The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1093: The thoughts of the gods


"King Yama, you are so courageous!"

Gods such as Yue Lao, the God of Wealth, Fu Lu Shou and other gods crowded in Lingxiao Hall at this time.

Facing this reckless King Yama, they were filled with righteous indignation and rebuked angrily.

"Do not accept the soul of the human race into reincarnation, this is treason!"

"Six paths of reincarnation, this is God's will."

"How can you violate the law of the Six Paths of Reincarnation because of the chaotic times of the human race?"

"Yes, yes! If there are no new human races, let me see how you will take care of them!"

"We just need to kill those leaders of the human race who are rebellious and have different intentions. Those people of the human race are innocent!"

"Compared to the human race, the monster race and the witch race are our great enemies!"

Nowadays, regarding the troubled times of the earth and star race, the heavenly court is generally divided into three factions.

The main fighters, they can't wait to wipe out all the human races and completely wipe out the human race as a group. Most of this group of people are innate gods and demons, or demon gods and immortals who submit to the heaven.

They cannot enjoy the offerings of the human race, and cannot become the **** of incense.

Ever since, what they like to see the most is to annihilate the human race and cut off the foundation of all the gods of incense!

The neutral faction is all strong and powerful. In terms of their strength, whether there is a human race or not, whether the human race is chaotic or not will not affect them.

When the strength reaches their level, there is nothing left to pursue.

Some of them either meditate all day long or pursue everything else.

The Jade Emperor can't send them away, and Cheng Mu will not take the initiative to provoke them now.

For the reconciliation faction, most of these immortal gods are gods of incense, and most of them are gods of incense that do not oppress the human race too much.

Such as Yue Lao, God of Wealth, Fu Lu Shou and other gods.

Since they have established a good image in the hearts of the human race, they are not opposed by all the Chinese human race.

On the contrary, even now, they can still enjoy some incense in the world.

Love money, love beauty and wish longevity, this is also one of the things that the human race pursues.

In the Nine Heavens, not all the gods are actually evil gods who oppress the human race.

So as soon as they knew about King Yan Luo's behavior, Yuelao and others rushed to Lingxiao Palace.

However, in the face of doubts, Yan Luo Wang did not panic at all.

"Hmph, even if there is no earth star race, there are other intelligent races."

"It's a big deal, you all have to choose a new ethnic group to build your faith."

Yan Luowang showed an attitude that it doesn't matter whether he has human race or not, and said coldly: "Besides, this is also the will of Emperor Fengdu!"

Feng (sound with Feng) is the great emperor of Du, the master of the underworld, and the **** of hell. He is in charge of the six realms of reincarnation on behalf of Houtu, and his strength is comparable to that of Haotian.

His order represents the attitude of the entire Hades towards the human race.

As the God of the Underworld first enshrined by the human race, Emperor Fengdu was also worshiped by the Huaxia human race.

Now that the incense is cut off, he naturally wants to show the Huaxia Human Race a little bit of color.

"Hiss~ Great Emperor Fengdu."

Hearing that King Yan Luo moved out Emperor Fengdu, Yuelao and the others gasped.

How dare they say more?


But at this time, Jade Emperor Haotian was a little unhappy when he saw King Yan Luo moving out of Fengdu Great Emperor.

He said: "The matter of the Huaxia Human Race still needs to be discussed in detail."

According to the procedures and rules, King Yama is now under his control. But why did you Yan Luo suddenly move Emperor Fengdu out? Slap him in the face of Haotian?

It seems that the underworld will be out of his control, how can Haotian sit still?

"Discuss in detail?"

Haotian's words stunned the gods for a while.

It was Haotian who roared to wipe out the Huaxia Human Race before, right?

"Hmph! That's natural."

Haotian looked at the immortals and gods and said in a low tone: "The chaos of the human race, I thought the two clans of liches would jump out first."

