
When Cheng Mu was fighting with the Heavenly King Chiguo, Hei Ling and Li Bai joined forces to kill the Southern Zengtian King.

As the second of the four heavenly kings under Li Jing's command, the Southern Growth Heavenly King has the strength of the Profound Immortal Realm.

He was dressed in cyan armor and held a glazed sword.

Facing Li Bai who killed his third brother, every blow he made was full of rage!

"Hey, why are these gods so powerful?"

After one claw was blocked by Zeng Tianwang, Hei Ling cursed.

Although it is comparable to Cheng Mu's strength, Cheng Mu has the power of faith but it does not.

At this time, Hei Ling was fighting Zengguang Tianwang with pure Xuanxian mid-stage strength.

Plus Li Bai from Xuanxian Middle Realm.

Only the two of them work together to block the glazed sword of King Zengchang.

"Is it strong? It's not very strong!"

Li Bai responded.

After beheading the Western Guangmu Heavenly King, his strength was also stabilized in the realm of Xuanxian.

Although the Heavenly King of Profound Immortal Emerald Realm is extremely powerful, they are only at a slight disadvantage.

At the end of the battle, it is still unknown who will live and who will die!

"Strong, just one level weaker than this king's real body."

Hei Ling explained while avoiding Zeng Tianwang's attack.

"Fortunately, the king only chose the earth star as the target, otherwise, he would have been out of his wits already?"

In the beginning, when the earth star had not yet risen, the Eternal Demon King was indeed very strong.

According to what Hei Ling said, a Demon King with the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm could indeed easily destroy Earth Star.

but now.

From a fledgling newborn lord, Cheng Mu's strength has never been inflow to first-rate, third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, top-notch, peerless, and a fairyland of townspeople.

Then go to Shenmen Dixian, Shentai Tianxian, Jingong Zhenxian, Taiyi Zhenxian above the Jingu Palace, and Jiutian Xuanxian above the Sanshen Palace.

Along the way, Cheng Mu has experienced more than a dozen major realms and hundreds of small realms of strength promotion before he reached his current height.

Only then did he touch the threshold of the Demon King.

When he had the power to fight the devil, the gods came down.

Moreover, when these gods and gods descended, they would possess the strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm.

Powerful and terrifying!

At this time, Hei Ling didn't dare to think about the terrifying strength of the group of more powerful immortal gods above the Nine Heavens.

Now all it has left is endless joy!

It chose correctly, and chose the earth star as his target!

"Who can tell about this kind of thing?"

Li Bai told Hei Ling: "I heard that the Buddhas in the third realm have all become masters of the demon clan."

"The strength of the Wutian Buddha is beyond our comprehension."

Are the demons strong? At present, it is still powerful in front of the earth and stars. But in front of the immortals and gods all over the sky, the mere monsters appear so weak.

But now, Wutian Buddha brought the entire Lingshan into the demon camp.

The strength of the demon clan is not so weak when facing the immortals and gods all over the sky.

"Who is Wutian? I don't know."

Black Ling shook his head.

It doesn't want to know that there is no sky, and its greatest wish at the moment is to get back its body as soon as possible.

"You guys, court death!"

At this time, seeing Hei Ling and Li Bai who were facing his crazy attack were still chatting, Zhang Tianwang was furious.

He had never been so insulted.

Do you really think he is like an ant?


In an instant, the entire world was covered by billions of glazed swords.

Every glazed sword is a blow of anger from King Zengchang.


The glazed sword is like a rain of swords.

The rain of swords fell all over the sky, drowning Hei Ling and Li Bai in an instant!

"Be careful!"

On the side of Sun Wu and Confucius, they were also attacked by the rain of swords all over the sky.

I saw Confucius raised his hand, and rolls of bamboo slips flew into the air, resisting the powerful rain of swords.

However, on the bamboo slips, the word [Spring and Autumn] can still be seen vaguely.

