The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1091: When the Dragon King arrives, slowly map it

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

After Earth Star successfully advanced, the ministers of Immortal Kingdom gathered in front of Cheng Mu, kowtowed and bowed down.

Now that the earth and the stars have been unified, the human race has become the master of the earth and the stars.

If there is no foreign enemy, then the human race will live happily on the earth and stars forever!

"You dear ladies have worked hard."

With a wave of Cheng Mu's hand, everyone was lifted up.

Looking at these courtiers who worked so hard for Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, Cheng Mu showed gratitude.

If it weren't for the wholehearted assistance of the ministers, how would Cheng Mu's current achievements be possible?

Most of the fact that the human race can live safely on the earth and stars is due to the officials of the fairy kingdom.

"It is our honor to die for His Majesty."

Zhuge Liang and the others didn't feel tired at all.

Under the same goal, everyone is full of passion and energy.

After Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom unified Earth and Star, everyone's goal was half completed.

Next, as long as the pride of the immortals and gods in the sky is defeated, so that they dare not attack the earth and the human race, then everyone's goal will be initially completed!

Everyone knows that this next step is going to be tough.

Even, many people will die.

But under the great mission of the revival of the human race, no one will be afraid.

"it is good!"

Cheng Mu nodded, and issued the first decree for earth star promotion:

"Order of the Human Emperor, the peace-loving races on the mortal planet, all clans are equal!"

On the current planet Earth, there are various ethnic groups such as the human race, the barbarian race, the sand race, and the dragon race.

As long as they love peace, then Cheng Mu is willing to accept them as his own people!

This is the earth star of the human race, and it is also the earth star of the ten thousand races.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The moment Cheng Mu's decree was promulgated, other ethnic groups on Earth and Planet bowed their heads and surrendered.

Most of the ethnic groups that can live on the earth and stars are not warlike, or the ethnic groups that were abandoned by the gods.

Now that they can live in peace on Earth, they have no other luxury.

"Your Majesty, can we divide and conquer all the ethnic groups on Earth?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang put forward his own opinion.

"Divide and rule? Is it possible to paint the land for the country?"

Cheng Mu shook his head and did not agree.

If this is the case, then the earth star will once again fall into the situation of various countries, various forces and various ethnic groups.

This is what he doesn't want to see.


Facing Cheng Mu's question, Zhuge Liang replied, "I would like to inform you, Your Majesty, to divide and rule is to divide continents and rule."

"My Chinese race lives in the atrium, and other races of skin color live in East Pole or Antarctica."

"Other ethnic groups can live in West Antarctica or Arctic Continent!"

"The five major state domains are connected to each other with teleportation arrays, and it only takes one second to connect across states."

In fact, Zhuge Liang had already conceived this proposal.

As a Huaxia human race, he naturally puts the interests of the Huaxia human race first.

"No no no."

Cheng Mu understood what Zhuge Liang meant, he knew what Zhuge Liang was thinking.

He said: "Now my planet has expanded more than ten times, and the land of Zhongzhou alone is enough for us to live in."

"Whether it is the Huaxia human race, or other races of skin color, or other ethnic groups on the earth and planet, everyone lives above Zhongzhou!"

The earth star is now a situation where there are many people and few people.

If the ethnic groups are further dispersed, each continent will appear sparsely populated.

Rather than divide and conquer, it is better to combine and conquer.

Cheng Mu has already made other arrangements for the other continents on Earth.

"Your Majesty, how can I ensure the orthodoxy of my Chinese blood?"

Hearing Cheng Mu's words, Zhuge Liang's expression suddenly became irritable.

Not only Zhuge Liang, but also the other courtiers around him couldn't sit still.

The human race in their hearts is only the Huaxia human race.

For ethnic groups other than the Huaxia Human Race, they all follow a saying: People who are not my race must have different hearts.

How can foreigners who should be trembling under their butcher's knife live with them now?

This is narrow nationalism.

"No no no no."

Seeing Zhuge Liang who was short of breath, Cheng Mu explained: "Everyone, you have fallen into a misunderstanding."

"It's not pure blood that is the lifeblood of the Huaxia clan."