"But I don't want to jump out now, it is our own fairy god, hehehe!"

Who is he?

He is the Taishang Kaitian Holding Talisman Yuli Contains True Body Dao Jinque Yungong Nine Vaults Yuli Wan Dao Wuwei Dao Ming Palace Haotian Jinque Supreme Jade Emperor Forgiveness Great Heavenly Venerate Rate Vault High God!

This is his name and his dignity.

From the moment the Heavenly Court was established, he sits in Haotian and should control all the heavens and myriad realms.

But now, the Buddhist sect of Western Paradise does not care about him, and the entire Lingshan Mountain is dominated by the demon clan, leading demon soldiers to attack.

Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, Emperor Changsheng of the South Pole, and Emperor Gochen Shanggong of the East Pole, none of them took Heaven seriously.

Now that the underworld is about to rebel, Haotian feels bitter!

If King Yan Luo is not punished today, the immortals and gods in the sky will be even more unscrupulous and unstable.

"His Majesty......"

Hearing Haotian's words, the hairs of the gods present immediately stood on end.

Such words cannot be said.

Now above the Nine Heavens, Jade Emperor Haotian is not the only big boss!

A little carelessness, I am afraid there will be another chaos!

Quasi-sages who have been promoted for a million years are rare, but there are not many quasi-sages who have been promoted in the past ten thousand years.

Not all gods are selling Haotian's face!

"Okay, King Yama."

Haotian's tone was already cold: "Since Emperor Fengdu has ordered you to go back."

"In the future, if there is no order from me, don't come to heaven again without authorization!"

He also has a temper.

Since King Yama wanted to hug Emperor Fengdu's thigh, Haotian let him hug him.

Yan Luo, the ten halls of the underworld, he Haotian can always subdue one!

"Since the human race wants to change the sky, let's change!"

"Pass down my decree, after this battle, no matter the winner or loser, close the Nantian Gate!"

Haotian knew about the news that Nezha had fooled the six sages of Meishan.

Anyway, the Six Sages of Meishan are not his people.

Regardless of the outcome of the next battle, his heavenly court needs to make a long-term plan!

This is a crisis for Heavenly Court, but also an opportunity for Haotian!


Earth Star, Huaxia Clan.

In Tianqi City, Cheng Mu received news from all over Earth and Star.

Ghosts stay in the world, and the dead cannot rest in peace.

"Report to Your Majesty, from the returned ghosts, it is the underworld that does not accept the dead of our human race!"

Zhuge Liang had already investigated clearly.

Now there are ghosts wandering everywhere on the earth and stars, and the people are afraid and panic.

"No acceptance? What do you mean?"

Cheng Mu said angrily: "Could it be that this underworld is also oppressing my Huaxia people?"

The six reincarnations have their own destiny.

The deceased enters the gate of ghosts, enters hell, drinks Mengpo soup, reincarnates...

This is the law of heaven and earth established by the sages of Houtu, and no one dares to violate it.

But now, the underworld is actually going against the sky?

"Your Majesty, according to the current situation, this is indeed the case."

Zhuge Liang nodded.

He didn't have the right to make such a big deal, so he could only report it to Cheng Mu.

The underworld, the underworld, is a superpower comparable to heaven.

Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang.

The sky is yang and the earth is yin.

The strength of the underworld is unfathomable.

"Hmph! It looks like we're going to level the hell."

Cheng Mu snorted coldly.

He didn't know how strong the underworld was. But what he knows is that the Huaxia people cannot be oppressed.

"Pass down the order, tell all the people, and give me ten years."

"Ten years later, the dead will be reincarnated!"

At present, the strength of the human race is not enough, so the sufferings suffered must be carried by the human race.

"Didn't it mean that there is a small underworld under the fallen Mount Olympus and the Nordic kingdom?"

"Let the dead ghosts live in these two underworlds first."

It's not that Cheng Mu has no way to solve the current predicament.

