Chapter 110 Comprehend the Elements of Peace

God-level stargazing

Zhuge Liang watched the sky at night, 100% foreseeing what was about to happen.

A god-level stargazing that can only be used once a week.

Zhuge Liang had known for a long time that Tianquan would bring people to attack.

Cheng Mu spent 200,000 points in exchange for the Blood Prison Soulbreaker Knife, in fact, he was also waiting for the power of heaven.

This time, he wanted to kill the courage to break the power of heaven.

And on the side of Tianquan.

He already knew that Cheng Mu had lost most of his Heavenly Cavaliers this time by killing Zhang Jiao.

At the beginning of his defeat in the war, Tianqi played a vital role.

“This time, I want you to die without a burial place!”

Ten thousand seven-kill elites were not comparable to those five thousand skirmishers that day.

And this time, Tian Quan did not hide his figure at all.

From Tiandu to Qingzhou, they walked for five days.

Now everyone is busy encircling the Yellow Scarf Remnants in Sizhou and Yongzhou. The 10,000 Wandering Xia team will not surprise him too much.

Qingzhou alone is worth hundreds of thousands of Wandering Xia player.

No process Mu sends out a part of the player in Jianxin Pavilion as a scout.

As soon as Tianquan stepped into Anqing County, he would get news immediately.

This war has actually been fought long enough.

From the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, to be honest, Cheng Mu was also tired.

They came and killed them, as if they were all the same group of people.

Dark night fishing has been promoted to Jianxin Pavilion Elder at this moment.

Last time he was calculated by Tian Quan, this time he took the initiative to ask Ying to help kill Tian Quan.

People are like this, and there are many people with backbone.

But it’s not the vengeance of life and death, and when they can get satisfactory benefits, the enmity will automatically diminish.

But this is Cheng Mu’s attitude toward fishing in the dark, and he can let him go under his command.

However, if it is Tianquan, Cheng Mu is destined to be a villain.

“Muda, Tianquan and the others have already arrived in Anqing County!”

Not long afterwards, the dark night sent a message back.

He was the first to discover the trace of Tian Quan.


Cheng Mu nodded and ordered: “Be careful and let them come here!”

This time, Cheng Mu didn’t want to set up any more ambushes.

Guan Hai and Zhuge Liang are there, facing each other hard.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of people who are gone with a single knife, the mere 10,000 Wandering Xia player is not enough to mention.

There is still more than a long time from Anqing County, and Cheng Mu once again read the Elements of Peace.

According to the introduction of the Taiping Elements, there is a chance to learn the skills of falling thunder, spells, exhaling wind, calling rain, imperial gods, and summoning demons.

But for several days, Cheng Mu didn’t realize a skill.

“Have I changed from the European Emperor to a non-chief?”

He couldn’t believe it.

“Can I not even learn the lowest level spell skills? Fake it!”

But no matter how he turned it over, there was no system prompt in his ear.

As a last resort, Cheng Mu could only ask the knowledgeable Zhuge Liang.

Knowing Cheng Mu’s plight, Zhuge Liang laughed.

Said: “I wonder if the lord can lend the balance element to Liang for a look?”

“Take it!”

It just so happened that Cheng Mu wanted to try the horror of SSR qualifications.

“Thank you Lord!”

Zhuge Liang took over the elements of peace and turned it over without any haste.

After only a few seconds, Cheng Mu received the system prompt:

“Ding! Congratulations to Zhuge Liang, your subordinate, for comprehending the skill after reading Taiping Elements: Charm!”

“Ding! Congratulations to Zhuge Liang, your subordinate, after reading Taiping Elements and comprehending the skill: Thunder!”

“Ding! Congratulations to Zhuge Liang, your subordinate, after reading Taiping Elements and comprehending the skill: Calling Rain!”

“Ding! Congratulations to Zhuge Liang, your subordinate, after reading Taiping Elements and comprehending the skill: Imperial God!”



Cheng Mugang wanted to drink tea, when he heard so many hints, the tea spurted out.

“What the hell? You understand it all right now?”

He couldn’t believe it.

This is the strength of SSR?

It’s really hard for me!

Zhuge Liang only read through the elements of peace and understood all the skills he could learn.

Cheng Mu stammered and said, “Kong Ming, do you have any tricks?”

He also wanted to make the final struggle.

“The trick?”

Zhuge Liang chuckled and said, “Don’t panic the lord, it’s actually not difficult to comprehend the skills.”

As he said, a flash of lightning fell with a finger of his feather fan.



Listening to the roar of lightning, Cheng Mu swallowed.

Said: “How is it not difficult?”

This is falling thunder, if Zhuge Liang needs to be able to display thunder and destroy the world immediately.

The thunderbolt in the hands of the townspeople destroys the world, and it is not known how powerful it is in Zhang Jiao’s hands.


Zhuge Liang emphasized: “The lord only needs to calm down to comprehend.”

Cheng Mu has been running around and struggling for the past few days, and has no time to calm down and carefully read the elements of peace.

How can we comprehend skills without reading the comprehension?

Hearing this, he suddenly realized.

“Thank you Kong Ming for the suggestion!”

Sure enough, the boss is still the boss after all.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Cheng Mumei thought about immediately to calm down and comprehend it.

But at this time, Zhuge Liang’s operation made him unable to understand again.

“Ding! Zhuge Liang under your command gave up the comprehension skill: spell!”

“Ding! Zhuge Liang, your subordinate, gave up the comprehension skill: Calling Rain!”

“Ding! Zhuge Liang under your command gave up the comprehension skill: Royal God!”


In an instant, Zhuge Liang gave up all the skills he had learned from the elements of peace.

Cheng Mu asked anxiously, “Why? Why did I give up?!”

Charms, falling thunder, calling the wind and calling rain, and the gods calling demons…

These skills, if you take out any of them, will attract everyone to scramble for it.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang actually gave up.

But Zhuge Liang said lightly: “This is not my way!”

He took his own unique path.

Heart attack, star falling, stargazing, Eight Trigrams.

With these four skills, Zhuge Liang is already content.

Too many skills will make it seem too greedy.

Just a falling star chasing the moon, the power will no longer be under the thunder and destroy the world.

Coupled with the two skills of God-level stargazing and Eight Trigrams of the heavens, at this time, no matter how many skills are given to him, he will not change it.

“All right!”

Cheng Mu knew that since this was Zhuge Liang’s own attitude, he would not stop it.

It is true that too many skills sometimes lead to a dilemma of choice.

Now he has a sun-falling spear technique in his close attacks and a fireball technique in his long-range attacks.

If you practice a Thunderfall again, it will definitely slow down the growth and promotion speed of these two skills.

He thought, just comprehend a demon summoning a god.

Others can be understood by others.

For example, Zhang Wanlong, the rain call technique can greatly enhance his strength.

Infantry will always be the main force on the battlefield.

Once possessed the rain-calling technique, that Zhang Wanlong could last infinitely on the battlefield.

A spell can cooperate with medical skills. If Gu San comprehends the spell, he might be one step closer to the Great Master of Medical Path.

After all, applying talisman to save people can also be regarded as medical skills.

Immediately, Cheng Mu decided to let several key figures in the village come to insight into the elements of peace once.

As long as you get the skills suitable for your own, you will make a lot of money.

The location of Insight Taiping is located in the side room of the Chamber.

Cheng Mu himself had bathed and changed his clothes, and burned the sandalwood.

He must see what skills he can comprehend!

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