The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1080: Kill the Titans

"Where is this? Where is this?"

Looking at this boundless extraterrestrial void, looking at the small worlds wrapped in eggshells.

The titans were horrified.

They can no longer feel any power of the sky and the power of the earth.

At this time, they are like a group of abandoned children, without the favor of heaven and earth!

"Go back, we have to go back!"

A strong crisis hangs over the hearts of every titan.

They want to return to Earth and Star, they want to return to the embrace of heaven and earth again!

However, the next second.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

I saw the magic whip in Jiang Shang's hand swelled billions of times again.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the God Whip finally woven into a black continent.

And the Titans trapped on the black land will never return to the embrace of the planet!

"Ah! This **** is going to kill you!"

Kronos roared and rushed towards Jiang Shang.

Now that there is no magic whip in his hand, he will see how Jiang Shang can resist their attacks again.

Rumble! Rumble!

In an instant, the six giant titans began to topple.

Every time they took a step, countless whips were shattered.

And Jiang Shang, who had lost his magic whip, could no longer punish these titans for a while.

Not only did he have to control the black continent, but he also had to defend against the attacks of the titans.

If you use too powerful moves, it may also affect Bai Qi and others.

For a while, Jiang Shang was indeed in a dilemma.

"Quick battle!"

Seeing that Jiang Shang created an opportunity for himself and others to kill the Titan, how could Bai Qi let them pass it?


The sharp killing knife cut down.

This time, without the protection of the power of heaven and earth, a titan's arm was cut off directly.

Another titan rushed over, but Bai Qi avoided the blow by using a faster movement speed.

"Quick and quick! Quick and quick!"

Ye Xuan also roared sharply at this time.

Although he was able to block the attacks of the two titans, the power of the military soul on his body had already begun to dissipate.

This is an extraterritorial void hundreds of millions of meters away, and they have long lost contact with the soldiers on the planet Earth.

In less than five minutes, the power of the military souls they have integrated will all dissipate.

In other words, they had to kill these, twelve Titans within five minutes!

Jiang Shang is supporting the Black Continent with all his strength at this time, in order to create opportunities for Bai Qi and the others to kill the Titans.

Five minutes, and he only had five minutes.

If Bai Qi and Ye Xuan fail, then Jiang Shang can only destroy these titans by himself.

At that time, all the favors he wanted to give away would not be able to be given away!

"Let me come, die!"

I saw Li Xuanba jumping high, and a pair of giant hammers hit the head of Tai Tan in front of him again.

this time.

Click! Boom!

Under his unstoppable double hammers, the titan who lost the protection of heaven and earth smashed his head in an instant.

The golden divine blood exploded all over the place, but the titan's blood that fell on the black continent actually began to bite and corrode Jiang Shang's whip.

zip... zip....

Under bursts of ear-piercing corrosion sounds, countless whips were bitten off, and a gap was corroded in the black continent.

"Ho Ho!"

at the same time.

The titan with its head shattered did not fall.

With his headless body, he rushed towards Li Xuanba again.


With one blow, Li Xuanba smashed his arm.

The golden Titan's blood flowed again, and soon corroded a gap in the black continent under his feet!

"Your grandma's!"

Seeing such a scene, Li Xuan cursed domineeringly!

Are these titans too difficult to deal with? Even if they were beaten to death, the blood in their bodies would still act like a demon?

If the blood of these titans is allowed to corrode like this, within two minutes, this black earth woven by the magic whip will be destroyed.

At that time, Jiang Shang's good intentions and hard work will all be in vain!

"There is no other way, you count as much as you can kill!"

Jiang Shang was also helpless.

He intends to give Bai Qi and others a wave of favors, so that Cheng Mu can know about his Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom and his Majesty's goodwill.

But I didn't want these titans to be too difficult.

If the magic whip is corroded, then he has nothing to do.

At this moment, Bai Qi and the others can kill as many Titans as possible.

His favor ends here!

"Then offend!"

Since Jiang Shang spoke in person, how could Bai Qi and others not grasp it well.

This is the final blow.

"Everyone, let's do it according to our abilities!"


"The **** of death is coming!"

Under the last blow, Bai Qi used his strongest move!

In an instant, his body began to shrink rapidly, and all the killing intent converged on the tip of his knife.

Slowly, he regained his original human body again.

And in his tiny hands, a monstrous giant blade appeared in the void.

Under this god-killing blade, even a 100-meter-tall Titan seemed insignificant!


Bai Qiqi used the last bit of strength in his body to chop it down!

"Sword of Shenzhou! Slash!"

Ye Xuan also went all out.

This is also his last blow.

I saw that he gave up all his defenses, gathered all the power of his body and all the power of the army soul, and slashed down with a single sword.

Whether he can successfully kill the Titan under the sword depends on God's will!

"Fist of the Wild God!"

Although Ran Min's body was small, he was still powerful.

Under his punch, a real barbarian suddenly appeared behind him.