"If the Huaxia people want to live forever, it must be a culture that lasts forever, and a spirit that lasts forever!"

Bloodlines are actually not important at all. If there is no spiritual belief, then there are many traitors and clan traitors!

"Above the earth and stars, anyone who learns our Chinese culture and upholds our Chinese spirit can be a Chinese!"

This is broad nationalism.

This is the essence of the country that Cheng Mu learned before the earth and stars changed.

Only in this way will Earth and Stars have long-term peace and stability, and all ethnic groups will sincerely support it.

When everyone is Huaxia, everyone is a family.

Earth and stars live forever! Huaxia Yongzhu!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang and the others were stunned at this moment.

They had never heard of the concept.

‘Huaxia people, don’t they all refer to our Han people? '

At the same time, Cheng Mu's new concept shocked them deeply.

'Your Majesty's great righteousness, we can only hope for. admire! admire! '

In an instant, everyone looked at Cheng Mu with even more admiration and reverence!

"Okay, Kong Ming."

Cheng Mu knew that the ministers under his command would be shocked, but he believed that with the intelligence of the ministers under his command, they would figure it out soon.

He ordered: "I will leave it to you to handle the matter of the various ethnic groups living in Zhongzhou."

"Remember, no city walls can be built in any town, and no behaviors or words that are hostile or discriminatory to other races are allowed!"

"Starting from children's education, all people must learn and bear in mind the consciousness of the Chinese community!"

This is his death order.

Since it is necessary for all races to live together, the ideas and concepts of everyone on Earth and Planet will change.

Not only the human race, but also the concepts of other races have to change.

There is no group above Earth and Star, and everyone is born equal.

Treat everyone equally and live together.

"My minister obeys!"

Although Zhuge Liang was shocked, he quickly understood Cheng Mu's pursuit.

Ever since, under Cheng Mu's order, the ethnic groups on several continents began to migrate.

As for the order to live together in Zhongzhou, most ethnic groups expressed their willingness.

It is their great honor to be able to live at the feet of the Emperor!

And without the barrier of the city wall, all ethnic groups can communicate and integrate quickly.

At that time, under the powerful assimilation ability of the Chinese civilization, within twenty years, all the earth and stars will be Chinese!


"Meet the Emperor."

Not long after, several old friends came to visit.

After Cheng Mu unified Earth Star, all the hermit groups of Earth Star came out.

Among them, the dragon clan is the strongest.

At this moment, not only Ao Shang from the Kunming dragon clan, but also Ao Guang from the East China Sea dragon clan came to pay their respects.

But the moment Ao Guang saw Ao Shang, he was stunned.

"Second...second brother?"

No wonder he has been unable to find out the identity of the Kunming Dragon Clan.

Hiding under Kunming Lake was actually his second brother Ao Qin.

"Second brother... you... aren't you dead?"

Ao Guang couldn't believe it, he was both terrified and happy.

He was terrified that this was a dream, and he was even more delighted to meet his second brother here.

"You have admitted the wrong person, your second brother is definitely dead."

However, facing the excited Ao Guang, Ao Shang's attitude was cold.

At this time, he looked at Ao Guang with cold eyes.

"Second brother, at that time, the eldest brother also had difficulties!"

Ao Guang knows that Ao Qin has resentment towards him, but as the current leader of the Dragon Clan, Ao Guang also has his own difficulties.

"Yeah, you have your own difficulties."

Ao Shang sneered and said, "So you sacrificed your own son, and watched your son being skinned and convulsed by the gods."

"Send your daughter to the west, and pray to the west to protect your East Sea Dragon Clan."

"Ao Guang, you are so great!"

The more Ao Shang spoke, the colder his tone became: "I tell you, Ao Qin died a long time ago, and now there are only Ao Shang and the Kunming Dragon Clan!"

"This king and the immortal gods in the sky will never die."

"If you stop me, then I will destroy your Donghai Dragon Clan first!"

At the moment when Cheng Mu dominated the earth and stars, Ao Shang also had his own confidence.

He is sure that the human race will fight against the immortal gods in the sky, and this is also the last chance for his Kunming dragon clan.


