
On the flying boat, it seems that it will soon arrive at the land of the ancestors.

However, Cheng Mu's heart suddenly ached. His complexion suddenly paled.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Cheng Mu's abnormality, everyone hurriedly asked.

"I seem to have lost something in my heart, someone died in battle."

Touching the heart that was still in pain, Cheng Mu's mood fell to the bottom.

Although he didn't know who died in battle, he knew that the people who died in battle were very important to him!

"Who is it? Could it be General Xiang Yu and the others?"

Hearing Cheng Mu's words, Guan Hai and the others immediately became nervous.

At this time, the news of the end of the Olympus Divine Kingdom Battle had not yet reached their hands.

If Xiang Yu and others are defeated, it will be fatal news for Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!


Cheng Mu looked up at the land of the ancestors which was close at hand, and he said sharply, "Go at full speed!"

He had a hunch that the people on the land of the ancestors died in battle.

'It can't be Xingyue! '

In his heart, he was already feeling uneasy.


"Who is it! Who dares to kill my third brother!"


In the land of the ancestors, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded.

Three hundred-foot-high giant gods roared down to the land of the ancestors.

They are the heavenly kings of holding the country in the east, the heavenly kings of growth in the south, and the heavenly kings of Duowen in the north.

They were ordered by the King of Tota, Li Jing, to destroy the Moon Empire.

But they didn't expect that their third brother Xixi Guangmu Heavenly King died on the battlefield!

All of a sudden, the three heavenly kings descended with roars.

Looking at the headless body of Guangmu Tianwang, for a moment, the infinite roar tore the sky apart!

"Hand down the king's order, on the land of the ancestors, no chickens or dogs will be left! No grass will grow!"

This is the wrath of the kings of heaven.

Since Guangmu Heavenly King died on the land of the ancestors, the whole land will be buried with Guangmu Heavenly King!

"This king wants to destroy the earth and stars! The human race is extinct!"

Duowen Tianwang also roared sharply.

If there were no changes in the human race, how could his third brother Guangmu Tianwang be in the lower realm.

If you don't go to the lower bounds, you won't die!

"Human genocide? What a big tone!"

But at this moment, Cheng Mu's roar resounded through the sky.

Wanting to destroy their own human race, the tone of this group of fairy gods is too loud!

"Okay, it's Cheng Mu of the human race!"

Seeing Cheng Mu coming in a fairy boat, King Chiguo smiled angrily.

He roared angrily: "If you kill my third younger brother, this king will definitely wipe you out!"

Today, the three heavenly kings descended together, and happened to meet Cheng Mu who came to die.

Then, don't blame them for being cruel!


After two or three words, the Heavenly King Chiguo hugged the pipa angrily.

jingle jingle ~ jingle jingle ~

The ear-piercing sound of the pipa resounded across the battlefield, making everyone dizzy!

Those weak soldiers exploded into blood mist after only holding on for a few breaths.

He is the heavenly king of the East, the head of the four heavenly kings under Li Jing, and the peak strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal!

As soon as he made a move, it was a fatal move!

"Military soul! Military soul!"

Facing the life-threatening sound of the pipa, the three legions behind Cheng Mu immediately activated their army souls!

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of Immortal Kingdom soldiers died!

This is the strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm powerhouse!


There will be a big battle as soon as they arrive, which is unexpected by Cheng Mu.

But since the enemy has already made a move, why do they hesitate?

I saw him holding a cold chi spear, riding a steel fat man and rushing towards King Chiguo.

The king of Chiguo uses a pipa to show off his prestige? Then Cheng Mu will smash his pipa!

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu actually wanted to attack and kill him, Chiguo Tianguo played faster.


Under the rapid sound of the pipa, Cheng Mu immediately felt a huge resistance.

This is the mana of the gods, the most powerful divine power that can evolve into all things.

Although these magic powers were invisible and intangible, Cheng Mu felt a mountain pressing down on him, and a river swallowed him in and prevented him from taking a step forward.

At this time, even Iron Pang Da needs to expend a lot of strength to move forward.


Facing the ear-piercing magic sound and powerful mana, Cheng Mu killed it with a single shot.


The extremely strong power instantly tore a gap in the mana barrier set up by Tianwang Jiguo.

And Pang Da was like a wild horse running wild, roaring and running towards the enemy!

The Heavenly King Jiguo has strong mana, but Cheng Mu's strength is also very strong.

The strength of the Three Gods Palace is the best among the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm!


Seeing that his supreme mana could not trap Cheng Mu, Tianwang Chiguo changed the tune he played.

The sound of the pipa at this time was even harsher than before.

The noisy pipa kept drilling into Cheng Mu's ears.

The most powerful part of these pipa sounds is the sea of ​​consciousness that can wreak havoc on the target.

Once the consciousness is destroyed, it will become an idiot without consciousness!

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

Cheng Mu could only feel his whole head buzzing, and his head was about to burst.

Under the sound of this life-threatening pipa, it seemed that the Heavenly King Chiguo was playing directly in his mind.

The deafening sound of the pipa invaded his entire sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, he could no longer hear any sound from the outside world.

In the endless void of spiritual consciousness, only the ear-piercing sound of the pipa remained.


It was at this time that the first shrine in Cheng Muzhi's sea slowly opened.

The strong power of faith dispelled the sound of the pipa in an instant.

The mana of Heavenly King Jiguo is the power of fairy spirits, while Cheng Mu's power comes from the power of faith!

In front of the more advanced power of faith.

Cleared up, Cheng Mu's head was finally cleared up. Without the harassment of the sound of the pipa, he has never felt that quietness is such a comfortable and beautiful thing!

"You are actually the God of Faith?"

Seeing that Cheng Mu suppressed his attack by raising his hand, Heavenly King Chiguo was horrified.

There are many types of gods.

God of innateness, **** of self-cultivation, **** of incense, **** of faith!

And the God of Faith is the most terrifying existence among all kinds of immortal gods.

Under normal circumstances, innate gods and self-cultivated gods can show miracles in front of mortals, and control the power of heaven and earth for mortals to offer incense.

Today, among the immortal gods in the sky, most of the powerful ones are the gods of incense.

They are admired by all races and inherited incense from all ages. As long as there are people worshiping them, their strength will continue to grow stronger.

The **** of incense is already the greatest pursuit of the gods in the sky.

But after discovering the power of faith in Cheng Mu's body, King Chiguo was shocked.

What is faith is to dedicate everything to the gods you believe in, and take the character and hobbies of the gods as your own code of conduct.

As long as there is faith, the relationship is absolutely indestructible.

The **** of incense, ordinary believers light a stick of incense and kowtow twice before leaving.

But faith is the eternal pursuit engraved in the bottom of my heart and engraved in my mind!

Which is higher and which is lower, you can tell at a glance!

"What happened to the God of Faith?"

Seeing the horrified King Chiguo~www.readwn.com~ Cheng Mu said coldly, "Does this scare you?"

He didn't know how he became the belief of the people of the entire Tianqi Immortal Kingdom.

He only knows that he wants to become stronger, protect the people under his command, and let the people live and work in peace and contentment forever.

Not to be oppressed by gods and gods, not to be harassed by ghosts and monsters.

You will not be punished by the gods for not enshrining the immortals and gods in the sky, and you will not be abandoned by the world for not giving everything you have!

Humans should have their own gods!

Thus, Cheng Mu appeared!

"Bah! Scared me?"

Seeing Cheng Mu belittle him so much, King Chiguo said angrily, "It's just a newborn believer in God, I can suppress you with just raising my hand!"

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