"Dead, finally dead!"

Seeing that there was no more Pang Da in the world, Heavenly King Chiguo breathed a sigh of relief, he could finally laugh wantonly.

"It's just an ant, it's delusional to run rampant in front of this king!"


He knew he was the strongest. He raises his hand to destroy the ants in the initial stage of Xuanxian!

"Are you done laughing?"

However, the laughter of King Chiguo hadn't stopped when Cheng Mu's cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Hehe! Do you really think that you can kill it completely?"

Cheng Mu also sneered.

Kill Fat Da completely? Don't take a look at who is his master?

As Cheng Mu's mount, is Pang Da so easy to kill?

"Huh? You, an ant, are not dead?"

Hearing Cheng Mu's voice suddenly, Heavenly King Chiguo was startled. He turned around in disbelief, his face embarrassed: "How is it possible!"

"Even if you are the **** of faith, you are just an ant in the initial stage of Xuanxian."

"How could you survive?"

The power of faith is not omnipotent, it is just a higher level of energy.

If Cheng Mu is as strong as him, and has the power of faith.

Then he can accept this result.

You know, although he is only half a step of the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, the power of the ax just now is not weaker than the powerful blow of the strong Golden Immortal Realm.

But with such a powerful one-hit killing move, Cheng Mu survived.

And Cheng Mu not only survived, but what's more, he was still taunting him!

What can be tolerated and what cannot be tolerated!

"Hehe, yes, how could we survive?"

However, at this time, a scene that shocked King Chiguo even more appeared.

It wasn't just Cheng Mu who survived. Confucius, Sun Wu, Li Bai, and Hei Ling, all four of them survived.

Apart from their miserable appearance, their strength has not been compromised!

"You...you! This is absolutely impossible!"

At this moment, King Chiguo fell into a deep self-doubt.

He looked at his giant axe, and then at the four survivors, Cheng Mu.

He was wondering if his attack had become weaker.

"Nothing is impossible."

Li Bai stepped forward and threw a head over with a cold face.

This is the head of the Southern Growth King.

The cunning King of Growth wanted to escape, but in the end he couldn't escape the pursuit of Hei Ling and Li Bai!

With the joint efforts of Great King Hei Ling and Qinglian Sword Immortal, it is not impossible for the middle realm of Xuanxian to kill the latter realm of Xuanxian!

"Second brother!"

Seeing the head of Tianwang Zhang, Tianwang Jiguo roared with rage.

"You... this **** swears here that I will kill you and the Huaxia human race!"

Although he abandoned the body of the Buddhist heavenly king, he violated the Buddhist precepts. From then on, he may never be able to hold the position of Uranus again.

But the king of growth is still his brother!


In an instant, endless Lei Ze appeared behind him.

When the power of thunder invaded the sky above the entire ancestral land, the earth began to collapse.

This is endless anger, and it is the vow of the king of the country to never die!

"I bother!"

It was at this moment that another voice that made King Jiguo hate it appeared.

The remnants of the divine iron that floated from nowhere unexpectedly gathered and formed again little by little.

Soon, under the trembling hands of the Heavenly King Chiguo, under Cheng Mu's eyes full of pride, Iron Pang Da came back to the world!


The Heavenly King Chiguo crushed his own hand bones.

He is angry, he is terrified!

Seeing Pang Da's triumphant smile, right now he wished he could swallow Pang Da's flesh and blood!

It's a pity that today's Panda is already a steel Panda, without flesh and blood, only immortality!

As Cheng Mu's mount, Pang Da's soul has long belonged to Cheng Mu.

Want to destroy Pang Da's soul so as to completely eliminate Iron Pang Da? Then Cheng Mu must be killed first!


As long as Cheng Muyi is here, that steel fat man can return forever.

What is immortality, this is the real immortality!

Although the experts in the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm claim to be immortal, this is only because their bodies are immortal, and it is extremely difficult for their spirits to be completely wiped out.

