The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1089: Kill the king of the country


For the final blow, King Jiguo wanted to dodge and dodge.

But Confucius, who had been preparing for a long time, finally made a move.

The supreme power of Wen Dao turned into a shackle, which locked the body of King Jiguo, making him unable to move.

Although the shackles only lasted for a second.

But this second is enough for Cheng Mu to send the Heavenly King Chiguo on the road.


The Hanchi Spear pierces through the top of King Chiguo's head, and the entire body of the spear is submerged into King Chiguo's body.

The violent power tore apart the Heavenly King Jiguo's sea of ​​consciousness and crushed his heart.

last second.

The spirit of King Jiguo wanted to escape.

But suddenly, an irresistible force of attraction came from the earth and stars, pulling his soul down.

After the soul left the body, his body also fell to the ground with a plop!

The Heavenly King Chiguo died, and died under the cooperation of Cheng Mu and others!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

It was also the moment when King Chiguo died, and everyone in Cheng Mu was promoted one after another.

As a half-step Golden Immortal Realm powerhouse, the life force and fairy magic power in the body of Jiguo Tianwang are much greater than that of Cheng Mu and others combined.

Even if these powers are divided equally, it is enough for them all to advance.


Cheng Mu's fourth shrine was built in an instant.

The Three Gods Palace is compared to the junior level of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, and the Four Gods Palace is the middle realm of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal!

However, when he was in Sanshen Palace, he had the combat power equivalent to that of Xuanxian Middle Realm.

That cast into the Four Gods Palace is equivalent to the fighting power of the Emerald Immortal Realm.

At this time, even if Cheng Mu didn't use the power of faith, he would still be able to compete with the peak of Xuanxian if he made a desperate move.

As the only hope of the human race, in terms of combat power in the Emerald Immortal Realm, he is capable of reaching the peak of the Immortal Immortal Realm!


Li Bai set foot in Xuanxian Houjing.

He killed the Western Guangmu Heavenly King, and joined forces with Hei Ling to kill the Southern Zengzeng Heavenly King. Now that the death of the Heavenly King of the Eastern Kingdom is all credited, the benefits he can get are the most abundant.

Even Cheng Mu can't compare!

However, because Li Bai's strength has long been promoted, his path is different from that of Cheng Mu.

He is walking the path of the gods, and if he is in the Emerald Realm of the Profound Immortal, then he must be in the Emerald Realm of the Profound Immortal.

Although his combat power is strong, his ability to leapfrog challenges is slightly inferior to Cheng Mu's!

Sun Wu and Confucius stepped into the Three Gods Palace hand in hand.

Now, they can also be called the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm.

If they meet the Northern Duowen Heavenly King again, it is estimated that they can kill him alone!

The last Hei Ling and Fat Da?

Cheng Mu's peak combat power is as strong as they are.

As Cheng Mu's pets and mounts, Hei Ling and Pang Da actually have the characteristic of immortality.

It's just that now in terms of body, Pang Da is still stronger and tougher.

"Everyone has worked hard."

After subduing his exposed aura, Cheng Mu expressed his deep gratitude to Li Bai, Sun Wu and the three of them.

Without their help, it would be impossible for Cheng Mu alone to kill King Chiguo.

Immortal-level powerhouses, the higher the level of strength, the greater the gap between each level!

It is different from the way of cultivation and promotion of Cheng Mu and others.

For the gods of the Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland, every time they want to improve a small realm, it takes thousands of years.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the gods to equalize the practice time of thousands of years.

Only the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom under Cheng Mu's command, the strong human race, has this devil-like way of killing enemies and advancing.

"The Emperor is polite, it is our honor to serve His Majesty the Emperor!"

Sun Wu and Confucius didn't feel hard at all.

It is their responsibility to protect the human race.

And the reward for killing the Heavenly King Jiguo made their trip worthwhile!

If every battle in the future has such a big profit, then they can't wait to fight to the death a few more times.

As guardians of the human race, they know that only by being strong can they protect the human race well!

After successfully forging the three shrines, their confidence in resisting the immortal gods is much stronger!

"Brother Li Bai!"

After thanking Sun Wu and Confucius, Cheng Mu walked up to Li Bai.

He still remembered that when he first met Li Bai, he was still the head of Little Tianqi Village.

Not seen for several years, Li Bai is already a strong man in Xuanxian Realm.

However, Cheng Mu also grew up to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Bai.

Especially in terms of honor, his honor is still higher than that of Li Bai!

"See His Majesty the Emperor! His Majesty the Emperor absolutely forbids it!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu still called himself a brother, Li Bai hastily refused.

Cheng Mu is the new emperor who is responsible for the revival of the human race, while Li Bai is just a swordsman.

Although he has the name of sword fairy.

But in front of Cheng Mu, he didn't know how much lower he was!

"Brother Li Bai, don't panic."

Cheng Mu told him: "Xingyue and I are as close as brothers."

"Since you are Xingyue's best friend brother, then you are my Cheng Mu's brother!"

One's own development is inseparable from the Moon Empire and the help of Xingyue. Cheng Mu will always remember this kindness in his heart!

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty."

As soon as Xingyue was mentioned, Li Bai couldn't help feeling sad again.

Although he fulfilled his promise to Xingyue and wiped out all the enemies.

