The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1094: Earth star kill array


Soon, Yuan Hong led 10,000 grassroots soldiers to land outside the barriers of the earth and star world.

Because Cheng Mu didn't let the earth and stars fly up, the two worlds are still in a state of isolation.

It's just that when Yuan Hong and others who descended from Earth Star saw the current appearance of Earth Star, their expressions changed drastically.

"What? How is it possible?"

"How did this human planet become so huge?"

"Have we come to the wrong place?"

"No, it's here!"

For a moment, Yuan Hong and others were amazed.

At the beginning of the mutation, the earth and stars expanded a hundred times. But now, after merging the land of the ancestors, the Earth and Star suddenly expanded by more than ten times.

Therefore, what Yuan Hong and the others see now is a giant earth star world.

Its scale is not inferior to that of the first world!

The largest world in the heavens is the Great Desolate World, which is also the main world in the entire chaotic void.

The prehistoric world can basically be divided into six realms and thirty-three heavens.

The first realm is called the Immortal Realm, inhabited by tens of thousands of races who have ascended, small mountain gods, and many powerful figures who are not under the jurisdiction of the heavens.

The Immortal Realm is incomparably vast, and it is the largest world among the six prehistoric realms.

Humans, demons, demons, Buddhas, and immortals live here together. Everyone cultivates immortals and becomes stronger together.

The demon clan lives in the second realm, and the hundreds of millions of purebred monster clans are unwilling to reshape the demon clan. They have been brilliant, so they want to recast their glory.

The Western Buddhism lives in the third realm, but now the entire Buddhism has completely entered the demon camp, and has invaded the West Pole Heaven and stared at the Heavenly Court.

When the Buddhism and the demons united together, even the lofty Haotian would have a headache.

The heavenly court is located in the fourth realm of heaven, which is the place where immortal gods live.

Because of the particularity of space, these four worlds are not only established in layers, but they are actually on the same world plane.

No matter it is the gods of the first, second, or third realms, above their heads is the heavenly court, and they can directly reach the heavenly court through the four major heavenly gates in the southeast, northwest and north!

As for the five Great Elysiums in the southeast, northwest, and middle, they are actually the divisions of power in the entire heavenly world.

The Jade Emperor Haotian took the Heavenly Court to sit in the Blissful Heaven, controlling all the heavens and myriad realms. The four heavenly gates are actually the entrances to the Zhongji Heaven.

The four imperial masters assisted the Jade Emperor in governing the heavens and the world according to the decree of the Three Purities.

It's just that Sanqing has been hidden from the world for a long time, and the Siyu bosses actually don't buy Haotian's account anymore!

Their strength is comparable to that of Haotian, how could they be sent by Haotian? Most of the time they are in seclusion and retreat, and the job of guarding the gate of Zhongjitian is left to their subordinates.

As for the fourth world, it is a place that the gods cannot reach.

The fifth realm is Sanqingtian, and the sixth realm is Zixiaotian. These two realms are the residences of saints.

Without the decree of a sage, no one can reach it.

However, these two worlds have been completely hidden in the chaos, and have not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years.

When the sage disappeared and no new sage could be born in the prehistoric world.

The bosses all over the sky will naturally have other ideas in their hearts.

Emperor Fengdu of the underworld is one of them.

The Underworld is hidden under the first Immortal Realm, and due to its special space, creatures cannot enter.

And the first stop for the dead souls of the heavens to enter the underworld is outside the gate of hell.

The dead souls can only enter the underworld and the underworld only after passing through the gate of ghosts.

And the souls of the dead who are rejected from the gate of **** will be sent back to their original world by the power of the six realms of reincarnation soon after.

This is the predicament that the human race is currently facing.

Since the souls of the dead human race could not enter the underworld, the ghosts remained in the world of heaven.

The reincarnation of life and death began to be chaotic, and the people panicked.

The cycle of life and death is God's will.

Without the reincarnation of the dead, even if the human race gave birth to a baby physically, it would become a soulless dementia.

In addition, King Yama sealed off the entrance to the reincarnation of the human race, and it is impossible for other races to be reincarnated as human races.

The road to the continuation of the human race is completely broken.

What's the use of giving birth to some soulless fools? So Cheng Mu ordered the Immortal Kingdom not to have any more children for ten days.

This is a helpless move in the face of a huge crisis.

As a contemporary emperor, it's not that Cheng Mu hasn't thought about creating reincarnation by himself.

But the power of reincarnation is the power of heaven, which cannot be controlled by non-sages.

The human race has more than enough heart but not enough strength!


"Brother, I'm afraid this will be a tough battle!"

Dai Li sniffed, and he felt the extraordinaryness of the earth and star world.

It seems that the earth star race is not that simple.

He is a wild dog trained to be fine, with a pair of very sensitive noses.

"I sensed a hint of danger."

Chang Hao also frowned.

His body is a white snake, so he can perceive the danger hidden in the earth and stars.

"We won't be fooled by that Nezha."

Zhu Zizhen has a hot temper.

Although he turned into a human body, his huge wild boar head looked hideous and terrifying.

He was breathing heavily, and his two big nostrils spewed out bursts of flames when he spoke!

"Brothers, don't panic."

Yuan Hong reassured them and said, "This is the Earth Star Human Race, not our Human Race from the Immortal Realm!"

"As far as I know, the earth star race is the weakest!"

The Guanjiangkou where they lived also had human races, but these two human races were different.