And as long as the more powerful gods make a move to completely obliterate their souls, they will still die.

The Nine Heavens Profound Immortal is extremely difficult to kill, but he can still be killed!

Like Li Bai and Hei Ling, like Confucius and Sun Wu.

They didn't have the strength to completely kill Zeng Tianwang and Duowen Heavenly King.

But who let Tianqi Fairyland have a fairy temple?

The souls of Zengchang Tianwang and Duowen Tianwang have long been sucked away by the fairy temple.

It is precisely because of this that King Chiguo roared to avenge his brother!

As for the Guangmu Heavenly King that Li Bai beheaded at the beginning?

As a sword fairy of the human race, the most powerful person who came out of the Tang Empire, Li Bai has long been classified as a human race, and under the Tianqi fairy kingdom!


Finally, under Cheng Mu's order, the six people joined forces to attack and kill King Chiguo.

Now is not the time to be a hero alone.

The endless Lei Ze has completely turned into the mana source of the Heavenly King Jiguo, and the power of thunder that is all over the sky has also begun to tear up the land of the ancestors.

Time for a quick fight.

Although Xingyue is dead, they will leave an intact piece of land to the land of the ancestors after all!

"You all go to hell!"

Today's result is unacceptable to King Jiguo.

His second, third, and fourth brothers were all killed in battle, and the bones of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals were all gone.

But looking at his enemy Cheng Mu, he only lost a few soldiers under his command at this time?

Thinking of this, Heavenly King Chiguo's eyes turned red with anger. Even if he dies today, he will kill everyone in Cheng Mu!

"Little grandson, here we come!"

"A hundred shots, a hundred hits, the bear's **** hits the top!"

Panda yelled.

The last time I fought together with Sun Wu in the void outside the territory, the two cooperated very tacitly.

So this time, Pang Da still wants to use his perfect shot and hit the bear butt!


When Sun Wu heard that Pang Da actually gave him such a nickname, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.



His whole body turned into a golden boxing dragon!

The extremely strong boxing intent cut the body of King Chiguo like a sharp blade.


Pan Da has already jumped high.

It inflated its body again, like a majestic mountain!

Under the mountains, even the Heavenly King Chiguo with the body of a Heavenly King is insignificant!

"With such a big butt, he can always sit to death!"

This was the only thought in Pang Da's mind when he was about to sit on the head of King Chiguo.


However, the only way to meet its huge **** is the sharp axe of King Jiguo.

With one blow of the axe, its body was shattered again!

For the first time, Pang Da's one-shot, one-shot **** shot failed!

"Your Majesty, don't be discouraged, there is me!"

However, although King Chiguo chopped Pang Da into pieces with one axe, Sun Wu had already attacked in!

boom! The golden boxing dragon collided with Tianwang Jiguo, knocking him back several steps!

After beheading Duowen Tianwang, who was at the beginning of Xuanxian, his strength and that of Confucius had been greatly improved.

Now they are already casting their third shrine!

Therefore, even the Heavenly King Chiguo couldn't resist this extremely powerful fist!


Sun Tzu's speed is very fast, and King Chiguo's counterattack is also very fast.

Seeing Sun Wu approaching, he turned his hand and struck down with an axe.

His giant thunder ax can smash even a fat man of steel, let alone a mere human body?


It's a pity that Cheng Mu's ultimate move has arrived.

The Han Chi Spear turned into a starburst, piercing through the giant ax of King Chiguo with one blow!

At this moment, the only place where they can beat the Heavenly King Jiguo may be the Hanchi Spear in Cheng Mu's hand!

What is on the fairy artifact? Now only Cheng Mu himself knows!


Also at this moment, Li Bai's sword also crossed the battlefield.

King Chiguo tilted his head, and the cold sword aura of killing intent flew past his face.

He wiped his painful face, it was unstoppable gurgling blood!

"Ahhh! I want you to die!"

