The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1081: special building arena


At this time, amidst Jiang Shang, Bai Qi and the others' cheerful conversation, two figures appeared beside them.

It's the boy and the green bull.

"Zilu, Lao Niu, why are you here?"

Seeing the appearance of the boy and Qingniu, Jiang Shang was a little surprised.

You must know that this boy named Zilu is a disciple of Confucius!

After his ascension in the last life, Confucius dismissed the three thousand disciples and seventy-one sages around him.

Only Zhong Zilu and an old cow remained.

Zhong Yuan, Zi Zilu, one of the "Ten Philosophers of Confucianism", one of the "Twenty-Four Filial Piety", one of the "Seventy-two Sages of Confucianism", is respected by the world as the sage Zhongzi.

And being able to follow Confucius is enough to see that Confucius loves him.

"Hehe, come and give the generals a gift!"

Although Zhong You only has the appearance of an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, he behaves gracefully.

Under the surprised eyes of the four of Bai Qi, he handed over the scroll in Bai Qi's hand.

"This is?"

Looking at this ordinary picture of the arena, Bai Qi was a little surprised.

He is a little strange, why are there still figures of Poseidon and Hades on the arena?

Even more peculiar is that there are angels and titans in the painting.

Even Bai Qi found Jiang Shang, Kong Sheng and Sun Wu inside. Could it be that this painting has some special meaning?

"Well... according to your words, this is a special building: the arena."

Zhong You explained: "This is a gift from the teacher to you!"

"The shadows of Prime Minister Jiang, the teacher and Sun Sheng were drawn by the teacher himself."

"The rest are all drawn by me."

In the duel field at this time, there were not only Poseidon Hades, but also the fallen angel Lucifer, the archangel Gabriel, and the afterimages left by Confucius and Sun Wu.

And when Zhong You said the four words "special architecture", then the role of this painting is self-evident!

"Much...thank you little brother!"

Bai Qi also understood. His mind was shocked and his expression was excited.

These generals just lack opponents to sharpen, and now the appearance of this arena solves their urgent needs!

As long as they pass the trials in the arena, their strength can be improved quickly!

At that time, they will be one step closer to following Cheng Mu!

"I see, I see!"

Ran Min's excitement was still higher than that of Bai Qi.

Bai Qi has been promoted to the top of the shrine at any rate, and he, Ran Min, just missed the door!

So how could he not be excited when he found out that there are other ways to improve his strength?

"General Ran, don't be in such a hurry."

Bai Qi handed over the scroll.

When the picture scroll was fully unfolded, the magnificent arena showed them all its features.

"This is? The thirteenth floor?"

Seeing the thirteen figures inside, Bai Qi understood.

Thirteen figures, thirteen challenge levels.

Starting with Athena, the God of War in the Olympus Kingdom, Thor, the God of Thunder in the Nordic Kingdom, Gabriel, the Archangel of Heaven, Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, Poseidon, Hades, King of Titans, Xie Xuancan Afterimages, afterimages of Guan Hai, afterimages of Qingniu, afterimages of Jiang Shang, afterimages of Confucius, and afterimages of Sun Wu.

The lowest strength of the thirteen shadows is Athena in the middle of the palace.

The most powerful person is Sun Wu who is above the two shrines.

In other words, as in today's Qixian country, as long as the strength of the generals is successfully promoted to the shrine.

Then they can enter the arena and improve their strength through fighting!

According to the afterimage of the most powerful Sun Wu, the general of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom can directly raise his own strength above the two shrines in the arena!

So powerful! So scary! This arena is so powerful that it is terrifying!

"Temporarily it is the thirteenth floor."

Zhong You nodded and said: "The teacher originally wanted to copy His Majesty's figure."

"But His Majesty is too powerful, the teacher can't copy it for the time being!"

The final boss in the arena should be Cheng Mu. But Confucius in the two shrines is not strong enough to imitate Cheng Mu in Jiutianxuan Wonderland.

Ever since, the fourteenth floor has been vacated!

"Your Majesty's strength is currently beyond our grasp."

Bai Qi and everyone nodded.

Now Cheng Mu not only set foot on the Three Gods Palace, but his strength should still be the best among the Nine Heavens Profound Immortals!

Different cultivation paths have different strengths!

"So, thank you, Brother Zhong You."

Seeing a smooth path for his future strength improvement, Ran Min solemnly clasped his fists to Zhong You to thank him.

He already, can't wait.

"Thank you, Brother Zhong You!"

Ye Xuan also hurriedly thanked.

Like Ran Min, he urgently needs to be sharpened to step into the shrine!


Soon after, the Battle of the Kingdom of Olympus came to an end.

Mount Olympus, high above, has fallen.

This means that all the enemies who invaded the Huaxia mainland were wiped out.

Except for some gods who escaped early in the morning, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Olympus, and the Kingdom of Norse Gods.

The instigators of the three great kingdoms of the West were nearly wiped out.

There are hundreds of millions of people in the three major kingdoms of God, and hundreds of gods and gods, but only a few are left.

"You... you killed me! Killed me!"

Seeing the fall of the holy mountain, the captured Athena collapsed and screamed.