Ghosts going nowhere? Then temporarily live in the underworld under the Norse kingdom of Olympus.

No one is reincarnated? That is ten years of dating of the Huaxia Human Race.

On the Huaxia Earth Star, where the average lifespan has exceeded two hundred years, ten years are fleeting!

"Your Majesty, in the past ten years..."

Zhuge Liang looked worried. It is a huge bad news for the human race to have no children for ten years.

There are even many people who may go to extremes.

"What I am worried about is that if some people with unsteady determination pray to the gods and then succeed in giving birth to offspring, it will be a fatal blow to the human race!"

At that time, many people of the human race will return to the embrace of the gods.

A small trick can cause civil turmoil in the human race!

"The real test is coming."

Cheng Mu naturally understood the methods of the gods. When they could not threaten to control the human race through drought, flood, and disease, they chose the most vicious method.

If the human race has no heirs for decades or hundreds of years, then he, Cheng Mu, will become a sinner of the human race!

"Kong Ming, prepare for the big battle!"

"Ten years, we only have ten years."

"Destroy the Heavenly Court, Conquer the Earthly Mansion!"

"The gods want to oppress us, but they don't!"

Cheng Mu had to admit that this method was brilliant, but he would not give in!

Regardless of heaven or hell, let's talk after the battle!


Underworld, Yin Division.

The Great Emperor Fengdu sits on the honored seat, and the ghost emperors of the five directions sit at the head.

At this time, they were listening to the report of King Yama.

"Reporting to the Great Emperor, that Haotian's expression was very embarrassing, he prevented the little one from going to the Heavenly Court for no reason."

King Yama, who was high above the underworld, was incomparably insignificant in front of Emperor Fengdu and the five ghost emperors.

"Hehe, what if he is unhappy?"

Emperor Fengdu sneered and said, "Such a method of sanctioning the human race, only my underworld has this method."

"Once we control the human race, the fairy gods above the court will be ours!"

"Ha ha!"

Although the Underworld can be compared with the Heavenly Court, in reality, the Heavenly Court is still superior.

However, Haotian should take a break after sitting on the Jade Emperor position for so many Anyway, everyone is quasi-sage, and when they can't be promoted to saints, they have no pursuit on the way.

Since you can't pursue the Dao, then pursue other things!

For example, the Jade Emperor honors the throne.

"The great emperor is so wise and mighty, I admire him!"

The five ghost emperors all fell to the ground in an instant, shouting admiration.


Knowing that there was no change in Haotian, Emperor Fengdu confirmed it again: "Just keep the ghosts of the Earth Star Human Race out of the underworld, right?"

He had to make sure there was nothing wrong with this matter.

Although he is the great emperor of Fengdu, he is in charge of the six realms of reincarnation.

But above him, there is Empress Houtu, the law of reincarnation.

With his strength, he can suppress the human race and prevent other races from entering the human race.

But I can't hold back the six realms of reincarnation!

"Please don't worry, my lord."

King Yan Luo nodded and said: "The little one has already sealed the entrance of the human race's reincarnation, and set up heavy troops at the ghost gate."

"Small guarantee, no human ghost will be allowed to enter the underworld!"

If he can't handle these things well, then he is not worthy to be King Yama.


After receiving the affirmative reply from King Yan Luo, Emperor Fengdu nodded in satisfaction.

"Soon, everyone will follow me to work in the Heavenly Court, hahaha!"



The Seven Sages of Meishan are ready.

They counted 10,000 grass-headed gods and were ready to go.

Nezha concealed the news of the land where the four heavenly kings died in battle.

He wasn't afraid that the Seven Sages of Meishan would regret it if they found out, but believed in Yuan Hong's strength.

As a general under the command of Erlang God, Yuan Hong is already a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm.

With eighty-nine profound skills, if there is no innate treasure, it is impossible to kill him.

So in this battle, no one thinks they will lose!

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