Just a single blow to the body adds to the injury, how can the Heavenly King Chiguo be reconciled?

"Go away!"

Holding an ax in both hands, his whole body began to spin rapidly.

Since everyone in Cheng Mu wanted to besiege him, he wouldn't let anyone get close!

"I come!"

Pang Da, who had recast his body, just wanted to rush over.

Click click click click.

In just a second, its body turned into a pile of powder again!

The qualitative thunder power merged with the ax of the giant axe, and began to shoot towards the surroundings rapidly!

Whoosh! Rumble! Rumble!

This is dense thunder and axe rain.

Under the continuous blue ax edge, everyone in Cheng Mu felt like they were in a stormy sea.

Every ax edge is a deadly killing intent.


Cheng Mu blocked it with the Chi spear, but the huge force instantly sent him flying far away!

"Come behind me, King Heiling!"

At this moment, only Hei Ling is the most fearless.

Now this body has been trained to an extremely powerful state by it.

Its body swelled rapidly like a balloon.

Then, when facing the sky-filled axe, its body began to deflate and shrink again.

The balloon will explode if it is stuck.

But at this time, the black order will only slowly deflate.

Every time it bears an ax edge from King Jiguo, its body shrinks a little.

And the extremely powerful power on the ax edge was completely absorbed by it!

This is the Great Demon King of the Black Order!

You are as strong as you are, and the king of Hei Ling is the strongest.

"Huh? This move is not bad."

At this time, Pang Da was also hiding behind Hei Ling's body, watching Hei Ling's enemy defense move, it said happily: "From now on, this move will belong to my King Pang Da!"

As a positive panda, Panda is very willing to learn.

Especially what the black order knows, it learns!

'The only way to defeat Hei Ling is to steal all of Hei Ling's abilities! '

This is the experience that Fatty summed up many years ago, the truth!

"It's really disgusting!"

Seeing Hei Ling defuse his attack in this way, King Chiguo howled angrily.

He was almost dizzy, and everyone in Cheng Mu was unharmed?

While roaring, he rushed over again.

"This king wants you to die!"

It's horrible. In his eyes, Cheng Mu and the people beside Cheng Mu, there is no one he doesn't hate!


Now that King Jiguo changed his attack method, the Cheng Mu people rejoined the battlefield.

"I want to see how much strength you still have!"

Under their joint attack, even if he is tired today, he will be exhausted to death.

That devastating blow before, coupled with the spinning giant ax just now, and the most previous fight.

Cheng Mu concluded that even the Heavenly King of Chiguo was extremely powerful, but he couldn't bear such a toss.

Fighting with fairy mana, that fairy mana is limited.

Fighting with one's own strength, there will be a moment when the whole body's strength will be exhausted.

The Heavenly King Chiguo has released several powerful ultimate moves, no matter how brave he is, he cannot remain invincible forever!

"Hmph! Killing you is enough!"

In a state of anger, the Heavenly King Jiguo doesn't care whether he is tired or not.

What he wants is to kill everyone in Cheng Mu here.


He jumped high, and he appeared in front of Cheng Mu across a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant.

The giant thunder ax in his hand had already struck Cheng Mu's head.

Since Cheng Mu is the most hateful, he will kill Cheng Mu first!


The entire space was broken into two halves.

As the space shattered, Cheng Mu's figure also shattered.

However, after the ax fell, King Chiguo noticed that the touch was wrong.

This is not the feeling of cutting flesh and blood ~www.readwn.com~ the next second.



Li Bai's sword pierced his back, and Sun Wu's fist hit his back.


The huge force made him move several steps forward.

Clutching his injured chest, he reversed the misplaced bones on his back.

The Heavenly King Chiguo was still looking for Cheng Mu's shadow on the battlefield.

"Are you looking for me?"

In the next second, Cheng Mu's voice came from above his head.

When King Jiguo looked up, there was only a sharp spear in his eyes.

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