This is a book written by Confucius himself, which contains the power of heaven and earth!

This is also Confucius, the strongest defense method!

"Hmph! Ants!"

Seeing that Confucius actually blocked the glazed sword rain of King Zengchang, King Wen of the North snorted coldly.

His strength is the weakest among the four heavenly kings, only at the initial stage of Xuanxian.

But when facing Confucius and Sun Wu who are not even Xuanxian, the strength of Xuanxian's initial stage is enough!


I saw him throwing the ermine in his hand.

The silver giant rat opened its jaws wide in an instant, and bit towards Confucius and Sun Wu!

The four heavenly kings under Li Jing's command, each of them has extremely special weapons.

The pipa of the Heavenly King Chiguo in the east, the glazed sword of the King Zengchang in the south, the green dragon of the King Guangmu in the west, and the ermine of the Heavenly King Duowen in the north.

Each weapon not only has a special meaning but also has a very special attack method.

In the face of ordinary enemies, these special weapons can often exert unexpected effects.

"Go away!"

Facing the roaring giant ermine, Sun Wu punched it.


With one punch, the silver giant rat's two huge front teeth were instantly broken!

With extremely domineering power, it sent the ermine flying with a single blow.

Although Sun Wu only has two shrines.

But his strength cannot be measured by just two shrines!

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that his beloved mouse has lost two front teeth, Duowen Tianwang is angry and angry.

I saw him gently stroking his ermine, with a distressed expression on his face.

According to the Buddhist sect's regulations, although they belonged to Li Jing's command, they were still of Buddhist origin after all.

Under the Buddhist precept of not being able to marry a wife and have children, it was the ermine who accompanied him through the long days and months.

"Bite them to death!"

In rage, Duowen Tianwang screamed and used the strongest attack moves.

Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp

Amidst the creepy sound of rats, a large group of silver rats flocked to Sun Tzu.

A single ermine would be shot flying by Sun Tzu, but what about a whole pack?


Seeing the silver storm of rats rushing towards him, Sun Wu also had goosebumps in his heart.

This is too scary.

This is not fear, but the inner shock of a normal person when he sees a large group of densely packed rats.

In the north, it is often heard that the king of heaven is fighting against a group of rats?

They've never seen it before, never heard of it before!

"Hehe, die!"

Seeing that Sun Wu and Confucius were about to be annihilated under his rat swarm, King Duowen smiled.

Of course he hadn't been commanding rat swarms before.

But after thousands of years of practice, he created this new way of fighting.

The times are developing, and the gods and gods in the sky are actually working hard to become stronger.


Seeing that the rats were about to devour him, Confucius raised his right hand without haste.

In an instant, there was a strong wind on the entire battlefield.

Under the boundless wind, the rats were blown back out in the blink of an eye.

Rumble! Rumble!

Duowen Tianwang only felt as if countless gravel hit his body.

What's more, these gravels actually bite people.

It's a squall.

The strong wind stunned the group of rats, many ermines were dizzy, no matter what they grabbed, they raised their mouths and bit it.


In the pain like a needle prick, King Duowen took back the rats.

At this time, he also frowned, and he finally understood that these two ants were not so easy to kill.

Although his mana is far superior to that of Confucius and Sun Wu, but these far superior mana doesn't work!

"Is it possible that you also have the power of faith?"

Suddenly, what did Heavenly King Duowen think of?

Since I heard that Cheng Mu, who fought against King Chiguo, possesses the power of faith, it doesn't mean that the two ants in front of me don't have it.

For a moment, his expression became alert.

Fighting against the God of Faith is no longer an ordinary war!


Confucius and Sun Tzu nodded, and they admitted.

"Everyone in the world calls me the most holy military strategist, I receive incense from temples, and gain the belief of military strategists!"

Sun Wu's status is very famous in the long history of the Huaxia clan, and he has been worshiped by all people.

The military strategists of later generations all respected him as the Sage of Soldiers!


