The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1092: Meishan 7 St.

The second boundary, Guanjiangkou.

Nezha descended on the Zhenjun Mansion on a hot wheel.

In an instant, the entire Zhenjun Mansion resounded with a sharp warning sound.

"Who is coming?"

The Seven Sages of Meishan flew up at the same time and surrounded Nezha.

Now the heavens will be in chaos, they can't tell whether the coming is an enemy or a friend?

"Hahahaha, brothers, you haven't seen me for ten thousand years, don't you know me, Nezha?"

Nezha didn't care when he saw the seven sages of Meishan who were at war.

He laughed, and instantly appeared beside Yuan Hong, the head of the Seven Sages.

He put his arm around Yuan Hong's shoulder and said, "Brother Yuan, you're out of touch like this!"

Thousands of years ago, they were still drinking together.

As a result, after ten thousand years, it will be regarded as Nezha who doesn't know him?

"Third Prince, we can't blame our brothers for this."

Seeing that Nezha's behavior style remained the same as ten thousand years ago, Yuan Hong heaved a sigh of relief and explained: "This is the way of the world, hey!"

In today's prehistoric world, there are many big Luos like dogs, and quasi-sages are walking all over the place.

Since saints can no longer be born in the world, many quasi-sages and mythical Daluo realm powerhouses began to feel hostile.

It often happens that people kill people violently and destroy the world in anger.

This makes them have to beware.

"Of course someone will take care of this world, now."

Nezha patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come on, brothers, little brother Nezha has brought a lot of fine wine."

"Today, let's have a drink!"

Drinking is the only thing that can make them happy.

After thousands of years of cultivation, he, Nezha, has also successfully stepped into the realm of the mythical Daluo.

But what is the use of such powerful mana? Everyone is hiding in their dojo, and there has been no war in the prehistoric heavens for thousands of years.

Everyone is step by step, living day after day according to the procedures established by the heaven.

This is no fun for them!

"By the way, where's Brother Erlang?"

Seeing that Erlang God hasn't come out after so long, Nezha is a little puzzled.

In the past, every time he came, Erlangshen was the first to know about it.

"Second Master is still in retreat."

Yuan Hong explained: "If Zhenjun knows that Brother Nezha is coming, he will be very happy."

In the boring life, retreating practice has become the only thing they can do.

"Really? That would be a pity."

Hearing Yuan Hong's explanation, Nezha felt a little regretful for a moment.

If Erlang God cannot be invited this time, then his father Li Jing will need to go down to the realm himself.

The majestic Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court, Li Jing, the Great Protector of the Jade Emperor, exterminated a small human race in the lower realm...

This insults the prestige of the Grand Marshal of Conquering Demons!

"What a pity? Could it be that brother Nezha you brought some good news?"

Nezha's words immediately aroused the interest of Yuan Hong and others.

They are also bored all day long, looking for something to do.

"Yes, I have."

Nezha nodded and said, "There are people in the lower realm who rebelled and attempted to disrupt the world. I came here specially to invite Brother Erlang to put down the rebellion together."

"Fighting is such a fun thing, the first thing I think of is Brother Erlang!"

He said it very sincerely, as if it was a great thing.

But it is also true.

As far as they are concerned, who would like to sit in closed doors all year round?

This kind of boring life has lasted for tens of thousands of years.


Hearing that there was a war, Yuan Hong and others immediately became interested and excited.

"A mere human race, our seven brothers are enough, why bother Brother Nezha and Second Master?"

After all, they are also the Seven Sages of Meishan.

The human race in the lower realm, seven of them can destroy it!

"How dare... How dare you bother you big brothers?"

Hearing Yuan Hong's words, Nezha was overjoyed, but he didn't fully express it.

I saw him say: "Although the earth and star people are weak, there are also a few strong people in the mysterious fairyland."

"Little brother, how can I bear to see the seven brothers in danger?"

As he spoke, his expression was extremely tangled.

"Hahahahaha! Brother Nezha, please rest assured."

Yuan Hong laughed even louder when he heard that the enemy only had the strength of Xuanxian Realm.

He patted Nezha on the shoulder and promised, "Brother, although I have just ascended to the Golden Immortal for the first time, I promise that I will crush those strong human beings to death."

What is the difference between the Xeon of the human race in the mere Nine Heavens Profound Wonderland and the ants in his hands?

"This...isn't it good?"

Nezha still wanted to persevere.

But Yuan Hong interrupted him in the next second: "If Brother Nezha can trust us and treat us as brothers, then don't evade any more!"

How could they let go of such an excellent opportunity to make contributions?

This is not only for themselves, but also for their second master Erlangshen!

"Then... thank you brothers for your hard work!"

Nezha didn't shirk anymore, and his heart was full of joy.

Rather than letting his father from the Golden Fairyland go to the Lower Realm to lose his prestige, it is better to let Yuan Hong from the Golden Fairyland go.

Anyway, it is the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, which is more than enough to destroy the human race in the lower realm!

"Come, come, Nezha, I respect you big brothers!"



Apocalypse City.

Under Cheng Mu's mediation, Ao Shang temporarily put aside his enmity with Ao Guang.

Afterwards, under the joint witness of the ten thousand races on Earth and Stars, the Dragon Clan and the Human Clan signed a covenant.