"Do you know why the immortal gods in the sky are afraid of the rise of the earth-star race, but they are not afraid of the rise of the mixed-celestial race?"

Yuan Hong said with a smile: "Because the earth and star people are the family of the gods of that empress!"

"The rise of the earth-star human race is strengthening the strength of that empress."


"The power of their incense, hehe, the power of incense enshrined by an earth star human race is comparable to that of hundreds of thousands of human races from the Immortal Realm."

"It is precisely because of their weak strength that the earth and star people can control them better."

"In the Immortal Realm, these human races have seen too many immortal gods, and they don't believe in immortal gods anymore, hahaha!"

Although Yuan Hong's strength is not very good, he knows many secrets after staying by Yang Jian's side for a long time.

It was also because he knew the weakness of the earth star race that he dared to come here.

"Then... what are the benefits of this battle?"

Since Zhu Zi is really a pig's head, he couldn't figure out why he wanted to participate in this battle.

"Hehe! Of course it is also the power of the incense of the earth star race!"

Yuan Hong sneered and said, "How can those gods in the heaven enjoy the power of incense and be worshiped by all races?"

"We can also receive the power of incense from the human race!"

"Nowadays there are hundreds of millions of people on Earth, and the six of us only need a thousand temples, so the strength of our brothers can also soar!"

What is the reason for the rapid improvement of the strength of the immortal gods in the past tens of thousands of years? Incense, of course.

Therefore, Yuan Hong, who was jealous of the gods, naturally wanted to take this shortcut!

"We are six brothers, we can't hold back the second master!"

Another aspect of Yuan Hong's desire to quickly increase his strength is of course for Erlang Shen Yang Jian.

Enshrined by the power of incense, Yang Jian has now set foot in the Mythical Daluo.

Among the six brothers, the strongest one was Yuan Hong who had just entered the Golden Immortal Realm.

The other five people are all strong in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

If not? How could he, Yuan Hong, send troops to fight in such a hurry.

"The heart of the big brother, the younger brothers admire."

Seeing Yuan Hong thinking of himself so much, the other five were very moved.

They used to be the Seven Sages of Meishan, and the second master was still the eldest brother at that time.

But as Yang Jian's strength far surpassed them, the eldest brother became the second master, and the Seven Sages of Meishan became the Six Sages.

Do you have complaints in your heart? In fact, everyone has a little bit.

"Okay, get ready to fight!"

Yuan Hong patted the shoulders of the brothers, and said: "If you encounter a strong enemy, you must not be brave."

"Brother will protect you in this battle!"


Rumble! Rumble!

earth star.

The originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and thunder shone.

While hundreds of millions of people were stunned, ten thousand grassroots soldiers descended on the planet Earth.

This is the real magic soldier.

As Yang Jian's soldiers, grass head soldiers are much stronger than ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals.

Just the power emanating from the body of this ten thousand grass-headed soldiers has already changed the color of the world.

"Oh? Finally here?"

In Tianqi City, Cheng Mu smiled when he saw the enemy flying rapidly from the sky.

Ten thousand people, these gods really don't think much of him, Cheng Mu!

"Your Majesty, be careful, there are some strong people from the Golden Immortal Realm among them."

Ao Guang has already sounded a reminder.

When the golden fairy comes, if you are not careful, it will be a disaster for the earth and stars.

"Well, I'll go meet him."

Cheng Mu stepped forward.

Golden Wonderland powerhouse? Although he thought about letting the Dragon King take action before.

But with the blessing of the power of the human race, he, Cheng Mu, may not be able to fight against the strong in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Before, there was the power of national destiny, but now it is blessed by the power of the race.

As long as he is above the earth and stars, Cheng Mu's strength will always be the strongest!

"Your Majesty the Seeing that Cheng Mu was about to set off, Ao Guang suddenly stopped him: "Your Majesty, do you know why the Empress Nuwa didn't keep the Golden Immortal Realm powerhouses out of the Earth and Stars? "

He didn't tell Cheng Mu the news at first.

But now that the battle is imminent, he has to speak out.

"Why? Haha, is it to sharpen my human race?"

Cheng Mu laughed, he had already guessed about this.


Ao Guang nodded and said, "We can't fathom the power of a saint, but I think Empress Nuwa's attitude may be that she wants you to forge a human heaven!"

"Only when the human race controls the heavens and worlds, can the heavens and all races be truly equal and live happily and peacefully!"

He likes the concept of equality and community proposed by Cheng Mu very much.

Therefore, this has also become one of his pursuit goals of Ao Guang.

The Yaozu used to live above the Nine Heavens, forming the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu.

And the fairy gods are also above the nine heavens, casting the fairy gods' heaven.

Now, it's finally the turn of the human race!

In the prehistoric world, dragons and phoenixes dominate, liches dominate, and immortals and gods dominate.

Next, it should be the turn of the human race!

"Hahaha, Human Race Heaven. Good!"

Cheng Mu agreed.

As long as the human race keeps getting stronger, it is not impossible to create a human race heaven in the future!

"In this battle, our Dragon Clan will fight for His Majesty the Emperor!"


When a strong human race flew into the void, the army of the dragon clan of the East China Sea also flew up.

"Hmph! My Kunming Dragon Clan can also kill enemies for Earth Star!"

The Dragon Clan led by Ao Shang also charged forward.

Since the enemies dared to descend, they would not let the enemies flee back.

This is a real siege.

When Yuan Hong led the soldiers under his command to land on the Earth Star, they had already fallen into the Earth Star Killing Formation!

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