Her father, her brothers and sisters, her people...all dead.

Now that Ye Xuan only left her to live alone, how could she feel at ease?

She wanted to commit suicide, but after her power was sealed, she was useless.

She doesn't even have the strength to commit suicide!

"Keep your mouth shut."

Ye Xuan raised his hand to seal Athena's mouth.

"Women are noisy."

He said viciously: "If I hadn't given you to His Majesty, I would have killed you with a single sword!"

If it weren't for the fact that this Athena was still pretty, she would have been a corpse long ago.


Although her mouth was sealed, Athena was still cursing in her heart.

She stared at Ye Xuan with a pair of eyes, as if she wanted to use her eyes to tear Ye Xuan into pieces!

"I said Brother Ye Xuan, you are so smart!"

At this moment, Ran Min and Li Xuanba stepped forward.

Why didn't they expect to send beautiful women to Cheng Mu?

"That Artemis is also good looking, full of wild aura. His Majesty should like it very much."

As Li Xuanba said, there was some regret in his words: "But it's a pity, I hammered her into a pulp!"


As he spoke, he regretted that he had lost such an excellent opportunity.

They didn't want to give Cheng Mu gifts to gain Cheng Mu's love and respect.

Rather, they knew that Cheng Mu liked beautiful women, so they offered to give Cheng Mu beautiful women.

This is also a way for them to show their loyalty.

"So, reckless men like us are destined to have no wives."

Ran Min patted Li Xuanba's shoulder, and a big hand began to rub together.

Reckless men like them would directly judge as enemies no matter how beautiful a woman they met on the battlefield.

After killing all the enemies, they recalled that she was a peerless beauty!

And after the war, they didn't have much time to interact with women at all.

In war, they kill the enemy.

On the truce, they were training hard.

So what Ran Min said about not being able to marry a wife is true!

"Bah, you can't marry a wife!"

Li Xuanba felt that something was wrong with Ran Min's hand, so he hurriedly slapped it down.

He shook the goosebumps all over his body, and said very warily, "Stay away from me!"

A muscular man may like a muscular man, or he may like a beautiful woman.

And he, Li Xuanba, is still the latter!

"Hey, just kidding! It scares you!"

Seeing Li Xuanba's uncomfortable appearance, Ran Min laughed.

How could he become a pervert? No way!


Apocalypse Fairyland.

Seeing the fall of the last divine kingdom that was invaded, the people of the entire fairy kingdom began to boil.

They are victorious, they have successfully wiped out all the invaders!

And at the moment when the arena brought back by Bai Qi was successfully established, the generals of the Immortal Kingdom were also boiling.

Zhao Yun was the first to enter the arena.

He made an oath before, to set foot on the shrine in a very short time!

Guan Yu, Wei Qing, Chang Yuchun, Qin Qiong, Wang Jian and other generals also rushed over from various states.

Now that there are no strong enemies on Earth, the arena has become the only place for them to sharpen their strength!


Prime Minister's Mansion.

After Guan Hai and Sun Wu both left with Cheng Mu, the important military and political affairs of the entire Immortal Kingdom fell into Zhuge Liang's hands again.

And here, Bai Qi, Ran Min, Li Xuanba, and Ye Xuan reported to Zhuge Liang the results of the battle of the Kingdom of Olympus.

After conquering the kingdom of Olympus, Bai Qi led an army of 200,000 killing gods and successfully promoted to the high rank of killing gods!

In Ran Min's begging army, 100,000 people were promoted to Shenmen.

The begging army is a group of barbarian soldiers. With the strength of the entire barbarian, there are finally 100,000 barbarians advanced.

Li Xuanba Xuanjia Divine Army advanced to 150,000 people, this is already their limit!

For those who cannot break through the shackles of qualifications, no matter how many enemies they kill, it is useless!

As for Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Army, only 50,000 people were promoted.

There is no way, these Shenzhou troops have never belonged to special arms. Although Ye Xuan's strength made the Shenzhou Army not weaker than other legions in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

But there are no arms characteristics, which is a huge shortcoming of the Shenzhou Army.

However, Ye Xuan did not intend to give up the soldiers under his command.

"50,000 this time, another 50,000 next time will do!"

In the first battle of the Olympus Kingdom of God, the Shenzhou Army successfully promoted 50,000 people to the Divine Sect at the cost of 500,000 casualties.

Then next time, another half a million people will die in battle.

Although Ye Xuan has ur fairy-level, he is not a famous general in China's history.

Without the template of a famous general, he can only silently improve with his subordinate Shenzhou Army.

Do not fight or grab, neither humble nor overbearing!

"Everyone has worked hard!"

After listening to the reports of the four Bai Qi, Zhuge Liang exhorted: "Please rest more, the four generals."

"If there is a war ahead, His Majesty may need your help!"

Now Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao have been promoted to the top of the Divine Palace, and Ran Min and Ye Xuan also have soldiers of the Divine Gate Realm under their command.

If the battle situation in the land of the ancestors is tragic, then they are qualified to go to support!

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, the four of them immediately felt exhausted.

"Take a rest and go to training!"

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