As he slammed down his fist, the barbarian also waved his fist and slammed at the titan in front of him!

Rumble! Rumble!

At this time, the void outside the territory was shocked by the shocking fist!

"I! Breaking the sky with a hammer!"

In the end, Li Xuanba was not to be outdone.

I saw the Zijin Double Dragon Hammer in his hand fused into one.


Under this shocking blow, the Titans felt their doom was coming.

"This is the wrath of God the Father! God the Father is angry!"

"Father, please forgive me! Father, please forgive me!"

"We don't dare anymore, we don't dare again!"

Facing this powerful four blows, the titans fell to their knees in horror.

They remembered the evil they had done before, and remembered their Godfather who had castrated themselves with their own hands.

Ever since, they decided that God the Father had come to punish them.

After losing the protection of heaven and earth, they no longer have the invincibility and pride of the past.

It's a pity that it's not their father **** who wants to kill them, but Bai Qi and Li Xuanba!

After fighting for so long, it is time to fight to the death.

If these titans don't die today, it will be the time for Bai Qi and others to die when the titans return to the planet.

If the Titans are dead.

That works for everything!

"You guys, ask yourself to be blessed!"

At this time, Jiang Shang, who was controlling the black land, looked at the Titans with pity.

With the power of the four of Bai Qi, even he would not dare to accept it.

Soon, the results will be out.

At that time, who wins and who loses will know at a glance!


In the end, Jiang Shang fled thousands of miles away in the second before the Killing God Blade, the Sword of Shenzhou, the Fist of the Wild God, and the Heaven-shattering Hammer were about to destroy the Black Continent.

As for the twelve titans left on the black continent, whoever lives and who dies depends on their own abilities!


With the final blow, the void is silent.

Under Bai Qi's four strongest moves, the black land woven by the magic whip was instantly torn to pieces.

And the roaring titans were annihilated one by one in the boundless power.

"My God, I will surely tear your corpses into pieces! Ahhhhhhh!"

However, when the boundless power was about to dissipate, there was still a figure of a titan rapidly falling towards the earth and stars.

He is Kronos, the king of the titans!

Although the attack by Bai Qi and others killed the other Titans, Cronus, the King of Titans, survived.

As long as he falls into the earth star, the power of the earth and the sky on the earth star will instantly heal his injuries.

"Oceanus, Coos, will not die in vain."

"I will avenge you, and your blood will guide me to a higher realm!"

The reason Cronus survived was because he tore his brothers and sisters apart.

After absorbing their divine power, he managed to survive.

Not only that, after merging the power of the other five titans, his strength will soon set foot on the shrine!

This is not only his confidence, but also his capital for revenge!

As long as he returns to Earth, he will be the only Titan God on Earth!

"Hehe, interesting creature!"

But at this moment, when Kronos was about to return to the planet.

A picture scroll appeared under him.

next second.


His whole body fell into the scroll.

Cronus has returned to Earth, but he has fallen into an extremely terrifying place again.

His body hit the arena, raising a large cloud of dust.

And in the middle of the arena, a green bull wiped the blood from its hooves and said with great joy, "Oh? Another new one?"

In an instant, he didn't even wipe his blood-stained hooves!


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Above the void, four extremely strong auras began to burst out.

After beheading six titans, the four of Bai Qi finally ushered in the biggest gain of this battle.

The huge life energy of the titans poured into their bodies like sea water.

The background of the shrine...the peak of the shrine...above the shrine!

Under Jiang Shang's delighted gaze, all four of Bai Qi were promoted!

Bai Qi killed two Titans with his god-killing blade, and he was promoted to the top of the shrine!

Li Xuanba's sky-shattering hammer also killed two titans, and he also set foot on the shrine.

Only Ye Xuan and Ran Min moved a bit slower, each killing only one titan.

So their strength has stopped at the peak of the Divine Palace Realm!

Even so, they were very satisfied.

What is the income, this is the income.

They were even more satisfied when they heard that Lu Bu Xiang Yu and others were only in the back realm of the Jingu Palace.

They don't have to be promoted to the top of the shrine immediately, they just need to be promoted earlier than other generals in the fairyland.

But Ye Xuan and Ran Min, who are at the peak of the shrine, will have the opportunity to set foot on the shrine within a very short period of time.

This step is close at hand, and they must risk their lives to take it!

"Many... Thank you, Prime Minister Jiang!"

After everything was settled, the four of them flew to Jiang Shang together and expressed their gratitude with fists cupped.

They know they are taking a shortcut.

Without Jiang Shang, it would be a problem for them to survive, let alone improve their strength!

"Hehe, they are all Chinese people, the four generals are welcome!"

Jiang Shang smiled and said: "In the future, maybe I will work with the four generals!"

To help the four of Bai Qi get promoted, then Bai Qi and the others must owe him a huge favor.

When Jiang Shang returns to Cheng Mu's command, then he will be able to work together harmoniously!

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