ancestors!

"I'm waiting, willing to send for His Majesty!"

Although the battle is urgent, all the ministers of the Immortal Kingdom are talented.

Since Cheng Mu said to fight, let's continue to fight!

"Sun Wu, can there be a high-level god-killing army in my fairy kingdom?"

After getting the unanimous consent of everyone under his command, Cheng Mu immediately started to act.

First of all, he needs to know how many combatable soldiers are still under his command at this moment.

And the strength of this soldier must be a high-level god-killer!

High-level strength of the realm of the gods!

Going to the land of the ancestors, facing unknown enemies, they must go all out.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is one, and it is the Excalibur Army under the sword bearer's command! Five hundred thousand people!"

After Sun Wu returned, he was not idle. Instead, he returned to his position as Minister of the Ministry of War and Generalissimo of the World's Soldiers and Horses.

Since the destruction of the Desert God Kingdom and the India Tianzhu God Kingdom, the Excalibur Army under the sword bearer has not been idle.

Relying on their super-high mobility, they shuttled between the battlefields of Songzhou and Suizhou.

They have slain titans and slain dragons.

Beamon, demons, goblins, giants...

After experiencing countless life-and-death fights, the soldiers of the Excalibur Army finally succeeded in being promoted to the high-level god-killing army with 500,000 survivors!

"Only half a million people?"

Hearing that Sun Wu said it was the Excalibur Army, Cheng Mu was not too surprised.

However, he was surprised that only 500,000 soldiers of the Million Sword Army advanced to the Divine Gate Realm?

"Your Majesty, this is their limit."

Sun Wu explained: "Some soldiers of the Excalibur Army died in battle, and many soldiers were unable to break through the shackles of qualifications."

"500,000, I believe the sword bearer has done his best."

Unlike Cheng Mu, Li Cunxiao, Huo Qubing and other evildoers.

In the beginning, the ranger's qualifications were only SS rank.

According to the end point of aptitude, the pinnacle of SS-level aptitude is Zhenguoren Wonderland.

Now there are 500,000 soldiers of the Excalibur Army who can break through the shackles of aptitude and step into the realm of the gods. This is already a great surprise!

In the fairyland of the apocalypse.

Most of the people can rely on hard work, promotion or have the strength equivalent to the fairyland of Zhen Guo people.

But if you want to be promoted to the level of human immortals and live the same life as the world, you still need Wanli's unique aptitude and luck!

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