But Xingyue, who passed away, will not come back again!

"From now on, we will accompany you to drink, dance swords, sing and compose poems!"

Cheng Mu patted him on the shoulder.

Cheng Mu was also very sad about Xingyue's departure.

But he is a human emperor, and he also shoulders the mission of rejuvenating the human race.

He can't cry!

"Hehe, I'm good at drinking!"

"Singing and composing poems, the old will know a little bit."

At this time, Sun Wu and Confucius also stepped forward.

Although Li Bai only fought hand in hand with them once, they have already determined that Li Bai is a partner they can make friends with.

Li Bai's temperament, strength, and aptitude are not weaker than the two of them.

"Meet Sun Sheng, Kong Sheng!"

Looking at Confucius and Sun Wu, Li Bai saluted again.

He is a younger generation, and he has also read the works of Confucius and dabbled in Sun Wu's art of war.

In other words, Confucius and Sun Wu are equivalent to half of his teachers!

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Seeing Li Bai being so respectful, Sun Wu held his arm and said, "Since His Majesty the Emperor calls you brother, then your seniority is a bit older than us!"

The brother of the emperor, his status is higher than the sky.

"Don't dare! Students don't dare!"

Li Bai was a little frightened. He was not afraid of being brothers with Cheng Mu, but he was afraid that his seniority was higher than Confucius and Sun Wu.

what is this? This is completely deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

Scholars in the world must not drown him by spitting.

He can also be regarded as a disciple of Confucius, he can't be rebellious!

"Hahaha, Kong Sheng and Sun Sheng, don't scare Brother Li Bai!"

Cheng Mu laughed and helped Li Bai out of the siege: "Kong Sheng and Sun Sheng are the saints of the human race, even I should treat them with three points of courtesy."

"Of course it is Kong Sheng and Sun Sheng who have the highest seniority!"

Although his own strength has far surpassed Confucius and Sun Wu.

But Cheng Mu still respects them from the bottom of his heart! They are the saints of the human race, the light of the human race.

They have guarded the Huaxia human race for thousands of years and left magnificent literary spiritual wealth to the Chinese children.

Even if Cheng Mu turns into a real emperor in the future, he must respect them as teachers and saints!

"Huh~ Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With Cheng Mu's rescue, Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is strong, he can't help but be so scared!

"Hehe, hehehe."

Seeing such an interesting Li Bai, everyone burst into laughter.


Not long after, Guan Hai and the others also rushed to the battlefield.

In this battle, although several of their generals were not injured, many soldiers under their command died in battle.

There are 900,000 troops, but now there are only more than 500,000 left.

"Is the battle damage so great?"

Seeing more than 400,000 casualties, Cheng Mu frowned.

Such a tragic battle loss was beyond his expectation.

"Report to Your Majesty, nearly 200,000 soldiers died in the aftermath of your battle with the Heavenly King Jiguo!"

Guan Hai can also be helpless.

There is no way, the power of the strong in the Mysterious Immortal Realm to fight is too powerful.

At the beginning, when the Heavenly King Chiguo came to the battlefield, the boundless magic sound of the pipa killed tens of thousands of soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom.

In the following battles, even the three army souls joined forces could not stop the power of King Jiguo!

The strength of the soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom at the initial stage of Shenmen is equivalent to that of the initial stage of Xuanxian.

So it is not easy for most of the soldiers to survive now!

"What about killing the enemy?"

Cheng Mu also knew the pain of the soldiers under his command. There is no way, the enemy is too strong.

After this battle, he still needs to continue to improve the strength of the soldiers of the Immortal Kingdom!

"Kill 500,000, and another 500,000 will also die in the aftermath!"

Guan Hai has already counted how many enemies he killed.

Millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, soldiers of the fairy kingdom beheaded half a million.

Another half a million people also died under the power of the Heavenly King Chiguo!

"Hiss! Alright, let's clean up the battlefield!"

What else can Cheng Mu say? The Heavenly King Chiguo became so ruthless that he even killed his own people, so what's his opinion?

To be able to kill the Heavenly King Jiguo and win this battle, everyone has done their best.

"The soldiers have worked hard!"

With Cheng Mu's last thank you, the defense of the Land of the Ancestors officially ended.

What else can the gods and gods do next, and he, Cheng Mu, will do it next!


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, your spear is still in the body of King Chiguo!"

While cleaning the battlefield, some soldiers discovered Cheng Mu's Hanchi Spear.


Cheng Mu nodded.

He was only focused on breaking through just now, and he hasn't gone to get back his However, when he came to the corpse of King Chiguo, he found that Pang Da and Hei Ling were secretly in charge of Chiguotian. King's back court to see.

Then they argued a few more words, and soon they agreed.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Pang Da and Hei Ling acting strangely, Cheng Mu asked.

What's so nice about a dead body? Could it be that there is something precious in this heavenly king of Chiguo?

What's even more exaggerated is that what Hei Ling and Pang Da looked at was actually the backyard chrysanthemum of King Chiguo!

Could it be that the Heavenly King Chiguo was so frightened before he died?

"Hey, Cheng Mu, you're here!"

Seeing Cheng Mu's arrival, Pang Da and Hei Ling frowned deeply.

I saw Fat Da said worriedly, "Why is your gun so soft and short?"

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