Hearing Ao Shang's words, Ao Guang didn't know whether to be sad or excited.

But all this is good after all, he saw his second brother whom he hadn't seen for tens of thousands of years.

"Father-in-law, Dragon King of the East China Sea, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Mu heard the dispute between Ao Shang and Ao Guang.

At this moment, he was a little confused. Could it be that they are still old enemies?

"My son-in-law!"

"Human Emperor!"

Seeing Cheng Mu appear, Ao Shang and Ao Guang walked up to Cheng Mu.

Afterwards, under their talk, Cheng Mu finally understood the ins and outs.

It turned out that after the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, the dragon clan has been living in seclusion all over the world.

However, the gods are afraid of the strength of the Dragon Clan and are afraid that the Dragon Clan will rise again.

So every once in a while, the fairy gods tried their best to reduce the strength of the dragon clan.

Ao Bing, the most talented son of Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was killed by Nezha, and his skin was skinned and cramped.

Then he gave birth to the dragon girl, who was also picked up by Guanyin because of her outstanding aptitude.

In this regard, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has been in a slump for a long time.

Ao Lie, the most talented dragon son of the Xihai dragon clan, was tricked by Buddhism and turned into a white dragon horse and finally eight dragons.

The most qualified dragon girl also became the pearl-holding dragon girl under the seat of Guanyin.

For ten thousand years, the Dragon King of the West Sea has not recovered from the grief of losing his children.

The Beihai dragon clan has been completely subordinated to the immortal gods, enslaved by the immortal gods, and driven by the immortal gods.

And Ao Shang's South Sea Dragon Clan was almost wiped out in a rebellion.

In the end, Ao Shang fled to the land of the ancestors, and only recovered his life under the protection of the empress.

He is hidden in Kunming Lake, waiting to come back to the world.

And Ao Shang blamed all these crimes on Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East China Sea.

As the master of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, he hates Ao Guang's cowardice.

In order to linger on, even after being broken by the gods, he didn't dare to say a word.

Even when his South Sea Dragon Clan was besieged and slaughtered by the gods, Ao Guang watched from the sidelines.

All of this made Ao Shang make up his mind to draw a clear line with Ao Guang! Gratitude is absolute!

"I see."

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, Cheng Mu patted Ao Shang on the shoulder and said, "Father-in-law, these are old grievances."

"Since we are both members of the Dragon No matter how big the hatred is, we must let go."

"What's more, Dragon King Ao Guang came here this time to avenge you."

He still remembered what Ao Guang had said to him when he visited the East Sea Dragon Palace that day.

When he dominates the earth and stars, that will be the time when the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is born!


Ao Shang couldn't believe it, he questioned: "Hmph! Aren't you afraid that the immortal gods will skin you and cramp you?"

Although he knew Ao Guang's difficulties, but he had a hot temper, no matter what.

He is the southern red dragon, which belongs to fire, and he can't bear the slightest grievance!

"Really, what His Majesty said is true."

Seeing Cheng Mu helping him to speak, Ao Guang nodded hastily and said, "I am here this time to discuss the battle against Heaven with His Majesty the Emperor."

The great prosperity of the human race is already unstoppable, so they, the Dragon Race, must seize this opportunity.

"What? Cut the sky?"

"Fat days?"

Ao Guang's words not only shocked Ao Shang, but even Cheng Mu was astonished.

When did he say he was going to kill the sky now?

Mantian Xianshen is so powerful, he can't go up to die now, can he?

"Your Majesty, aren't you ready yet?"

Seeing Cheng Mu with a surprised expression, Ao Guang was also stunned for a moment.

"You don't intend to kill to the Nine Heavens?"

He thinks that Cheng Mu's next battle is to fly up to the upper realm with the earth star, and then slaughter all the way there!

"I plan to, but it's not so fast."

Cheng Mu told him: "Now the gods must be furious, even if we don't go, they will come to us!"

With his current strength, he reached the Nine Heavens, Cheng Mu knew that this must be a fatal situation.

He heard that heaven resides in the fourth realm.

Then he first conquered the first world, the second world and the third world.

The matter of cutting down the sky, step by step!

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