The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1068: Huo Qubing presented a gift, Cheng Mu's order

"Your Majesty, the last general's Tiger Ben Army and Brother Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army have also been promoted to the high rank of God Slayer!"

Hearing that Sun Wu only mentioned the sword-wielding Excalibur Army, Huo Qubing, who had rushed back from the journey, immediately stood up.

The Tiger Army under his command and Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army have also just entered the gate of God.

"how many people?"

Cheng Mu nodded. However, what he cares most about is the current number of surviving members of the Huben Army and Flying Tiger Army.

He remembered that when he brought Lucifer to the void, there were still ten thousand seraphs on the battlefield.

With the remaining two armies of less than a million, it is not an easy task to kill 10,000 seraphs.

If it is too easy? That must have been Huo Qubing, Li Cunxiao and other generals who made the move.

"200,000 people, Your Majesty, the Huben Army and the Flying Tiger Army each have 200,000 soldiers with the strength of the gods!"

After a fierce battle in the Kingdom of Heaven, two hundred thousand soldiers from each of the two million-strong armies advanced to Shenmen.

"Okay! You guys rest for two days and set off on the third day!"

Cheng Mu agreed.

There are 200,000 god-killing high-level troops, and if the two armies attack together, there will be 400,000.

With the addition of 500,000 soldiers of the Divine Sword Army, nearly a million soldiers of the Divine Gate Realm have assembled!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After getting Cheng Mu's approval, Huo Qubing was overjoyed.

It was also at this moment that he thought of the gift for Cheng Mu.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I will return from this battle of the Heavenly Kingdom, and I have carefully prepared a gift for you, Your Majesty. Thank you for your kindness!"

This sentence was taught by Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao asked him to find the most suitable gift time.

And now is the best time!

"Oh? What gift?"

Hearing Huo Qubing said that he had brought a gift for himself, Cheng Mu immediately became interested.

He had also heard that Huo Qubing was obsessed with military training and martial arts, but he didn't think he would still be enlightened today?

Of course, he, Cheng Mu, didn't like all his subordinates to give him gifts.

But since you are a human being and a human being, you should dabble in many things and grow up quickly.

"Come here, bring in the gift I gave to His Majesty."

Seeing Cheng Mu's interest, Huo Qubing hastily ordered.

Soon, several figures appeared in the hall.

But when they saw Huo Qubing's gift clearly, everyone gasped.

'Boy, how dare you? '

Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and other ministers looked at Huo Qubing with sympathy.

This boy is too good at playing, right? I don't even know how to write the word dead!


Not only the ministers under his command, even Cheng Mu felt a chill down his back at this moment.

He didn't know whether to praise Huo Qubing's bravery or simplicity?

Just talking about the few strands of fabric on the two angels, they shouldn't appear in the hall.

What's more, these two angels still want to give him Cheng Mu?

For a while, Cheng Mu didn't know whether to accept it or not.

Take it, this is definitely a hot potato, accidentally caught fire in the backyard. Not accepting it seems to have hit Huo Qubing's sincerity again?

"Your Majesty... don't you like it?"

Seeing that Cheng Mu didn't speak for a long time, Huo Qubing thought Cheng Mu didn't like it.

'It shouldn't be. '

He thought silently in his heart. He thought back to what Li Cunxiao said to him, and those words were very reasonable.

"I like it, of course I like it."

Cheng Mu's head began to turn rapidly.

At this time, he couldn't confirm whether Huo Qubing was deliberately cheating him, so he thought of a countermeasure.

"Huo Aiqing, is this what you really want to give me?"

Huo Qubing nodded: "I report to Your Majesty, the heart of a general can be learned from the world!"

"Do you have to give it to me?"



Cheng Mu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Then I will accept it!"

Then he turned his head and said to the other people in the hall: "My loves, you all heard Huo Aiqing's words!"

These two angels were given to him by Huo Qubing, so what does it have to do with Cheng Mu?

"Return to Your Majesty, we have heard it all!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will testify for Your Majesty!"

"Little Brother Qubing's loyalty is really a lesson to be learned from the sun and the moon!"

"Extremely extreme, we must learn from Brother Qubing well."

"Hehe, hehe, hehehe..."

Amidst the enthusiastic praises from the officials in the hall, Huo Qubing felt an unprecedented joy.

"All right!"

But Huo Qubing's gift was just a small episode.

After accepting the two fallen angels, Cheng Mu returned to the theme again.

After scanning the group of officials for a while, he made a decision in his heart.

"Sun Wu Aiqing, quickly go to the Nordic kingdom and call Hei Ling back."

The soldiers for the expedition have been finalized, and the next step is the general who will accompany the army.

Now that Fat Da has returned to his position, the powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm is still left with Hei Ling.

In order to prevent Hei Ling from being lazy, Cheng Mu asked Sun Wu to call him back in person.


Sun Wu nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment.


A figure fell into the hall.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the corpse lying on the ground.

This corpse is too broken.

In the next second, Hei Ling's figure also appeared in the hall.

I only heard it say impatiently: "I know, I know, I'm so bored."