That is to say, at the moment when his voice fell, the meaning of gold and iron horse gathered on him.

The fighting spirit is high and the killing intent is awe-inspiring.

All kinds of battlefield breaths made the world start to panic.

"Hehe, the old man's reputation should not be as loud as Sun Sheng."

Seeing the terrifying Sun Wu, Confucius introduced himself: "The world respects me, Confucianism and Taoism are the most holy!"


At the moment when Confucius' words fell, the situation in the world changed suddenly.

Countless powers of heaven and earth poured into his feet, and the honor of a literati made heaven and earth crawl.

"You lied to me! You lied to me!"

Seeing the majestic power behind Confucius and Sun Wu, King Duowen took several steps back in shock.

"Have you sages of the human race grown to such a terrifying level?"

Under the horror and fear, a mad killing intent flashed in his eyes again.

"I can't keep you! I can't keep you!"

If there are a few more sages like Confucius and Sun Wu in the human race, then the position of the gods will really be lost!

"Die! The power of learning in the north!"

As the heavenly king of many stories in the north, the endless years have also allowed him to practice several housekeeping skills.


In the next second, the ermine turned into a huge silver sword in his hand.

He closed his eyes, and the silver giant sword slashed towards Sun Wu in front of him.

He is the Heavenly King of Hearing in the North, and his strongest weapon is actually his ears.

After closing his eyes, all the sounds on the battlefield could not escape his ears.

Whether it is the sound of fighting, roaring, or Sun Wu's fist style, Confucius' technique.

The silver giant sword tore through the sky and smashed into Sun Wu's fist with one blow.


This is a blow from Xeon to Xeon.

The silver giant sword, carrying the power of the nine heavenly gods, collided with Sun Wu's power of the heaven, earth and avenue!

In an instant, the aftermath of the fight between the two ravaged the entire battlefield.

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals were shaken to death, and the ground of the Land of the Ancestors seemed to have been plowed by a horned dragon.

The loess rolled and the earth sank!

As the most powerful, the battlefield of their confrontation should not be here!

Neither the Earth Star nor the Land of the Ancestors can withstand such a powerful attack!

But in the end, Sun Tzu's power of heaven and earth is even better!

Although Duowen Tianwang's giant sword flew him back, the huge boxing dragon bombarded Duowen Tianwang's body unabated.

Even the Nine Heavens Immortals and Gods, it is impossible to truly surpass the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!


Duowen Tianwang spat out a mouthful of divine blood.

"It's the power of faith! The cunning human race actually hides the power of faith!"

he growled. He felt that the fist dragon attacking him not only had the power of heaven and earth, but also a trace of faith!

These powers of faith, which are higher than fairy mana, are the root cause of his injuries in this battle!

"The power of faith? Maybe!"

Sun Wu looked at his injured fist, and then rushed forward again.

"Whether it is the power of faith or the power of heaven and earth, it is my Sun Wu's power!"



This punch is a heavy punch from heaven and earth!

What he represents is the roaring of the entire heaven and earth of the land of the ancestors.

They want to kill all the intruders, and make these gods pay blood in a **** battle!

"This king hasn't lost yet, get out!"

Facing the rushing Sun Wu~www.readwn.com~ Duowen Tianwang held his sword to block.

But the next second.


The golden giant fist hit the silver giant sword, and the blade was broken instantly.

This is the true strength of Bing Sheng.

Even separated by a big realm, he can still make King Guangmu feel hopeless!

What is the fighting method of the gods? Bomb each other with magic weapons, and lay down magic circles to trap opponents to death?

Coupled with years of solitary meditation and practice, they have mana but no matching fighting skills.

Except for those very few special existences among the immortal gods, most of the immortal gods do not have superb fighting skills.

When the mana in his body was unable to punish Sun Wu, it was as if King Duowen's hands had been broken off!

The power of belief in the human race can break all laws and enemies!

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