The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1069: Doomsday of the Norse Kingdom

Three days later.

In the sky above Tianqi City, a hundred Tianqi fairy boats float quietly.

Its majestic and domineering momentum made all the Tianqi people couldn't help but praise and applaud!

The stronger the power of the fairy kingdom, the more united the people of the fairy kingdom will be!

Today, Cheng Mu led the army to rescue the land of the ancestors. This is a just battle praised by hundreds of millions of people in the fairy kingdom!

If it weren't for their strength not meeting Cheng Mu's requirements, otherwise there would be no need to send troops, and hundreds of millions of people in the fairy kingdom would rush over.

on the spaceship.

"Brother Qubing, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Huo Qubing with a bruised nose and swollen face, Li Cunxiao raised his surprised voice by an octave.

He heard some news about Huo Qubing yesterday, but he didn't expect that Huo Qubing's face would be so ridiculously swollen?

Completely turned into a pig's head.

"Oh, I don't know either."

Hearing Li Cunxiao's inquiry, Huo Qubing expressed his grievance.

He said: "Master Mulan said yesterday that she wanted to compete with me, but I was not allowed to fight back."

"I didn't want to agree, but she used her status as a concubine to suppress me."

Thinking of this, he felt even more wronged.

"So...Your face was hit by Mulan? Why hasn't the swelling gone away?"

Seeing the wronged Huo Qubing, Li Cunxiao felt the pleasure of doing evil in his heart.

He knew that Huo Qubing's face was slapped by Hua Mulan, but he wondered why the wound on Huo Qubing's face was still not healed?

According to the method of Huo Qubing and Tianqi City Doctors, Huo Qubing's face can be restored to its original state within a few breaths.

"Empress Mulan won't let me..."

Huo Qubing said in a low voice: "Empress Mulan even asked me to show my face to Your Majesty."

This is also what he doesn't quite understand. Why should I show my face to His Majesty?


Seeing such an innocent Huo Qubing, Li Cunxiao thought for a while and decided not to cheat him.

He raised his hand to wipe away the wound on Huo Qubing's face, and said: "If Madam Mulan asks at that time, tell me that brother and I healed it for you!"

He can't keep cheating Huo Qubing.

After all, it was his idea to give the two fallen angels to Cheng Mu.

It turned out that Cheng Mu accepted the gift, but it was Huo Qubing who was injured!

"Brother Cunxiao, aren't you afraid of Empress Mulan?"

Seeing that Li Cunxiao smoothed the wound on his face, Huo Qubing said in surprise: "I heard that Lady Mulan was able to pin Master Guan Hai to the ground before and beat him!"

In the early days, the results of the contest between Hua Mulan and Guan Hai are still being circulated.

These new generals under Cheng Mu's command knew that their Lady Mulan was extremely powerful.

Even Guan Hai, the most powerful of their generals, was no match for Hua Mulan.

With the addition of the talent of a woman who does not give up to a man, Hua Mulan has never lost a battle with a man at the same level!


Li Cunxiao patted him on the shoulder and said: "But it's okay, brother, I have thick skin."

Not only is his skin a bit thicker, but the skin on his body is even thicker!

If he was beaten, he probably wouldn't frown.

"That's good, Brother Cunxiao, you are indeed a good person!"

Seeing Li Cunxiao helping him, Huo Qubing was very moved.

It was the first time he met someone who cared so much about him and thought about him so much!



Not long after, Cheng Mu's figure appeared above the sky.

Looking at the heroic soldiers under his command who were all ready to go, he exhorted: "This battle will be the most difficult and tragic battle since the establishment of my Tianqi fairy kingdom, and even since you served the country."

"I can't guarantee how many people will come back alive in the end."

"But what I can promise is: I will live and die with you, and the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom will live and die with you!"

Does the crisis in the land of the ancestors have nothing to do with his Heavenly Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom?

No, it is not.

On the contrary, they are indifferent and interdependent.

If the land of the ancestors is invaded, then the next target of the enemy must be the earth star!

So Cheng Mu is not only fighting for the land of the ancestors, but also for the Tianqi fairyland, and for the earth star, the last home of the Chinese human race!

"We are willing to die for His Majesty!"

Cheng Mu's strength makes the soldiers under his command high-spirited!

What is so terrible about death?

Eighteen years later, they are a hero again!

Excalibur Ranger died in battle? Then resurrect and rebuild again!

Now the entire Earth Star will be Cheng Mu's territory, and they can return to the embrace of Tianqi Fairyland anytime, anywhere!

"Okay! Let's go!"

Then, under the high fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom, the army of millions began to move out!

"The land of the ancestors, here we come!"


Nordic kingdom.

After Odin was killed, the entire Kingdom of God fell into a leaderless state.

Although there are countless extraordinary creatures in the Kingdom of God, the giant Behemoth, facing the four generals Xie Xuan, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, and Yue Fei, the Kingdom of God in Northern Europe is also on the verge of destruction.

At this moment, within the Nordic kingdom of God.

"Thor, let's fight."

Sif, the Nordic **** of love, stood behind Thor, begging aloud.

She is Thor's wife, and she is also one of the main gods of the Nordic kingdom of God.

She didn't want to see her husband and the soldiers of the Kingdom of God die humiliatingly.

"Since they are all dead, why not die standing?"

Ever since God King Odin was taken away by the Black Order they have fallen into panic.

Coupled with the fact that Xie Xuan, Xiang Yu and others are here in person, they have to make a decision.

"Sif, in that case you will die, I don't want you to die."

Thor turned around and stroked his wife's face tenderly.

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want his wife to die too.

Because of Sif, he even thought of giving up resistance and surrendering.

"No! Thor."

At this moment, Sif burst into tears and said affectionately: "I would rather die with you than live in humiliation under the torture of these demons!"

Invading the land of China was originally their sin.

But now, when it was their turn to die, Xie Xuan and the others turned into demons in their eyes.

"Okay! We will die together."

Sif's affection gave Thor the courage to continue fighting.

He suddenly stood up and said sharply: "Send an order to Ymir and Hela, asking them to send troops to prepare for the final battle!"

Ymir, Lord of the Giants.

Hela, the queen of Hades.

The giants live in the Northland, the most desolate and harshest environment in the Kingdom of God.

And the kingdom of the underworld is suppressed under the kingdom of gods, and it is the darkest place in the kingdom of gods in northern Europe.

The giants and the dead people of the underworld were originally the enemies of the Nordic gods.

But now that the kingdom of the Norse gods is about to be destroyed, how can there be any eggs in the nest?

"Tell them, if we are eliminated in court, it will definitely be their turn next!"

"If you don't want to die, let them send troops!"

In order to win this final battle, Thor did not hesitate to join forces with his former enemies.

The end of the Norse gods has come.

It is Huaxia Qixian Kingdom who will destroy them this time!

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