Live and die together, advance and retreat together!

If the human race is at its peak, then the dragon race is at its peak.

If the human race perishes, the dragon race will perish together!

This is the last chance for the Dragon Clan to rise up, although if they fail, they may fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

But this time, Ao Guang didn't hesitate any more.

"My Dragon Clan has been enslaved by immortal gods for millions of years, and this dilemma will end in my hands."

Either live standing up, or die standing up.

Ao Guang, I don't want the Dragon Clan to kneel under the immortal gods again.

"Brother Ao Guangda."

Cheng Mu's seniority was completely messed up at this time.

He called Ao Guang his elder brother and Ao Shang his father-in-law. But Ao Shang is Ao Guang's younger brother, and Ao Yinyin wants to call him Uncle Ao Guang...

Of course, none of this matters.

Cheng Mu told them about Earth Star's current predicament: "If there are enemies with the strength of Jinxian and above Jinxian attacking, then our human race will still perish."

This is the worst possible outcome, he has to make it clear.

If it weren't for the land of the ancestors being attacked by the gods, he really didn't want to start a war with the gods so early.

But the matter has come to this point, the human race can only bite the bullet and go on.

And the Dragon Clan, who is tied to the Human Clan, must bite the bullet and be prepared to accept the worst outcome.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry, His Majesty the Emperor."

Facing the question raised by Cheng Mu, Ao Guang explained with a smile: "In today's Earth Star, it is impossible for a strong person above the Golden Immortal to come!"

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, Ao Guang has long thought of all the consequences.

And it is the self-protection ability of the Earth Star that allows him to lead the Dragon Race to the Human Race Chariot without any scruples.

Now that the world consciousness of the Earth Star has awakened, and the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven has descended, all those strong above the Golden Immortal will be isolated from the Earth Star.

"is that so?"

Cheng Mu didn't even know that Dixing still had this powerful function after being promoted.

When he was fighting the new Eternal Demon King in the void, the might of the Nine Heavens Profound Realm could destroy small worlds one by one.

For those who are strong in the Golden Wonderland, it is even easier to create the world.

But now, the strong in the Golden Fairyland can't descend to the planet?

"His Majesty the Emperor does not know."

Seeing Cheng Mu's doubts, Ao Guang explained: "The land of the ancestors is the place where the sage Nuwa was born."

"The human race is also the family of the saint Nuwa."

"Now the land of the ancestors has merged with the earth and the stars, and the earth and stars have been protected by the sage Nuwa."

"Unless a saint comes in person, no one can tear the barrier of the earth and star world from the outside."

The prestige of a saint is unfathomable.

After the First World War of Proclaiming the Gods, although the saint retired to the sky, the gods and gods in the sky still bowed their heads in front of the holy name.

"In this way, my Earth Star Ten Thousand Clan can sit back and relax?"

Hearing Ao Guang's words, Cheng Mu was overjoyed.

Since the fairy gods above the Golden Fairyland could not come down, the earth star removed a great deal of worries.

Although he, Cheng Mu, is not yet a strong man in the Golden Wonderland.

But Ao Guang and Ao Shang are probably not weaker than the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm!

"It's not."

However, Ao Guang shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, the earth and stars are still under the heavens and gods!"

The immortals live in the nine heavens, controlling the sun, moon and stars, and the four seasons rotate.

If the earth and stars want to live in peace, they must take back the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

"What's more, Your Majesty, you have touched the foundation of the gods of heaven and earth."

"I'm afraid this is already an endless situation!"

It would be great if it could develop steadily and worry-free all the It's a pity that this is impossible.

Although the strong men above the Golden Fairyland cannot descend, the group of fairy gods will do everything possible to destroy the Earth Star and kill Cheng Mu.

The hundreds of millions of people on Earth and Stars were originally believers of the gods and provided them with a steady stream of incense.

But now that Cheng Mu has broken their foundation, it's no wonder that these gods of incense don't die with Cheng Mu!

"Their counterattack is coming soon!"

As Ao Guang said, he looked up at the sky.

Although he couldn't see it, he could guess that the gods were furious and furious.


Fairyland, a remote village.

Zhang Xiaoyu had another nightmare, dreaming that his grandfather who died not long ago was waving at him.

In panic, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Sweating profusely, and his mouth was dry, he remembered to drink saliva.

The next second, in the dimly lit room, he suddenly saw a hazy black figure sitting on the stool.

In an instant, cold sweat soaked his clothes, and he only felt a chill down his back.

"Grandpa... grandpa?"

He vaguely recognized that hazy black shadow as his deceased grandfather.

"Xiaoyu, Grandpa, I can't help it either!"

At this time, upon hearing Zhang Xiaoyu's call, the old man turned his pale face and said, "The underworld no longer accepts our dead human race."

"There is no way, Grandpa, I can only come back."

I don't know when it started, the souls of the earth star race can no longer return to the underworld.

"Then grandpa...are you a human or a ghost now?"

Zhang Xiaoyu was about to cry.

Although he has impressive strength, he is still afraid when he encounters this kind of situation for the first time!

"Silly boy."

The old man patted his head and said, "Of course grandpa is a ghost!"

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