The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1087: Invincible half-step golden fairy


Cheng Mu's body flew upside down.

He is very strong, and the power of his three gods is far superior to the ordinary powerhouse in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

However, when facing the half-step golden immortal King Chiguo, his power of faith failed.

The power of faith can only restrain the fairy mana of King Jiguo. In the face of pure physical strength, the power of faith can't give Cheng Mu a bonus that rivals the half-step golden fairy's physical strength!

The initial casting of the Three Gods Palace was originally only equivalent to the strength of the initial stage of Xuanxian.

And because of the existence of the power of faith, Cheng Mu fought against the heavenly king Chiguo who was at the peak of Xuanxian with the strength of the first cast of the Three Gods Palace.

Now that Heavenly King Chiguo has stepped into the Golden Immortal Realm, even if Cheng Mu's real strength is far beyond the initial stage of Xuanxian, he is not an opponent for Heavenly King Chiguo for a while.

too strong.

Cheng Mu must try his best and be prepared to die if he wants to cross several small realms and fight against the half-step Golden Wonderland Heavenly King Chiguo!

"Do you have this strength?"

Seeing Cheng Mu being chopped into the air with his axe, the Heavenly King Chiguo said angrily, "Without the blessing of the power of faith, will you become a waste?"

He dominated the battlefield with one blow.

At first, his mana was restrained by Cheng Mu, because he used the wrong way of fighting.

But now, after he gave up his Buddhist body, how could Cheng Mu be his opponent anymore.

He is the supreme heavenly king holding the country, with millions of heavenly soldiers and generals under his command.

He is a god, God, and invincible!


With another blow, Cheng Mu's body flew upside down again.

His tiger's mouth was shattered, and his hands were **** from the shock.

When the real Heavenly King Jiguo showed his might, he was really hard to resist.


Cheng Mu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Of course he felt the strength of the Heavenly King Jiguo.

Without the shackles of the Buddhist body, the heavenly king Chiguo moves fiercely, and the axe is deadly.

Where is this Bodhisattva Heavenly King? This is simply a crazy butcher!

"Come again!"

After smoothing out the injuries on his hands, Cheng Mu rushed forward again.

Although the enemy is strong, why is he afraid?

"Panda, come on!"

He is not alone in this battle.

When you can't use hard power to single out the king of the country, King Panda can also come in handy.

Ho ho!

Under Cheng Mu's order, Pang Da rammed into King Chiguo with his steel body.

Its size is still huge.

The huge body smashed towards King Chiguo like a mountain top.


Seeing this ferocious steel beast, King Chiguo chopped it down with an axe.


Under his dreadful blow of the axe, Pang Da's body was instantly split in half!

Remnants flew around, and steel splashed everywhere.

In a matter of seconds, the Great Demon King Panda was instantly killed by the Heavenly King Chiguo!


In the steel residue all over the sky, there is no flesh and blood, no howling.

In the next second, under the astonished gaze of King Chiguo, the fragments of limbs all over the sky began to fuse rapidly.

In just a few breaths, Iron Panda reappeared on the battlefield.

"Boy, your fat grandpa, I am immortal!"

Fat Da was revived with full blood, roaring angrily and charged towards King Chiguo again.

Its body is forged from divine iron, supplemented by the special forging techniques of God King Iron Hammer and Ou Yezi, the blacksmiths of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, its body can be recast infinitely.


Pang Da's resurrection made King Ji frowned.

It was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"I don't believe it, there is no real immortality in the world!"

He roared angrily, and slashed down with another axe.

Rumble! This is another start.

The supreme ax power instantly annihilated the surrounding space.

Even Iron Pang Da under the ax was annihilated.

The strong divine iron powder floated on the battlefield, and the thick breath made everyone feel like it was difficult to breathe.

"Solve it?"

Seeing that Pang Da was no longer on the battlefield, Chiguotianguo waited with bated breath.

He didn't believe that under the dust all over the sky, Pang Da could still come back from the dead!

"of course not."

However, just after Chiguo Tianwang's murmur fell, Pang Da's triumphant voice sounded around the battlefield again.

"This king told you that your fat grandpa is immortal!"

Click click click! Click click click!

Under everyone's surprised eyes, a breeze suddenly blew up on the battlefield.

The breeze blew all the **** iron powder together, and soon condensed into Pang Da's body.

Too strong.

As long as the soul is immortal, Pang Da is truly immortal!

"What kind of monster are you?"

At this moment, a hint of fear finally appeared on the face of Heavenly King Chiguo.

Although Pang Da was weak in front of him, he could be destroyed with a single axe.

But even if it is just a mere axe, it still consumes the strength of his body.

Swinging the ax once or ten times has no effect on him, but what about a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times?

When he couldn't kill Pang Da completely, he also worried that Pang Da, who was like an ant, would exhaust him to death.

"Hahaha, seeing your fat grandpa is scared?"

Seeing the fearful King Chiguo, Fat Da said triumphantly: "Your fat grandpa can be big or small, long or short, soft or hard!"


In an instant, it rushed towards King Jiguo again.

Today it is going to exhaust King Chiguo to death here.

"Get out!"

Facing Pang Da's ridicule, King Chiguo became angry.

He roared: "In that case, you will die!"

"Let's be wiped out!"


For a moment, the supreme magic power surged in his body again.

The power of thunder above the nine heavens crushed the entire battlefield in fear.

Under the pressure of the purple Nine Heavens Thunder, Pang Da's entire body began to melt rapidly!

next second.


The sky is broken!

Holding the heavenly king's ax to control the **** thunder, the endless nine-day purple sky **** thunder all bombarded Pang Da's body!

That extremely powerful thunder flame completely melted Pang Da's steel body.

Even its soul was annihilated!

This is the most powerful blow of King Chiguo, a blow full of anger.

With one blow, everything ceases to exist!


" it over?"

Guan Hai led the army and fled thousands of miles away.

Seeing the roar of thunder thousands of miles away, Li Cunxiao asked dryly.

At this moment, they felt boundless rejoicing.

If they are still on the battlefield at this time, there won't even be ashes left, right?

"Should...should it be?"

Guan Hai wanted to use his spiritual sense to investigate.

But as soon as his divine consciousness was, he was annihilated by the supreme power of thunder.

Now they can only pray, pray that Cheng Mu and others can survive!


"Ahem, is this the full blow of a half-step Golden Wonderland powerhouse?"

Cheng Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was bloody.

This blow of King Chiguo is not intended to kill Pang Da, but to destroy all of them!

Xuanxian controls life and death, controls the heavens and myriad worlds, and his divine power is against the sky.

But in front of Jinxian, Xuanxian's strength is like an ant.

Cheng Mu activated his invincible skills, but the invincible skills that had never expired disintegrated instantly after touching the power of the thunder that filled the sky.

If it wasn't for his body being as strong as a demon god, otherwise he would probably only have a crippled body left at this time!

The power of the Golden Immortal Realm is the power of heaven and earth!

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