"I finally wanted to be lazy, but I was arrested again."

After Cheng Mu advanced to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, its strength also rose to the Profound Immortal Realm.

But in order to be lazy, it didn't kill Odin immediately.

It turned out that Cheng Mu had arranged for Sun Wu to catch it just now, so it could only end the fight.

Throwing Odin's body over here is to express the anger of King Heling.

"What did you say?"

But in an instant, its neck automatically flew into Cheng Mu's hand.


After not being beaten for a long time, Hei Ling's skin is itchy again!

"Not annoying, not annoying."

"This king is very happy, very happy!"

Falling into Cheng Mu's hands again, Hei Ling became honest again.

It has been acting as a king and tyrant in the Nordic God Kingdom before, and it is indeed a little carried away.

Now that it fell into Cheng Mu's hands again, it became honest again.

"That's more or less."

Cheng Mu threw it out, and told him, "Pang Da has always said that it is hard these days, you go and loosen its bones."

Pang Da has just changed into a steel body, so he may not be that proficient in controlling his body.

In these two days, Hei Ling can give it a practice session.

"That fat cat said it was hard?"

As soon as Panda was mentioned, Hei Ling's attention was immediately attracted.

In an instant, it revived with full blood, and said angrily: "Today, the king will show that fat cat, who is tougher!"

It is the king of Hei Ling, how dare a little chubby cat compete with him?



"His Majesty."

After Hei Ling left, Zhuge Liang stepped forward and suggested, "Your Majesty, please bring Brother Fengxiao there!"

Although Guo Jia has just entered the shrine, his Heavenly Jealousy skill can still help Cheng Mu a little.

The method of promotion for civil servants of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom has become easier.

As long as they are the core ministers of the fairy kingdom, the ministers of internal affairs, the stronger the fairy kingdom is, the stronger their strength will be.

"No, this time to support the land of the ancestors, the lowest strength must be above the shrine!"

However, Cheng Mu refused without thinking.

Although Guo Jia's Heaven's Jealousy skill is perverted, at most it can only affect the strong above the shrine.

If the opponents were all experts from the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, Guo Jia would be dead if he went there, and he might be distracted.

I don't have enough strength, so I can't go for now.


Cheng Mu's words made all the ministers in the hall lower their heads.

Above the shrine! This is a state that some people may not be able to achieve in their entire lives.

That is to say, some of them can no longer keep up with Cheng Mu's pace!

"Well, you don't have to be discouraged."

Seeing the depressed ministers, Cheng Mu smiled and comforted him: "You still have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

"This Heavenly Enlightenment Kingdom still needs you to worry about it and devote yourself to it."

Civil servants are not respected by strength, but by ability.

As long as their abilities are still there, they are also working for Cheng Mu.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With Cheng Mu's comfort, the ministers felt much better.

Cheng Mu was right.

Although they can no longer help Cheng Mu in battle, they can still become Cheng Mu's right arm and right arm in governing the country, the ministers of his shoulders!

"Your Majesty... then us?"

At this time, Zhang Shun, Zhao Yun and other generals turned pale when they heard Cheng Mu say that the person traveling with him must be a strong person above the Jingu Palace.

All the joy just now was gone.

On top of the Jingu Temple, among the first generals to follow Cheng Mu, only Guan Hai can meet the standard.

For the rest, only Li Cunxiao and Huo Qubing are the two men who command the army can go together. And others, neither Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Xie Xuan, Zhang Shun, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Ran Min, etc., have not yet qualified for this!

'Are we going to be abandoned like this? '

'Do not! '

Suddenly, Zhao Yun's heart ignited a strong fighting spirit.

At this time, although he was still a little far from the realm of the Divine Palace, how could he accept his fate and be abandoned by Cheng Mu from then on?

‘Your Majesty, the general will definitely return to your side again! Will! '

He made up his mind.

Although he can't follow Cheng Mu for the time being, he will definitely come back!

"Guard the earth star for me!"

Seeing the pale-faced soldiers, Cheng Mu actually did not give up on them.

He exhorted: "Although Odin is dead now, the kingdom of the Norse gods is still there."

"Zeus' Olympus kingdom still stands above my land of China."

"Destroy them, kill all intruders!"

Supporting the Land of the Ancestors is just a hasty, last resort temporary choice.

Now that the earth and the stars have not been completely unified, how can the soldiers of the fairy kingdom relax?

"When I return, the glory of Immortal Kingdom should shine on every inch of Earth and Star!"

This is Cheng Mu's request to them! It is also an order that all the soldiers must complete!

"The general obeys orders!"

After receiving Cheng Mu's order, a glimmer of hope rose again in the eyes of the generals.

They still have a chance.

As long as they step into the shrine before Cheng Mu returns, they are still eligible to follow Cheng Mu around!

"and also!"

Cheng Mu continued to exhort: "Nowadays, the barriers of the earth and star world are devastated, and enemies from outside the territory may come anytime and anywhere!"

"I also ask you all to protect the earth and stars for me, for the Heavenly Qi Immortal Kingdom, and for the human race!"

"Keep the last home of our Huaxia Human Race!"

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